Vol. 9, No. 3 BBIRDIRD CCALLSALLS November 2005 Avian Influenza Spreads: Role of Wild Birds Debated IN THIS ISSUE Endangered Species Act ecent outbreaks of the Transmission from human to human Faces Extinction? Bill passed avian influenza type ‘A’ has only been recorded in very rare by House weakens ESA protec- R virus, known as H5N1 or cases, and in those cases the disease tions. See story page 3. “avian flu” are causing worldwide has not progressed past the second concern. All subtypes of type ‘A’ individual. Unless the virus mutates Hurricanes Pound Gulf influenza viruses occur naturally in to be readily transmissible from Coast—Sixteen refuges in wild birds, particu- human to human, Louisiana, Mississippi, and larly waterfowl, most the risk of a major Alabama temporarily closed. causing little or no human outbreak is See story page 5. threat to the health low. Most human of birds or people. infections currently However, H5N1 is respond to drugs an especially viru- commonly used to lent and contagious treat human influ- strain, and was first enza strains, though recorded in domestic resistance to those poultry in Asia. It has American Bird Conservancy strongly drugs has been re- since spread to some opposes the culling of wild birds, such as corded in Vietnam these Brant, in response to H5N1. Photo: wild birds in Asia Gary Smyle. and may become a and Eastern Europe. more significant fac- It has also infected tor in the future. more than 100 people and caused ABC’s Position the deaths of 61 of them. Almost all See page 5 for photo caption. human cases to date have been trans- American Bird Conservancy strong- mitted from poultry, and there have ly opposes the culling of wild birds ABC Project News—Projects been no recorded instances of trans- and the draining of wetlands in re- underway to improve and pro- mission from wild birds to humans. sponse to H5N1. The best science, tect habitat in ABC’s domestic as well as common sense, indicates and international programs. Wild Birds and H5N1 that these actions are impractical, See stories page 9. Whereas wild birds may play a role and could even result in an increase in the spread of this disease, the in the spread of the virus by causing Recorded calls appear to early spread through Asia appears to birds to disperse more widely. The confirm existence of Ivory- more closely track the commercial World Health Organization and the billed woodpecker. Record- movements of domestic poultry. If United Nations Food and Agriculture ings made public, new search to begin late this year. See migratory birds were the key factor Organization have also taken this story page 12. in its movement, outbreaks could position. also have been expected to occur in Effective control of the disease Hawaiian birds to receive areas where they have not yet been should instead first focus on the new federal funding. ‘Alala, recorded, such as the Philippines, domestic poultry industry, includ- other endangered endemics to Taiwan, and Australia, which lie ing: stringent global monitoring benefit. See story page 13. along regular migratory pathways for programs; immediate culling and Asian birds. Nonetheless, recent out- correct disposal of infected flocks; breaks in China, Russia, and Eastern For complete list of stories, see limiting contact between domestic page 2. Europe may be linked to wild bird movements. Continued on page 4 BIRD CALLS NOVEMBER 2005 BIRD CALLS NOVEMBER 2005 Arkansas Water Projects Controversy CONTENTS Avian Flu: ABC’s Position 1 rkansas’ Grand Prairie is bi- Arkansas Water Projects Controversy 2 sected by the White River a Endangered Species Act Under Attack 3 number of miles from where Battle Against Carbofuran Continues 4 A Hurricanes Pound Refuges on Gulf Coast 5 the Ivory-billed Woodpecker was re- Gulf Coast Parks Opened to Energy 5 cently rediscovered, and where FWS Exploration is now spending upwards of $17 mil- American Kestrel Rebounds in 2005? 6 Navy Airstrip Plans on Hold 6 lion protecting habitat for the species. Seabird Deaths on Both Coasts 7 An Army Corps of Engineers project Marine Toxins Impact Arctic Seabirds 7 that will remove 150 billion gallons First Range-wide Survey for Least Terns 8 of water each year from the river to Colorful Pufflegs Thrive at New Reserve 8 irrigate rice fields has recently been ABC Expands Andean Reserve Network 9 New Domestic Habitat Projects at ABC 9 approved, and is now being chal- Condors Stomach New Threats 10 lenged in court by The National and EU Ban on Wild Bird Imports 10 Arkansas Wildlife Federations, who Jimmy Buffett Supports Home for 11 Endangered Parrots cite potential harm to Ivory-billed Ivory-billed Woodpecker, from American Ornithol- Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act 11 Woodpecker habitat as a reason to ogy, (published 1800s) by Alexander Wilson and Horicon Marsh Wind Farm Advances 12 halt the project. The Army Corps of Charles Lucien Bonaparte. Recorded Calls Appear to Confirm 12 Engineers submitted a biological as- Ivory-billed Woodpecker $14 Million For Hawaiian Bird 13 sessment to FWS, contending that the all partners should work to maintain