SPR Audio Collection S. D.= Study Day CASSETTES 1. David Christie-Murray -What’s the matter with spirit? S.D. 24/ 11/ 90. 2. Ivor Grattan-Guinness - Coincidences. S.D. 24/ 4/ 93. 3. John Daniel - Synchronicity and Jung. S.D. 24/ 4/ 93. 4. Melvin Harris - Falsifiers - paranormal in print. 15/ 7/ 93. 5. Vernon Harrison - Evidence from spirit? S.D. 23/ 10/ 93. 6. Michael Perry - Theological considerations. S.D. 23/ 10/ 93. 7. Archie Roy - Squatters in the mind. 9/ 12/ 93. 8. Rupert Sheldrake - Biology and psi. 22/ 11/ 86. 9. M. R. Barrington - A small theory of everything. 21/ 6/ 94. 10. Side A: J. Smythies - Time and the mind. Side B: R. Ramsey - The universe. 11. James McHarg - Psychiatry and psi. S.D. 22/ 11/ 86. 12. Bob Morris - Alternatives to precognition. S.D. 26/ 4/ 86. 13. Archie Roy - Waiting future/ persistent past. S.D. 26/ 4/ 86. 14. Hilary Evans - Ghosts: fact or fantasy? 11/ 2/ 93. 15. Ruth Brandon - Houdini and spiritualism. S.D. 31/ 10/ 92. 16. Richard Wiseman - Psychology of deception. S.D. 31/ 10/ 92. 17. Charles Honorton - Psi and ganzfeld. 15/ 10/ 92. 18. Jane Henry - Coincidence and synchronicity. 16/ 5/ 91. 19. Jane Henry - Coincidences: experiences and belief. S.D. 24/ 4/ 93. 20. David Lorimer - NDEs and the self. 22/ 4/ 89. 21. Michael Shallis - Electrical anomalies and psi. S.D. 18/ 11/ 89. 22. Geoffrey Read - Science and survival - cosmic. 16/ 2/ 90. 23. Side A: Tony Cornell 1988. Side B: Howard Wilkinson. 24. Side A: Julian Isaacs - PK metal bending. Side B: Jurgen Keil. Conference1982. 25. Side A: John Hasted - PK metal bending. Side B: H. C. Berend. Conference 1982. 26. Lynne Picknett - Turin Shroud - da Vinci heresy. 10/ 11/ 94. 27. Vernon Harrison - M. Manning’s automatic drawings. 13/ 2/ 92. 28. Side A: D. Delanoy - PA Convention: review. Side B: J. Henry - coincidence/ psi. 29. Ralph Noyes - Strange beings - a puzzle 12/ 7/ 90. 30. Rima E. Laibow - UFOs and parapsychology. 27/ 11/ 90. 31. Hilary Evans - 1001 uses for alternate states. 15/ 11/ 90. 32. Serena Roney Dougal - Social implications of psi phenomena. 33. Celia Green - Philosophy and OOBEs. 14/ 6/ 90. 34. Deborah Delanoy - Target importance. 13/ 4/ 89. 35. Arthur Ellison - Brain and NDEs. 22/ 4/ 89. 36. Archie Roy - Evidence for paranormal. S.D. 21/ 4/ 90. 37. Lawrence Le Shan - American psychical research. 38. Keith Hearne - Precognition. S.D. 26/ 4/ 86. 39. Lawrence Le Shan - Psychic healing. 19/ 7/ 88. (Property of SMN) 40. Dan Lloyd - Psychic research and anthroposophy. 41. Peter Labouchere - African magic in Zambia. 17/ 2/ 94. 42. Brian Nisbett - Godstone poltergeist. 2/ 4/ 81. 43. Andrew MacKenzie - Spontaneous cases. 44. David Lorimer - OOBEs and NDEs. 16/ 7/ 85. 45. Matthew Manning - Healing. 46. David Lowe - How many lives? 47. Matthew Manning - One-ness through psychic experience. 10/ 4/ 79 48. *Garth Moore - Frontiers of religion and psychical research. 12/ 7/ 83. 49. Charles McCreery - OOBEs and right hemisphere. 15/ 3/ 94. 50. Kit Pedlar - Healers, doctors and physicists. 51. Canon Pearce-Higgins - Common sense and exorcism. 52. Arthur Oram - Survival and mediums. 13/ 10/ 88. 53. B. Millar - Technology and psi. 6/ 4/ 76. 54. Max Payne - Survival and philosophy. 1979. Side B Faulty. 55. Justin O’ Brien - Looking glass mind. 56. Bob Morris - Future trends. May 1986. 