Give yourself a hand against breast cancer Breast self-examination is easy, takes only a few minutes and can be performed in the privacy of your own home. It's an important way you can detect early and highly curable breast cancer. Through monthly breast self- examinations, you will learn how your normal breast tissue feels and will be able to recognize a change if one occurs. In fact, most breast lumps are found by women themselves. Take control of your body and your life. Make breast self-examination a part of your monthly routine. And see your doctor regularly for clinical exams and advice on mammography. For a free pamphlet about breast self-examination, call your local American Cancer Society. We're here to help. AMERICAN VCANCER ^SOCIETY* January 22. 1988 ^^^^1 1 M L^i A M Volume 64, Number 11 Reportage 6 tlie citv's name. Rn'OKlhR iiivcstigalc's the protests of New releases f rom f bey .\figlit Ik- BACC and the schedule of events that ( Wants and I he MikeSmiarowski Band, led to their boycott. Scoreboard 25 Ihe pros and cons of being an RA/HM Womc-ns baskethall drops two more- are discussed with several interviews games in Hamilton tournament. with students in current positions. Students in several uni(|ue majors at Rir baskethall wins two in a row; RI'I express mixed feelings about their looking for a .,")()() recoicf. field of studies, Women's hockey wins big over Brown, Hockev knocks off defending cham- A 1964 giaduate. Diuglas W, Roliiio. working for Xerox gives a sjx'ec li discus- |)ion IMattshuigh State. sing helpful hints on successful writing. Womc-n's swimming falls to I'B; Dowdall <|ualifles for NCAAs. Feature 12 Lack ot snow limits skiing hut not Departments enjoyment on cross country weekend. Letters 4 Zodiac 10 Cover Story 15 Tab Ads 28 Dc'diiation and sacrifice ate key tor Bloom County 29 giapplcrs victory, What's Happening 30 Reproview 22 Cover: Photo by: I he upcoming film Thf huh in Whitf is Rl l Wrestling, the p.ml Buckowski fllmeci in Rochester in hope of boosting L pain and the prize. REPROFILE In a ic'cent private survey I asked a great expectation of the presence of the it in. I'nfortunately. the post office on number of mv fellow students what their so-callecl college vote. That ex|K'Clation campus does not have the forms political preference was. Demociat or was never realized, and to this day the available. A campus org-ani/;ition should Republican. Although most leplied. college vote remains uniin|)orl;mt to the sponsor a voter legist rat ion drive. Once "Republican" (typical of Rll). almost seekers of public office. Let's make the vou ate registered it is e(|ually easy to everyone followed up their answer with college vote an issue ag-ain. Working obtain an absc-ntee ballot. Just call vour a statement of apathy. together we could have an impac t on the hometown lioard of elec tions and they Students are generally not apathetic u|x<)ining elections. will send you a liallot. about our political leadership. On the The nonexistent college voice is due Once you are registered and your contrary, most students hold a stiong to a varietv of fac tors. I he biggest is the absentee ballot is on the way, the next feeling for the members of our fact that many students ate living far essential tiling to do is form .in intelligent govermneut. either highlv supj)ortive or from their jx-rmanent residence and are opinion. 1 bat means taking some time- violentlv op|K)sed, Howcvei, the over- forced to vote v ia an alisentee ballot. In to lead the newspaper oi watch tlic- whelming majority of students do not addition, it is almost im|K)ssible to Ix' an eveiiing new-s. fry to determine which participate in the leadership selection informed voter for Icxal elections when candidate hiest represents your jKiint of process. Simply put. most college you are out of your hxal media's range. view. Kxiimineout the issues; determine students do not vote. With this Another problem is the fact tbat college how vou feel about them, and how the surrendered right we have lost our voice students seem to feel like they have UM) candidates do. Develop vour own in government. It is time for us to work much to do Between chesses. ever<'xisting opinion, and vote for tlie people who together and regain our voice. Alone we assignments, studying for tests, and best represent it on Novemlxr H are silent; together we are loud. A g<K>ci partving. there seems to Ix- no time to example is the recent letter-writing vote. campaign op{)osing lAP decrease's. Only Voting does not tiike much time; as a collective voice will we fie heard. being informed does. In order to vote In the 