Ai xlMinistry of Hoinc A4ffair.& PrIrov.nial Cnuncils; awnilthe Western Provincial Council Public Disclosure Authorized Government of Sri Lanka EnviironnievitziAssessment of a ,andfil] Site at CGailuhiapitaMarsh, Welisara -IE R . M en Public Disclosure Authorized 3, :1 Public Disclosure Authorized April1f99x49" -:'M lb AR l 34 ,., -1 Public Disclosure Authorized ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ,,~~ER Ministry of Home Affairs & Provincial Councils; and the Western Provincial Council Government of Sri Lanka Environmental Assessment of a Landfill Site at Galudupita Marsh, Welisara April 1994 Reference 2283 For and on behalf of Environmental Resources Management Approved by: : 4 ! 7 Position: ^ w> Date: l i( l Thisrepon has been prepsed by Erviromertal Resotrces Managenet, meuading name o1 ERL ErFwrornrWal Resorrces Lhined, wk al reasonableskil careand di gencewm te terms ofIe Cortradwfih the cr incorporaungouw General Terms an Codlots of Bushss andtalng accoql of meresorces devotedlo l by aueemeswah De dbie. We scLainany responsIiy to mecler andoers hi respectof ay mnaersrislde te scopeof fe above. Tlis reportis confikerxtto te cke and weacepl no responsABiyof whasoeverrnaure to td pats to wttomtNs repot or ar panUweoo. Ismade klown. Anysuch paty res Lvon t re lalet ow1n rtsk CONTUS 1 INRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND 1 1.2 SCOPE OF THE EM 2 1.3 APPROACH TO THE EIA 3 1.4 CONSULTATIONS 4 1.5 LAYOUT OF THE ELA 5 2 POUCY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 8 2.1 LNTRODUCT7ON 8 .2 LAWS GOVERWINGEA OF DEVELOPMENTPROJEC7S IN SRI LANKA 8 2.3 LNsTITuTIONAL STRUCTURERELATING TO ENIWRONMENTALPROTEC770N 9 2.4 PRIVATE SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN SOLID WASTEMANAGEMENT 13 3 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 17 3.1 INTRODUCTION 17 3.2 CURRENT WASTE MANACEMENT SrIUATION 18 3.3 'No ACTION' ALTERNATIVE 25 3.4 OPTioNs AND TECHNOLOGIES 26 3.5 FEASIBILJ7Y OF OPrIONS AND TECHNOLOCIES 28 3.6 THrEPROPOSED OPTION 32 3.7 SnI SELECTION 33 4 DESCRTON OF LANDFILL DESIGN AND OPERATION 39 4.1 INTRODUCTION 39 4.2 OVERALL DESIGN PHILOSOPHY 39 4.3 KEY CONSTRAINTS 40 4.4 CONCErPTFOR SITE ENGINEERING 43 4.5 OPERATIONAL IssuEs 48 4.6 PHASED AND PROGRESSIVEDEVELOPMENT AND RESTORATION 51 5 DESCRPON OF THE WEUSARA SITE 54 5.1 INTRODUCT1ON 54 5.2 CLIMATE 54 5.3 TOPOGRAPHYAND LANDSCAPE 56 5.4 GEOLOGY 58 5.5 SOaO-CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT AND LAND USE 60 5.6 HYDROLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOCY 64 5.7 BIOLOGICAL ENviRONMENT 68 5.8 TRAFFIC 75 5.9 AIR QUALI7Y 77 5.10 NOISE 78 6 ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IPACTS 84 -I 6.1 INRODUC70N CC4 6.2 Soc0-CULTURAL ENVRONME&NTAND LAND USE 84 6.3 HDROGEOLOGVAD IMHROLOGY 89 C 6.4 BIOLOGICAL FAcroRs 94 6.5 AIR QUAN %T 6.6 TRAFFC 97 6.7 AESTH7C APPEAL 102 6.8 NOISE 105 C 7 MMIGAT7ON MEASURES AND MONTORENG PLAN 108 c 7.1 IN7RODUC77ON 108 7.2 MITGATION MEASURES 10O8 e 7.3 MONrIORING PLAN 113 ANNEX A ENVIRONMENTAL REV7EW OF THEBASELINE ROAD TRANSFER STA77ON ANNwrEXB TERMS OF REFERENCEFOR SELECTINGSITES ANNEX C RESETTLEMENr PLAN I ANNdEXD PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ANNEX E WASTE ANALYSIS DATA ( ANNVEXF BACKGROUNDINFORAATION ANNEX G SELECI7oN OF THE WEuSARA LANDFILL ST ANNEX H TRAFC COUNT DATA C ANNEX I OFF-SFrE HYDROLOGICAL IMPACrS OF LANDFILL DEVELOPMENT ANNEX J PROPOSAL FOR THE ESTABLISHM4ENT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL UNMTWIlTN ( THE WESTERN PROVINCIAL COUNCIL ANNEX K LIST OF REFERENCES ( 1- .~~~~~~~~~ ;* C I TIITRODUC77ON w1.1 BACKCROUND This Environmental Asscssment has been prepared by ERM as part of the SWM component of the Colombo Environmental Improvemeni Project (CEEP), proposed for funding by the World Bank. It has been prepared on behalf of the Mini'try of Home Affairs and Provincial Councils (MHAWC), and the Western Provincial Council (WPC) of the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL), the project proponents. Coordination of the CEIP is the responsibility of the Metropolitan Environment Improvement Programme of the Ministry of Policy Planning, and Implementation (MPPI). The SWM mz.oniponentcovers the following activities: Activity 1: development of a management and organisation structure for municipal solid waste management, including model ik contracts for private sector participation, propuoals for institutional strengthening and the identification of the requirements for solid waste management infrastructure (initially identified as a transfer station and a landfill site). Four district councils will be identified for the introduction of pilot schemes for private sector involvement in waste collection, transfer, recycling and disposal "'. * Activity 2: geotechnical investigations of sites proposed for the solid waste management infrastructure. • Activity 3: preparation of conceptual designs for the proposed solid waste management infrastructur. * Activity 4: preparation of environmental analyses of sites proposed for solid waste transfer and final disposal facilities and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) incorporating the results of Activities 1-6. • Activity 5: development of a strategy for