April 26, 2017 Volume 4 Issue 8 THE GROVE GAZETTE Selinsgrove Area High School Student Newspaper In this issue: FBLA States FBLA State Conference Prom Update By Kiana Brubaker AP Testing Outdoors Club From April 3 -5, Selinsgrove Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) state qualifiers attended the World News state conference at the Hershey Lodge. Sports Mr. Daniel Frake, the FBLA advisor, stated that Student Profiles “It was a worthwhile experience for everyone, staying Comics overnight enhanced the students’ experience of the con- ference and competition. Our students represented My Turn Selinsgrove well throughout the entire conference and in their competitions.” tions. Students were able to visit the Her- During the days of the confer- shey Chocolate World and the local shop- ence, a range of activities occurred for ping outlets. Students also had the choice FBLA students to attend and participate. to relax at their hotels and experience the The organization offered a schedule of available accommodations. different workshops that students were After the students had a break, expected to attend. they traveled back to the Hershey Lodge The workshops encompassed a to attend the opening ceremony. The stu- vast range of topics, including Internation- dents were then introduced to the FBLA al Business, state officers Social Styles, and listened College and to various Life Prepared- speakers. ness 101, to The first name a few. guest speak- In addition to er was a local the available business workshops, owner from students also the Waynes- had a plethora boro area of college Selinsgrove FBLA State Conference attendees surround who shared booths that their advisor and “godfather”, Mr. Daniel Frake. his experienc- they were able es and in- to visit. volvement in his local chapter. Following Competition events began early the first keynote speaker, Tom Murphy Monday morning along with the sessions and Rick Yarosh introduced a new con- that students attended. Selinsgrove’s cept of how to handle bullying. After the Business Ethics team, consisting of jun- opening seminar, students made their iors Meredith Lemons, Rachel Kelly, and way back to the hotels for the night. Lauren Imhoof, performed well during Looking back on her experience, their presentation Monday and received Junior Nicole Mark said, “The trip was news that they would be continuing on to very enlightening. Whether it was the the final rounds for the competitive event. guest speakers or the various workshops They placed in the top twelve in the Busi- that we could attend, I acquired ness Ethics category. knowledge that can be applied to various There were also breaks in the scenarios throughout my life.” schedule when the students were able to On Tuesday, the daytime once relax and enjoy the perks that came with again consisted of the same activities of traveling to Hershey. The shuttle buses the former day. At the end of the night on took students from the lodge to attrac- Tuesday, students made their way back to Story continued on page 2 The Grove Gazette is a student organized newspaper. If you are interested in working for the Grove Gazette as a writer, editor, or pho- News Editors: Savanna Foor & Dan Napsha tographer, please join us during the first half of lunch on Thursday Sports Editor: Dawson Klinger May 4th, in Room 222. You can Opinion/Editorial Editor: Isabel Bailey also email Mr. Switala at [email protected] if you can- Graphics Editor: Sydney Reibschied not make the meeting. Page 2 FBLA State Competition continued from page 1 the Hershey Lodge for the closing ceremo- was amazing to be surrounded by likewise ny. During the closing ceremony, students business leaders. It was a friendly competi- who placed in the top ten for each event tor atmosphere which motivated me to do were called on the stage and received well on my test.” plaques for their achievement, which was Additionally, senior Sharon Lin well deserved. was the first Selinsgrove FBLA student to Although ten students are brought be inducted into the National Business on stage, only the top four are taken to Honor Society. Selinsgrove Area High nationals. Selinsgrove junior Patrick O’Mal- School was well represented at the FBLA ley, place ninth in Organizational Leader- state conference by their attendees and ship, an online objective test. He happily can continue to increase its success in recalled his experiences during the confer- competitions with the help and support of ence, “It was an amazing experience and it the Selinsgrove student body. SAHS “Hollywood Gala” Prom By Liz Whitmer On Saturday, May 13, the class of extremely generous contribution.” Also, in 2018 will be sponsoring Selinsgrove Area lieu of fundraising for the current junior High School’s Prom at the