0.8 — 2 ›- 3 0 C") 0,1 ¢a / NORTHWEST -3 NI TERRITORIES an 4,3 I cz I I m / ESSE 1 7-1 June cc :72 t: Vol. XXXV Oshawa, Ontario • co i • ' ‘4"?. - I vs ticSe• CANADA PR IME MINISTER • PREMIER MINISTRE Ottawa, May 19, 1966. Dear Mr. Bathe: As members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church open their 50th quadrennial World Conference in Detroit, I would be most qopreciative if you would convey to all in attendance cordial greetings from the Government of Canada, together with my own very good wishes. I am deeply conscious of Adventist interest in and efforts to promote religious freedom through- out the world. In those efforts, your Church in Canada has very wide support. I wish all of you renewed vigour with which to continue these and other church activities in the service of God and man. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Pastor J. Willian Bathe, President, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, 1148 King Street East, i fi 1 Oshawa, Ontario. • 1 From Tripoli To Tehran D. L. CHAPPELL, Secretary Publishing and Sabbath School Depts. Middle East Division of SDA Beirut, Lebanon Middle East Division Sabbath School Department Secretary D. L. Chappell (right) is shown here with local Adventist workers ina boat. on _the Nile River near Luxor, Egypt, during his promotion tour of the churches in the land of thePharaohs. Imagine that you are a reporter for fields, I can imagine how much more to help you minister to my people." your home town paper. Your editor, they are doing in other areas." While more than a third of the who was befriended by an Adventist And before you realize it, the time membership of the Middle East Div- missionary while on a recent world has passed and your hop-and-skip trip ision is in Egypt, shortness of time tour, walks into your office. After has ended, and your summary report permitted me to visit only the Cairo telling you about his experience with appears in your daily newspaper. This Evangelistic Centre at Ramses Square. the Adventist man on the other side is what your readers read: I learned that a year or so ago, the of the world, your editor says, "Jim, Beginning my recent tour of the members had a day of prayer and I want to know more about these mis- Near East in Tripoli, I learned that fasting in behalf of the Centre Build- sion-minded people. Here's a plane in all of the oil-booming, desert king- ing, which had been slated for demo- ticket which will enable you to spot dom of Libya, the Seventh-day Ad- lition by the City Planning Board, check on their work from Tripoli, ventist Church has but one mission so as to make room for a large park station in the form of a small hospital Libya to Tehran, Iran. I'll be waiting by the statue of Ramses II. For no and a sixty-member church both of known reason, the committee changed for your report and pictures." which operate in rented quarters. its plans, and settled for a smaller Overjoyed with the assignment, you Within two years, however, their new park, leaving the Adventist Centre manage to say, "Thank you, Sir, for million dollar hospital, now being con- standing — after all the unsightly this opportunity to visit the Bible structed on a nicely situated lot in buildings formerly surrounding it had lands, but I can't help but ask, Why Benghazi, will be completed—thanks been torn down! do you want a report on Adventists to ESSO and other oil companies for I had the privilege of meeting six in the Middle East countries? I under- their generous contributions to the of the forty-seven fine looking people stand that they have their smallest project. who were baptized at the Centre in membership in this part of the world," I further discovered that the loving 1965. you inquire as you begin putting im- ministry of the hospital staff is having I didn't see them, but I was told portant papers into your brief case. its telling influence for Christianity, that the Adventists have a modern "That's just the reason I want you even though the workers are unable training school and a new orphanage to visit the Middle East Division, to do regular evangelistic work. For home near Cairo. Jim," explains your alert editor. "You example, the son of a prominent By the way, I took time to spend see," he continues, "if you find that Libyan patient told Doctor Clifford three hours in the huge Cairo Museum, they are really trying to help the Ludington, "I want to take the medi- and to see the Pyramids on the plains people in those difficult and needy cal course and return to this hospital of Gaza. I regretted that limited time Official Organ of the CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE of Seventh-day Adventists, Carl Klam, Editor; Pearl