1929 CONGRESS! ON AL ·RECORD-HOUSE 5171 YEAs-39 · H. J. Res. 355. Joint resolution authorizing the appropriation Barkley Glass Nye Smoot of the sum of $50,000 to enable the Secretary of State to cooper­ Bayard Goff Overman Steiwer ate with the several Governments, members of the Pan Ameri­ Black Hale t.- Pine Stephens Blease Harris Reed, Pa. Swanson can Union in the undertaking of financing and building an Bratton Hastings Robinson, .Ark. Thomas, Okla. inter-American highway or highways; and Capper Robinson, Ind. Trammell · Caraway ~:~r:n Sackett H. J. Res. 434. Joint resolution to appoint HoMER W. HALL a Dale McKellar Sheppard ~:~~man member of the subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, Fletcher Mayfield Simmons Watson established under House Joint Resolution 431, to inquire into George Moses Smith NAY8-36 the official conduct of Grover M. Moscowitz, United States Bingham Deneen Jones Phipps district judge for the eastern district of New York. · . Blaine Dill Kendrick Ransdell The message also announced that the Senate had passed bills Borah Edge Keyes Schall of the following titles, in which the· concurrence of the House Brookhart Fess Shortridge Broussard Frazier ~~~aster Steck is requested : Bruce Gerry Thomas, Idaho S. 2127. An act for the relief of William S. Weich, trustee of Burton Glenn ~~~c!IT Vandenberg the estate of the Joliet Forge Co., Joliet, Ill., bankrupt; Copeland Greene Norris Wagner Couzens Hawes Oddie Walsh, .Mass. .S. 5614. An act creating the positions of Undersecretary and NOT VOTING-20 two Assistant Secretaries in the Department of Labor ; and Ashurst Harrison McLean Shipstead S. 5722. An act to provide for the purchase of the use of the Curtis Howell Neely Tydings Harriman Geographic Code System. Eflwards Johnson Norbeck Walsh, Mont. Gillett La Follette Pittman Warren The message also announced that the Senate.agrees to there- · Gould Larrazolo Reed, Mo. Wheeler ports of the committees of conference on the disagreeing votes RECESS of the two Houses on bills of the following titles : The VICE PRESIDENT. On this question the yeas are 39, H. R. 9285. An act to provide for the settlement of claims the nays are 36. The Senate will take a recess until 11 o'clock against the United States on account of property damage, per­ to-morrow. sonal injury, or death ; Mr. NYE. Mr. President-- H. R. 15848. An act making appropriations to supply urgent Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. A point of order. The Senate deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending is in recess. June 30, 1929, and prior fiscal years, to provide urgent supple­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair declared the Senate in mental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, recess until11 o'clock to-morrow. and for other purposes ; Thereupon, at 11 o'clock and 40 minutes a. m., the Senate H. R.17223. An act making appropriations to supply de­ took a recess until to-morrow, Monday, March 4, 1929, at 11 ficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending o'clock a.m. June 30, 1929, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1929, and June 30, 1930, and for other purposes; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES S. 4385. An act to establish the Teton National Park in the State of South Dakota, and for other purposes; and SuNDAY, March 3, 19~9 S. 4848. An act for the relief ofT. L. Young and C. T. Cole. (Legislati'!Je daly of Saturday, March~. 1929) The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the amendments of the House to bills of the following titles: The House met at 10 o'clock a. m., at the expiration of the S. 4721. An act to extend the times for commencing and com­ -recess. pleting the construction of a bridge across the Potomac River COMMITTEE TO ATTEND THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE BON. ROYAL H. at or near Great Falls, and to authorize the use of certain WELLER Government land; The SPEAKER. The Chair announces the following Mem­ S. 5598. An act authorizing the acquisition of land in the bers as the committee to attend the funeral of the late Bon. District of Columbia and the construction thereon of two mod­ RoYAL H. WELLER: · ern, high-temperature incinerators for the dootruction of com­ Bon. JOHN F. CAREW, Bon. GEORGE S. GRAHAM, Bon. HATTON bustible refuse, and for other purposes ; and W. SUMNERS, Bon. THoMAS B. CULLEN, Bon. HAMn..ToN FisH, S. 5717. An act for the relief of the State of Nevada. Jr., Bon. CARROLL L. BEEDY, Bon. MARY T. NoRTON, Bon. JAMEs DECLARATIONS OF INTENTION IN NATURALIZATION PROCEEDINGS M. FITZPATRICK, Bon. J. MAYHEW WAINWRIGHT, Bon. GEORGE B. CoMBS, Jr., Hon. CHBISTOPHER D. SULLIVAN, Bon. DAVID J. Mr. JOHNSON of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I call up H. R. O'CoNNELL, Bon. ANNING S. PRALL, Bon. ANTHONY J . .GRIFFIN, 16440, relating to declarations of intention in naturalization Bon. JAMES M. MEAD, Bon. SAMUEL DICKSTEIN, Bon. J~HN J. proceedings, which bas been passed by the Senate with amend­ O'CoNNOR, and Bon. PARKER CoRNING. ments, and move to concur in the Senate amendments. