WNIB Program Schedule March 1971

WNIB Program Schedule March 1971

RO RAM WNIB 9 .1 fm British Industries announces its entry into the electronics field. a new, limited production line of receivers, amplifiers, and tuners, featuring measurably superior performance, consistently high quality and utmost reliability. OMPLET /NE EXCLU IVEL Y Beverly Near North Morton Grove Oak Park 2035 W. 95 th 48 E. Oak 5700 W. Dempster 7045 W. North 779 -6500 337-4150 967-6690 383-7006 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10 AM 6 PM; MONDAY & THURSDAY 10 AM - 9 PM BERG "Wilhelmus von Nassouwe" - Concertge­ bouw Orch (Telefunken A-2899) (rec. 11/30/38) PROGRAM SCHEDU ANDRIESSEN "Magna Res Est Amor" -Concertgebouw Orch (Telefunken SK-3085) (rec. 4/9/40) NIB 97.1 fm March, 1971 RUDOLF MENGELBERG "Salve Re­ gina" - Jo Vincent, s; Concertgebouw Orch (Tele­ funken SK-3084/5) (rec. 4/9/40) STRAUSS Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40 - Philharmonic-Sym Orch of New York (Victor M- 44) (rec. 12/11-12-13-14/28, in Carnegie Hall) WNIB Program Schedule is published by Radio Station WNIB, 25 East Chestnut, 9 PM MAHLER 4 Songs from "Des Knaben Chicago, Illinois 60611. Phone: 337-5252. Subscription rates: one year $5. 00; Wunderhorn" (Das irdische Leben; Verlor'ne two years $9. 00; thJ;ee years $12. 00. Muh'; Wo die schoenen Trompeten blasen'; & Rheinlegendchen) - Yvonne Minton, ms; Chicago Sym/Georg Solti (Lon CSA 2228) BRAHMS 8 Piano Pieces, Op. 76 COVER: Willem Mengelberg, Dutch conductor of the Concertgebouw Orchestra (Capriccio inf#; Capriccio in b; Intermezzo in of Amsterdam, 1895-1945. The 100th Anniversary of the birth of Mengelberg Ab; Intermezzo in Bb; Capriccio inc#; Inter­ (March 28, 1871) is being commemorated on WNIB this month with a series of mezzo in A; Intermezzo in a; & Capriccio in C) daily programs. Please see article on Page 11 and daily listings for further - John Lilli,p (DGG 2530 059) details. TCHAIKOVSKY Serenade in C, Op. 48 - USSR Sym/Yevgeny Svetlanov (Mel/ Ang Photos courtesy of Coneertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam, and Netherlands In­ SR 40150) formation Service, Holland, Michigan. DVORAK String Quartet in C, Op. 61 - Juilliard String Quartet (RCA 2524) TUESDAY 2 MONDAY 1 Pierre Dervaux (Ang 36286) 10 AM KUHLAU Piano Concerto in C, Op. 7 3:55 RESPIGHI Church Windows - Phila- -Felicja Blumenthal,p; Salzburg Sym/Theodore 10 AM TCHAIKOVSKY Capriccio Italien, Op. delphia Orch/Eugene Onnandy (Col MS 7242) 45 - USSR Sym/Yevgeny Svetlanov (Mel/ Angel Guschlbauer (Turnabout TV-S 34375) DEBUSSY String Quartet in g, Op. lO SR 40150) BEETHOVEN Sym #4 in Bb, Op. 60 - -Drolc Quartet (DGG 139 369) New York Phil/Leonard Bernstein (Col MS 7412) LISZT "Dante" Piano Sonata - David DELIUS "Cvnara" for Baritone and Bar Illan, p (RCA 2943) Orch - John Shirley-Quirk, bt; Royal Liverpool· l> BERLIOZ Harold in Italy, Op. 16 - Phil/Charles Groves (Ang S 36603) 11: 10 ROSSINI "La Regata Veneziana"(cycle Joseph de Pasquale, va; Philadelphia Orch/Eu­ of :J songs)-Henata Tebaldi, s; NewPhilh/Richard gene Ormandy (Col M 30116) 5 PM CHOPIN (born on this date in 1810) Bonynge {Lon OSA 1282) "Les b'ylphides" - Royal Opera House Orch/Sir