Monthly Publication JJanuaryanuary 20152015 WWashington’sashington’s AAerospaceerospace TaxTax PPreferencereference billbill ggivesives aann eestimatedstimated $$8.78.7 billionbillion taxtax breakbreak ttoo ccompanies,ompanies, llikeike BBoeingoeing Yet, this bill …. Requires NO new jobs Does NOT protect existing jobs FAILS to ensure living wages Washington taxpayers deserve accountability Learn more pages 5-10 MLK legacy: Wichita mentoring CCRR ddrivesrives 'much moremore'' – P4 'two'two-way' way' – P11P11 fundraiser – P11 SSPEEAPEEA EExecutivexecutive BBoardoard Petitions due for regional Volume 59, Number 1, January 2015 ISSN 0194-8687 vice presidents President Ryan Rule he petition is due between Jan. 14 and Federal laws apply to campaigning Executive Director Jan. 28 if you’re an eligible member inter- ested in running for regional vice presi- Federal law requires labor organizations to com- Ray Goforth T ply with all reasonable requests of any candidate dent on the SPEEA Executive Board. Executive Board to distribute campaign literature, at the candi- Bob Wilkerson Treasurer SPEEA has three openings for Northwest vice date's expense, to members in good standing of Jimmie Mathis Secretary presidents and one opening for Midwest vice the labor organization. Joel Funfar NW Regional VP president. For member mailings, candidates work with a Michael E. Hochberg NW Regional VP To be eligible, candidates must have been a bonded mailing house. Addresses are never pro- Brent McFarlane NW Regional VP regular member in good standing for at least vided directly to a candidate. Keith Covert MW Regional VP the preceding 24 months. SPEEA Council Officers Use of company/union resources Election information, including a petition Shannon Moriarty Chair form and candidate questions, can be found at Federal law also prohibits candidates for union Gordon Yip Treasurer www.speea.org (drop-down menu for SPEEA office from utilizing union or company resources Theryl Johnson Secretary Councils/Forms and Petitions). in the conduct of their election campaigns. Midwest Regional Council Officers To run for office, candidates submit a petition It is inappropriate to campaign on company Mark Gayer Chair and written statements. The valid candidates’ time or use employer (or union) resources such Matthew Joyce Treasurer statements and answers are included with a ballot as paper, copy machines, fax machines, mail Jo Miklos Secretary sent to SPEEA members by Feb. 25. The seven- or email. Campaign literature should not be Northwest Regional Council Officers member board typically meets twice a month to posted on union or company bulletin boards. Dave Baine Chair direct SPEEA activities through the executive This applies to both the candidates and their Carrie Rule Treasurer director, serves as the interim negotiations team supporters. Rebekah Hewitt Secretary as needed and monitors expenses. SPEEA Publications Bill Dugovich Communications Director Lori Dupuis Graphic/Web Designer Seeking nominations Karen McLean Publications Editor to honor members [email protected] • www.speea.org published monthly by: Northwest activist awards nate him/her for the Stephen Pezzini Helping Society of Professional Engineering Employees Other People Excel (HOPE) award recognizing in Aerospace, IFPTE Local 2001, AFL-CIO, CLC he Northwest Council hosts a recognition banquet in March to celebrate the efforts of the outstanding volunteer/activist of the year. 15205 52nd Ave S • Seattle, WA 98188 • (206) 433-0991 Council Reps and activists who step up for Th is award goes to a member who enthusiasti- Reproduction rights reserved. No part of this publication may be T reproduced without permission. When permission is granted, mate- SPEEA. In addition, SPEEA recognizes select indi- cally supports both SPEEA and their commu- rial must be used in context and credit given to the SPEEA SPOTLITE. viduals who go above and beyond for their union. nity. To be eligible, they must be a member in a Original articles and feedback are solicited. If you would like to nominate someone you know SPEEA bargaining unit in California, Florida, who fits in one of the following categories, submit Kansas, Oregon, Utah or Washington. Subscription rate: $2.00 per year. a nomination form to [email protected] by Feb. $2.00 of the annual membership dues is paid as a Stephen Pezzini was an Everett Council Rep who year’s subscription to the SPEEA SPOTLITE. 