the management of solid (industrial) wastes arising at Biyagama and Katunayake ] Export Processing Zones (EPZs), including consideration of appropriate disposal options, together with the preparation of conceptual designs and identification of sites for proposed transfer/disposal facilities. * Activity 6: development of a hospital waste management system, including a Master Management Plan and consideration of appropriate transport/disposal options for hospital waste, 4 Al the time ol writing, lour pilot projects,in threelocal aulhoties, lor prvate sectorInvolvement in wasle collectionhave been identirled. ENrOtW4TAL Ruoucs MANAW Govuw or So LA-a (GoL) 1 together with the preparation of conceptual designs and identification of sites for proposed transfer/disposal facilities. ( In addition, as an extension to the above activities, ERM has carried out ( research into the availability and technical/environmental attributes of six potential landfill sites for the disposal of solid waste arising from the Colombo Metropolitan Area, leading to the identification of the selected site C at Galudupita Road, Welisara in the Gampaha district of the Westem Province. ( An InceptionReport covering all the original prescribed activities (Activity 1-6) was submitted by ERM to the GOSL (MEIP/IMPI)and the World Bank in August 1993 (1). Two other reports have also been submitted to date, in October 1993 and March 1994,which provide evaluations of alternative landfill sites for solid waste disposal () t3). The present report is prepared on behalf of the project proponent (MHA&PC C and WPC of the GOSL) and provides the final EIA for the landfill site proposed to serve the disposal needs of the Colombo Metropolitan Area over the next 15 years. The ElA report forr1as the output of Activity 4. *~~~~~~~~~ 1.2 SCOPE OF TH ES The disposal site for solid waste is proposed to be a single landfill site at C Caludupita marsh, in the Welisara area, located approximately 10 km north- * east of central Colombo. The landfill is planned to have sufficient capacity to ( dispose of the solid waste arisings from the Colombo Metropolitan Area for at least 15 years. This landfill site is the focus of this draft EIA, within the broader context of solid waste management for the Colombo Metropolitan Area. The overall solid waste management system will also include one or more transfer stations, through which a proportion of the colle-nedwaste arisings will be processed for cost-effectivebulk delivery to the landfill site. A transfer station site to serve the landfill has been selected at BaselineRoad. Its availabilityhas recently been confirmed by the Colombo Municipal ( Council (CMC). The potential environmental impact at the transfer station site is addressed in this draft EIA, in the context of road transport of waste to the landfill site, and an envirorunental review of the overall operation of the c site is presented in Annex A. Over the operational life of the landfill, a variety of factors, including changes to the pattern of waste generation, could indicate the need for further transfer station sites to optimise the overall cost of delivery of wastes o Solid Waw MmnqainwlCFompon?: Co1nboMetvdian Ar Imte,Jrdgl Pmtjm.Sn ILui. Inwtiaal Rqefl Environmental Reoum M.nagemwnLAugust 1993. a Solid Wage M wgeat:t CGmpxmt: COW6f Mgmhditm Arm E sIvnmiLaPojms. Sn L1.b RmSi of Poetiv I LAmdfiZSun, EzwironmentalResoiure Managemenl. Cdober 1993. a Sdid Was Mmwuguai Comwi; CnlomwtE£noanma Pnmvt Sr; Lmbu Sdatim md Pralnvory En£.mtd1 Ra.. of Wduim LaundJilSite, Environmental Rmaoumu Managent. March 1994. { ENVLONWAL RSsoUs MAJAG&W C*OVEMaTco Ssu LAwA (GoSL) 2 _a to the landfilL Site selection criteria and draft Terms of Reference for the studies necessary to identify and investigate such future sites are included in Annex B of this draft EIA. w 1.3 APPROACHTo IHE EL4 w 1.3.1 Integration with the Conceptual Design _ The initial concept for the design of the landfill site, including the approach proposed to engineer the site and address the key geotechnical, design and operational aspects (see ERM report, dated March 1994(1), has been used as the basis of the ETLA 1.3.2 Consideration of Environmental Impacts The design and method of operatiokiof the site are key factors in establishing the effects which the proposed landfill may have on the local and wider environment. The design and EIA of the landfill site are inter- linked, where mnitigationof the potential environmental impacts forms,an integral part of the design process. _ The environmental aspects considered in the draft EIA have been prepared __ in accordance with the World Bank Operational Directive (OD) 4.01 (October 1991)and the relevant GOSL legislation -). The description and evaluation of the potential environmental impacts are addressed under the following M,|headings: _|ll 0* socio-cultural factors; _. -* hydrogeology and hydrology; * biological factors (flora and fauna); AN. -* air qu-lity; _ a* traffic; a * aesthetics; _W *noise; _Aw~ A preliminary environmental review of the proposed site carried out by _RW ERM (3)has identified the key environmental issues related to thL development of the landfill site.
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