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Optometrist F-68 • I I Name. EYES EXAMINED I GLASSES FITTED Address- I OPTICAL REPAmS I City. I I State- -Zip- I 212 S. Michigan 234-4874 I I KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS. BOX 90, SYRACUSE, N. Y.1320 1 j The Scholastic SCHOLASTIC Oct. 11, 1968 / Notre Dame, Indiana / Vol. 110, No. 4 EDITORIAL THE RESIDENCE UNIVERSITY / William Cullen 8 A NEW FEATURES "RESIDENCE UNIVERSITY" AND "CHRISTIAN Sound COMMUNITY" / Father Theodore M. Hesburgh .... 15 THAT'S VERY INTERESTING, FATHER, BUT WE WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU ANSWERED THE QUESTION / Thomas Payne 18 THE RESIDENCE UNIVERSITY: "LONELINESS, ISOLATION A NOW AND SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS?" / Bill Sweeney ... 20 Sound BEING A SHORT HISTORYE OF THE REBELLIOUS DAY DOGS / John McCoy 23 ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN, HOME AGAIN, STUDENT / Charles Wordell and Thomas Henehan 24 WOULD YOU WANT YOUR BROTHER TO MARRY A BARAT GIRL? / Kathy Carbine and Joel Garreau 26 WSND's HOMECOMING QUEEN 1968 28 AND WHAT OF THOSE WHO DWELL IN HOUSES OF Fall Fun CLAY / Tony IngrafFea 30 THE 51ST STATE OR HOW WE WON THE WAR BABY / Festival Phillip Kukielski 33 DEPARTMENTS LETTERS 6 IN PASSING 10 Progressive ON OTHER CAMPUSES 12 Rock Music Ed/tor-m-c/i/ef / WILLIAM CULLEN Manoging Editor / TIMOTHY UNGER Aisociafe Editors / JOEL GARREAU, THOMAS HENEHAN, TONY INGRAFFEA. MARTIN MdNAMARA Art Director / DAVID HESKIN Copy Editor / JOHN DUDAS Photography Editor / DENNIS MALLOY Art Editor / RICHARD-RAYMOND ALASKO Sports Editor / WILLIAM SWEENEY World news Contributing Editors / FRANK BLUNDO, KATHLEEN CARBINE, THOMAS PAYNE Business / PETER MclNERNEY and sports Circu/ation / TIMOTHY SCHLINDWEIN Public Relations / RICHARD LAVELY Faculty Advisor / FRANK O'MALLEY Contributors / JAMES FULLIN, PHILLIP KUKIELSKI, RICHARD MORAN, STEVEN NOVAK, KATHLEEN SHEERAN, JOHN WALBECK Campus news Writers / Perry Aberii, George Arkedis, Marilyn Becker, Edward Bocik, James Boland, Thomas Booker, Barry Breen, Kathy Callan, James Coburn, Adrienne Coyne, Michael Fallon, David Finley, Joseph Furjanic, Kathy Gibbons, Burke Giblin, Cynthia Golan, Terry Goodwin, Maureen and sports Gore, Donald Graham, Len Groszek, Robert Haight, Mark Hannahan, Lynne Hauck, Robert Keefe, David Kennedy, Robert Mendes, Larry Mulcahy, Timothy Murphy, John Norton, John O'Hara, Michael Schaffer, Robert Search, Mark Seeberg, Raymond Serofin, Douglas Simon, Jody Tigani, Joseph Tynan, Robert Vadral, John Zipprich. Copy and Layout / Sergio Baeza, John Conroy, Kerry Durr, Margo Endres, Susan Jonney, David Hirschboeck, Steven Krchma, Timothy Monnion, Andrea Magozzu, Suonn Malone, James McCann, David Mikelonis, Charles Nelson, Keith Polka, Lee Patterson, Mel Welsey. Artists and Photographers / Douglos Allaire, Mortine 640 khz. Bethards, Zack Brown, Terry Dwyer, Steve Kogge, James MacDonald, Michael McCleor, Fred Quiros, Ole Skarstein, Stefanie Stanitz, Richard Walsh. Business and Circulation / James Grady, Robert McGrath, Jon Tocks, Mark Keorns, Bob Burke. Turn us on/ Second class postage paid at Notre Dome, Ind. 46556. The magazine is represented for national advertising by iNationol Educational Advertising Services, 360 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10017. Published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examination periods, the SCHOLASTIC is printed at Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. The subscription rate is $5.00 a year (including all issues and the FOOTBALL REVIEW). Please address all manuscripts to the SCHOLASTIC, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. AH unsolicited material becomes the property of the SCHOLASTIC. October 11, 1968 letters The SCHOLASTIC welcomes letters spelling and the vulgar pun using regrettable evidence. from its readers on all topics of cur­ Rossie's and Luking's names, the ref­ John Norton rent concern. Letters should be ad­ erence to the "owies" from the 421 Zahm dressed to William Cullen, Editor- Grotto kneelers, etc., ad nauseam) in-chief; Scholastic; Notre Ba'tne, are all ploys which he probably still CHASING SHADOWS Indiana, 46556. uses on his high-school students. I EDITOR: considered such actions insults to my "I am an invisible man. No, I am intelligence when I was fourteen not a spook like those who haunted THE KEEN EDGE years old and I'm surprised that he Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of EDITOR: thought he could get by with them your Hollywood ectoplasms. ... I I enjoyed Mr. James Swann's in an open letter to a group of uni­ am invisible, understand, simply be­ letter in your October 4 issue. It was versity students. cause people refuse to see me." Elec­ a very clear, cogent, well-reasoned He takes a "take it or leave it" tion year is upon us again, and for and articulate destruction of Mr. attitude on four out of his nine the first time, I will be able to vote Rossie's platform and the entire pro­ points under his REACTIONS. His for a presidential candidate. Like gram of the more radical elements stance is "Notre Dame — Right or the protagonist in Ellison's Invisible at Notre Dame. I have often thought Wrong" and it seems as if the stu­ Man, I feel invisible — almost ne­ what Mr. Swann wrote, but I've dent body had enlisted. We are in­ glected by the choice at the polls — never been able to hone my argu­ dentured for four years to an insti­ as most Afro-Americans have been ments to the keen edge he showed. tution more important than the in­ made to feel since their emancipation I applaud him. dividuals within it. His language from slavery. Only recently, have I also want to applaud your ef­ may be pretty effective at intimidat­ we, as a whole people, begun to be fort to capture the Non Sequitur of ing high-schoolers, but all the locker- visible. It has taken boycotts, dem­ the Year Award vdth a really ex­ room oratory in the world can't deny onstrations and riots to produce ef­ cellent job of attempted character- that problems do exist on this cam­ fect. But it would appear that our assassination. Unfortunately, any­ pus. Swann either blames these prob­ visibility is again wearing thin. As one who reads Mr. Swann's letter lems on the students or refuses to evidence of this, examine for your­ and has a mind open enough not to acknowledge them. He becomes self the main attraction at the box reject it automatically will see your ludicrous as he implicates Rossie, office this November. comments for what they are. Luking and Cullen with "students In one corner of the ring, we have J.
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