E774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 21, 2020 TX on being chosen as one of the 87 new IN CELEBRATION OF DEDE ABTS’ My thoughts and prayers are with his family members of the National Academy of Engi- 100TH BIRTHDAY and friends during this most difficult time. neering (NAE). f The NAE is a highly elite and notable insti- HON. GREG PENCE HONORING THE LIFE OF CLAIRE tution that provides advice and input to the OF INDIANA SHULMAN federal government in the fields of technology, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES engineering and overall quality of life. Mem- Friday, August 21, 2020 bers include individuals who have made revo- HON. GRACE MENG Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to OF NEW YORK lutionary contributions to the engineering field. honor a mother, friend and fellow Hoosier, Vir- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is one of the highest professional honors an ginia ‘‘Dede’’ Abts, who will be celebrating her Friday, August 21, 2020 engineer can receive—there are only 2,300 100th birthday on August 20, 2020. members out of the two million engineers and After graduating from Indiana University in Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, l rise today to computer scientists in America’s workforce. 1942 with a degree in Spanish, Dede became honor the life of Claire Shulman for her tire- Mr. Frantz is a Professor at Rice University, a cultural asset in my hometown community of less work in leading the people of Queens. my alma mater. He also co-founded Octavo Columbus, Indiana. Claire was the first woman to serve as the Systems, a systems-in-package company Dede is a true philanthropist and a pillar of Queens Borough President. As borough presi- where he serves as Vice President. Frantz the community. As the co-founder of Uncom- dent, she fought to champion a quality life for gained recognition by his work in developing mon Cause, Dede inspires hope in others all people in Queens. Claire made sure we digital signal microprocessors. Frantz is a while supporting the Columbus Area Arts had access to good jobs, quality infrastructure, graduate of the University of Central Florida Council. safe housing, and so much more. Her work and Southern Methodist University. Columbus is a better place to live because had a tremendous impact on the lives of countless individuals and she continued to im- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- of the work that Dede has done throughout prove Queens beyond her capacity as the sional District of Texas, I congratulate Gene her life. I am proud to join the Columbus com- Borough President. Claire Shulman was noth- Frantz on this lifetime accomplishment. He munity in recognizing Dede’s accomplishments ing short of a trailblazer. has made TX–22 very proud. and I wish her many more healthy years. Happy 100th Birthday, Dede. Not only was Claire impactful to Queens, f she was an outstanding mentor and friend to f me as well. She believed strongly in empow- REMEMBERING AND HONORING ering women and fighting for our representa- REMEMBERING AND HONORING FREDERICK ‘‘FRED’’ WILLIAM PAUL OSTERMAN tion in public service and leadership—before it KRAMER III was popular to do so. Claire believed in me, and I am forever grateful for her encourage- HON. EARL L. ‘‘BUDDY’’ CARTER HON. EARL L. ‘‘BUDDY’’ CARTER ment and kindness. OF GEORGIA I was fortunate to speak to Claire recently. OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The last thing she said to me was, ‘‘I want to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, August 21, 2020 thank you for your excellent work in Wash- ington and tell you how proud I am of you.’’ I Friday, August 21, 2020 Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam Speaker, cannot explain how touching it was to hear I rise today in remembrance of Frederick, or these words from an amazing woman like Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam Speaker, Fred, William Kramer III of Georgia’s First Claire, who fought for the lives of every one of I rise today in remembrance of Paul Osterman Congressional District, who passed away on my constituents. I hope we can all learn a les- of Savannah, Georgia, who passed away at June 26th. son from the empathy and care she exhibited the age of 58. Fred was a born and raised Savannahian every day. Paul was born in Utica, New York, and who loved Coastal Georgia and spent as Claire was born in Brooklyn in 1926 and earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in much time as he could on the water. graduated from Adelphi University on Long Is- music. He earned a degree in computer Because he was the son of a veteran, Fred land. She worked as a