DIREC'l'ORT .] ESSEX. LITTLE TJs. Y• 615 .Post, M. 0. ii T. Office. William Thurgood, sub-post- f farm, left by Joseph Holden Strutt, for the education master. Letters received from Witham, delivered at of ro boys; Albert Edward King, master 7.15 a.m. &; 12.30 p.m. & on sundays at 7·35 a.m.; Infants', built by Lord Rayleigh, for 6o children; difll'&khed at 12 noon & 7 p.m. ; sundays, n a.m. average attendance, 30; Miss Annie Godfrey, mistrest Pill&r Box, opposite the vicarage, cleared at 6.30 These schools are under the control of the Eiisex Edu­ p.m.; sondays, 10.40 a. m cation (Brain tree) District Sub-Committee, John Gleave, County school, clera. Public Elementary Schools. Carriers.-Hewitt Thurgood, to Witham, daily; Brain­ Euilt in r8r4, for 120 children (mixed), with an average tree, wed. ; Chelmsford, fri. ; John Thurgood, to attendance of roo; the school has an endowment of Braintree, wed. ; Chelmsford, fri £rg yearly, arising from a rent-charge on Troyea Police Station, Frederick Smith, constable PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Everard Harry M. assistant estate 1 Richardson Chas. farmer, Great Loy.t • agent, Manor house Russell Josiah, shopkeeper & farmer .Eayleigh Lord P.C., 0.~., LL.D., 1 Fairweather Frank, assistant estate 1 Sayers Thomas, general dealer D.C.L., F.R.S., J.P. Terlmg Place; I agent, The Street Smith Charles (Mrs.), carpenter &i .Athenreum club, London ~ W I Franklin William Robert, shopkeeper Stimpson Barnard (Mrs.), poultry llou!flower Rev. Chas. ~LA. VIC~rage I Godfrey Henry, head gardener to farmer J?andson Rev. Wm. (CongregatiOnal) Lord Rayleigh 1 Terling- Coffee House Club (Frederick ~trutt Ger·ald Murray. New house Guilder Tamar (Mrs.), baker Bright, sec.; Alfred Wager, mngr) Hagger Frank James, manager Ray- Terling Provident Society Limited COlnlERCL\L. leigh Arms P.H (John Brant, manager) B3ker Sidney, clerk of the works, Harris David, gamekeeper to Lord Thurg-ood Frederick, gamekeeper to Lord Rayleigh's estate Rayleigh, Porridge Pot hall HPnry S. Tuke esq. Maddox hall lJonner Herbt. miller (steam & wind) Howard Thomas, threshing machine Thurgood Hewitt, carrier Bright Mary Ann (Mrs.),wheelwright · proprietor Thurgood John, carrier Chapman Arthur, beer retailer 1 Humphreys Fred R. blacksmith 1 Thurgood Wm. shopkeeper, Post office Church David, farmer iIsted Hy.estate clerk & asst. overseer White William, farm bailiff to Lord Cook George, farm bailiff to Lord Loker Frederick J. baker Rayleigh, Leylands Rayleigh, Three Ashes 1 Partridge Charles. farm bailiff to Wood Owen, farmer Eve William, boot maker 1 Lord Rayleigh, Fordings 1 Wood Praed Wm. farmer, Sparrows {JREAT TEY in the 1oth century belonged to Algar, chapel, erected in r879, se~ting go persons. There is Earl of l\lercia: it is a village and parish on the river a charity of about £zo yearly, derived from 13 acres Roman, 3 miles north-west from Marks Tey station on the of land, left by S. Hill esq. in the reign of Elizabeth. main line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west from Col­ There is also a. charity of about £1& yearly, arising -chester and 4 north-east from Coggeshall, in the Eastern from rent;; of cottages given by tlhe Rev. W. Walsh division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and vYins­ M.A. sinecure rector r854-91. A pleasure fair is held tree petty sessional division and union, Colchester, here on Tr:inity Monday and Tuesday. The trustees of Clacton and Harwich joint county court district, and the late Mrs. Mary F. Reeve own the manor, and with i.n Coggeshall and Tey rural deanery, archdeaconry of Major Tudor Lay J.P. Reuben Hunt esq. and James <1olchester and Chelmsford diocese. The Roman river Sharp esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is rises in the parish. The ancient church of St. Barna­ rich loam; subsoil, loam and clay. The chief crops are t>as, standing on an eminence, is a building of stone, wheat and barley. The area is 2, 798 acres ; rateable mnsisting of chancel, small transepts and a central value, £2,751; the population in 1911 w~s 6o1 in the tower of Norman date, erected in the IIth century, and civil parish, and 599 in the ecclesiastical parish. -containing 8 bells: the tower was restored and the bells TEY CROSS is I mile north-west. re-framed