« THE J tìg b MONTHLY ^ * " + * DEVO ZOISTIC SCIENCE; FREE T, SPIRITUALISM AND THE HARMOl PHILOSOPHY. “ Dawn approaches, Error is passing awSXffMen arising shall hail the day." No. 115. MELBOURNE, MARCH 1st, 1880. PRICE SIXPENCE. Spiritual 1741*2 the capacity of the will to accomplish many things that Wise Words from Swedenborg.......... 1742-3 Communication. 1743 Items from New South Wales............. 1744 Magnetic Healing 1744 A Spiritualistic^Funeral Service.................................................................. 1744 are deemed impossible, but in corroboration o f our own Truth versus Error ......................... 1745-0 Spirit Photographs... 1746 Rev. Dr. Hughes' Lectures ............................................................................. 1747 theory we have had much evidence, whilst of the other The Theosophical Society.............. 1747 Freedom o f mind. 1747-8 W hat is ou r nature 7 ........................................................................................ 1748 we have as yet none. It is argued by the writer that Jottings on Passing Events... .................................................................... 1748-9 Melbourne Progressive Lyceum ............................................................ 1749in relation to the atomizing and indefinite expansion of The Magnetic Sleep..........1749 A re all human souls immortal 7... 1749-50 H ealing by laying on o f hands..................................................................... 1750-1 the body, Krishna referred not to the Material, but to The Spiritualism of the Bible.... 1767 Visions in the water-glass... 1761 A Spirit's N arra tive................. 1752 Experience M eeting.............. 1752 the Astral or soul body, known to modern students of The Present Condition and Outlook o f the Religious W orld ............ 1763 occult phenomena, as the “ Double” being the internal Tiie Theosophist of October and November last contains counterpart of the physical form detachable by the an article on the “ Toga Vidya,” which appears to be the the operation of magnetism, and in some instances by Science of Psychology, as understood and practised by the simple volition o f the individual, and the acceptation the ascetics of Ancient India. This knowledge and its o f this interpretation brings the assertion within the application, though it has suffered a decadence, is not bounds of probability. Those having experience with obsolete, but many of the phenomena pertaining to it, clairvoyant media, know that not only their perceptions, are as generally recognised in India, as other facts per­ but what they believe to be themselves will pass from a taining to sciences of a less esoteric nature. closed room, travel vast distances, dive into and explore Krishna affirmed, amongst other things, the power to the ocean’s depths, enter any material stronghold, and atomize the body, the power to magnify the body, and describe minutely their surroundings. If asked if their the power to neutralize the gravity of the body as perceptions alone grasp these things, they will tell you illustrated in the phenomena of levitation. This latter theifare there, and not till their attention is called to phenomena is o f no uncommon occurrence in the east, the fact that their material body is sitting or reclining and the writer of the article we refer to doubts if the quiescent at the starting place do they realize that they “ phenomena seen by so many reputable persons would have a duplicate form. This form which passes through be seriously denied.” Spiritualistic literature teems the densest matter must be of an exceedingly plastic with evidences of the levitation of ponderable matter nature, and would doubtless be capable of both exten­ and human bodies; we have ourselves witnessed it many sion and contraction, thereby fulfilling at least measur­ times, and on one occasion corroborated our sense of ably the affirmation o f Krishna. Many o f our readers sight by placing our hands on the soles of the shoes of who are inexperienced in magnetism, will doubt the the levitated individual, and quite recently a professional existence of the “ Double,” and our affirmations gentleman of undoubted veracity, related to us instances concerning the power of Clairvoyant Mediums, we of the levitation of his two sons, one of whom had, would refer such to the works of those who have in the presence of witnesses (whilst so levitated) preceded us in Psychological experiments o f this removed a bolt from a lofty ceiling, and brought it with class, and think that in the works o f Denton, Gregory, him to the ground. Our theory for this particular Deleuze, Billot, and Cahagnet, they will find ample manifestation has been the operation of a magnetic evidence of the fact that the individual intelligence, attractive force directed by spiritual energies, by which clothed with a form resembling its physical one, can the gravity, or earth attraction, has been for the time transport itself (under certain conditions) to vast dis­ neutralized, but the