High Verdet constant Ga:S:La:O chalcogenide glasses for magneto-optical devices Carmen B. Pedroso Abstract. The magneto-optical rotation at room temperature was mea- Universidade Estadual de Campinas, sured for three Ga:S:La:O chalcogenide glasses at several laser lines in UNICAMP the visible. The first sample was a binary system constituted by 70 mol % Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin Ga2S3 and 30 mol % La2O3, whereas in the second and third ones the 13083-970 Campinas, Sa˜o Paulo lanthanum oxide was partially substituted by lanthanum sulfide, keeping Brazil the amount of gallium sulfide fixed. A pulsed magnetic field between 50 and 80 kG was used for the Faraday rotation measurements. The Verdet Egberto Munin constant for one of the ternary samples was found to be as high as 0.205 Universidade do Vale do Paraiba, UNIVAP min G21 cm21 at 543 nm, indicating that these chalcogenide glasses are Av. Shishima Hifumi 2911 very promising for magneto-optical applications. The data for each 12244-000 Sa˜o Jose´ dos Campos S.P. sample were fitted using the expected analytical expression for the Brazil magneto-optical dispersion. Measurements of the refractive index of the E-mail: munin@univap.br glasses at 632.8 nm are also reported. Data on the magneto-optical properties of two high Verdet constant, heavy-metal oxide diamagnetic Antonio Balbin Villaverde glasses are also included for comparison. © 1999 Society of Photo-Optical Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(99)00102-6] UNICAMP Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin Subject terms: magneto-optical Faraday effect; chalcogenide glasses. 13083-970 Campinas Paper 980143 received Apr. 10, 1998; revised manuscript received Aug. 24, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil 1998; accepted for publication Sep. 1, 1998. Januncio A. Medeiros Neto Centro Federal de Educac¸a˜o Tecnolo´gica do Parana´, CEFET-PR Av. 7 de setembro 3165 80230-901 Curitiba, PR Brazil Norberto Aranha Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP Instituto de Quimica CP 355 14800-900 Araraquara, S.P. Brazil Luis C. Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin 13083-970 Campinas Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil 1 Introduction mm, using a Nd:YAG laser.4 The high index of refraction Chalcogenide glasses containing sulfides of gallium and of these chalcogenide glasses, higher than 2.3, indicates that they can also show a high value for their Verdet con- lanthanum ~GLS glasses! are very promising candidates for stant; therefore, they are good candidates for magneto- many optical applications due to the several interesting op- optical devices. Vitreous and crystalline materials with high tical properties that they present, such as low phonon en- magneto-optical rotation are very useful for building opti- ergy, high transparency in the infrared up to approximately cal isolators, magnetic field sensors, transducers for mea- 10 mm, and high refractive index. Extensive research has suring electric current in high-voltage transmission lines, been carried out in order to optimize these glasses, since and displacement sensors, among many other they are also good host materials for rare-earth ions. These applications.5–14 The magneto-optical effect is also widely glasses, when they are adequately doped, can be used as a used to study basic material properties; for instance, the bulk laser material or as an efficient fiber optic amplifier magneto-optical dispersion in semiconductors and insula- operating in the region of the second telecommunication tors gives us important information about the nature of the window at 1.3 mm.1–3 Recently the second-harmonic gen- optical transitions and the magnitude of the energy gap be- eration in GLS glasses was investigated at 1.06 and 1.319 tween bands in those materials.15–18 The investigation of 214 Opt. Eng. 38(2) 214–219 (February 1999) 0091-3286/99/$10.00 © 1999 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Downloaded From: http://opticalengineering.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 09/17/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Pedroso et al.: High Verdet constant Ga:S:La:O chalcogenide glasses... the magneto-optical effect on optical glasses19–23 has where e and m are the electron charge and mass, and c the gained a new impetus in the last few years, due to the velocity of light. The Verdet constant V is a characteristic growing need for good materials to be used in magneto- of each material. The factor g, first introduced into the Bec- optical devices.16,24–26 querel equation by Darwin and Watson,29 is referred to as Although in paramagnetic glasses heavily doped with the magneto-optic anomaly factor. Ramaseshan30 has con- rare-earth ions the magnetically induced rotation of the sidered