Tyler Arboretum Tree and Shrub List 2021

Tyler Arboretum Tree and Shrub List 2021

Tyler Arboretum Tree and Shrub List 2021 Plant Common Name Location Accession # Abelia mosanensis Fragrant Abelia Barn Garden 2016-001-001 Abelia mosanensis Fragrant Abelia Barn Garden 2016-001-002 Abelia mosanensis Fragrant Abelia Barn Garden 2016-001-003 Abelia mosanensis Fragrant Abelia Barn Garden 2016-001-004 Abelia mosanensis Fragrant Abelia Barn Garden 2016-001-005 Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard' Dwarf Glossy Abelia Barn Garden 2016-020-001 Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard' Dwarf Glossy Abelia Barn Garden 2016-020-002 Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard' Dwarf Glossy Abelia Barn Garden 2016-020-003 Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard' Dwarf Glossy Abelia Barn Garden 2016-020-004 Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard' Dwarf Glossy Abelia Barn Garden 2016-020-005 Abeliophyllum distichum White Forsythia Barn Area 1990-003 Abies cephalonica Greek Fir W. Pinetum 1953-060-001 Abies cephalonica Greek Fir W. Pinetum 1953-060-002 Abies concolor White Fir Crabapples 2005-109 Abies concolor White Fir Old Arb 1998-015 Abies concolor White Fir W. Pinetum 1953-061-001 Abies concolor White Fir W. Pinetum 1953-061-002 Abies concolor White Fir W. Pinetum 1953-061-003 Abies concolor White Fir W. Pinetum 1953-061-004 Abies firma Momi Fir W. Pinetum 1959-081-001 Abies firma Momi Fir W. Pinetum 1959-081-002 Abies firma Momi Fir W. Pinetum 1959-081-003 Abies holophylla Manchurian Fir W. Pinetum 1959-580 Abies homolepis Nikko Fir W. Pinetum 1953-063-001 Abies homolepis Nikko Fir W. Pinetum 1953-063-002 Abies homolepis Nikko Fir W. Pinetum 1953-063-003 Abies homolepis Nikko Fir W. Pinetum 1953-063-004 Abies koreana Korean Fir W. Pinetum 1966-003 Abies nordmanniana Nordman Fir Old Arb 1951-028-001 Abies nordmanniana Nordman Fir Old Arb 1951-028-003 Abies nordmanniana Nordman Fir Old Arb 1951-028-004 Abies nordmanniana Nordman Fir Old Arb 1988-047 Abies nordmanniana Nordman Fir Stone House 2009-013 Abies veitchii Veitch Fir W. Pinetum 1959-083-001 Abies veitchii Veitch Fir W. Pinetum 1959-083-002 1/2/2021 Page 1 of 185 Plant Common Name Location Accession # Abies veitchii Veitch Fir W. Pinetum 1959-083-003 Acer buergerianum Trident Maple Acer Field 1980-009-001 Acer buergerianum Trident Maple Acer Field 1980-009-002 Acer capillipes Snakebark Maple Acer Field 2008-047 Acer carpinifolium Hornbeam Maple Acer Field 1985-014 Acer cissifolium Ivy-leaved Maple Parking Lot XX-2000-075 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Barn Field XX-0084 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Acer Field 1971-098-001 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Acer Field 1971-098-002 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Old Arb 1971-098-003 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Parking Lot 2003-021-003 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Parking Lot 2003-021-012 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple Parking Lot 2003-021-014 Acer leucoderme Chalkbark Maple North Woods near NWW 2006-060 Acer mono Mono Maple Old Arb 1984-012 Acer negundo 'Winter Lightning' Boxelder Acer Field 1999-059 Acer negundo 'Winter Lightning' Boxelder Old Arb 1997-133 Acer palmatum /tbd/ Japanese Maple Meadow Maze XX-1996-112 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Japanese Maple Meadow Maze 1970-002 Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Japanese Maple Meadow Maze 1970-003 Acer palmatum 'Emperor One' Japanese Maple Old Arb 1998-102 Acer palmatum 'Ogon sarasa' Japanese Maple Meadow Maze 1972-038 Acer palmatum 'Oshio-beni' Japanese Maple Stone House 1970-079 Acer palmatum 'Rosco Red' Japanese Maple Meadow Maze 1973-073 Acer palmatum 'Versicolor' Japanese Maple Meadow Maze 1972-042 Acer platanoides 'Laciniatum' Cutleaf Norway Maple Old Arb 1949-001 Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Maple Wister Rhododendrons 1993-041 Acer rubrum Red Maple Wister Rhododendrons XX-1999-094 Acer rubrum Red Maple Barn Field XX-1999-244 Acer rubrum Red Maple Barn Field XX-1999-245 Acer rubrum Red Maple Barn Field XX-1999-246 Acer rubrum Red Maple Barn Field XX-1999-290 Acer rubrum Red Maple Barn Field XY-452 Acer rubrum Red Maple Meadow Maze XX-0228 Acer rubrum Red Maple Meadow Maze XX-1996-003 Acer rubrum Red Maple Meadow Maze XX-1996-004 Acer rubrum Red Maple Meadow Maze XX-1996-005 1/2/2021 Page 2 of 185 Plant Common Name Location Accession # Acer rubrum Red Maple Meadow Maze XX-1996-006 Acer rubrum Red Maple Meadow Maze XX-1998-076 Acer rubrum Red Maple Old Arb 1999-075 Acer rubrum Red Maple Old Arb XX-1996-102 Acer rubrum Red Maple Old Arb XX-1999-291 Acer rubrum Red Maple Old Arb XX-1999-293 Acer rubrum Red Maple Old Arb XX-1999-294 Acer rubrum Red Maple Old Arb XX-2006-082 Acer rubrum Red Maple Old Arb XY-394 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-009 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-010 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-012 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-013 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-014 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-168 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-193 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-1996-246 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2001-085 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2001-130 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-063 