Volume 90, Issue 17 Valparaiso University February 6,1998. WVUR shuts down to train disc jockeys After offensive program, station discusses the need for a new harassment policy By Erin Carey had been shut down early on members, had approached the Senior News Editor Jan. 25 after the VUPD respond­ security guards, concerned by ed to a call about underage the condition of the minors. He If you try to tune your drinkers in the house. VUPD said it was this group, and not radio onto WVUR-FM arrested three intoxicated the individual male, that made 95.1, all you'll find is static. minors after they spotted them the decision to call the police. WVUR voluntarily fleeing from the house. "We have rules in the ceased broadcasting after a According to Chief Ed Lloyd, Greek system ... and they need program of an "offensive there was no indication that they to stick with that," the male stu­ and defamatory nature" had been drinking in the house. dent said. was aired from 2 to One of the 4 p.m. Friday. In a "Although we don't feel DJ's, Jeremiah letter to the Torch, Posedel's, response the station's man­ what we did was illegal, was, "The kid should­ agement accepted n't have been (t)here." responsibility for we know it was distaste­ As heard in a the program, and ful ... none of the tape recording of the announced that the show, following the two disc jockey's of actions we described "skit," the DJs talked to the show had been callers who, for the dismissed. WVUR were based on fact." JON HENDRICKS, PHOTO EDITOR most part, accused the Wl11 a,so be ,mp e individual portrayed in The locked WVUR station along Union Street is dark while its staff ) " Letter by student disc jockeys decides on how to prevent potential slander lawsuits. menting a new tram- the mock interview of ing process for cur­ at WVUR deliberately hurting the rent and future DJ's Greek system by call­ before the station goes back on Lloyd said the major con­ ing the police so they would Alumni Hall faces the air. cern was how the minors, who bust the party. They said According to listener had probably been drinking what made the case worse was Amanda Bright, the radio show before they got to the party, had that the administration was deliberate flooding in question included a mock gotten in past the two security allegedly already trying to elim­ interview with a stereotypically guards. inate the Greek organizations. In addition, derogatory and By Deborah Werner ing coordinator. effeminate homosexual man "They don't want trouble graphic comments were made The floor's drain had been who was identified by his ini­ in their house," he said of the News Editor about the student's sexual orien­ removed, and objects were tials, first name and fraternity Theta Chi's. tation. Extensive damage was the stuffed into it. The flooding was house, and was blamed for The student referred to in result of intentional flooding in first discovered at 5:15 a.m. breaking up a party held on Jan. the radio show, an Thref of the men that had Alumni Hall last week. when a resident saw water drip­ 24 at the Theta Chi house. Interfraternity Council member, See WVUR, Page 4 "Someone clogged the ping from the ceiling as he was The aforementioned party along with two Intersorority bathroom shower drain on Two leaving the computer lab to go to West in the early hours of last his room. He immediately called Friday morning. It was left run­ a residential assistant. Talent show starts Black History Month ning for about two to three The bathroom, hallway, hours," said Tracy Johnson, lounge and several student rooms Alumni Hall's residential learn- were flooded on two west. Water also went through the ceiling into the main lounge and basement. Ill This Edition: "The night of the flood, the students whose rooms were flooded were first on the priority list of areas of the hall to clean up. We took the shop vacs into their rooms and did the best job that we could," Johnson said. Arts& The cost of the damage is still uncertain and only partially Entertai depends on how much house­ keeping will charge. "If mildew sets into the carpet then the price will be much more than just the amount of labor devoted by the housekeepers," Johnson said. "This is not a first time occurrence for this type of van­ dalism. It actually happened the night before this, but an R.A. caught it before the flooding got out of hand." "My biggest concern is the residents who had nothing to do with this, and the housekeepers who have to devote extra time into cleaning this up," Johnson said. "I don't think the person Illll;lllllll|i;:llllll;l illllil MMmmi ill! that did this truly realizes how "MC to Chi" participated in the talent showcase on Monday in the Deusenberg Theatre many different people that this iii #m V&iparakso>Ur»v&$ity Center for th$ Atf& ^Thte was the kteM?ff $wt tot Wfc tmfa affects." cultural programs to be held tjhroughoot Black History Mont!). 9CIje 3EorcIj Page 2 Campus News Friday, February 6,1998 VUPD Beat New recycling program aniuar y 28 February 1 3:30 p.m. to begin soon on campus male inside A Wehrenberg resident services was found that his South Dakota By Quentin J. Calder be a recycling center, with three stables from the paper products. a Public license plate had been removed Staff Writer main divisions, near the dump- As for glass, other than a charge, from his car. sters. This center will include: possible recycling center at the f discovered For Earth Tones, a small • A place for broken-down union, the details for this waste February 2 campus group concerned with cardboard. have not yet been worked out. environmental problems, the idea • Green bags (possibly pro- "We are in the very early work that of a new recycling pro­ ~mmmmmmm stages of setting this been in tfo im gram for the university up," Burrows said. "It mined ami vehicle in Lot S was was high on the agen­ "It may take a may take a while, but After itb no license plate. The da. with us (Earth Tones) he claim* was contacted and his "It is finally hap­ educating people, the seizure. H icense plate had in fact while, but... the job pening!" freshman job will be done." Memorial Vanessa Burrows said denceofa will be done." The university excitedly. "The uni­ will also have the abili­ versity is beginning a - Vanessa Burrows ty to keep track of how recycling program!" much of the total trash Currently, there Earth Tones member is being recycled by the is a recycling program " ~ weight of the dump- on campus, but it is mainly used vided by the university) to be sters. by food services. However, a used for newspaper, magazines "We might even have a con­ new campus-wide program will and plastic. test between the halls to see go into effect March 15. • Clear bags (possibly pro­ which one can recycle more," In a meeting Jan. 28, Ron vided by the university) for only Burrows said. Brindley, the associate director of manila envelopes, file folders, For more information on grounds and Physical Plant ser­ regular copy paper, computer this recycling program, please vices, announced the specifics of printouts, standard colored paper contact either Nick Matzke at the plan. and envelopes. It will not be nec­ 464-6394 or Ron Brindley at The primary addition will essary to remove paperclips and 464-5437. Orientation clause suggested said By Deborah Werner Katie Eklund, who is also a schools, similar to VU, that have id in News Editor student member of the commit­ already adopted a clause that pro­ tolen tee, said, "This clause clearly tects its students against harass­ Adding a sexual orientation does not include harassment ment based on sexual orientation. policy to the existing sexual based on homosexuals within it." These universities include: atch harassment clause of VU's con­ The members of the com­ John Carroll, University of can stitution was discussed at mittee briefly discussed the Evansville, Creighton and Drake. rrect Wednesday's Campus offensive show aired Friday A faculty member, Jody Community Policy Committee afternoon on WVUR. Esper, moved to add the sexual (CCPC) meeting. Porter quoted some of the orientation clause to the harass­ A student member, statements that had been made ment policy. Suzannah Porter, brought up the over the radio about another stu­ The board unanimously issue. dent. agreed, but later moved to hold "So many reports have been "It was all very degrading off on their decision until a letter Senate discusses made in regards to harassment of to ... (the person's) character. It explaining the motion to the homosexuals, and nothing has did serious damage to his reputa­ University Council is drafted. accreditation process been done to stop it yet," she tion. If there is no clause added The letter will be voted on said. "I think that it is important to the harassment policy about next week via e-mail. If this is By Erinn Parker about two years of work being that we add discrimination sexual orientation, then this sort approved, it will be sent directly Governance Editor done in preparation for the visit," against sexual orientation to the of thing will continue to go on," to the University Council to be Truemper said.
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