Avaraga Daily Circulation For aw Moatk af Aagaat, 1041 Tha Weather Foroeoot of V. B. Wootkor B o r w 6,762 Fair and warmar toalglit; Taaa- MMnber of Ow Aodlt day cloudy, ncattcred iriiawon or thunderstorm*; cooler In after- - Bbtom of Olrealatlooa noon or evening. Struck by Shell Fragments in Suez eutrality Law’s Nazis Aver Leningrad Change Discussed Outer Defenses Cut; At Session Today (evision Considered hv| Admit River Crossed I^gistlative Leaders ^ ^OtSOU GHS Parley with Roose* I Beinit Made Russians Acknowledge German* Now Attacking velt at White House; ^ Finland May Germans in Sector Fortified Line o f Mod* Raybutm Asserts No^ MU ( Q u a n t i t y South o f Kiev; Rail ern Bunkers; Held Conclusions Reached. ____ Be Near End Junction df Kremen- Russian* with Extrfior* Washington, Sept. 15.— ^ Mystery Behind Short- chug in Nazi Hands Of Her War dinary Tenacity; Lit* Speaker Rayburn told his ' ^age in Chlorine 'Re- ‘After Days o f Fierce tie Known oh Details press conference that revi-j Fighting'; Red Armies vealed as Result of But Powerful Weapons sion of the neutrality act was Possibility Heightened liscussed by legislative lead- Speech by GenenU. Hold Firm in South. Believcfl Being Used. - ee-v-' By Declaration of Offi- srs at a conference with Pres- .Bulletin! cial There Are Good hdent Roosevelt at the White New York, Sept 15.—(*>)—The Berlin, Sept. 15.-—</P)— . Wall Street Journal said today; Moscow, Sept. 15.— (/Pj— Hopes of Peace Soon. German forces have made louse today but that no con- "The mystery behind the shortage The Red Army reported to- clusions had been reached. large penetrations through The Rpcqkcr did not disclose the In chlorine, hardest-to-get chemi- day that Germany’s heavy Helsinki. Finland. .<5ept. 15.—UP) the outer defenses guarding Idetalls of the discussion but said, cal In America, finally can be re- The State Department In Washington recently received a comrounlcaf Ion to the effect th*4 the loMses in the fighting line —The pos.siblllty that Fihland Leningrad and now are as- lin answer to a question, that there vealed. •S. 8. Arknnsen. owneil by the American-Hawaiian Ste.amship Company of New York and San' Fran- may be near the end of her war |had been "a lot of talk- about It." cisco, was struck by shell or bomb fragments during a Sept. 11 air raid on Suez, town at the Red Sea were forcing her to strip gar- saulting the toughest forti- New Leaae I.end Meaaage “The primary but hitherto se- entrance to the canal. The rommunJcstlon said nothing of the extent of damage or of casualties risons from many occupied with Soviet Russia was heighten- fied line—a ring of the moat cret reason for the shortage Is the At the same time, Rayburn said among her crew of 3* -36 Americans, one British and one Dutch. points at the rear and use ed today by the declaration of a modern bunkers held by the Ithe president would send a mes- huge and unexpected demand from government spokesman that there government arsenala for the pro- them for front reinforce- Russians with extraor^nary Isage to Congresa Thursday on the are “good hopes of peace in the ; tenacity—German war dispatqhea 1 subject of a new lend-lease ap- duction of war gases. ment.*, thus giving greater nearest future. ! “ For seversi months the chemi- rein to the Russian guerrillas reported today. Little waa knmnn Ipropriation which informed Any talk of a separate peace as to details of the battle but thvx cal industry has been trying to ex- Solons Return with Moscow waa ruled out, how- | Isources said would amount to plain the situation without giving Knox Avers Navy Will slashing at the Nazi rear- offensive was said now to be an |about $6,000,000,000. guard. ever, by Valno Tanner, minister of away a closely guarded War De- operation of powerful attacking Since President Roosevelt's or- partment secret. trade and communications and i weapons. Ider to the Navy to shoot Axis sea To Their Jobs leader of the dominant Social: “The shoidage has been obvious. Moscow, Sept. 15.