GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER & DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER ZUNHEBOTO : NAGALAND. NO: ELE-zBTO/CDI -OZ I 2OL9 I ZBTO, DATED THE 15TH MARCH 2019 ORDER Requisition of staff for polling duty- updated after Medical Board held on 16th March 2019 ln continuation of order of even no. dated 13th March, 2019 and in pursuance of the power conferred under section 26 & 159 of representation of People Act 1951, I Shri. Shanavas C, IAS Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Zunheboto hereby requisition the following Officers & staffs as polling personnel ( enclosed updated list alter medical board held on 16th March 20L9)for performance of polling duties in connection with conduct of 17th Lok Sabha Election 2019 as per Annexure. Further, they are deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission of lndia (ECl) and sublected to control, superintendence and discipline of the Election Commission and are directed to report for first phase of training as indicated in annexure. En closed :(As stated) (SHAN C) IAS Deputy Com oner & DEO Zunheboto aga la n d. TH E 16TH MARCH 2019 NO : E LE-ZBTo/CDT -O2I z0rs I ZBTO, DATED Copy to :- 1. The Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland for information. 2. The Commissioner, Nagaland, Kohima for information. 3. The AEO, Zunheboto for information. 4. The HODs of all the concern departments for information & necessary action. 5. The person concerned for information & necessary action 6. Office copy. 11 \6 Deputy Co toner & DEO Zunheb aga la n d. PARTIAMENTARY ELECTION 2019 LIST OF PRESIOING OFFICER SL,NO Na me DESSIGNATION DEPARTMENT CONTACT.NO A/C ENROLLED 1, T HEKISHE SEMA AHO HORTICULTURE 94 3 6604801 29- Ja ngpetkong 2 VIKHETO ASSUMI AHO HORTICULTURE 9862537703 36- Satakha 3 MYNGTHUNG BEMO ,T TAXES DEPTT 9862A2812a 4 Vizo kho lie Kesiyie AUDO(Additional charge) URBAN O FFICE ZBTO 5 Temsumeren AO PGI GHSS 9089230355 29 Ja ngpetko ng 6 Jweni Tep PGT GHSS 7 005687 87 A 12 Tseminyu 7 supongchiba PGT GHSS 8862683241 2s A/C 8 Sunil kumar PGT GHSS 9436427517 Bihar B.N Deo PGT GHSS 9436658283 UP 10 Wopenthung PGT GHSS 7005083797 wokha 11 Manpong PGT GHSS 96L32863571 MKG 1,2 P.Kughalu GT GHSS 961,5494496 3s A/C 13 G. Natovi GT G HSS 8118 9 70 631 33 A/C 14 N.To ku ho s hohe GT GHSS 9 612 66 5 109 32 A/C 15 Vikishe H Chishi GT G HSS 7005688067 16 P.K.lha GT G H55 9 0890 2 919 3 Bihar ),7 Kito lkiba GT G HSS 700s1792s5 3s A/c 18 Atoka Chishl GT GHSS 82s696119s 3s A/c 19 Chipiku Awomi GT GHSS 96t53347465 3s A/C 20 V. Khe kuto sema GT G HSS 3s A/C 21 Dovito GI G HsS 3s A/C 22 Yesuho PT G HSS 3s ^/c 23 Atozhe HT G HSS 9862444217 Dima pu r 24 lmsu mere n Ja m ir APO DPO 7630831986 27 25 N. Chuba Phom APO DPO 9862418007 s0 A/c^/C 26 T. Ma ho H u mtsoe A,S,O DSO.SERICULTU RE 946247147 6 39 A/C 27 Er.Ato ho Achumi EE DPTT.OF POWER 700s660389 36 A/c 28 Er. lnavi Sema SDO DPTT.OF POWER 857 577 7537 34 A/C 29 E r. Re n benth u ng H u mtsoe JE DPTT.OF POWER 8119887695 40 AIC \\ t q The above shall report for first phase training on 18th March, 2019 at 10 AM. Venue- cHSS, Zunheboto. For Presiding officer and 1st Polling Officer U PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION 2019 LIST OF PRESIDING OFFICER SL.NO Name DESSIGNATION DEPARTMENT CONTACT.NO A/C E N ROLLE D 30 E r.Ongathung Ovu ng JE DPTT,OF POWER 8258895340 38 A/C 31 L.G hokuto Sema sDo PWD,HOUSING 9814624853 36 AIC 32 G. N ikheto JE PWD,HOUSING 8413938765 32 A/c 33 Ahovi Zhimo JE PWD,HOUSING 9 613 887 017 3s A/C 34 N.Hukato Zhimo JE PWD.HOUSING 8731969043 36 A/C 35 Ka kiho Sumi ,]E PWD,HOUSING 8187 482361 35 A/C 36 Hoito 5DO DSCO.SOIL DEPT 9436260929 Dima pu r 37 Hotoshe JSCO DSCO.SOIL DEPT 9862401914 Dima pu r 38 Kh u kiye Sema B. D.O RD AKU HAITO B LOCK 9862751722 32 A/C 39 Kato ho Zhimo SO RD-AKUHALTO BLOCK 9862222212 32 A/C 40 Vizheto Su pe rvisor CDPO,ZBIO 