the relationship between this anomaly factor and light polarization is larger than in diamagnetic glasses, de- the nature of the electronic bonding in certain cubic crys- vices that use paramagnetic materials as magneto-optically tals. He inferred that g would have a value close to one for active media have the drawback of requiring special care to ionic bonding and a deviation of its value from unity would compensate for thermal effects.27,28 It is advantageous in indicate a certain amount of covalent character. Other certain applications to use diamagnetic materials as the groups pursued no further investigations for a long period magneto-optical medium because of the small intrinsic of time after Ramaseshan’s work trying to correlate g with temperature dependence of their magneto-optical constants, some other material properties. Recent studies, undertaken allowing for much less temperature-sensitive devices. The by us, showed that for substances having the general for- largest diamagnetic Faraday rotations are found for high- mulas AB2 and A2B there is a correlation between the refractive-index and high-optical-dispersion glasses. magneto-optic anomaly factor g and the difference of elec- In the present work, magneto-optical dispersion tronegativity between the ions A and B in the bond.31 measurements on binary and ternary GLS glasses are The optical dispersion can be expressed by the Sellmeir presented and discussed. We studied GLS glasses equation with three different compositions: ~i! 70 Ga2S3 :30La2O3, 2 ~ii! 70 Ga2S3 :20La2S3:10La2O3, and ~iii! Bl n2215A1 , ~3! 70 Ga2S3 :25La2S3:5La2O3, with all the concentrations l22l2 expressed in mole percent. The Verdet dispersion of these 0 samples was measured at room temperature in the visible where A and B are constants and l0 is the wavelength region of the spectrum using three He-Ne lasers operating corresponding to the average position of the ultraviolet ab- at the wavelengths 543.5 nm ~green line!, 594 nm ~yellow sorption bands in the material. The constant A accounts for line!, and 632.8 nm ~red line!, and using a semiconductor the contribution to the refractive index from the infrared laser at 675.5 nm. The measurements were carried out us- absorption bands. If we calculate the index derivative that ing the technique of pulsed magnetic fields, which are gen- appears in Eq. ~2!, using the expression for the refractive erated by a capacitive discharge over an air-core solenoid. index n as a function of the wavelength given in the Eq. ~3!, We are also including in this study, for the sake of we obtain the following relation: comparison, magneto-optical dispersion measurements ~at room temperature and at the same wavelengths! of two 2 B 2 2 glass systems containing heavy-metal oxides: e d~n ! ueu l0l nV5 2 gl 5 2 g 2 2 2 , ~4! 60 Bi2O3 :25CdO:15GeO2 ~BCG ternary glass! and 4mc dl 2mc ~l 2l0! 10 Bi2O3 :50PbO:32GeO2:8B2O3 ~BPGB quaternary glass!. These two glasses are known to have a high Verdet where n and g are slightly dependent on the wavelength. constant.25 Data on the refractive index at 632.8 nm for all We take the absolute value of e because the Verdet constant the glasses are also presented. is defined as positive for a diamagnetic material. Since we are interested in calculating the value of V for only a short range of wavelengths, far from the absorption bands, we 2 Magneto-Optical Rotation: Theory will neglect the dependence of n and g on the wavelength The magneto-optical effect known as the Faraday effect in a first approximation, considering them as constants. We consists in the rotation of the plane of polarization of light should also take into account the effect of the infrared ab- when transmitted through a sample of material subjected to sorption in the expression of V, adding to Eq. ~4! a constant a magnetic field. It is a nonreciprocal phenomenon in which term, which will be denoted by K1 . So we finally obtain the rotation angle u is given as a function of the strength of the following relationship between the Verdet constant of a the applied magnetic field H and the length l of the sample diamagnetic material and the wavelength of the incident by the following relation: radiation: K l2l2 u5VlH, ~1! 2 0 V5K11 2 2 2 , ~5! ~l 2l0! when the light propagates parallel to the magnetic field di- where the new constant K is given by: rection. The coefficient V is known as the Verdet constant 2 and is related to the light wavelength and the optical dis- e B persion of the material by the so-called modified Becquerel K25 2 g . ~6! equation,21,29 2mc n The Verdet constant V is expressed in min G21 cm21, and e dn l in nanometers. The corresponding units for the constants V5 2 gl , ~2! 21 21 2mc dl are K1 , K2 ~min G cm ! and l0 ~nm!. Optical Engineering, Vol.
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