MENDELSSOHN Venetian Boat Songs 11:20 SCHUMANN Duets ("Er und Sie"; Malcolm Sargent (Cap SP 8670) (#1, Op.19#6; #2, Op. 30#6; #3, Op. 62#5; & #4, 11 Wiegenlied11 , "Ich bin dein Bawn, o Gaertner"; CHOPIN Songs: "Charms''; "Dumka"; Op.102#7)-Ania Dorfmann,p (RCA 6128) "Schoen ist das Fest des Lenzes"; "Herbstlied"; "The Wish"; & "Spring"-Oda Slobodskaya, s REICHA Wind Quintet in C,Op. 91#1- & "Tanzlied")-Janet Baker, ms; Dietrich Fis­ (Delta DEL 12006) James Galway, fl; Lothar Koch, oh; Karl Leister, cher Dieskau, bt; Gerald Moore, p (Ang S 36712) CHOPIN Introduction & Polonaise, Op. Guenter Piesk, bsn; Gerd Siefert, hn (DGG ELGAR String Quartet in e, Op. 83 - 3 -Janos Starker, 'c; GyorgySebok, p (Mer 50405) 2530 077) Jesse Tryon, vn; Peter Dimitriades, vn; William CHOPIN 3 Mazurkas: in ct Op. 63#2; Gromko, va; Marjorie Neal, 'c (Classic Editiona' in a, Op. 7*2; & in C, Op. 24#2 - Ivan Moravec, p 12 PM FRITZ Sym in G, Op. 6#3 - Lausanne cs 1030) (Connoisseur Society CS 2019) Chamber Orch/Jean Meylan (Swiss Composers CT 64-4) 12 PM SHOSTAKOVICH "Hamlet" Incidental 6 PM ROSSINI "Semiramide" Overture - HAYDN Trumpet Concerto in Eb - Music- Boston Pops/Arthur Fiedler (RCA 3130) Philh/Carlo Maria Giulini (Ser S 60058) Timofey Dokschiter, tr; Moscow Chamber Orch/ PADEREWSKI Intermezzo Polacco; DONIZETTI Arias from "La Favori­ Rudolf Barshai (Mel/Ang SR 40123) Mazurka in A; & Minuet in G - Ryszard Bakst, ta": "0 mio Fernando" - Shirley Verrett, ms· TELEMANN Suite in D for Hunting p (Muza XL 0097) (RCA 3045); & "Spirto gentil" - Luciano Pava­ Horns & Orch - Raliye Louvarts de Paris; DVORAK Selection of Slavonic Dances, rotti, t (Lon OS 26087) Paillard Chamber Orch/Jean Francois Paillard Op. 46- Cleveland Orch/George Szell (Col MS FRANCK Symphonic Variations for (Erato STU 70357) 7208) Piano & Orch - Leon Fleisher, p; Cleveland PURCELL "King Arthur" Music - Orch/George Szell (Epic LC 3330) Collegium Aureum/Reinhard Peters (Vic VICS l PM THE WNIB LIBRARY #1431\ FAURE Bereeuse,Op.16 - Jean 1432) WIENIA WSKI Violin Concerto # l in Pierre Hampal, fl; Lily Laskine, harp (Epic LC f#,Op.14; &BRUCH Scottish Fantasy, Op. 46 - 3917); "Clair de lune" - MattiWilda Dobbs, s; 1PM THE WNIB LIBRARY #1437 Michael Rabin, vn; Phllh/Sir Adrian Boult (Ang Gerald Moo.re, p (Ang 35094); & Pavane, Op. 50 MOZART Ei.ne kleine Gigue in G, K. 35484) -Royal Liverpool Phil/Charles Groves (Cap 37 4; CHOPIN Berceuse in Db, Op. 57; SCHUMANN SP 8699) Schlummerlied,Op. 124#16; Vogel als Prophet, 2 PM CHOPIN (born on this date in 1810) Op. 82#7; & Traeumerei, Op. 15#7; MENDEL­ 'Cello Sonata in g, Op. 65 - Paul Tortelier, 'c; 7 PM NEW CLASSICAL RECORDINGS SSOHN Spring Song, Op. 62#6; GRIEG Butterfly, Aldo Ciccolini,p (Ang s 36591) Op. 43#1; French Serenade, Op. 62#3; & To the CHOPIN Piano Concerto it2 in f, Op. 8PM THE MENGELBERG CENTENNlAL Spring, Op. 43if6; DEBUSSY Clair de lune; The 21 - Alexander Uninsky,p; Hague Phil/Willem Tonight we begin a month-long series Golliwogg's Cake-Walk; La fille aux cheveux de van Otterloo (Epic LC 3610) of daily programs in commemoration of the 100th lin; & Jardins sous la pluie; SCRIABIN Poem in anniversary of the birth of Willem Mengelberg F#,Op. 32#1; & Prelude in E, Op.15#4; HAVEL 