I. Browning, Associate Editor. President, J. W. Bothe; Secretary-treasurer, Carl Klam. dtader,,Ien Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, 0. A. Botimer; Sabbath School and Home Missionary, W. G. Soloniuk; Missionary Volunteer, Educational and Temperance, F. B. Wells; Public Affairs, D. L. Michael; Medical, E. A. Crawford, M.D. Issued biweekly. Subscription price $2.00 a year. Authorized as second MESSENGER class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Oshawa, Ont. 238 CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER prevented my going to Luxor to see During my brief stopover in Beirut, Next, we went to see the present the Valley of the Kings and on to Lebanon, I visited the Middle East elementary school being operated in a Aswan to see the great dam being College, the only Adventist college in rented building, which is altogether built on the Nile River. that division. The instruction is given inadequate for even the present enrol- It seems that the adventists have in English, meaning that students ment. While there, I met Shandrzad found that the centre-type building is from the various countries must spend Toghrai, the nine-year-old-Moslem more practical in the Middle East a year or more studying the English girl who memorized the Ten Com- territory than is a regular church edi- language before they can begin their mandments and recited them at a fice. I was pleased to see the newly regular classes. I was pleased to know special programme in the Adventist acquired one in Jerusalem. Later I that this institution, now under the Church. visited those in Beirut, Damascus, and leadership of Kenneth Vine, Ph.D., is I am a reporter, not an educator. Tehran. The one in Tehran offers affiliated with the Adventist Loma But, when I visited the Iran Adventist various types of services for the Mos- Linda University in California. Academy at worship time and dis- lems, such as stop smoking clinics, Now that I have seen this college, covered that more than half of the English language classes, lectures, and which is beautifully situated on the students who were singing the songs films. mountain side up from the port-city of of the gospel were Moslems, I under- As in Egypt, I took time to do some stood better why Adventists operate Beirut, I can better understand why sightseeing in Jordan. Beginning in schools in mission fields. I also realized the Adventist workers I met kept Bethlehem, I followed the trail of the more fully the desperate need of the talking about their need of more Master to Jerusalem and through the proposed new, enlarged elementary streets of the Holy City, over Mt. elementary and secondary schools in school in Tehran as a feeder for the Olives to Bethany, down to Jericho, the different countries. Truly they are academy. up to Jacob's Well, and back to the needed to feed this growing college. The principal of the academy told Temple ; yes, even into the Garden of With these appeals still ringing in me that an earnest appeal has been Gethsemane and on to Golgotha's Hill my ears, I boarded the Pan Am plane made to Adventists all over the world and Joseph's new tomb. In all of this, for Iran, the land of Queen Esther. to give a special offering next June it was interesting to me to know that Adventist missionary Kenneth Hard- 25 to help build the new elementary the Adventists provide the lights for ing met me at the airport and took me school and to improve the facilities at the big tree at Bethlehem every to see the Tehran Centre, the Ad- the academy. I am confident that these Christmas. They also play carols, sung ventist Medical Clinic, and the newly mission-minded Adventists will re- by their famous King's Herald Quar- constructed Armenian Church. The spond whole heartedly to the appeal of tet of the Voice of Prophecy Radio new church was dedicated by R. R. their brethren in old Persia, one of Programme, near the Church of the Figuhr, world leader of Adventists, the many interesting Bible lands Nativity. during his visit in 1965. which I visited on this assignment. PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE Invitation ANDREWS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION REUNION to Visit Battle Creek announces at General Conference Louis Gordon, Administrator of the THE ALUMNI LUNCHEON Place: Pontchartrain Hotel Battle Creek Sanitarium and a mem- in connection with the 2 Washington Boulevard, ber of the city council, extends a Fiftieth General Conference Session across from Cobo Hall cordial invitation to delegates and of Seventh-day Adventists Versailles Ballroom visitors attending the General Confer- SUNDAY, JUNE 19, at 12:30 Time: 8 - 10:30 a.m.
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