57. James McHarg - Synchronicity or ESP. 12/ 12/ 89. 58. Kevin McClure - Alien contacts. 19/ 11/ 91. 59. a/ b Hugh Pincott - Cerdic the Saxon and regression. 18. 7. 91. 60. Michael Perry - Psi and the Bible. 61. Hugh Pincott - The Kryptos file. June 1979. 62. Richard Petty - Neurophysiology of mysticism. 63. Guy Playfair - Hypnosis. 14/ 1/ 93. 64. Howard Wilkinson - Spontaneous cases. 17/ 9/ 92. 65. Charles Tart - Transpersonal psychology. 26/ 6/ 92. 66. Montague Ullman - Telepathic dreams. 67. Anne Silk - Energy effects on the eye and brain. 15/ 10/ 91. 68. Ian Stevenson - NDEs. 69. Morton Schatzman - Dreams and problem solving. 70. Colin Wilson - Beyond the paranormal. 18/ 6/ 92. 71. Michael Shallis - Unexplained electrical phenomena. 72. Rupert Sheldrake - Being stared at. July 1989. 73. R. Wiseman and E. Haraldsson - The god-men of India. 14/ 7/ 94. 74. /a. Ian Stevenson - 5 types of survival evidence. 19/ 9/ 96. 75. Richard Petty - Biology and the supranormal. 76. *Ingo Swann - 30 mins. of overflow. 7/ 4/ 78. 77. Susan Blackmore - Mental models at death. 22/ 4/ 89. 78. Ian Wilson - NDEs. 22/ 4/ 89. 79. Michael Perry - Psychic problems and theology. S.D. 24/ 11/ 90. 80. Howard Wilkinson - Geomagnetism and poltergeists. S.D. 18/ 11/ 89. 81. Steve Donnelly - Scepticism. S.D. 21/ 4/ 90. 82. Crawford Knox - Psi and theology. S.D. 24/ 11/ 90. 83. Susan Blackmore - Does the brain need psi? S.D. 25/ 4/ 87. 84. Cyril Smith - Electromagnetic effects. S.D. 18/ 11/ 89. 85. Trevor Pinch - Sociological perspective. S.D. 21/ 4/ 90. 86. Deborah Delanoy - Extreme conviction. S.D. 21/ 4/ 90. 87. Matthew Smith - Luck. 20/ 4/ 95. 88. Richard Dixey - Healing and electromagnetism. S.D. 18/ 11/ 89. 89. Ernesto Spinelli - ESP and children. 7/ 10/ 79. 90. Barbara Bunce - Spiritual development and psychic experience. S.D. 24/ 11/ 90. 91. Antony Flew - Repeatability and the miraculous. 92. Stephen Braude - Multiple personalities. 19/ 4/ 88. 93. I. Grattan-Guinness - Psi in culture. 29/ 10/ 88. 94. Brian Josephson - Psi and mystical experiences. 29/ 10/ 88. 95. David Hay - Surveys of religious experience. 29/ 10/ 88. 96. Beidler - The turn of the screw. 24/ 10/ 85. 97. Michael Green - Dowsing and other realities. 15/ 3/ 90. 98. Daniel Benor - Psychic healing. 99. Emma Shackle - Mysticism. 100. Michael Coleman - Survival research. 101. C. E. J. Fryer - Religious faith and parapsychology. 14/ 11/ 89. 102. Kathy Dalton - Creativity and psi. 18/ 5/ 95. 103. Mrs. Osborne Leonard and Rudi Schneider in trance (also see 853?). 104. R. K. Sheargold - Electronic voices. 105. Melvin Harris - Bloxham tapes. 106. Mrs. Goldney - Harry Price and Borley. 107. Stanley Gooch - Cerebellum in paranormal. 108. Christopher Cherry - NDEs and survival. 109. Renee Haynes - Reincarnation and historians. 10/ 7/ 79. 110. Hugh Pincott - Walking, talking, living. Edinburgh 1979. 111. Margot Grey - NDEs? S.D. 23/ 10/ 93. 112. William Ord - Reincarnation. 18/ 4/ 96. 113. Carlos Alvarado - Spontaneous phenomena and SPR. 8/ 12/ 94. 114. Rosemary Guiley - Angels. 16/ 7/ 92. 115. Robert A. Gilbert - Origins of Golden Dawn. 9/ 2/ 95. 116. Brian Inglis - Psychology of scepticism. 117. Margot Grey - NDEs. 17/ 7/ 86. 118. Christopher Scott - ESP - sceptical. 