25. The form is online at www.speea.org. set a high bar for helping others. His efforts on behalf of members drew widespread praise and he POSTMASTER: Address changes to: The SPEEA SPOTLITE, Award categories also gave back to his community. He died of cancer 15205 52nd Ave S, Seattle WA 98188. • New activist at the age of 36 in 1995. Since 1997, SPEEA has Periodicals Postage Paid at Seattle, Washington • Outstanding activist honored someone who exemplifies Pezzini’s values. • Special leader To nominate a member for the Pezzini award, SEATTLE HALL • send an e-mail with the person’s name and why 15205 52nd Ave S • Seattle, WA 98188 Lifetime achievement you are nominating him or her (with specific M-Th, 8 am to 5 pm • Fri, 8 am to 4:30 pm A selection committee makes a recommenda- examples) to [email protected] by Feb. 25. Phone: (206) 433-0991 • 1 (800) 325-0811 tion which goes to the Council offi cers for a fi nal decision. EVERETT HALL 2414 106th Street SW • Everett, WA 98204 SPEEA activist award: Stephen CorrectionC ti M-Fri, 8 am to 4:30 pm Pezzini HOPE award n article in the December Spotlite was Phone: (425) 355-2883 Do you know someone who is not only active not clear on how a level upgrade started WICHITA HALL in their union but also in their community? A for a member. The upgrade was started by 973 S Glendale St • Wichita, KS 67218 Someone who is seemingly tireless when it the manger. SPEEA followed up with a formal appeal, which in this case served as a backup for M-Th, 8:30 am to 5 pm • Fri, 8 am to 4:30 pm comes to giving back to those in need? Nomi- the member. Phone: (316) 682-0262 2 SPEEA SPOTLITEJANUARY 2015 President’sP Corner ByB Ryan Rule, SPEEA President Looking ahead in 2015 e are back to work at the start of While tax accountability is at the forefront in be receptive to helping other employees gain another year full of opportunities Washington, the issue applies to members in every the benefits of union representation. Without a Wand challenges for SPEEA members. state. When state or local taxpayers grant tax incen- union, employees are left entirely on their own. Regional vice president elections are among some tives, the benefits should return to that location. With union representation, employees have a of the opportunities available for the growing num- Companies, whether Boeing or otherwise, should clear avenue to find solutions. Members can help ber of members seeking to increase their union not be allowed to receive tax breaks without a com- carry that message. The same way we are asking involvement. The Midwest and three Northwest mitment ensuring the intended purpose is met. members to share their experience with legisla- regional vice presidents serve along with Treasurer One, very positive outcome already from our leg- tors, I’m asking members to share experiences Bob Wilkerson, Secretary Jimmie Mathis, and islative effort to bring accountability to tax incen- with fellow employees. Word of mouth is the me on the SPEEA Executive Board. Among the tives is our working together relationship with our best tool we have. Let’s use it in 2015! highest, member-elected union officials, vice presi- fellow union members at IAM 751. I look forward dents are engaged in every aspect of our union from to this relationship continuing to grow. approving SPEEA staff hiring decisions to being Other challenges for members this year include involved with interim negotiations, all while con- finishing the bridge benefit lawsuit and settle- tinuing to maintain their daily work commitments. ment in Kansas. After nearly a decade, closure is Successful candidates can be assured they will be finally within sight for members hurt by Boeing’s fully immersed in union business and activities. divestiture of its commercial airplane plant and Ask yourself if you are ready to step up and serve. subsequent sale to Spirit AeroSystems. It should Achieving accountability for Washington state’s not have taken this long. aerospace tax incentives is among the challenges Boeing’s continued efforts to move work out of we face in 2015. With the state legislative session traditional locations, age discrimination con- starting Jan. 12, this work is now shifting into high cerns in the Northwest and Midwest bargain- gear. I encourage every member in the state to read ing units as well as advocating to enhance career the information on the other pages of this Spotlite opportunities for members everywhere are issues Wichita meeting on ‘bridge’ and contact your state representatives and senator on our plates for 2015. to let them know about the need to revisit this benefits lawsuit legislation to protect jobs, ensure good wages and With our companies shifting work and con- tinuing to focus on the short-term, often at the About 300 attended a SPEEA meeting Dec. 17 in Wichita make sure tax dollars are used for those purposes. on the Boeing lawsuit regarding early retiree medical and expense of employees, it is vital for SPEEA to pension ‘bridge’ benefits. Tom Hammond, Wichita attorney for the lawsuit, and Bob Brewer SPEEA Midwest direc- tor, gave an update on the class-action lawsuit. The specific terms remain confidential until a federal court approves a Connecting with members tentative settlement. SPEEA filed the initial lawsuit after the divestiture to Spirit AeroSystems in 2005 because employees Karen McLean Mentoring and leadership development were also were denied the contract benefit of ‘bridging’ to early retire- SPEEA Communication Editor highly ranked in the survey as topics of inter- ment benefits.
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