3 PM MASSENET Highlights from "Thais"- (born March 28, 1871}. Please see article and Jeux d'eau ~ Walter Gieseking, p (Ang 35488) Jacqueline Brumaire, s (Thais); Christiane Gay­ listings for complete details. (Tonight's pro­ raud, ms (Albine); Michel Dens, bt (Athanael); gram produced by Don Tait.) 2 PM SMETANA (born on this date in 1824) Rene 'Duclos Cho; French National Opera Oreb/ DUTCH ANTHEM/Au. MENGEL- "The High Castle" from "Ma Vlast" ~ Berlin 3 Phil/Herbert von Karajan (DGG 139 037) 9 PM RACHMANINOFF Piano Sonata #1 in State Opera Oreb/Giuseppe Patane (Cap SP 8671) SMETANA Trio in g, Op. 15 - Trio d, Op. 28 - John Ogdon,p (RCA 3024) VERDI Arias: "Eruani involami" from di Bolzano (Vox PL 10440) RUBINSTEIN Viola Sonata in f, Op. 49 "Ernani" - 'Anita Cerquetti, s (Lon 5274); & · SMETANA Festive Sym - Czech Phil/ - Georgiy Bezrukov, va; Anatoliy Spivak,p (Melo­ "Morro, ma prima in grazia" from "Un Balio Karel Sejna (Cr 22-16-0192) diya 005 203 P) (imported) in Maschera" - Elena Souliotis, s (Lon 26018) JANACEK Sinfonietta, Op. 60 - Chi­ Rl'.MSKY KORSAKOV Concertstuecke 3:30 VERDI Arias: "Da Gusman, su fragil cago Sym/Seiji Ozawa (Ang S 36045) for Clarinet & Band - Lev Mikhailov, cl; USSR barcu" from ''Alzira" - Montserrat Caballe, s IVES Trio for Violin, 'Cello & Piano - Defense Ministry Band/Leonid Dunayev (Mel/ (RCA 2995); "Ah si, ch'io sento ancor ..• dal piu Paul Zukofsky, vn; Robert Sylvester, 'c; Gilbert Ang SR 40108) remoto esiglio" from "I Due Foscari" - Luciano Kalish,p (Col M 30230) COPLAND An Outdoor Overture - Pavarotti, t (Lon OS 26087); & "Ella giammai London Sym/Aaron Copland {Col MS 7375) amo, .• Dormiro sol nel manto" from "Don Car­ lo" - Norman Treigle, bs (West 17135) 7 PM THE MENGELBERG CENTENNIAL WEDNESDAY 3 (Tonight's program produced by Don 4 PM SCHUMANN Fantasiestueck, Op. 12 Tait, Bob Wolf, and Bill Holmes.) - Artur Rubinstein, p (RCA 2669) 10 AM MOZART Serenade #6 in D, K. 239 SUPPE "Poet and Peasant'' Overture FRANCK 'Cello Sonata in A - Guy ("Serenata Notturna")-Berlin Phil/Karl Boehm - Concertgebouw Orch (Col 9075-M) (rec. 5/11/ Fallot, 'c; Karl Engel,p (RCA 3144) (DGG 2530 082) 32) MOZART "Laut verkuende unsre HALVORSEN Festival March of the 5 PM POULENC "The Model Animals" Freode", K. 623 - Werner Krenn, t; Tom Krause, Boyars - New York Phil (Victor 6464) (rec. Ballet- Paris Cons/Georges Pretre (Ang 36421) bt; Edinburgh Festival Cho; London Sym/Istvan acoustically, 4/16/24); SCHUBERT Marche CHARLES "The Green Eyed Dragon" Kertesz (Lon OS 26111) Militaire ill in D - Concertgebouw Orch (Tele­ - John Charles Thomas, bt (RCA LPV 515) BEETHOVEN Piano Sonat.a #21 in D, funken SK-3243) (recording date unknown) FRIML Donkey Serenade from "The Op. 53 ("Waldstein")-Gary Graffman,p (Col M HUMPERDINCK Prelude to "Hansel Firefly" - Jeanette MacDonald, s (RCA 2908) 30078) & Gretel"- Phil-Sym Orch of New York (Victor IBERT The Little White Donkey - 74:i6) (rec. 1/14/30) Jase ha Heifetz, vn; Brooks Smith, p (RCA 2856) 11 ANI SCHUBERT Sym #5 in Bh, D. 485 - TCHAIKOVSKY Marche Slav, Op. 31- HORVATH Squirrel Dance - Andras Berlin Phil/Karl Boehm (DGG 139 162) New York Phil (Brunswick 50072) (rec.

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