10 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER CORY, VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 28. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1952 SECTION ONE-^PAGES 1 TO 16. Walker & Tindall Stratton Opens Two Fair Haven Grossinger & Heller Buy Agency Special Requests Optometry Office Must Be in Early Second National Make 9 Sales in Places Sold by Permanent license plates for FAIR HAVEN — Dr. Edward W. the next year have greatly In- Stratton opened an'office at'his creased the demand lor special Red Bank Area home, 654 River rd. here, Tuesday VanHorn Agency number reservations. Miss Edith for the practlce'ofVoptometry. .... Wenulng at tlio local license Bu- Selects Beekman New York Businessman Asbury Park and reau reminds all those who have been In tlio luibll of requesting * • — / Buys Place at a special minilwr to present their Newark Couples applications with tho fee at the Minncsink Park Buy Choice Properties earliest ]H)»sll)lu dull!. Net Earnings of Local Bank It should also be remembered Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Rose have Thomas J. Smith, member of the that Iho cur miiHl luivu had tlio purchased the property of Miss Well-known Red Bank law firm- of second period 1UD1 Inspection be- increase 223 Per Cdnt in '51 Mary T. Cotter on Mohawk ave., Parsons, Labrecque, Canzona "* fore (lie. reservation may be ac- Mlnneslnk park, Middletown town- Combs, has purchased ' the lake- cepted. -•- ship, and have taken possession. front home of Mr. and Mrs, Rob- Thu 1053 plnlcs will be blade Alston -'Btekman, Jr., Rumsasf rd., Little Silver, attorney with o« v Mr. Rose Is in charge of produc- ert C, Stanley, Jr., located at MS with orungo diameters, and will River rd., Fair Haven, fronting on havo facilities for inserting jt'iir- Riverfront Place Qces,at 10 Broad st,, was added tj tion control with J, P. Stevens and the directorate of the Second Nay company, a textile house in New Shlppee's pond. The dwelling was ly murkiirs. AppllcatloiiK for all built and occupied several years types of registrations and nlso tional Bank and Trust company, ai) York city. The house has four bed- the 'annual meeting of the share* rooms and bath, with large paneled ago by Windsor. Shlppee. tlio applications for drivers' li- At Locust Sold by censes nmy bo submitted in ad- holders Tuesday morning at the) living room and lire place, paneled The sale was effected by Joseph banik building. dining room with large combination F. Hunter of the Ray VanHorn vance us a convenience to the kitchen and breakfast nook. A lav- agency, Fair Haven realtors. publlo so that there will be no McCue Agency atory and. large front and back The grounds include a sizable delay In picking up tho licenses porches complete the first floor, Mr, after Mar. 1. Wherever special Short Hills Executive tract of rolling, terraced land, com- Victor E. Grossingcr Milton Heller ' and Mrs. Rose have Extensive plans manding an attractive wator view license plates lire requested they for redecorating, which has been and providing a delightful setting will, of course, be available only Buys Former Duane Tho Grosslnger & Heller agency, the representation to assuro un- when that particular number is partially completed, Walker & Tin- for the seven-room residence, which Broad and Mechanic sts., this week broken service to clients. dall were tho brokers, with Harold Is of Dutch Colonial design. There reached in ri'frultir Ht'qtiencc. Hillsite Estate 1 announced the purchase of the Victor E, Grossinger and Milton 'H, Baynton the salesman, Is also a two-car garage on tho Heller, ilrm members, havo main- Tlio bureau In upiHi tram 0 ft. Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. McGlnnis of grounds. William E. Halph insurance agency m. to 4 p. iiL, except Saturdays, One of tho finest waterfront es- of 623 Palmer avc., Middletown. tained offices here for more than when It opens ut 9 n. in. and tate, properties lias changed owner- ' Dunellen have purchased the prop- Mr. and Mrs, Smith, who form- 25 years where the Ralph agency erty of Lieut. Comdr. Albert W. • Dr. Edward W. Stratton erly resided in Asbury Park, have The Ralph ogonoy, established by closes at noon. ship in the sale by John C. Rafter ho former • .Middletown lownshlp has been merged. A member of tlic of his home at Locust to Richard Wharton and Mrs. Wharton on Wil- recently taken possession of their board of freeholders, Mr. Grossin- son circle, Country Club estates. A graduate of Pennsylvania State newly acquired home, Mr, and Mrs, asScsforr has boon operated by Mrs. A. Hammer of Short Hills. Joseph College of Optometry, Dr, Stratton ger is a life-long resident of Mid- McCuo, Rumson realtor, nego- Mr. McGlnnis Is a practicing drug- Stanley have moved into Jhjlr CJnJrV-T. Ralph since her husband's dletown township and a former gist in Dunellen. They have com- also attended Syracuse university, riverfront home on Grangi-j^ve.,, Librarian tiated' the sale. , 'death about three years 'ago. The member of tho township commit- Tha late James M. Duane dc- pleted the re-decoratlon of the en- Born at Ocean Grove, he graduated which they also purchasedMn'rough- agency was a representative, of the tire interior' and are now occupy- from Neptune High school, where the Van Horn agency. •-. ,*v '.'