registered nurse and science from SUNY IT, Utica, as well. cherished the opportunities he had to travel met her husband, the late Dr. Melvin Shulman, post-war Europe as a boy and live in Zargoza, After school, he went on to work for General at Queens Hospital Center. While living in Spain. Bayside in the 1960s, she led both Community Electric, Utica, and the United States Air Force Fred turned down Ivy League colleges to at- Research Lab. Board 11 in Bayside and the Queens Commu- tend the University of Georgia and become a nity Boards. Claire passed away this week Music was the epicenter of Paul’s life start- Georgia Bulldog like his mother. After college, from pancreatic cancer, surrounded by her ing from a young age when he took his first he received his Juris Doctorate from the Uni- family. music lessons. versity of Georgia. Claire’s leadership undoubtedly made He brought joy, inspiration, and peace to ev- He often spoke of his time in Athens—in- Queens a better place. I urge my colleagues eryone he performed for with his exceptional cluding walking to the Varsity, living in the Joe to rise with me to celebrate the life of Claire gift in playing the piano and organ. Brown dorm, and the fun times he had in col- Shulman. lege and in law school. Fred started his law Paul was extremely dedicated to local and career in private practice and then moved to f professional theatre groups, and even worked the Chatham County District Attorney’s office. REMEMBERING AND HONORING briefly in New York City where he worked with He joined the esteemed Department of Justice TERRY DURRENCE renowned musicians like Gene Simmons. in 1980. He was also dedicated to serving the church Fred was a leader in his practice of law, and HON. EARL L. ‘‘BUDDY’’ CARTER as an organist for both the United Methodist trained many young attorneys in his role as OF GEORGIA Church in New Hartford, New York, and Wes- senior litigation counsel. In recent years, he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ley Oaks Methodist Church in Savannah. was a docent at the Mighty Eighth Air Force Friday, August 21, 2020 Paul met his lovely wife, Jacquelin Jones, museum, and he deeply enjoyed educating through theatre, and they ran the Hartford the public about the experience of soldiers, Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam Speaker, Players Youth Theatre in Utica for many the value of understanding history, and the I rise today to honor and remember the life of years. value of a vote. my friend, Mr. Terry Durrence, who passed He lived a life deeply caring for others, and away on August 2nd at the age of 65. He was known for his encouragement of was generous in caring for orphans and wid- Terry and I graduated from the University of others, countless wry jokes, his love of cross- ows—and he did it humbly. Georgia’s College of Pharmacy together, and word puzzles, and his optimistic view and love Everyone who knew him will miss his sense I was blessed to have him in my life. of life. of humor, eccentric ways, colorful stories, pas- After pharmacy school, he went on to work Paul was a family man and loved his family sion for learning, and encouragement. for Revco, CVS, and Candler Hospital phar- deeply. Although he is not with us any longer, He will be greatly missed, but his legacy will macies, where he always served others with a his light will continue to shine. continue for countless years to come. kind and selfless heart. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Aug 22, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21AU8.005 E21AUPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS August 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E775 Terry took his heart for serving others out- CONGRATULATING TROY BLAND Let us remember Sonny by one of the last side of his work as a pharmacist, as well. He messages he sent to a friend: ‘‘With enough was an avid supporter of the Habersham HON. EARL L. ‘‘BUDDY’’ CARTER voices, mountains may indeed be moved!’’ YMCA where he volunteered as a lifeguard OF GEORGIA Sonny certainly moved mountains for each and was active in the Leadership Club. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of us, and it is in his honor that we continue to champion the justice and equality for which One of his greatest passions was scuba div- Friday, August 21, 2020 ing, and he went to some of the most incred- he dedicated so much. ible diving locations. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam Speaker, f I rise today to recognize and congratulate Troy I always loved hearing about his trips and Bland with Bland Farms, LLC for being ap- REMEMBERING M.L. COFFER discoveries.
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