THAKUR INDUSTRIES Mrnistry ofEnvjronmen! Forests & climate change lndira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jor Bagh Road, NewDelhi- 110003, Sub: Submisslon of additional cla.incadon in respect of proposed expansionolore seneficiation Plant.tHirebaganalVillage,KoppalTaluk & District., Karnataka - .eg. Ret: Youfletter No. F. No.J-1101U208l20161A-ll0) dated 25dJanuary 2018. E With rcfe.enc€ to above subject, we are herewith subnitting additional cla.ification sought aater technjcal pfes€ntation before 27ri EAC meeting held in the month oljan ! 2018, for our prcposed expansio. ofore Beneficiation Plant with throuehput capacity fron 0.60 hillion tons per annum a to 1.50 million tons pef annum at Hirebaganal It Village, Koppal Taluk & Distdct, Karnataka St te. Revised time bound action plan along Revised time bound action plan with fund provision on the issues .aned along with lund provision on the durlng the PH social need assessment. issues raised durine the PH socjal need assessment is discussed in ChapterT ofElA Reporr Derails of Enterprise Social-Cotofr nment Details of Enterprhe Social (Esc) based on public heari.g ksus / commftment iEsc) based on need based. assessm€nt as capital public hearing ksues / need- expenditure in projed mode and shall be bas€d assessnent is given in completed in concufence with the section 4.5,2 & 4.5,3 of Chapter impleientation of the expansion. croundwater developdent in the study Deiailed .eport of Croundwater a.ea and category of the area based on development in th€ study area is nfimBdt# enclosed asAddexure No. Y'X. g.ds t.,e-r 4'230102 | E-nar : rh5*unndoT@sma[com THAKUR INDUSTRIES + cround watef Pe.dission letter Cround wate. pernission letter t.anslated in English is enclosed as Annexure No, XIX of EIA Revis€d an quality modeling studies by Revised Modeling siudies is given considering fugitive €missions from the in se.tion 4,3 of Chapter 4 ot 6 Revised noise ronitoring as pe. the Revised Noise Measurement requirement oimonnoring protocol. Report is enclos€d as Annexure No.Ix. Detailed action plan for 100yd utilization Solid waste manasenent of solid Naste managefr ent, detailed under section 4,10 ChaDter 4 ofEIA Report, corporate Environnental Policy Derailed co.porate approv€d by its Board ol Di.ecto.s Environmental Policy is detajled incorporating standafd operating in section 10.1 ofChapte.l0 of p.ocess / procedurcs to bring into focus 21 any intuingement / devjation / violation €5 of the qnvironmental o. forest norms / i tt condition and systen of reporting ot non-compliances / violations of * 1r environm€ntal norms to the Board of ;l Directo.s of the conpany. F.l 9 lnterpretation oi all the baseline data lnterpretation and inference is -tl including Ecology & Biodive.sity and carried-out for various socioeconomrc envrronment. €nvironmental attributes in Chapter 3 - Description or the Envi.onment of EIA RepoIt. B0D, CoD and DO iorsuface watei Revised Analysis Reports are enclosed as Arnexure No, Ix. 11 Revised -Risk Assessment specific to Details are incorporated in section 7,2 of Chapter 7 EIA 72 diction on the land, soil, lmpaci p.ediction for va.ious envircnmental attributes in chapter 4 - Articipated Environmental Impacts and ["',':x''''$: lUitigative Measures of EIA P1ttr* & c--+-d.*" ad 4-230102 r E-man : [email protected] & HAKUR INDUSTRIES 13 Revised green belt develophent plan A detail Revjsed g.een belt with Iocal broadleaved tree species- development plan has been discussed in sectior 411 of Chapter 4 of EIA ReDort, 14 justification ror selection of AAQ D€tails are given in Chapte.3 of Trust the above inforhation is in order and rcquesti.g you to kindly do the fulther needful a.tion to accord Environmental Clea.ance. foTTHAKUR INDUSTRIES <,-'r'-1.') <9.!s> SHAILESHACARWAL MANACINCPARTNER 423oro2 | E-m. : th.ro [email protected] FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT For PROPOSED EXPANSION OF ORE BENEFICIATION PLANT Through-put Capacity from 0.60 m.t.p.a to 1.50 m.t.p.a TOTAL EXTENT: 17.50 Acres (7.08 Ha) Of M/s. THAKUR INDUSTRIES, HOSAPETE, BALLARI. AT HIREBAGANAL VILLAGE, KOPPAL TALUK, KOPPAL DISTRICT, KARNATAKA STATE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT SM METAMORPHOSIS Project Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (QCI/NABET Accredited EIA Consultant - NABET/EIA/1518/RA 014) BENGALURU, KARNATAKA JUNE 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. No Description Page No. Chapter - 1: Introductions 1.1 Details of the EIA Consultant including NEBET 2 Accreditation 1.2 Purpose of the Report 2 1.3 Information about the Project Proponent 3 1.4 Promoters 4 1.4.1 Shri. Shailesh Agarwal, Managing Partner 4 1.4.2 Shri. Prakash Lalwani, Partner 5 1.4.3 Strength of Promoters 5 1.5 Brief description of the Nature, Size, Location of the 5 Project and it’s important to the Country, Region. 