—(/P)— ProgreasiDg Succeaafully . raiders on sight in American de- A score of big industries depen- Protect A ll Cargoes Democratic party, in an address i The Germans indicated that the Ifcnalve waters, there has been The first German crossing of i to the nation yesterday. dent on' it for pe'ace-time as well After Holiday battle, into which they have flung I considerable apeculatlon as to aa defense production have been the great Dnieper river south I Ally “ By Aocldent" their strongest tanks, artillery [whether outright repeal of the He stressed that Finland was an growing more and moi:e worried Fleet Given Orders ‘to of besieged Kiev was admit- and infantry and in which the air neutrality law, which forbids en- j about their supplies. ally of Germany “only by acci- force and na\y is cooperating 1 try of . American merchant ships Leader* Call for Fast Single German ted today by Soviet Russia in dent" and that this country would Poison Gas Being Produrod Capture or Destroy’ closely, was progressing success- (into cotnbat zones, might be pro- "Until the chief of the Chemical an official report that the rail continue to fight only as long^’ aa fully. i Action on Huge Rev- her interests demanded. I posed or whether the arming of Warfare Service. MaJ. Gen. Wil- Every Axis Surface or junction 6f Kremenchug, 175 Bunkers in great numbers Plane Crosses "It la for ua an entirely defen- merchant vessels would be under- enue Bill; Carrie* Sub - Surface Raider. miles below the Ukraine cap- which surround Leningrad in a taken. I (Cantinned On Page Two) ital, had fallen to the Nazis deep defensive zone were pro- A jirovision ' of the neutrality i ---------------------- Heaviest Tax Burden. (Coatiniied On Paga Two) nounced the equal of anything the law forbids the armin.g of mer- Milwaukee, Wi«., Sept. 15. British Coast "after many days of fierce fight- ing." (The Germans, however, German Army encountered in chant ahlpa engaged in commerce —</P)—Secretary Knox told France or Belrium! -with any forefgn nations after the Bulletin! some time agp claimed they cross- Miners Again Washington, Sept. 15—(J>i the American Legion’s con- ed the lower Dnieper to take Za- Some were said to have had president baa proclaimed a state Bomb* Cause Minor U. S. Mission concrete walla six feet thick but. of war exists between any coun- —PrtMddent Roonevelt report- vention today that, beginning porozhe, 140 miles airline south- ed to Congress today that east of Kremenchug.) the German* said they smashed 1 tries. tomorrow, the United States Damage, Few Casual- high velocity shells off these thick M d e r Near Oaaal Fail to Obey actual exporta of American Farther south, the Red Armies war Bupplie* to nattons fight- Navy would protect all lease- ties; Great Contrast to were reported holding firm against To Help Reds walls incessantly and that finally Amid reports that a German they yielded, the explosives ham- raider waa operating in the Pacific ing the Axis, under the lend- leia^.Gjrgoeg traversing the German attempts to cross the I Work Order leaae program, had touted Raids of Year Ago. mering through to vital internal I approaches to tha Panama Canal,' seA.“i>etiKiecn the American Dnieper while to the north great $iee.447,S7e up to Ang. 31. fighting was reported over Lenin- Is in London spots. tb* Senate Naval Committa* will TM* figure represented ex- continent and the waters ad- London. Sept 15.—(Ci—Just one About 4,500.000 phraons in th* be asked to decide whether there jacent to Iceland.” The Navy grad and on the land *tad aea ap- Leningrad region are trapped in Hard G>al Men Disre- penditure* for weapons and year ago the German air offensive prokchea to Russia’s second city, should be an Investigation of the other dupplles actually seat chief described the Atlantic fleet’a Halt* fo r Slop-Over an area of about 1,900 square North Atlantic shooUng clash be- gard Union I-eaders abroad. order* In unequivocal language— against Britain reached Its peak lee Plaaes Fight la Duel miles, the equivalent of' a spec* tween the U. 8. 8. Greer and a U- "to captlire or destroy" every in the most savage aerial battle The Russians said 100 planeaj Talk*; Wing of Royal roughly 44 mUea on each side, Ger- hoat. For Third Time; Re- Washington, Sept. 15.—(g^— Axis surface orj sub-surface raid- the world has known—a battle fought in the latest duel over | man informants said. .............. C^bairman Walsh (D-Maaa), Who er encountered. which the British say coat the Leningrad, with the Germans flee- < Air Force Already I* Oaa Take City House by Hona* summoned the committee to meet opening C ollapses." Members « f Congress got back on Ax’oidt Word "Convoj-" Nafis 187 planes. ing after losing 17 ftiachines. I The besiegers, they said, have Wednesday, said ha would ask it the Job .^today after an extended The Soviet afternoon communi- On Eastern Front. the power to take the city houae Although Knox avoided the par- In sharp contrast with that epic to question Secretary of Navy Hazleton, Pa.. Sept. 15—(*5 — legisiative holiday, and leaders struggle was a government an- que again reported merely that by house, and If this is necessary Knox and Admiral Harold R. ticular word “convoy” his an- For the third time more than 10,- called for fast action on the un- nouncement today that only one the Red Army fought the invaders London, Sept.
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