119. Serena Roney-Dougal - Neurochemistry of psi. S.D. 25/ 4/ 87. 120. Ian Stevenson - Decline effect in psychical research. 18/ 4/ 88. 121. Keith Harrary - Psychology of perception. 20/ 10/ 87. 122. John Fuller - Airman who would not die. 16/ 10/ 79. 123. Tony Cornell - Survival evidence. 18/ 1/ 94. 124. Stephen Phillips - ESP of subatomic particles. 6/ 6/ 95. 125. Maurice Grosse - Survival evidence. S.D. no. 27. 126. Tom Cross - 15 years among the dead. 14/ 10/ 93. 127. Diana Clift - Crop circle effects. 19/ 4/ 94. 128. Archie Roy - Psychical research. Presidential address. 129. Bernard Carr - Psi and reality. 14/ 3/ 95. 130. Donald West - 50 years of progress. 17/ 1/ 95. 131. Serena Roney-Dougal - Pineal gland and earth magnetism. 21/ 5/ 92. 132. Side A: H. Wilkinson and T. Cornell, Oxford 1992. Side B: Cornell cont. 133. Tom Sensky - Eilepsy, psychiatry and psi. S.D. 25/ 4/ 87. 134. A. J. Wilson - Borley Rectory. 11/ 9/ 80. 135. Alan Gauld - Reincarnation cases. S.D. 23/ 10/ 93. 136. Colin Wilson - Paranormal from outside. 137. Erlendur Haraldsson - Apparitions of the dead. S.D. 27/ 4/ 91. 138. Brian Josephson - Paranormal in normal micro world. 139. Floyd McAuslan - Retarded/ special people. 8/ 7/ 88. 140. Richard Gregory - Unnatural science of perception. 10/ 11/ 88. 141. Richard Wiseman - Anatomy of psychic fraud. 13/ 6/ 91. 142. Richard Milton - Forbidden science and heresies. 18/ 10/ 94. 143. Christopher Cherry - NDEs re-visited. 16/ 1/ 92. 144. James Ellis - Scientific method in psychical research. 17/ 5/ 94. 145. Richard Broughton - Experiments with head of ‘Jut’. Edinburgh 1979. 146. Michael Thalbourne - ESP drawing exper.: Austria and Iceland. Edinburgh 1979. 147. Sandy Pevicic’s interview with June Reading, Whalley House, July 1985. 148. Arthur Ellison - SPR work and future. 149. Leslie Banks - Facile reasoning in science and parascience. 11/ 9/ 90. 150. David Fontana - After dinner talk Conference 1995. 151. DELETED THROUGH POOR QUALITY. (Pincott – The Twisted Fork). 152. Side A: E. Haraldsson - 5 Sri Lanka reincarnation cases. Side B: R. Tickell - Reincarnation – is it fancy dress? 153. John Steele - Memory and mindfulness. 154. Donald West - evidence for paranormal. 30/ 9/ 86. 155. Norman Dixon - sensitivity and defence. 156. Rupert Sheldrake - memories in brain? 157. Carl Sargent - 2 ESP ganzfeld studies. 158. Hilary Henegan - ESP between mothers and children. Edinburgh 1979. 159. M. Johnson - DMT-ESP experiment failed replication. Edinburgh 1979. 160. John Beloff - physical explanation of psi? Edinburgh 1979. 161. K. Claudewitz - Danish dermo-optical experiment with blind people. Ed. 1979. 162. David Christie-Murray - reincarnation - ancient beliefs and modern evidence. 5/ 12/ 79. 163. Ian Wilson - reincarnation illusions. 8/ 1/ 81. 164. John Randall - animal psi. 6/ 4/ 82. 165. Serena Roney-Dougal - subconscious. September 1979. 166. G. Wassermann - mechanistic/ materialistic psi explanation. 167. Side A: E. Spinelli - experimenter effect. Side B: B. Millar - experimenter effect or fraud. 168. E. Haraldsson - psychic healing in Iceland. Edinburgh 1979. 169. Andrew MacKenzie - spontaneous cases. 170. George Zorab - Katie King materialization. 171.
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