writer in question goes further than tances, and that matter offers no obstruction to its this, and affirms on the authority o f Madame Blavatsky, progress. hat the individual has the power innate to “ polarize I t is o f vast importance that the rationale of these his body so as to cause himself to be ‘ light as a flake of phenomena should be more widely known, much of the cotton’ and rise into the air,” and reversing the process prejudice against Spiritualism arises from a prevailing “ make his body abnormally heavy.” Now, we are not impression that the manifestations upon which it relies prepared to deny this assertion, we have great faith in are supernatural, or at variance with natural law. I f it 1742 THE HARBINGER OF LIGHT. can be shown that these manifestations are in harmony perceive, when I come to speak o f the human soul, how with *he laws o f nature, and no more extraordinary in true it is, that in it, God alone is found to the degree He can be at all comprehended. 42. I must now, how­ themselves than many other phenomena of Physical ever, dwell somowhat on the undeniable fact that, 8cionce, it will remove an obstruction from the doors of although God is thus incomprehensible, mankind have the temple which has hitherto prevented vast numbers throughout every period of their history, made the attempt t<>-personate Him, so that their finite intelli­ from entering the vestibule; let it be as widely known gence mi^ht the better grasp the fact o f His existence. as possible, that all truly spiritualistic phenomena admit They were in a measure led to adopt this course, o f philosophical explanation, and that the word super­ through the prevalence of the external sphere demand­ natural is out of place in our vocabulary. ing materialized forms to satisfy the sensuous principle, and it is only in proportion as that sensuous principle becomes subservient to the more interior, or spiritual, WISE WORDS FROM SWEDENBORG. that the form otherwise esteemed necessary, will give place to conceptions of a higher and truer nature. CONTINUED. 43. But it must not be lost sight o f that, even under the many personal representations of the Supreme 37. W e are now to dwell upon such thoughts as have a Deity which have been in vogue among the ancient reference to the Great 8oul of the Universe, otherwise nations and people of the earth, there was a recognized called by men God ; although at different times, and by spiritual essence, which was esteemed so completely different nations, the Incomprehensible Being has been supersensual that man's intellect could not in any degree spoken o f under other designations; strictly speaking, fathom i t ; and thus in nearly every instance, in which he can only be viewed through the medium o f those it was found desirable to formulate the conception of outbirths of Hie Wisdom which constitute the visible Deity into a personality like unto man, the mind Universe. Thus, He, as a 8pirit, is embodied, and itself which contemplated that personality, also recog­ gives forth to His intelligent creatures, those expres­ nized a more diffused and exalted nature than man sions o f His Will which, when understood and oboyed, could ever lay claim to. 44. This practice, however, become to man, the starting point for higher attain­ was but an expedient after all to aid man’s intellectual ments. And as we have already remarked, there is no capacity at a time, when as I have said, the external other wajr in which the advantageous starting point is sphere predominated, and the interior life was to a largo to be attained, than in the study o f those manifestations extent yet unopened to realize the more spiritual o f the Infinite Will which are to be found in Nature, essences of the universe, and thus the Infinite in all His and your own souls. 38. Thus it is a very forcible fact, vast and incomprehensible characteristics. 45. I must that the man who devotes his time to this pursuit, will now dwell upon the attempt, which I also made myself o f necessity, advance to a position in which he can in the same direction, viz., to personate, and localize the better comprehend the so-called secrets of nature, and Supreme Author of all things. When dwelling upon thus of the essential Being of the Supremo. 39. All the many forms which material nature presents, I was of those minute, and yet perfect laws o f nature, which led inevitably to the contemplations o f man himself; are seen to be in operation in the universe, proclaim the and as I recognized in him the very perfection of forms, existence of a presiding and overruling first cause, or I was further led to see as I supposed, in what way Principle, from which, however incomprehensible it may all natural objects led up to man, and thus that the vast be thought, all things havo their origin ; but not to be universe itself did in reality, constitute one Grand Man ; understood, or computed by the finite and fallible and He the Supreme Jehovah, the sum total of all powers which man possesses.
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