VOLUME EIGHT NO. 12--June 8 1995—June 21 1995—Issue 181 FREE Give the People Light and they will find their own way. V The Wisconsin Light Lesbian Avengers Sen.Helms Blocks Ryan White Care Act Form Madison Chapter and Hold Threatening Crucial AIDS Funding Milwaukee-- The difficult journey of reau- First Action thorizing the Ryan White Care Act with equity formulas to benefit Wisconsin has reached yet Madison-- The Madison Chapter of the another serious road block. Lesbian Avengers is pleased to announce its Republican Senator Jesse Helms (NC) has formation and first action! placed a "hold" on the Senate bill that is ready The Lesbian Avengers is a direct-action to go to the floor of the Senate for a vote. The group using grassroots activism to fight for Helms' action is a signal to Senate leaders that Lesbian survival and visibility. Their purpose he will filibuster against the popular AIDS is to identify and promote Lesbian issues and funding bill, thus preventing passage. perspectives while empowering Lesbians to "We have always been concerned become experienced organizers who can par- about the power of Jesse Helms in ticipate in political rebellion. Learning skills, a Republican- controlled Senate," said Doug planning and building strategies together are at Nelson, Execu- tive Director of the AIDS Resource the core of the Avengers' existence. Center of Wisconsin (ARCW), parent Working in conjunction with the newly es- agency of the Milwaukee AIDS Project (MAP). tablished chapter in Chicago and with encour- "A 'hold' by Senator agement from the original New York City Helms confirms our worst fears that he may have the Group, the Madison Lesbian Avengers is capacity to block this bill," Nelson said. looking forward to making our already large, "We have got to adjust our strategy to convince other out and proud community even more visible. Republi- can Senators to break with the The first event being planned by the Madi- tradition of re- specting 'holds' so that son Lesbian Avengers will we 'can advance the be held June 25. bill." "The Lesbian Avengers Go to Chicago! A Helms was one of only Dyke Field Trip" will be the kickoff event for four senators to vote against the Ryan White Care the Madison Avengers at Chicago's Pride Day Act in 1990. The A High Tech Courier, Johnny (Keanu Reeves), is on the run from a ruthless global crime syndicate in the bill is up for a five year reauthorization. parade and celebration. 21st Century science fiction thriller "Johnny Mnemonic" While Helms hasn't spoken publicly Once in Chicago, the Madison Lesbian about his opposition to the Senate Avengers will be meeting with the Chicago Reauthorization Federal Medicaid Cuts Could be Devastating bill, Wisconsin Light has learned that Avengers as well as other like-minded organi- Helms believes that too much funding is zations based in Chicago. Interested women made avail- able to people with AIDS need only bring their dyke pride, bad attitudes for the AIDS Community such as Gay men and drug users who could have avoided and a willingness to yell like hell! AIDS rely on Medicaid. by changing their behaviors. The event is still in the organizational stages. Milwaukee-- As the Congress moves quickly to balance the federal budget, AIDS "Medicaid guarantees access to essential In 1990, Helms said that he was Anyone interested in participating, helping against the health care services and if it is cut in any Ryan White Care Act because with planning, transportation or for more in- advocates from around the country are voicing sig- "taxpayers nificant way, we have a major health care cri- money is being proposed to be used to formation, should call (608) 255-5973 and major concern over prospect of massive cuts to prose- the Medicaid Program. sis for the AIDS community," said Doug Nel- lytize a dangerous lifestyle..." referring to leave their name and a phone number where Gays and drug they can be reached. More than 40% of people living with AIDS son, Executive Director of the AIDS Resource users. "We are worried The Madison Lesbian Avengers plan to hold depend on Medicaid for their health care cov- Center of Wisconsin (ARCW), parent agency that Senator Helms can threaten use of a fi regular meetings. Date, time and location are erage. Almost 90% of all children with AIDS of the Milwaukee AIDS Project (MAP). libuster to either defeat the bill or gain to be announced. "AIDS can quickly deplete personal re- support for negative amendments sources because of the cost of drugs and care," to it such as mandatory HIV testing, severe Further Evidence Indicates that if You're Nelson said. "We must vigorously oppose any limitations on AIDS prevention strategies, and political effort to dismantle Medicaid and worse," Nelson said. eliminate its entitlement status. People with Ironically, the Senate bill has broad biparti- Gay, You Were Born that Way HIV and AIDS depend on Medicaid for quality san with 58 declared co-sponsors of the bill Washington, D.C.