1972 elec lion, the vear after the vou must first register. It is the simplest 26th amendment to the Constitution thing in the world. Just pick up a form allowed IH-veai-olds to vote, there was .It the main |)ost otru e. till it out. and mail REPORTER MAGAZINE is published weekly during the academic year by students at Rochester Institute of Technology, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, New York 14623 Editorial and pro- duction facilities are located in Room A-283 of the College Alumni Union, telephone 716-475 2212. Subscription $4.00 per quarter. The opinions expressed in REPORTER do not necessarily takes pride in its membership in the Associated Collegiate Press and American Civil Liberties Union. • 1988 REPORTER MAGAZINE All rights reserved No portion of this magaiine may be reproduced without prior written permission from REPORTER 3 REPORTER LETTERS Magazine Thank You RIT than 45 days from the initial request of the file. Ask any student about their experiences 2. No federal funds shall fx* made available EditorinChief with the Bursar's Office, the Registrar's to an institution which denies or effec- Mils Morgan Office or Financial Aid and most of them tively prevents a student from inspecting w ill have a horror story or two. F.ven with Managinfl Editor his records. the administration's "*1 PrioRl Iv" 3. A student will he afforded the oppor- Steve Waterloo Program attempting to humanize tunity to have a hearing to challenge the Executive Editor interactions with these offices, students content of his file to insuie that no Kris Argento often come away frustrated and cynical. inaccurate or misleading information is Senior Editor Mostly the staff people behind the contained therein. Inaccurate or mis- Bill Amstutz windows and desks are pleasant, and they leading information can be corrected or News Editor will try to be helpful. Unfortunately, all too deleted through this hearing. often their hands are lied by the policies 4. Federal funds shall he denied to any James Ferme and procedures imposed on them. institution which releases a student's Copy Editor Occasionally one nins into somebody who records to anyone other than educational Marco Abundo seems to enjoy telling you that nothing can offlc ials without first seeking the student's Reporters he done, or sending you to someone else consent. Adnan Derti Kris Mamula to tell you the same thing, or saying that the Specific questions concerning the Joe Marini Rich Leverone person you really need to see is gone for Buckly Amendment may fie referred to: David Martin Kris Loomis the week. By the time your problem is Family F.ducational Rights and Privacy Act Office Mark Tiffany Barton Fiske resolved the soles of your shoes arc worn Department of Health. Fducation and Welfare Entertainment Editor out and the afternoon in wasted. This, up IVM) Independence .Avenue Lou Masella to last Friday, had been by experience with 5. W. Washington. DC. 20201 Entertainment Writer the Bursar. Registrar and Financial Aid. (202) 24.57488 Doug Jerum I had a rather serious problem, the To some students these may seem like Sports Editors natuie of which is unimportant except to trivial points, but your student record say that it was profiafily not witliin tlie Mamie Salisbury could come hac k to haunt you—Just ask Chris Martin everyday doings of Financial Aid or the almost—Supreme Court justice Bork. Sports Writers Bursar's Office. Thankfully Mr.Jim Winter It is also easv for some of you to say that of Financial Aid and Ms. Romy (iros of the Jeff Gibb since you have never been in trouble you Bursar's Office were willing to expetid a Greg House have MO record. I hope you are sure of this VJ. Pfenisse little time and extra effort in order to help liecause personally I have been mistaken Photo Editor me resolve my trouble. Considering this took place late Friday afternoon, when for a namesake two times and found my Bruce Strong record with inaccurate information. Also, Chief Photographer everyone wants only go home anyway. I am particularly impressed by Mr. Winter's and the lecent rash of harrassmeut of black Paul Buckowski Ms. (iros' helpfulness. male students by (Campus Safety slums tliat Photographers anyone at any time could find themselves I would like to thank them both very a suspect. Ken Huth much, and let them know that their help Laura Seitz By just being a suspect, innocent or was the best example of responsiveness in Paul Nisely guilty, means that you will have infor- the R.I.T. administration that 1 have ever Cartoonists mation in your student record.
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