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-064 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-065 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-095 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-096 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-097 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-098 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-099 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-100 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-127 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2002-128 Acer rubrum Red Maple Pinetum XX-2012-001 Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' Red Maple Meadow Maze 1994-003 Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' Red Maple Meadow Maze 1994-126 Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' Red Maple Parking Lot 2008-001 Acer rubrum 'October Glory' Red Maple Old Arb 1994-017 Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' Red Maple Meadow Maze 1994-004 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Wister Rhododendrons XX-2006-057 1/2/2021 Page 3 of 185 Plant Common Name Location Accession # Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Wister Rhododendrons XX-2006-058 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Wister Rhododendrons XX-2006-094 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Wister Rhododendrons XX-1999-175 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Lilacs XY-007 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Meadow Maze XX-1998-063 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple North Woods near NWW XX-1998-030 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XX-0104 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XX-2006-076 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XX-2006-081 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XY-116 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XY-203 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XY-241 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XY-243 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple Old Arb XY-348 Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain' Green Mtn Sugar Maple Old Arb 1994-123 Acer saccharum 'Legacy' Sugar Maple Meadow Maze 1995-025 Acer saccharum 'Legacy' Sugar Maple Parking Lot 2008-002 Acer saccharum subsp. floridanum Florida Maple Native Woodland Walk 2006-059 Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' Full Moon Maple Acer Field 2005-087 Acer sp. Maple Old Arb XX-2006-084 Acer tataricum Tatarian Maple Barn Field 1993-006 Acer tegmentosum 'White Tigress' Manchu Stripe Maple Lachford Area 1994-061 Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple Acer Field 1990-015 Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple Acer Field 1993-108 Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple Acer Field 2008-053-002 Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple Acer Field 2008-053-003 Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple Old Arb 2004-005-003 Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple Pinetum 2004-005-004 Acer triflorum Three-flower Maple Stone House 2008-053-001 Acer truncatum Shantung Maple Acer Field 1993-074 Actinidia kolomikta Kolomikta Actinidia Parking Lot 2005-085 Aesculus flava Yellow Buckeye Old Arb XX-0250 Aesculus flava Yellow Buckeye Old Arb XY-334 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-372 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-373 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-374 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-375 1/2/2021 Page 4 of 185 Plant Common Name Location Accession # Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-376 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-377 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-378 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-379 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-380 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-381 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 1997-382 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 2013-009-001 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Meadow Maze 2013-009-005 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Native Woodland Walk XX-1997-233 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Native Woodland Walk XX-1997-243 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Native Woodland Walk XX-2016-001 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Old Arb XX-0244 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Old Arb XY-307 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Pinetum 2013-009-002 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye Pinetum 2013-009-003 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Barn Area 2004-076-001 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Barn Area 2004-076-002 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Barn Area 2004-076-003 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Barn Area 2004-076-004 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Barn Area 2004-076-005 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Crabapples 1999-052 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Native Woodland Walk 2002-053-001 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Native Woodland Walk 2002-053-002 Aesculus parviflora var. serotina Bottlebrush Buckeye Native Woodland Walk 2002-053-003 Aesculus parviflora var.

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