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Washington asks unan­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE imous consent to call up B. R. 16440, with Senate amendments. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, The Clerk will report the bill and the Senate amendments. announced that the Senate had passed without amendment bills The Clerk read the title of the bill. of the House of the following titles : The Clerk read the Senate amendments. H. R. 3047. An act for the relief of J. Edward Burke; The SPEAKER. Is there objection? H. R. 10817. An act for the relief of the Merrill Engineering There was no objection. Co.; The Senate amendments were agreed to. B. R. 12502. An act for the relief of John B. and Avie D. MatbL'Son, parents of Charles W. Mathison, deceased; J. H. B. WILDER H. R. 17208. An act to extend the times for commencing and Mr. IRWIN. Mr. Speaker, I call up Senate bill 5715, for completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri the relief of J. H. B. Wilder, and ask for its immediate con­ River at or near Niobrara, Nebr. ; sideration. H. R. 17218. An act authorizing the State highway commission, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois asks unani­ Comnwnwealth of Kentucky, to construct, maintain, and oper­ mous consent for the present consideration of Senate bill 5715, ate a bridge across the Ohio River at or near Maysville, Ky.; which the Clerk will report. B. R.17237. An act to extend the times for commencing and The Clerk read the bill, as follows: completing the construction of a bridge across the Calumet River at or near One hundred and thirtieth Street, Chicago, Be it enacted, eto., That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to J. H. B. Wilder, of Macon, Ga., or his Cook County, lll. ; H. R.17262. An act authorizing H. L. Cloud, his heirs, legal legal representatives, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sum as in the judgment of the Secretary of the representatives, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate Treasury, and not in excess of $7,106.96, would represent the approxi­ a bridge across the Canadian River,· at or near Francis, Okl~; mate interest cost to said J. H. B. Wilder, based upon changed condi­ H. R. 17311. An act to extend the time for completing the con­ struction of a bridge across the :Mississippi River at or near tions due to the World War, of completing his contract for the con­ Cairo, Ill. ; struction of the Federal building at Forsyth, Ga. H. R. 17322. An act to amend the act approved June 22, 1926, The SPEAKER. Is there objection?. entitled "An act to amend that part of the act approved August There was no objection. 29, 1916, relative to the retirement of captains, commanders, Mr. IRWIN. Mr. Speaker, there is an error on page 1, line and lieutenant commanders in the line of the N:avy ~·; 8. The word " interest" should be " increased." ( 5172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 3 The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois offers an be found. In many cases there had been no record made· amendment, which the Clerk will report. many were children when they entered and could not remembe; I The Clerk read as follows : the name of the vessel or the port by which they entered Amendment offered by Mr. IRWIN : On page 1, line 8, strike out the Some, of course, entered improperly; but the fact rerllains that· word " interest " and insert in lieu thereof the word "increased." regardless of how they entered, they are here and can not b~ deported. The fact that no official record of their entry could The amendment was agreed to. be found prevented the L·suance of a certificate of entry to The bill was ordered to be read a third time, was read the them, and they were consequently barred from final naturaliza- third time, and passed. tion process. A motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed During the years 1906 to 1911 no rec-ord was made of those was laid on the table. persons who entered across the Canadian border. A great many JOSEPH F. THORPE people came in that way. These as well as those who have come in si~ce, and, for some reason or other, were not registered at Mr. IRWIN. 1\Ir.
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