and re-hung in 1897, at a cost of £6oo: the lower stage of the tower forms a porch: the nave and Sexton, J osiah Dyer. .aisles were pulled down in r8z9: in 1902 the church was thoroughly restored at a cost of about £r,3oo, when a Post Office. Herbert Theedom, sub-postmaster. Letters :Stained east window was presented by Mrs. Rachael arrive from Kelvedon at 8.40 a.m. ; sundays, 7·55 Watson Ray: there are 195 sittings. The register of a.m. & are dispatched at 6.3P p.m. & ro.3o a.m. -baptisms and marriages dates from 1559; burials, 156o, sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph office .and is in good condition. The living is a vicarage, net is at Marks Tey, 3 miles distant .,-early value £165, with residence and 8 acres of glebe, Wall Letter Box, Broad Green, cleared 8.15 a.m. & 1n the gift of Mrs. Kavanagh, of Grimblethorpe Hall, 6.45 p.m. ; sunday, I0.45 a.m Louth, Lincolnshire, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1872, for Edward Godfrey M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge, th~ 150 children; average attendance, 72; John J. Wills, -t~inecore rectory, held from 1854 to 1891 by the Rev. master William Walsh, having passed into the hands of the Eccle- C:uriers to Colchester.-Josiah Dyer, wed. & sat. &; 1!iastical Commissioners. Here is a Congregational Waiter Saunders, sat PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cranmer Edwin H. farmer, Eastgores Percival Frederick & Son, farmers, I Dyer Josiah, carrier Windells & Trumpingtons farms Carter :Mrs. The Cottage I Dyer Obi, undertaker Percival Geo. farmer, Smythe's farm Godfrey Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage Fairs Herbert Charles, farmer & Rayner Fredk. farmer, Buckleys farm :Sharp James, Vicarage house assistant overseer, 1Yarren's farm Rayner Joseph, farmer, Uphall 'Turnl?y Capt. Leonard William (6th Goodey Mills & Son, cart & wagon I Saunders Hy. & Son,frmrs.Chappel rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers), Walcotts builders Saunders Henry, farmer, Moor farm hall 1 Hellen Francis, Eight Bells P.H 1Saunders Waiter, carrier_, Chappel rd COMl:IERCIAL. Hull Arthur James, farmer (postal I Smith Albert Edward, blacksmith llickmore Chas. farmer, Florries farm address, Aldham) 1 Smith Richd.Browning,frmr.Elm frm (;haplin Frederick, Chequers P.H King-Frdk.Wm.blacksmith,Chappel rd Smith Waiter, frmr. Lambert's farm Cousins Charle~, farmer, Abrams & ILadham Walter, boot & shoe maker Theedom Herbt. grocer, &; post office Baldwins farms Parnell Mark, beer retlr. Broad Grn Webb Frederick, grocer, Chappel rd 'LITTLE TEY is a parish close to the Roman read west end containing one bell: the south door is from Colchester (Camalodunum) to St. Albans (Veru- ~orman: there are 100 sitting-s. The Rev. Erasmus 1amium), 1! miles west from the Marks Tey station on Laud, rector here 1641. rebuilt the parsonage house the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west from and barn, and is chiefly memorable on account of 'Coleheswr, and 2 north-east from Coggeshall, in the the cruel usage he received from the Colchester mob. 'East~rn division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden merely, as is supposed, from his bearing the :;ame :and Winstree petty sessional division and union, Col­ name as Archbishop Laud. The register dates from -chester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court dis­ the year 166o. 'l'he living is a rectory, net yearly trict, Coggeshall and Tey rural deanery, Colchester value £1:35, includin~ rg acres of glebe, with re!'.idence, '3rchdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The hamlet in the gift of the Rev. John Crampton Triphook, and of Surrex, in Feering parish, about 1 mile from Cogges­ held since rgrx by the Rev. James Waiter Blanch M.A. hall, was united to Little Tey for ecclesiastical pur­ of Selwyn College, Cam bridge. The Rev. George Pawson, pa5es only by Order in Council in 1854· The church rector here from 1805, left £2oo, the interest of which of St. James is a small building of stone, consi.>ting is annually distributed in coals to the poor. :\Iajor of chancel and nave and a small wooden tower at the Tudor Lay, of Walcottes Hall, is lord of the manor and • .
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