National Park Service, Interior § 7.96 § 7.93 Guadalupe Mountains National (4) Ice skating. Ice skating is prohib- Park. ited except in areas and at times des- (a) Cave entry. No person shall enter ignated by the Superintendent. Skat- any cave or passageway of any cave ing in such a manner as to endanger without a permit. the safety of other persons is prohib- ited. [48 FR 30296, June 30, 1983] (c) Model planes. Flying a model pow- ered plane from any park area is pro- § 7.94 Harry S Truman National His- hibited without a permit. toric Site. (d) Fishing. Unless otherwise des- The Truman Home structure at ignated, fishing in a manner authorized Harry S Truman National Historic Site under applicable State law is allowed. is closed to all public use and access (e) Swimming. Bathing, swimming or until June 1, 2010. wading in any fountain or pool except where officially authorized is prohib- [74 FR 51239, Oct. 6, 2009] ited. Bathing, swimming or wading in the Tidal Basin, the Chesapeake and § 7.95 [Reserved] Ohio Canal, or Rock Creek, or entering § 7.96 National Capital Region. from other areas covered by this sec- tion the Potomac River, Anacostia (a) Applicability of regulations. This River, Washington Channel or George- section applies to all park areas admin- town Channel, except for the purpose of istered by National Capital Region in saving a drowning person, is prohib- the District of Columbia and in Arling- ited. ton, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, (f) Commercial vehicles and common and Stafford Counties and the City of carriers—(1) Operation in park areas pro- Alexandria in Virginia and Prince hibited; exceptions. Commercial vehicles Georges, Charles, Anne Arundel, and and common carriers, loaded or un- Montgomery Counties in Maryland and loaded, are prohibited on park roads to other federal reservations in the en- and bridges except on the section of virons of the District of Columbia, Constitution Avenue east of 19th policed with the approval or concur- Street or on other roads and bridges rence of the head of the agency having designated by the Superintendent, or jurisdiction or control over such res- when authorized by a permit or when ervations, pursuant to the provisions of operated in compliance with paragraph the act of March 17, 1948 (62 Stat. 81). (f)(2) of this section. (b) Athletics—(1) Permits for organized (2) George Washington Memorial Park- games. Playing baseball, football, cro- way; passenger-carrying vehicles; permits; quet, tennis, and other organized fees. (i) Taxicabs licensed in the Dis- games or sports except pursuant to a trict of Columbia, Maryland, or Vir- permit and upon the grounds provided ginia, are allowed on any portion of the for such purposes, is prohibited. George Washington Memorial Parkway (2) Wet grounds. Persons holding a without a permit or payment of fees. permit to engage in athletics at certain (ii) Passenger-carrying vehicles for times and at places authorized for this hire or compensation, other than taxi- use are prohibited from exercising the cabs, having a seating capacity of not privilege of play accorded by the per- more than fourteen (14) passengers, ex- mit if the grounds are wet or otherwise cluding the operator, when engaged in unsuitable for play without damage to services authorized by concession the turf. agreement to be operated from the (3) Golf and tennis; fees. No person Washington National Airport and/or may use golf or tennis facilities with- Dulles International Airport, are al- out paying the required fee, and in lowed on any portion of the George compliance with conditions approved Washington Memorial Parkway in Vir- by the Regional Director. Trespassing, ginia without a permit or payment of intimidating, harassing or otherwise fees. However, when operating on a interfering with authorized golf play- sightseeing basis an operator of such a ers, or interfering with the play of ten- vehicle shall comply with paragraph nis players is prohibited. (f)(2)(iv) of this section. 147 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:59 Aug 05, 2010 Jkt 220136 PO 00000 Frm 00157 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220136.XXX 220136 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR § 7.96 36 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) (iii) Passenger-carrying vehicles for parkway. Payment shall be made quar- hire or compensation, other than those terly within twenty (20) days after the to which paragraphs (f)(2) (i) and (ii) of end of the quarter based upon a certifi- this section apply, are allowed on the cation by the operator of the total George Washington Memorial Parkway mileage operated upon the parkway. upon issuance of a permit by the Re- (iv) Sightseeing passenger-carrying gional Director, under the following vehicles for hire or compensation other conditions: than taxicabs may be permitted on the (A) When operating on a regular George Washington Memorial Parkway