Conservation project would not damage wetland the seasonal hydrology as close to New Colombian Species Discovered 13 habitat, and won the right to proceed natural conditions as possible. At this Mallard Removal from Hawai’i 14 Study Links Outdoor Cats to Mental 14 following a court case earlier this stage, it is clear that this will likely Illness in Humans year. Congress has since appropriated be achieved through a combination Birds in Brief 15 $12 million dollars of altering or halting Flame-winged Parrots Flock to New 16 Nest Boxes for the project, mean- pumping activities ing that work on the ABC believes that all and discharge regimes pumping stations can from upstream dams. Abbreviations begin any time. Jim partners should work to ABC: American Bird Conservancy Another proposed FWS: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bodron, the project maintain the seasonal project would dredge manager, was quoted a nine-foot-deep in the Washington hydrology as close to channel in the lower Bird Calls is the newsletter of Post as saying, “This natural conditions as American Bird Conservancy and White River to ac- project has no signifi- the Bird Conservation Alliance. possible. commodate year- cant negative envi- Editorial Committee: George Fenwick, round barge traffic. Mike Parr, David Pashley, Perry Plumart, ronmental impacts.” Gemma Radko, Gavin Shire, Although the project George Wallace. The hydrology of the White River is has alarmed conservationists due 1731 Connecticut Ave, NW, 3rd Floor also governed by outflow from previ- to its potentially negative impacts Washington, DC 20009 202-234-7181/fax 202-234-7182 ously constructed upstream dams, on seasonal wetland hydrology, wa- E-mail: abc@abcbirds.org and the entire system is now subject ter quality, sedimentation, and the Web: www.abcbirds.org to significant human manipulation. course of the White River itself, BIRD CONSERVATION ALLIANCE www.birdconservationalliance.org The currently proposed project will there seems to be little probability Director: Alicia Craig remove approximately 2% of the that it will be approved and com- acraig@abcbirds.org river’s normal flow. Some claim that pleted. Contact: Arkansas Wildlife Officers: Chair: Jim Kushlan this alteration may dry out Ivory- Federation, <awf@aristotle.net>, jkushlan@earthlink.net Vice Chair: Greg Butcher billed Woodpecker habitat while or The Army Corps of Engi- gbutcher@audubon.org others believe it may aid in restoring neers, www.mvm.usace.army.mil/ the normal hydrology, thus benefiting grandprairie/contact_us/default.asp. the woodpecker. ABC believes that Bottomland swamp forest. Photo: Clark Jones/ Cornell Lab of Ornithology 2 3 BIRD CALLS NOVEMBER 2005 BIRD CALLS NOVEMBER 2005 Endangered Species Act Faces Extinction? Key Provisions of H.R. n a move that could significantly 3824 That Weaken the weaken the Endangered Species Endangered Species Act IAct, the U.S. House of Represen- tatives passed the deceptively-named Eliminates Critical Habitat (CH) des- Threatened and Endangered Species ignation, which sets aside both land Recovery Act of 2005 (HR 3824). currently occupied by an endangered The 229 to 193 vote occurred on Sep- species and areas that can be restored tember 29th. An earlier vote on an to allow for future recovery and range alternative, offered by Congressmen expansion. H.R. 3824 replaces CH with George Miller (D-CA) and Wayne poorly-defined ‘areas of special value.’ The lack of specificity on this issue Gilchrest (R-MD), and supported The Brown Pelican is one of the many species that leaves the door open to varied interpre- by a broad coalition of conservation has benefitted from the protections of the Endan- gered Species Act. Photo: Gary Smyle. tation, thus hampering enforcement. groups, including ABC, was narrowly defeated by a margin of 206 to 216. Eliminates mandatory consultation Among H.R. 3824’s most disturbing between government agencies and The Threatened and Endangered Spe- changes are the elimination of man- endangered species experts at FWS, re- cies Recovery Act was introduced datory habitat protections in favor of placing them with voluntary measures. by Congressman Richard Pombo voluntary measures, the elimination This would enable registration of new (R-CA), Chairman of the House Re- of oversight by endangered species toxic pesticides or the re-registration of sources Commit- experts in the pesticides previously deemed unsafe without biologists ever being given the tee, and Dennis registering of …ABC and other conservation opportunity to review data, comment, Cardoza (D-CA). hazardous pes- or influence the process. The legislation groups will be working to ensure ticides, the abil- was strongly op- ity for political Allows the Secretary of The Interior to that any new bill strengthens pro- posed by environ- appointees to unilaterally disregard scientific evidence mental groups, tections for endangered species unilaterally and overturn decisions regarding en- dangered species, with no recourse for wildlife enthusi- overturn sci- rather than weakens them.
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