•'• ' tee. Mr. Holler Is a life-long resi- •velopqd the property many ycara he was a two-year lettcrman as end Hartford Insurance 'company dur- dent of this area, * . Announces New ago. It was sold by his son, Rich- ing the property. Walker & Tin- Mr, Hunter was also the brok- ng its entire existence and arrange- dall were the brokers and Harold on the football team. er In the sale of the Goorgo M. Grossingcr and Holler also ac- ard B. Duano, in 1946 to the pres- ments have been completed by quired the Howard S. .Higglnson ent owner, who made very extens- H. Baynton the salesman. A veteran of World War II, in Larrlson property located on the Mr; and Mrs. Chris D, Glannell, cast side of Harrison avc,, Fair Grossinge'r and Heller to continue agency of Red Bank in 1010. Discussion Group lvo alterations and Improvements. which he served as a Navy gunner's Embracing about five acres /of proprietors of the Caramel Sweet mate, Dr. Stratton Is married to the Haven, which was bought by Mr. Exploring American shop, Broad st., have purchased and Mrs, John M. Cain of Newark. high, rolling landscaped grounds former Alta Fisher of Johnstown, It includes 375 feet frontage on the the property of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Pa. Mr. Cain Is an executive in the New Begin March of JDimes. Idea to Be Topic of ward M. Wller of 193 Bergen pi. Jersey Bell Telephone company, Naveslnk river, with a similar The house is of frame and stucco with ofilccs in Newark. • • • Meeting Jan. 17 frontage on Naveaink River rd, Kx- combination, with a two-car un- tenelyo views' of the Atlantic ocean The house is of two-story design, and countrysido are afforded from attached garage on a large land- New Rug-Dye Kit with elx rooms, hot water, heating FREEHOLD—The Monmouth this location. : . scaped plot, For many years Mr. & system and porches. A two'-cjir: gar- County Library commission is Alston Beekman, Jr. Mrs. Glannell have resided in As- age is 'situated on the landscaped 'sponsoring a discussion'group on Tho"jqs(donce is of frame con- bury Park, and more. recently on To Hit Market grounds which are approximately the topic, "Explorin"Eli g thth o AmorlAl- strius'lbn'-tand contains 13 rooms, The meeting was marked by one ftfurt'tllod baths and two powdnr Wallace st. The house Is nicely 100x300 feet in size. -j• • oan Idea." There will be : of the largest representations of docorated with largo living room and discussion of,books In cxploA- rooms;- It adjoins tho J. M. Huber shareholders In the history of the -• and fire place, dining room, kitchen In This Area tlo.n .of tho fundamantal^princlplcs ;es'fate-.and is opposite the homes bank. : Many shareholders were "*. and breakfast'nook, and large, en- of'American tradition, and the pro-', 'drRichard M. Duane and Christo- present! In person. Approximately " closed front porch on the first floor. Page Announcement Taylor to Seek \ gramtkeynoto will'be what as.ln- pher Story. The new owner, who 354,000 shares were represented out recently retired as a trustee of The second floor contains three dlvldunls we can do to safeguard of a possible 520,00p.-7 ,-' bedrooms and bath. Mr, and Mrs, To Appear Jan. 17 and to nourish this great Inherit- John Wanamaker & Son, with which department store he was as The first order" of business was Glannell and new baby are occupy- 3d Term on Bdard ance, Increasing the size oftthe board ing their new home. Walker & Tin- In The Register soclated with for many years, plans LITTLE SILVER — Lester W. Tho scries of readings for the to take, possession of his now hold- from seven to eight members, and dall were the brokers, with Har- Taylor of 43 Woodbine ave..will group discussion will be given free in addition to Mr. Beekman, all the old H. Baynton the salesman.. A new rug-dye kit will make Its ings Apr. 151 debut In Bed Bank and vicinity seek re-election to his third term to any borrower of Monmouth former directors were re-elected. Another sale just closed by the soon. Housewives in this area will on. the local board of education. county library that wishes to par- The other directors are Weeber.
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