9856915556 Dimapur 4L Be nja m in Su pe rvisor CDPO,ZBTO 7005356511 Dimapur 42 lnnoto 5u pe rvisor CDPO,ZBTO 94 3 6 601006 Dima pu r 43 K.5 hekiho P h u leshe PD RD-ZBTO 9436002519 34 A/C 44 K.INAVI CHISHI PO RD-ZBTO a1320947341 31 A/C 45 Er. G hon ito EE RD ZBTO 87 2981,0329 P ugho boto 46 H ez heto lAo RD-ZBTO 33 AIC 47 V.Vikugha Sema DPO D PO-LAN D R ESO U RCE 7005634614 s/32 Alc 48 K.Ta keeth lmchen Asst.Contro er Consumer Protectio n office ZBTO 49 Peiha u Nsa ra ngbe DCO CU LTU RAL OFFICE-DCO 9436017725 7 PERE N A/C 50 Ahika ARO CU LTU RAL OFFICE-DCO 9774744866 Dima pu rll 51 H uskha EE WATER R ESO U RCE DPTT,ZBTO 52 Ahoto Chish i sDo WATER RESOU RCEDPTT.ZBTO 9862545118 4-Gaspa nih 53 ER.SADEM KABA OZU KU M SDO WATER R ESO U RCE DPTT,ZBTO 7005425467 54 Z. H u kato Sema DAO AGRI.OFF CE ZBTO 93 66115 5 15 3s A/C 55 Cha ngsa ng Chuba SDAO AGRI.OFFICE ZBTO 8787885443 3s A/C 56 Ng ugh a to ]E PWD R&B ATO ZU 7005266tO2 33 A/C 57 Ye kivi ,JE PWD R&B ATO ZU 9862 7 6 6188 32^s/c n 58 Hekato ]E PWD R&B ATO ZU 986248887 2 32 A/C t The above shall report for first phase training on 18th March, 2019 at 10 AM. Venue- GHSS, Zunheboto. For Presiding officer and 1st Polling Officer tl V PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION 2019 LIST OF PRESIDING OFFICER SL.NO Na me DESSIGNATION DEPARTMENT CONTACT.NO A/C ENROLLED 59 Agoto JE PWD R&B ATO1ZU 9612a45682 32 A/C 60 Lu h eto SO PWD R&B ATO ZU 951285 9 3 88 31 A/C 61 Viwoto SO PWD R&B ATO ZU 9436244703 32 A/C 62 Yeshika SO PWD R&B ATO ZU 977 4381677 32 A/c 63 Kheto i SO PWD R&B ATO ZU 87 2998857 5 32 A/C 64 Mughakheto SO PWD R&B ATOIZU 33 A/C 65 Vitolu Aye SO PWD R&B ATOIZU 32 A/C 66 otto SO PWD R&B ATO ZU 8794289585 32 A/C 67 Kish ito SO PWD R&B ATOIZU 32 A/c 68 lh oto SO PWD R&B ATO ZU 32 A/C 69 Bed u kho Ch uzho 5R LECTURER DIET.ZBTO 943 60 7 6063 23 A/C 70 Aosungkum LECTURER D IET ZBTO 9436007 L91 22 AlC 71 Satheesh Kumar LECTURER DIET-ZBTO 9436642403 VILAVAN CODE 12 G. Kheghoto LECTURER DIET-ZBTO 98s6835461 32 A/C 13 S. Kh utovi Sema DEO Dist. Ed d. Off ice 74 Z. Nitovi Sema HM Dist. Edd. office 9672248940 36 AlC 75 Khe hoshe Zhimo AHM Dist. Edd. Office 9862581611 35 ^lC 16 K ih ovi AHM Dist. Edd. Office 961244\491 33 A/C 77 M.Hekuto AHM Dist. Edd. office 87 299s6302 36 A/C 78 Las n uya pa ng PGT Dist. Edd. Office 857 5811249 28 A/C 19 Temsumern PGT Dist. Edd. Off ice 90892303s5 29 A/c 80 Supongchiba PGT Dist. Edd. Office 985654338 2s A/C 81 Manpong PGT Dist. Edd. office 9672863277 3s A/C 82 Zuthonglo PGT Dist. Edd. Office 7085606970 3s cA/c 83 Temsuwati PGT Dist. Edd. Office 9436016442 84 Nihoshe PGT Dist. Edd. office 9 612341080 36 A/C 85 Om pra kash Mhta GT Dist. Edd. Office 9612244914 36 A/C 86 A.K.Chaubey GT Dist. Edd. Office 897 48687 32 36 A/C 87 P.Sa m ue l Sumi GT Dist. Edd. Office 7085961083 36 A/C .\ 88 Pukhalu H Sumi GT Dist.Edd. Office 94027 65252 36 A/C \ \ ,, r4 b The above shall report for first phase training on 18th March, 2019 at 10 AM. venue- GHSS, Zunheboto. For Presiding officer and lst Polling Officer PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION 2019 LIST OF PRESIDING OFFICER SL.NO Name OESSIGNATION DEPARTMENT CONTACT,NO A/C EN ROLLED 89 sk.lha GT Dist. Edd. Office 961,263831,2 36 A/C 90 Ka khe ho Zhimomi GT Dist. Edd. Office 8131925509 3s A/C 91, Bohoto H J himo GT Dist. Edd. Off ice 9612859126 32 A/C 92 Vis he pu Sumi GT Dist. Edd. Off ice 8s7s32s221- 13 A/C 93 T.Datta Roy GT Dist. Edd. office 94 Khehosh i Sumi GT Dist.Edd. Office 95 Cha kra bo rty GT Dist. Fdd. Off ice 9436211446 32 A/C 96 SK Ghosh GT Dist. Edd. Off ice 9436656183 32 A/C 97 S Mishera GT Dist. Edd. Off ice 8118 9977 0 3 32 A/c 98 Hukuto GT Dist. Edd. Office 7085654649 32 A/C 99 Kum ugha GT Dist. Edd. off ice 9856602954 32 A/C 100 Bhim Singh GT Dlst. Edd. Off ice 8119015 480 22 A/C 101 A hosh e GT Dist. Edd.
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