KFI -TV STRIKE WOV FILM Advance sale in 15 Settlement With TVA Seen Italy Production Planned WOV New York, the AM markets indicates the FOUR - MONTH old Television only sta- Authority strike against KFI -TV tion in America to have its own popularity of this great Los Angeles seems headed for set- studios abroad, establishes another tlement following meetings last first when it goes into production TV sports show! of television films. Contracts were week between TVA officials and last representatives of the new owners signed week for documentaries as well as TV film spots to of KFI -TV, General Tire & be Rubber produced in Italy by WOV-Rome Co. for the Buitoni Macaroni Union at the first exploratory Corp. "TOUCHDOWN" Claire Mann of WJZ -TV New meeting presented a contract ac- York, currently in Italy, will cepted the other local nar- by six TV rate the English -language docu- stations to management represent- mentaries, which will be used for atives to familiarize them with it, Mr. Cueto (1) discusses plans educational indoctrination of Amer- and at a later meeting sought to ican Buitoni employes as well as t- clarify various points of the con- with Guiliano Gerbi, also of WOV- 6,3(A Rome. y for Buitoni -sponsored shows to be tract. Further meetings are ex- telecast throughout the U. S. First pected to be held this week. films will be shot at the company's Meeting with union executives KTTV SUIT plant in San Sepolcro and at their Peter Prouse, TVA West Coast Court Filing Expected chocolate factory in Perugina, executives; Ken Carpenter, chair- NOTICE of $150,000 suit is ex- Italy. man, West Coast section, TVA na- pected to be filed this week against Segments of the documentaries, tional board, and Wayne Oliver, KTTV(TV) Los Angeles and with new sound tracks dubbed in, field representative, were Norman others by three attorneys for Mor- will be edited into TV spots, which Ostby, vice president in charge of ris Braun, MGM property man, will be used to promote the spa- Highlights of the top college foot- station relations, Don Lee Broad- who charges lifting of a television ghetti firm's products by empha- ball games played each Saturday casting System, and Tony La script [BROADCASTING TELECAST- sizing local color and tourist at- across the nation. 13 -week pro- Frano, program manager, Don Lee. ING, Aug. 27]. Mr. Braun alleges tractions in Italy. gram, first release Sept. 24th. Negotiations between the union the KTTV Batter Up program is Plans call for use of WOV-Rome mobile equipment -which now Commentary on this 30- minute and the former owner of the sta- patterned after the television script pro- vides from one to one and a half show is handled by "By" Scram. tion, Earle C. Anthony, owner of for his Play Ball program idea. KFI - AM, ceased about three Three others named in suit are hours of taped radio fare daily for months ago when both parties met Bill Welsh, m.c. of Batter Up; Sam New York audiences -to provide TOUCHDOWN is currently entering a deadlock over the issue of a closed Herrick and Art McCautry, direc- trucks and cars for the film crew its fourth consecutive year of shop. tor and producer, respectively. of 10 technicians. Television staff collegiate football coverage.* Al- will be supervised by George these Cueto, director of WOV -Rome, and ready scheduled by alert Con stations. production will begin immediately. Additional television films to be WOR TV SQUARE Dec. tlols Goal by WOV in Italy now WMAR-TV WBNS -TV WDSU -TV shot are be- "TELEVISION Square," the new WOR -TV New York building and ing discussed, Ralph Weil, WOV WNAC-TV WFAA -TV WTVJ -TV general manager, explained, but no WGN-TV WXYZ -TV KSL -TV the first in the city to be constructed exclusively for television, will be completed a month ahead of schedule commitments have yet been signed. WCPO-TV KTSL WOAI -TV and ready for occupancy Dec. 1. Considered one of the most up -to -date American film stars vacationing in WEXL-TV studios extant, the structure is WAVE -TV KING -TV reported to have cost about $1,250,- Italy will narrate or emcee the 000. English - language productions, This show is not available for The two -story, block -sized build- however. alcoholic beverage sponsorship Square" has a light board that in- ing was designed with the help of dicates all entrances to the build- television engineers to stress the ing with lights that flash when COLOR IN DETROIT requirements of television produc- any door except the main entrance tion. Located on the Upper West is opened. The signal- accom- WJBK -TV Demonstrates Don't miss this great op- Side of the city, the brick and con- panied by a buzzer sound-remains DETROIT newsmen and CBS - crete structure will have all Columbia Inc. dealers took portunity to include one facili- in operation until the door is closed their ties for "live" shows on its first and secured. Thus trespassing or first look at CBS -color television of America's most closely - floor with film work areas on the intrusions that might interrupt a last week when WJBK -TV Detroit followed shows on your second. show in progress will be minimized. gave a closed circuit demonstration fall TV line -up! Three production rooms, each a Film vaults, cutting and editing of the CBS color program The self -contained unit with its own rooms, film projection rooms, a World and You at the Detroit Ma- announcer's booth, control room, small studio for newscasts, and a sonic Temple. PHONE! sponsor's booth, and rehearsal master control room will occupy the Reaction of the viewers, CBS room, will be on the ground floor. second floor. described, was " highly enthusi- WRITE! Two of the studios contain 4,000 astic." Bettelou Peterson, TV editor square feet of floor space each and Many of the distinctive features of the Detroit Free Press, was WIRE! the third, equipped with an audi- of "Television Square" came about quoted by the network as stating ence balcony, measures 6,000 square as a result of cooperation between "We were all very favorably im- WOR -TV and its competitors. -Audition prints on request- feet. Two makeup rooms and six pressed with the color show . .. the dressing rooms skirt the studios. 'We went to engineers at CBS, entire color production was much A 5,000 -foot area for the loading, NBC, ABC, and DuMont," Charles easier on the eye than black -and- unloading, and storing of scenery Singer, WOR -TV assistant chief en- white", while Detroit Times Re- and properties runs the length of gineer who is in charge of the con- porter Irmengard Pohrt said, struction, explained, "and asked them "Color television has already prov- the first floor, with doors at each what mistakes they had made in TEL Ra end large enough to admit delivery en to be much more realistic 'than building studios so that we could cinema trucks, and cars or any livestock avoid them. We also asked them what technicolor..." that might be used on shows. installations they would make if they PRODUCTIONS Each studio will be equipped with were about to design a new studio. 27 counterweighted battens for A lot of what is in our building is a TELEFILM, INC. 1518 Walnut Street hanging lighting equipment or tem- result of those talks." COMPLETE FILM PRODUCTION Philadelphia 2, Pa. porarily storing scenery near the Work on the structure was be- FOR ceiling, above camera levels. Some gun last spring and when it is TV SPOTS -PROGRAMS All Production Steps PHONE 150 pieces of lighting equipment finished it will consolidate nearly will be used to illuminate each all WOR -TV production activities In One Organization 5 6039 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Kingsley -8540 studio. in its near -50,000 feet of floor The main lobby of "Television space. HOLLYWOOD 9.7209 Page 68 September 3,1951 BROADCASTING Telecastint, .
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