An independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community, ESTABLISHED 1920 Bowling Green State University Thursday, October 8, 2015 | Volume 95, Issue 15 EQUALITY ACTIVIST VISITS UNIVERSITY Plaintif in marriage equality decision speaks to students. PAGE 2 Womens soccer Social disaster Student prepares for Battle awaits voting directed play of I-75 against season with “StripHer” not rival Toledo revised laws up to par PAGE 10 PAGE 4 PAGE 6 2015 FALCON FOOTBALL FALCONS VS. UMASS OCTOBER 10, 2:00 P.M. LOG IN TO YOUR STUDENT ACCOUNT AND CLAIM YOUR FREE TICKET! VISIT BGSUFALCONS.COM/STUDENTTICKETS First 100 students in the gates will form Falcon Flight Line 877.BGSU.TICKET | #MAKEHISTORYNOW | BGSUFALCONS.COM SATURDAY OCT. 31 419-352-3774 H 145 N. MAIN ST. H DOCSBG.COM D. J. MANNY Costume Contests & MEGHAN MICK COUNTRY LIVE 8:30 $3 FIREBALLS MUSIC 11:30 Spring Break FM SAT & SOUTHERN ROCK DJ TIL 2:30 50 BEERS/$3 Giveaway/Cash Prizes KISS NEWS OCTOBER 8, 2015 | PAGE 2 Man behind landmark marriage case speaks at BG by Jennifer Verzuh “Our hearts broke and then we got pissed The newfound fame and attention is sur- “This is the first time I’ve heard his per- Pulse Editor off,” Obergefell said, noting that the deci- real, Obergefell said and he’s still adjust- sonal story from him. I’ve read it before but “What do I stand for? What’s important sion was surprisingly easy to make. “We ing to his new role as a public figure and to actually hear it from him and the struggle to me? What am I willing to fight for?” realized we were willing to fight for our activist. that they had, there’s something everyone Jim Obergefell repeatedly stood up and love.” “Honestly I think it’s still sinking in. I can relate to no matter what their sexuality asked himself and the crowd before him in “[Marriage is] the chance to say in public think back on my life and I never wanted is,” he said. the grand ballroom of the Student Union and for the record this is the person I love to be someone that people recognized and Almeida, who came up for the event from Wednesday night. this is the person I’ve committed to, this is would stop on the street. That’s my life Columbus, said he felt particularly inspired Obergefell, who attended graduate school the person I will do anything for and mar- now.” after listening to Obergefell and the work at Bowling Green State University over riage gives you that ability. And the recog- While it’s certainly a change to go from he’s done. twenty years ago, returned to the University nition,” he said. “The fact that your govern- being a self proclaimed private person to “I work in politics and this makes me this week to deliver a speech about his someone well known and recognizable, it’s want to go out and do even more social jus- involvement in the landmark Supreme certainly worth it to Obergefell. tice work,” Almeida said. Court case which legalized same sex mar- “I’ve refered to myself “I’ve realized I don’t mind it. It actually Sophomore Hanna Modene also felt riage in all fifty states.* He was introduced means a lot to me when people stop me on very encouraged upon hearing Obergefell’s by Tobias Spears, the Senior Coordinator as an accidental activist the street to thank me and tell me a story speech. for LGBT Programs and Services at the and to tell me why the fight means some- “He’s a really big inspiration to me. I hon- University, President Ellen Mazey, and because circumstances thing to them or someone they love,” he estly never thought I’d see same sex mar- Board of Trustees member Steve Daley.* said. “I’m happy to do it because I did it all riage get legalized this quickly,” Modene Obergefell said he never set out to be an brought that out.” for the right reason. I did it for my husband said. “To see it happen so quickly it makes activist but it was his love for his late hus- - Jim Obergefell, Lead Plantif for because I loved him and wanted to live up you wonder what else can happen, what band, John Arthur, that made him one. Supreme Court Case to my commitments to him. So being in the else can change, like education or women’s “I was never an activist. never ever,” he middle of all of it, it’s a small price to pay. healthcare. It’s just really inspiring.” said. “I’ve referred to myself as an acciden- Obergefell said one of the biggest things Obergefell said that while progress has tal activist because circumstances brought ment acknowledges your relationship and he hopes people took away from his speech been made there’s still work to do and he that out.” says, ‘Yes, you exist.’ And that’s what drove was that individual stories matter. will continue to be actively involved in After his longtime partner was diagnosed us to file suit. We simply wanted to exist in “I think about the progress in the gay social justice issues, even as recently as last with ALS, a terminal disease, the two decid- the state of Ohio’s eyes.” rights movement over the past twenty years week going to Washington to lobby for the ed to get married in Maryland, as same sex Eight days after their marriage they filed and I think a big part of the success we’ve Equality Act. marriage was illegal at the time in Ohio. suit against the state of Ohio. Although seen has been because people have told “Just knowing that we have marriage Obergefell described it as “the happiest the two initially won their case, it was their stories, people have come out.” equality across the country, we’re still not moment of my life.” overturned and eventually reached the 2010 BGSU alum Leo Almeida was cer- equal. We still don’t have the same rights “We felt different better, more complete,” Supreme Court, at which time Arthur had tainly was moved by Obergefell’s story, and protections as other Americans,” he he said. “That’s all we wanted, to get mar- passed away. despite already being familiar with the case said. “Our country has a lot to do to live up ried and live out John’s remaining days as Obergefell,the lead plaintiff, (along with and his life. to equality for all.” husband and husband, not legal strangers.” thirty-four others) said he cried when the Five days after their marriage though Supreme Court announced their decision they spoke with a civil rights attorney when in support of same sex marriage. BLOTTER he pulled out a blank Ohio death certifi- “We won. John could now rest in peace,” cate. he said. “It was a mixture of joy, sadness There is no blotter for today’s paper as The Police Green Police Division “‘Do you realize when John dies his last and satisfaction. you know sadness because has not yet provided an updated blotter. official record as a person will be incor- John wasn’t there to experience it…..I felt rect?’” he asked them. “Ohio will say he’s good that I had lived up to my promises to The BGPD has posted a bulletin on its website that advises residents to unmarried, and Jim, your name will not be him, to love honor and protect him and that lock their vehicles and secure valuables as the BGPD has taken “numerous there as surviving spouse. really was what it was all about.” reports of thets from motor vehicles in the past week.” NEWS October 8, 2015 | PAGE 3 The Hatch makes improvement to program By Hannah Benson “really likes the changes.” Campus Editor “I think the changes are awesome The Hatch has made changes to this year’s because it makes the program accessible program in order to make it more acces- to everyone,” Senn said. sible to more people and to cast a larger He said he thinks the changes will allow net for ideas. people who don’t necessarily want to be For this year’s Hatch, graduate students front and center to still showcase their will be able to participate, teams of three passions. can apply, talent can register, a “scram- Kirk Kern, Director of the Dallas bler” round will be added to narrow the Hamilton Center for Entrepreneurial pool and three credit hours will be added Leadership, said he is hoping to initially to the ten hatchlings’ transcripts. get as many ideas as possible through The Hatch is announcing changes being “word of mouth marketing.” made to this year’s Hatch program through He described The Hatch process as a word of mouth. funnel. Michael Ogawa, Founding Vice President During the first stage of the funnel, of Research and Economic Development, Kern said they would like as many people said the changes were implemented to as possible to submit an application, 25 of attract more than just business majors. which will be chosen as participants. “We want to cast a wider net,” Ogawa The 25 applicants will be narrowed down said. “The Hatch provides the opportuni- to ten hatchlings, during the “scrambler” ties for all students to make a difference.” Victor Senn, USG President, said he Continues on Page 8 Great Selection n Close to Campus n Great Prices Quality Service, Quality Housing JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE , INC.
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