But you will speak My words; the Law and the Prophets, to them... whether they will listen or whether they will not...and they will yet know that there has been a prophet among them. Yechetzqyah 2:7,5 YISRAYL HAWKINS You need to read this article thoroughly, and compare it with the Holy Scriptures. IT’S VITAL TO YOUR SALVATION! For Salvation You Must Seek The House Of Yahweh My Dear Friends, 27 And beginning at Mosheh; the Law, and all the Proph- If you study the articles in this month’s Prophetic Word ets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things with the inspired Scriptures of the prophets, apostles and concerning Himself. the Savior, you will see there is only one prophesied place The prophecies Yahshua referred to were prophecies writ- where you must go to obtain salvation and a place in ten about Himself by the holy prophets such as Mosheh Yahweh’s Kingdom. You will also see that there are many through Malakyah. Yahshua fulfilled every prophecy writ- religious imposters throughout the world with huge con- ten concerning Him, even the sign of the Prophet Yah- gregations that show a pretense of righteousness whose nah. For as Yahnah was in the fish’s belly three days and actions and teachings are condemned by the holy proph- three nights so was Yahshua in the grave three days and ets, the apostles and the Savior in the inspired Words of three nights. your Bible. Notice the Savior’s warning. Write for our free booklet, Was The Resurrection On .Luke 24:25— Sunday? This booklet shows one of many deceptions of Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe religious imposters that the Savior spoke of. A Good Fri- all that the prophets have spoken! day evening to a Sunday sunrise does not equal three days These are the inspired Words of the Savior saying that and three nights, and this is the only sign given by the only fools do not and will not believe all that the prophets Savior to show that He was the true Messiah. have spoken. This is not only speaking of Christian reli- .Mattithyah 12:39-40— gions, its speaking of Moslem, Hindu, Jewish—all reli- 39 So He answered, and said to them: An evil and adulter- gions. ous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Yahnah: I have had the opportunity of witnessing to different 40 For as Yahnah was three days and three nights in the leaders of these religions and they have told me that they belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days believe and teach that the prophets, whose writings are and three nights in the heart of the earth. recorded in The Book of Yahweh, were inspired and should be followed. They even told me that their early The Savior did stay in the grave three days and three fathers did worship Yahweh but somehow that all changed nights. You need to know and understand how. What the and they now worship the creation rather than the Cre- world is teaching about a Sunday resurrection is Scrip- ator, Yahweh. turally false, and proves the religions that teach it to be The Savior proved through prophecy that He was the false also. true Messiah with authority from Yahweh Who inspired This three days and three nights sign proves Who the the prophets to testify on Yahshua’s behalf. Notice true Savior is and why we should be following His teach- Yahshua’s words again. ings. It’s a marvelous prophecy that only one person has .Luke 24:25, 27— ever fulfilled; proving there is only one true Savior. Those 25 Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to who don’t follow this Savior have no sinless Savior to believe all that the prophets have spoken! pay for their past sins. Therefore, they have only eternal The Prophetic Word 2-2007 Page 1 death awaiting them because the Moon is the Day of Atonement. It shall saying; Surely My Sabbaths you shall wages of sin is death. Unless a Savior be a Holy Convocation for you. You keep, for they are a sign between Me pays that penalty of death for our past shall afflict your souls, and offer an of- and you throughout your generations, fering made by fire to Yahweh. that you may know that I am Yahweh sins, we have only death to look for- 32 It is to you a Sabbath of rest, and Who sanctifies you, and makes you ward to—no repentance and no hope you shall afflict yourselves On the holy. of conversion. Ninth of the Moon at evening; at the setting of the sun, through the Tenth of It’s plain to see, and should be obvi- the Moon at evening; at the setting of ous to any honest-minded person, that A Sign Of Obedience the sun, from evening until evening, obedience is required for salvation and you shall celebrate your Sabbath. The Sunday resurrection teaching is for the great authority that Yahweh 39 So on the Fifteenth day of the intends to give to mankind. used to teach another falsehood, Seventh Moon, when you have gath- mainly the breaking of the true Sab- ered in the fruit of the land, you must bath Day. keep the Feast of Yahweh for seven Rebellion Against The Yahweh’s Sabbaths are a sign or days. On the first day there shall be a Sabbath, and on the eighth day a Sab- Laws Brings Curses mark of obedience to Yahweh, the bath Heavenly Father and Creator of the Prisons: a booming industry in heavens, the earth and mankind. The In order to set the obedient people the US and Europe Sabbaths are a sign that Yahweh sanc- apart from the disobedient, Yahweh By Joseph Delius tifies the person who keeps them and made it a Law that those who want to For some years now, within the economically sets that person apart from the world learn complete righteousness, who advanced countries two parallel developments for a holy use. Yahweh’s weekly Sab- want to be like Yahweh, in His like- have been proceeding at an increasing pace, bath is the seventh day of each and ness, in His image, would prove it by and in direct proportion to each other: the dis- every week. It’s the same day on which mantling of social welfare systems and the showing obedience to the beautiful expansion of the prison system. The custom- Yahweh Himself rests. sign of resting on the seventh day Sab- ary justification for the billions of dollars be- .Genesis 2:1-3— bath as Yahweh did from all His Works. ing spent on the construction of new prisons... 1 Thus the heavens and the earth, Only to the obedient will Yahweh give This process is becoming more and more and all the host of them, were finished, authority over the earth and heavens. apparent in Europe. For instance, in Germany 2 And on the Seventh Day Yahweh 2.5 billion marks ($US 1.25 billion) have just ended His work which He had done, .Genesis 1:26— been allocated for the expansion of the prison and He rested on the Seventh Day Then Yahweh said: I will make man system, for construction work alone (i.e., not from all His work which He had done. in My image, according to My likeness; including overhead, administrative, personnel 3 Then Yahweh blessed the Seventh they will have rulership over the fish of or other operational costs). The objective is to Day and set it apart to be holy, because the sea, over the birds of the air, over increase prison capacity by up to 50 percent in it He rested from all the work which the cattle, and over all the earth and in the eastern German states, and by about 25 Yahweh had created and made. over every creeping thing that creeps percent in several of the western German upon the earth. states. Not only are we to keep Yahweh’s sev- Psalm 8:1-6— The same trend is evident in other Euro- . pean countries as well, particularly in Britain 1 How excellent is Your great Name enth day Sabbath, we are also to keep where current planning will require the con- His Feast day Sabbaths. in all the earth, Yahweh our Sovereign struction of at least two-dozen new prisons Leviticus 23:6-8, 21, 24, 27, 32, 39— King! You have Your glory firmly set over the next 10 years. In France the Minister . above the starry frame; the heavens. of Justice recently announced that seven new 6 And on the Fifteenth day of the 2 From the mouths of babes and same Moon is the Feast of Unleavened prisons will be built, and five of the largest sucklings strength by You is ordained, existing prisons modernized at a total con- Bread to Yahweh; seven days you must so You would still the enemy; the eat unleavened bread. struction cost of 5.5 billion francs ($US 800 avenger would be crushed! million). 7 On the first day you shall have a 3 When we consider Your heavens, Holy Convocation; you shall do no Noteworthy as these figures are, the growth the work Your fingers framed, the of the prison systems in Europe is still far be- regular work on it, work of the moon and of the stars, 8 But you shall offer an offering hind that of the “world leader” in incarcera- which were by You ordained; tion, the United States, where approximately made by fire to Yahweh for seven days.
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