— Researchers who activated in every cell of the flies' bodies. health care and that is a right that we will ag- including Republican Majority Leader Bob transplanted a gene in male fruit flies turned That apparently produced something of an gressively defend." Dole (R-KN), Chief Sponsor Nancy Kasse- the normally randy insects into Gay males that overload effect, with every cell in an affected The National Public Health and Hospital baum (R-KN), and both Wisconsin Democratic formed all-male courtship chains and circles. fly's body extracting tryptophan from the Institute released a report last week illustrating Senators Russ Feingold and Herb Kohl. Communication among courting fruit flies blood. the essential role that Medicaid has in assum- "We are working tirelessly to secure two normally involves an elaborate repertoire of Scientists theorize that that caused a shortage ing the cost of care in the nation's public more sponsors to be assured of 60 votes that gender-specific activities, some of which of tryptophan in the brain with a resulting hospitals. will defeat a filibuster," Nelson explained. sound like giant fly orgies. decline in serotonin, one of the neurotransmit- In 1991, 53% of all hospital care for people "We will need to convince Majority Leader The researchers, Shang-Ding Zhang and ters that carry messages between nerve cells. with HIV disease in the United States was paid Bob Dole that it is in everyone's interest to Ward F. Odenwald, at the National Institutes Depletion of tryptophan in rats and rabbits has by Medicaid. 90% of people with AIDS who bring the Ryan White Care Act to the floor for obtain of Health, found that male flies with the been shown to lower serotonin levels and trig- treatment in public hospitals rely on a vote where we know we can win," Nelson Medicaid, Medicare transplanted gene formed courtship chains of ger male sexual mounting. And lowering or charity to pay for the said. cost of care. "We are working to have the Republican five or more individuals, "none of which dis- serotonin levels in cats has also been shown to co- Nelson said that the study clearly demon- sponsors of the bill to encourage Senator Dole played courtship repelling signals (wing flick- induce male homosexual activity, they noted. ing, face kicking and-or running away)," the strates that any significant cut to Medicaid to schedule the bill and the National Log would be a disaster researchers said. for public hospitals and Cabin Republican Club is being very effective devastating for people When female fruit flies were added to the Donated Art Works with HIV and AIDS. in its advocacy with Dole to move the bill," "We are concerned not only mix, male suitors "rarely abandoned their about cuts, but Nelson said. also by the movement in partners to court nearby females," the re- Congress to block The Senate bill, known as S-641, is the re- Exceed 400 for Art grant Medicaid back to searchers wrote. the states and require sult of a year-long campaign by ARCW to as- that Medicaid services be The study, reported in the June issue of the delivered through sure equity in the distribution of funds. The For AIDS Auction managed care Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- systems," Nelson said. formulas of the Senate bill will mean at least a "Block grants have seldom ences, adds to the growing body of evidence Milwaukee— A record 400 works of art served the AIDS 65% increase in AIDS funding for Wisconsin community well and managed that there is a genetic component to sexual ori- have been donated for the upcoming Art For care most often and could result as much as $4 million more in fails to involve AIDS entation. What Gays have been saying for AIDS Auction and Brunch on June 25, 1995. -specific services and Wisconsin funds over the next five years. providers who can assure years is looking more and more like a fact: If Artists from throughout the Midwest have the quality of care," Patricia Fleming of the White House Office Nelson said. you are Gay, you were born that way. had an out-pouring of support for this unique of National AIDS Policy predicted that the Nelson expressed Environment seems to have little effect. In a AIDS fund-raiser. Several Milwaukee artists great concern with a AIDS bill will eventually pass despite Helms' combination of federal related experiment, the researchers found that have told Wisconsin Light that the Art For Medicaid cuts and the objections. closing of Doyne when a group of "heterosexual" male fruit AIDS Auction has galvanized the artistic Hospital in Milwaukee which David Smith, spokesman for the Human provides for indigent care.
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