schedule: to provide passenger service upon issuance of a permit by the Re- on any portion between Mount Vernon gional Director, to provide sightseeing and the Arlington Memorial Bridge, or service on any portion of the parkway. to provide limited direct nonstop pas- Permits may be issued either on an an- senger service from Key Bridge to a nual basis for a fee of three dollars terminus at the Central Intelligence ($3.00) for each passenger-carrying seat Agency Building at Langley, Virginia, in such vehicle; on a quarterly basis for and direct return, or to provide limited a fee of seventy-five cents (75) per seat; direct nonstop passenger service from or on a daily basis at the rate of one the interchange at Route 123 to a ter- dollar ($1.00) per vehicle per day. minus at the Central Intelligence (3) Taxicabs—(i) Operations around Agency Building at Langley, Virginia, Memorials. Parking, except in des- and direct return. Permittees shall file ignated taxicab stands, or cruising on a schedule of operation and all sched- the access roads to the Washington ule changes with the Regional Director Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the showing the number of such vehicles Jefferson Memorial, and the circular and total miles to be operated on the roads around the same, of any taxicab parkway. or hack without passengers is prohib- (B) When operating nonscheduled di- ited. However, this section does not rect, nonstop service primarily for the prohibit the operation of empty cabs accommodation of air travelers arriv- responding to definite calls for hack ing at or leaving from Dulles Inter- service by passengers waiting at such national Airport or Washington Na- Memorials, or of empty cabs which tional Airport: between Dulles Inter- have just discharged passengers at the national Airport and a terminal in entrances of the Memorials, when such Washington, DC, over the George operation is incidental to the empty Washington Memorial Parkway be- cabs’ leaving the area by the shortest tween Virginia Route 123 and Key Bridge; or between Washington Na- route. tional Airport and a terminal in Wash- (ii) Stands. The Superintendent may ington, D.C., over the George Wash- designate taxicab stands in suitable ington Memorial Parkway between and convenient locations to serve the Washington National Airport and 14th public. Street Bridge; or between Dulles Inter- (4) The provisions of this section pro- national Airport and Washington Na- hibiting commercial trucks and com- tional Airport over the George Wash- mon carriers do not apply within other ington Memorial Parkway between Federal reservations in the environs of Virginia Route 123 and Washington Na- the District of Columbia and do not tional Airport. Permittees shall file a apply on that portion of Suitland Park- report of all operations and total miles way between the intersection with operated on the George Washington Maryland Route 337 and the end of the Memorial Parkway with the Regional Parkway at Maryland Route 4, a length Director. of 0.6 mile. (C) Permits are issued to operators of (5) Parking. Violation of a traffic con- vehicles described in paragraphs trol device regulating parking is pun- (f)(2)(iii) (A) and (B) normally for a pe- ishable by fine. In any violation of a riod of one year, effective from July 1 traffic control device regulating park- until the following June 30, at the rate ing, proof that the described vehicle of one cent (1) per mile for each mile was parked in violation, together with each such vehicle operates upon the proof that the defendant was at the 148 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:59 Aug 05, 2010 Jkt 220136 PO 00000 Frm 00158 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220136.XXX 220136 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR National Park Service, Interior § 7.96 time the registered owner of the vehi- on the east, Madison Place NW.; and on cle, shall constitute a prima facie pre- the west, Jackson Place NW. sumption that the registered owner of (vii) The term ‘‘Ellipse’’ means the the vehicle was the person who com- park areas, including sidewalks adja- mitted the violation. cent thereto, within these bounds: on (g) Demonstrations and special events— the south, Constitution Avenue NW.; (1) Definitions. (i) The term ‘‘dem- on the north, E Street, NW.; on the onstrations’’ includes demonstrations, west, 17th Street NW.; and on the east, picketing, speechmaking, marching, 15th Street NW. holding vigils or religious services and (viii) The term ‘‘Regional Director’’ all other like forms of conduct which means the official in charge of the Na- involve the communication or expres- tional Capital Region, National Park sion of views or grievances, engaged in Service, U.S. Department of the Inte- by one or more persons, the conduct of rior, or an authorized representative which has the effect, intent or propen- thereof.
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