Susquehanna class’s graduation, a portion of the ticket Valley Country Club, from 7pm until profits will take care of the upcoming ex- 10:30pm. penses for their senior year. The theme of the prom will be There will not be a professional “Hollywood Gala: A Salute to the Roaring photographer at the venue, but there will Twenties.” Tickets are available Tuesdays be an area set up for students attending to and Fridays at the Seals Store or 7:40- take their own photos. Another change is 8:10am every morning in Mrs. Lopez’s that there will not be food or beverages room for VoTech students. available for purchase, but there will be The prices are $10 for seniors or free chips and bottles of water offered. $45 for juniors or any underclassmen go- To ensure there will be ample ing with a junior space for all stu- or senior. All dents planning to sales are final, attend, the entire and no more country club has tickets will be been rented available after which will make this Friday, April the entire affair 28. more private. The There is money for the no prom commit- tickets will go tee this year, so towards renting all decisions are the country made by the jun- club, security ior class officers: for the event, Co-Presidents and the DJ. Ethan Mueller Mrs. Kayla and Rachael Lopez, the advi- Kelly, Vice Presi- sor of the class dent Patrick of 2018 says, O’Malley, Treas- “Tickets and urer Gavin decorations Kratzer, Historian were donated Irene Guo, and by Jay Muller, Secretary Han- which was an nah Swineford. The Last Day to Purchase Prom Tickets is FRIDAY! Page 3 APplying Learning for College Credit By Maegan Bogetti From May 1-12, Selinsgrove stu- July, will rank students on how well they dents who are enrolled in the many ad- performed in the college-level classes. vanced placement classes the high school The exams are graded on a scale from offers will test their knowledge on the Col- one to five rather than on a pass/fail basis. lege Board AP exams. Scoring a five means that the “student is Students who take the AP clas- ‘extremely well qualified’ to be granted ses are required to take the final exam in one or several credits from equivalent May, which is administered in school and courses offered at the college or university costs about ninety-three dollars. The tests they attend”, according to the College can be over three hours in length and set Board standards. A score of four on the a standard parallel to a college, freshman test ranks the student as “well qualified”, a level course. three as “qualified”, a two as “possibly Teacher of AP US History, Ms. qualified”, and a one as “no recommenda- Walters-Zimmerman, recommends that tion.” the best way for students to be prepared Students participating in the high and confident is level class par- to review key ticipate in a concept frame- vigorous year work, scoring long curriculum descriptions, and and study dili- useful study ma- gently for the terials. challenging Ms. Wal- tests. Some of ters-Zimmerman the teachers stands by the fact offer weekend that her APUSH study sessions class is her fa- Photo by Bill Switala and in-depth vorite to teach. 2016 AP European History students prior to their exam. study guides to She claims that her favorite aspect of help those learning the demanding con- teaching the class is that “on a content tent prepare for the evaluation. level, the students are deeply challenged In 2015, College Board adminis- with material such as document-based tered 4,478,936 AP tests nationwide. The questioning. They get all nerded out about tests include both multiple choice and free it. On a student level— I love watching -response sections. The multiple choice them become historians.” section is computer graded after the tests Selinsgrove has a total of nine AP are returned to the Advanced Placement courses, including American History, Eng- Program Office and the free-response lish Literature and Composition, Biology, sections are graded by a select group of Calculus, European History, Psychology, AP teachers and college professors at and Statistics, as well as Chemistry and annual AP Readings that take place at the Environmental Science, which are offered beginning of June. Both Ms. Walters- in alternate years. Zimmerman and Mr. William Switala are The scores on the test, which will AP Readers for their subject areas this not return to students until the middle of year. Upcoming Outdoors Club Adventures By Parker George At this time of year, the Outdoors of camping at a nearby site. On their way Club is one of the most exciting clubs that home they will be stopping at either Fall- student can join because they are con- ing Water House or the 9/11 National Park stantly busy with exciting and fun trips.
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