I 1942-43. T· F NEW SOUTH WALES. THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF NEW SOUTH WALES FOR 1942. Ordered to be printed, 24: March, 1943. Board of Fixe Commissioners of New South Wales, One hundred and twenty-seven insurance companies and 213 Castlereagh-strcet, forty-four firms contributed to the Board during the year, and Sydney, 18lh January, 1943. the contributions in the Sydney Fire District represented 18.66 per ceut. of the amount of premiums returned in respect of The Honourable J. :M. Baddeley, M.L.A., that district. Colonial Secretary, Sydney. FIR.E DISTRICTS. Sir, The number of Fixe Districts remains at 130. Under the provisions of the Local Government Act the boundaries of the In compliance with the provisions of ection 19. (2) of t!Ie Municipality of Orange and the Shire of Canobolas were Fire Brigades Act, 1909-1941, the Board of FIre Comnus­ alter~~ b:f taking part of the.Shire and adding it to the sioners of New South Wales submits its report of the opera­ Mumclpahty; and the boundanes of the Gilgandra Urban tions of the Department under its control for the year 1942, Area within Gilgandra Shire were altered by taking therefrom being the thirty-third annual report. a. small ~rea o~ land. In the former instance, the provisions of the FIre Bngades Act were re-applied to the Municipality of Orange as reconstituted. FIRE BRIGADES (A.MJmDMENT) ACT, 1941. The co=encing day of the Fire Brigades (Amendment) INCREASE OF STATUTORY LIMIT. Act 1941 (Act No. 23, 1941), has not yet been notified by Pro~lamation. The war conditions render impossible oppor­ T!Ie conscnt of the Minister was obtained in pursuance of tunities for securing suitable fire float e9uipment. Plan~ .for section 34 of the Act, to the statutory limit of one-fourth the strengthening of the existing s~rV1ce. of ~he ~ant:une of a penny in the pound on the unimproved capital value Services Board are being undertaken ill conJunctlon WIth that of all ratable land in Broken Hill, Cardiff, Casino, Coolamon body, as a. war emergency measure. Morpeth and West Wallsend Fire Districts being exceeded at the special request of the Councils concerned in order to satisfactol'ily maintain the fire service. BOAllJl. The personnel of the Board remained unchanged. rr:he term FmE STATIONS AND SITES. of office of the President, the Honourable T. J. Snuth, was The new Fire tation premises at Peak Hill mentioned in renewed. last report were completed and occupied under lease from the Pursuant to the Regulations under the Act g?verTI;ing the local Municipal Council. triennial election of members of the Board, notificatIon was published in the Government ~az~tte o~ 18th December, 1942, LEASES. of the closing date for nODllllatlons, t.e., 21st January and The lease of the Maelean Fire Station was renewed for five polling day, 23rd February, 1943. years; those of Gilgandra, Gundagai, Guyra and Lorn for three years; Cabramatta for one year, and a weekly tenancy ~t ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE. arran.ged for that Peak Hill. The agreement in respect of the SIte of the statIon at Morpeth was continued for one year. The estimates of expenditure for the various Fire Districts as shown in Appendix II amounted to £547,024, of which FllIES. the Sydney Fire District was responsible for £424,432, and the 129 other districts collectively £122,592. Tb number of alarms of fire recorded in Sydney and suburbs Was 5,270, being an increase of four compared with the previ· For the year 1943 the estimate amount to £571,668. The ous year. Of the total 1,304 were false alarms, thirty-four estimate for Sydney Fire District is £447,148, while those for chimney fires and 3,932 other fires. The number of malicious the 129 other districts total £124,520. false alarms was 492, needless 229 and accidental 583. The Increases in the living wage, cost of supplies and prOVision number of suspicious fires was seventy, compared with thirty­ for war damage insurance were mainly responsible for the two for the year 1941. advance in the estimates. • The most notable fires were:- The number of Municipal and Shire Oouncils in the Sydney 20th May-Commonwealth and Dominion Agencies Pty. Fire District which contributed to the Board was fifty·five, Ltd. aud others, 168-174 Day-street, Sydney, manu­ and the percentage of their total contributions for 1942 to facturers' agents. that of the assessed annual value of all ratable property returned by them in 1941 was 6s. Hd. The returns of value 26th June-C. C. Rawson Pty. Ltd. and others, 111-113 mentioned furnished in 1942, and in accorc1:mce with which Foveau.'C-street, Sydney, canvas goods manufacturers. the contributions for 1943 are apportioned, totalled £36,297,960, 2:!nd September-So R. Buttle Pty. Ltd., Mitchell-road, an increase of £1,520,726. For 1943 the contributions by Alexandria, wholesale grocers. the Councils will be equivalent to 6s. 1.9d. per £100 of the 26th October-Wendouree House, 43 Bay-street, Glebe, asse88lIlent; and the area of Sydney Fire District is now Wonder-Welt Shoes Pty. Ltd. and others, shoe manu­ 2~.'l6 square miles. fae~ __ _ _.