1.5.1 Process in brief, importance and benefits of the 5 proposed expansion 1.5.2 Nature of the Project 6 1.5.3 Size of the Project 6 1.5.4 Location of the Project 6 1.6 Scope of the Study 7 1.6.1 Details of Regulatory Aspects for Scoping 7 1.7 Methodology of EIA 10 1.8 Applicable Legislation to Ore Beneficiation Plant 10 Chapter - 2: Project Description 2.1 Condensed description of those aspects of the Project 12 (based on project feasibility study) likely to cause environmental effects. 2.2 Type of Project 12 2.3 Need for the Project 12 2.4 Location 13 2.5 Location (Maps showing general location, specific 13 location, project boundary and project site Layout). 2.6 Size / Magnitude of Operation 19 2.7 Proposed Schedule for Approval and Implementation 19 2.8 Technology and Process Description 19 2.8.1 Source of Raw Materials 19 2.8.2 Raw Material Characteristics 20 2.8.3 Concentrate Properties 20 2.8.4 Raw Material Storage & Handling 20 2.9 Manufacturing Process 20 2.9.1 Ore Beneficiation Plant 20 Sr. No Description Page No. 2.10 Details of Emission, Effluents, Hazardous waste 27 generation and its management 2.11 Environmental Mitigation Measures 28 2.11.1 Air Pollution Control 28 2.11.2 Water Pollution Control 28 2.11.3 Noise Pollution Control 29 2.11.4 Green Belt Development 29 2.12 Assessment of new & Untested Technology for the 29 Risk of Technological Failure 2.13 Material Balance for Beneficiation Plant 29 Chapter – 3: Baseline Data - Environnemental Description 3.1 Introduction 31 3.2 Description of Study Area 31 3.3 Study Period 31 3.4 Methodology of EIA Study 32 3.5 Study of Environmental Components 32 3.5.1 Geology and General Configuration of the Area 33 3.5.2 Micro Meteorology 37 3.5.3 Climate 37 3.5.4 Assessment 38 3.5.5 Air Environment 40 Methodology Adopted for the Study 40 3.5.6 Analysis of Baseline Concentration 43 3.5.7 Noise Environment 45 Reconnaissance Survey and identification of Noise 46 Sampling Location Sources of Noise 49 Assessment of Noise Levels 50 3.5.9 Water and Hydrology Environment 51 Surface Water 52 Ground Water 52 Analysis of Surface Water Samples 53 Analysis of Ground Water Samples 55 3.5.10 Hydrology 56 Ground Water Potential 56 3.5.11 Soil Quality 58 3.5.12 Flora and Fauna 60 3.5.13 Socio Economic/demographic data 61 Primary Data and Interpretation 61 Secondary Data Collection 69 Population 69 Literacy Level 70 Occupational Structure 71 Medical and Educational Facilities 72 Analysis of Primary and Secondary Data 72 Chapter - 4: Anticipated Environmental Impacts And Mitigative Measures 4.1 Introduction 74 4.2 Need for Environmental Impact Assessment 74 4.3 Air Environment 77 4.3.1 Raw Material Handling 77 4.3.2 The Beneficiation Plant 77 4.3.3 Vehicular Traffic 78 Impact due to Transportation 78 4.4 Meteorological Data 79 4.4.1 Application of ISCST3 79 4.4.2 Maximum Ground Level Concentrations 83 4.4.3 Overall Scenario 83 4.5 Air Pollution Measures 83 4.6 Noise Pollution Control Measures 83 4.7 Water Environment 84 4.7.1 Water Requirement 84 Impact on Ground Water Bodies 84 Impact on Surface Water Bodies 85 Treatment Method 85 4.8 Occupational Health & Safety 85 4.9 Land Environment 88 4.10 Solid Waste Generation 90 4.10.1 Mitigative Measures 90 4.11 Biological Environment 91 4.11.1 Recommended Plants for Green Belt Development 91 4.11.2 Selection of Plants for Green Belt 91 4.11.3 Plantation along Road Sides 92 4.11.4 Top Soil 93 4.12 Other Issues related to Environmental Protection 93 4.12.1 Clean Technologies / Measures 93 Chapter - 5: Analysis of Alternatives 5.1 Analysis of Alternative Technology 95 5.2 Analysis of Alternative Sites 95 Page Sr. No Description No. Chapter - 6: Environmental Monitoring Programme 6.1 Technical aspects of monitoring the effectiveness of 97 mitigation measures 6.2 Environmental Attributes and Frequency of Monitoring 98 6.2.1 Measurement Methodology 98 6.3 Data Analysis 99 6.4 Reporting Schedule 100 6.5 Emergency Procedures 100 6.6 Environmental Cell 100 6.7 Detailed EMP Budget 101 Chapter - 7: Additional Studies 7.1 Public Consultation 104 7.2 Risk Assessment 104 7.3 Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness 108 Plan 7.3.1 Scope 108 7.3.2 Objectives 109 7.3.3 Health Hazard 109 7.3.4 Disaster due to Fire 110 Action Plan to prevent occurrence of Fire 110 7.3.5 Emergency Plan 111 Organization Plan 111 Equipment Plan 111 Purpose and Scope of Emergency Plan 111 Functions of the emergency preparedness team 111 Assembly Point/ Muster Points 112 Control Room 112 7.4 Occupational and Safety Hazards 112 7.5 Social Impact Assessment 113 7.6 Rehabilitation & Resettlement Action Plan 114 7.7 Compliance to Existing Environmental Clearance 114 Conditions Chapter - 8: Project Benefits 8.1 Project Benefits 124 8.2 Improvement in Physical Infrastructure 124 8.3 Improvement in Social Infrastructure 124 Page Sr.
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