- _ _-----i. ~137a-A l~ [b.] 2 In the Uountry Fire Di tritis tbe number of fire calls rceeivcd Upon the retirement of Third Officer S. A. Tuck, the posi­ hy Brigades was 2,100, being an iucrease of 209 hy comparison tions of third and fourth officer were eliminated and the new with th~lt of the previous year of 1,801. ranks of first officer, second oflicer and special officer created, The mo t notablc fires "'ere:- :lS a temporary measure. 27th June-Junors Pty. Ltd., Kyogle-road, Kyo:"ll, general Mr. n. L. Barbel', formcrly fourth officer, was appointed store. to the rank of first o11icer, and Inspector J. W. Bal'llaby to 5th AUg"ust-Tooth & Co. Ltd., :'Jain Southcrn road, the rank of secol1(l officer; Inbpectol's J. J. eville, E. J. Mittagong, malt works. Griffiths and R. J. Cuner were promoted to special officer 20th November-Royal IIotcl, 182 :1I10naro- b'eet, Quean­ rank. beyan, licensed victualler. A more ad\'anced cour'e CIf training of members of the Thirty were cb ificd as u picious in origin. "-omen'.' Fire Auxiliary was undertaken with excellent results, The field day held ili July demonstrated the progress and eflicieney attained. ELEC"!'RICAL-FIRE ALARMS. 1"01' the l'eserves and auxiliary reserve firemen a field day In Sydney and suburbs three (3) additional strcet telephone was also held in October. Yery keen interest and gratifying fire alarms were installed at Kogarah, Roz \le and Hyde, mak­ profici"llcy were Eho\\'n. ing' a total of 746 j while there arc aloin addition ninety­ three (93) special alm'ms. Connected to the various Fire Rtations in that area arc 308 prinkler installations of the DEATIIS. Griune\l type, In of the Central, 15 of the Phoenix, 6 of the With regret the Boari! reports the death of Senior Fireman F;tar, 10 of the Grimes and 1 of the Clarke-Vigilant; ij ther­ M. L. Griffin on the 11th June as a result of injuries re­ mostatic alarms of the Kirkby type, 5 of the Yigil:mt, 46 of ceived in fire fighting operations at Marriekville. Senior the Reichel, ;, of the -lay-Oatway and 270 pl'ivate fire alarm~. Firem:ln Griffin was appointed to the service on 14th May, In tbe Country Fire Districts three (3) additional street 1!J29, :lnd had gained distinction in fire fighting, in A.R.P. tekphone fire alarms were established at Cessnock, Hamilton 1\'ork, and in other fire brigade activities. :111d West Maitlaml, thus the total number of telephonc alanm is 243, mcehanical alarms 166 ani! special alarllls 20. 'I'went.\'­ The rleaths of Sub-Station Officers T. Chapman and W. A. one ~prjnkler installations are connected to the Pirc Rtation at Taylor, ex F;tation Officers J. Graham, W. P. Moriarty and W. • 'e\\'castle, 2 at Bathurst, 2 at Broken Hill, 1 at Tamworth, 1 SI,law, ('x·Senior Piremen W. Best, J. P. Palmer, Pirst-class at We~t ~faitland, 4 at Lh'erpool, and 2 at Wagga Wagga; :1 FlI"eman G. Parsons and A. Dickinson, of mechanical staff, '1'hcrmostatic fire alarms of the May-Oatway t~'pe at Broken from natuml C.IU,'C are also retonlc(l with regret, as well as 11 ill and 5 at Newcastle, wilh 3 Reichel and also 1 at West the following members of the Volunteer Fire Brigades:­ Mailland; while 192 privale fire abrms are in communication Captain J. 8. Rutter (Bega), Volunteer Firemen T. J. Gel'ling wit:l various country stations. (Bulli), J. P. Bames (Goulburn), C. Carlyon (Hamilton), W. Allwork (Km'!'i Kuni), Captain C. T. Woolfe (Narro­ The Board further extended the system of connecting resi­ mine), Captain T. ~Iartens (Paxton), Captain C. D. Twed­ denees of members of Volunteer Fire Brigades by electric dell (Walg~tt), Yolunteer Pirelllan J. Brown (Weston), Hon­ alarm bells. orm'y Memuers A. L. J eukins (Boolaroo), J. Mowett, (Hamil­ Pive additional fire alarm pillars were provided in the Syd· ton) and J. Hogg (Wallsend), alld Auxiliary Piremen E. Ward Hey Fire District, making the total pillars now installcd 529 in (AuIJllrn) :lIld D. Webster (Mortdale). Sydney and suburbs and 171 in the country. SUPERA.-NUATION AND RE'l'IREMEN'I'S. TIIEFTS AXD D_\MAGE.
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