214 SWAN HIUS T Bruchal Victor Box 355 398-2211 THORHILD_oiai Service Brygadyr Ernest Box 261 398-2386' Tic Oilfield Construction Ltd 3334391 Prop of L HueUier 335-9492 For instructions on how to use the Dial Telephone, Buhay Mike Box 48 Egremont 398-2221 TAYLOR PEARSON & CARSON Provincial Govemnient see page 2, at, the front of this Directory. Bukach Waller 398-3920 10707 lOOAv. .Westlock 342-3375 —See Government of Alberta (ProvincleU) ButkowskI Michael Box 305 398-2278' TEXACO CANADA LIMITED SERVICE CALLS ButkowskI Steve 398-3964 Bulk SUtlon Block 3..333-4841 Direct Distance Dialing 1 R Charles Johns Consignee res 333-4841 Long DIsUnce 0 c RB&S CONSTRUCTION LIMITED J333-4572 TEXACO HEATING OILS—For Names of Directory Assistance 0 CP Air Reservations Dept—Call Long Distance \3»-4578 Bulk SUtions see Yellow Pages under "Fuel Oil" Repair Service Dial "0" (Zero) (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 3900 Rach RJ 333-4675 Cardy George Box 71 Abee 398-2312 Thievin Tom P 3334613 & ask for Repair Service RadWe Vem 333-4524 Carlson Mrs Phyllis 398-3660 Radvi«y W 333-4514 THOMPSON BROS (CONSTR) Assistance 0 Chabaniuk M 398-2471 Rasmusson James 333-4568 LTD..Barrhead 674-3003 For Buried Cable Location, before Charkiw Andrew J98-2284 Rau Robert .333-4369 Thompson George D 333-4819 digging. Dial "0" (Zero) & ask for Chimy Eugene Oil Agt 398-3677 Thompson Mrs Mary 3334505 REDWELL SERVICING CO LTD 333-4818 Zenith 07128 (No Toll Charge) Chipeniuk John Box 36 398-2140 Thompson W R 3334544 Reid Warren C 333-4779 BusinessOffice Dial "0" (Zero) Chipeniuk William 398-3943 Rentway Canada Ltd 333-4732 Thornton TP 333-4656 & ask for Business Office Chitra Mlrrow Box 372 396-2382 Repp Mrs E 333-4478 Torrls Edward ^34731 (No Toll Charge) Chlzem Mrs Mary D 398-3615 Torris Russell 333-4851 Rhyne Robert 333-4833 Hours 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Chizen Jack 398-3602 Torrls Vem 3334359 Rice John 333-4580 Monday to Friday Chizen Jack 398-2141 Toso Eugene 333-4745 Richard Emile ,..333-4330 Chizen N .398-3771 Richards Darrel 333-4825 TOWN OF SWAN HILLS 333-4671 TELEPHONE ACCOUNTS Chizen William 398-2244 Rick's Petroleum Services 333-4800 Garage 3334895 MAY BE PAID AT: Chmara Michael 398-3621 Rishaug HA 333-4877 Police RCMP 333-4741 Chartered Banks & Chodan John Box 234 398-2239 Fire Alarm Only 3334521 Provincial Treasury Branches Chodorlwsky Mike Box 367 398-2356 RODALE TRANSPORT LTD Cholach Bill Auctnr 398-3561 F ArkinstalI. .333-4882 Ambulance 3334521 EMERGENCY CALLS Chomay Mrs Anna 398-3965 Rogers Gerald 333-4386 Medical Clinic 3334706 ^Community Centre 333-9485 Fire Alarm Only 398-3511 Chomay George Abee 3^2445 Rogers Stan 333-4739 Police Roly Esso Cafe 333-4815 TRIPLE T TRUCKING LTD .......J3334736 —RCMP RedwaUr 735-3600 CHOMAY PAUL Insce Agt 398-3935 Rondeau Charles 333-4720 13334750 If No Answer Dial "0" Operator Chomay Paul 398-3651 Choney Peter 398-3654 Rosenau Walter 333-4602 Trithart E P Trucking 3334736 (No Toll Charge) Clements Dr John 398-3558 ROUND-UP WELL SERVICING 333-4686 & ask for Zenith 50000 V Collinge Frank Box 464 398-2381 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 333-4461 Ambulance Zenith 06116 Royal Canadian Mounted Police—^See Police RCMP Van Dellen Forbes L 333-4534 CORONA HOTEL 398-3534 VandenDool A D 333-4817 A Corostil A 398-3662 Royko Ed 333-4587 Vineyard Bruce 3334767 County of Thorhild No 7 398-3741 Rylander CE 333-4325 Abee Community Hall Abee 398-2219 District Agriculturist Ofc 398-3786 Abee Co-op Association Abee 398-2218 Craigo Wm Marshel 398-2492 w Air Canada Edmonton—Call Long Distance S Crocker Leo 398-2229 W J OILFIELD SERVICES LTD 333-4792 (No Toll Charge) & ask for..Zenith 07177 St Vincent Bob 333-4673 Waldo Dwayne 333-4714 Cross Gordon 398-3549 Crump Robert L 398-2041 Sands Florence 333-4831 Wall Jack 333-4327 ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES ' Business Office—Dial "0" (Zero) Cymbol Stephen 398-3585 Sands Lawrence Arnold 333-4760 Ward Dave 333-4875 & ask for Business Office (No Toll Charge) Sannachan Ken 333-4678 Ward Edward 333-4828 Sauve Albert J ., 333-4651 Webb S 333-4559 Alberta Liquor Store 398-3664 D Savoie Bemie 333-4891 Weber Don 3334787 Alberta Wheat Pool Elevator 1 398-3655 D&B IMPLEMENTS LTD 398-3632 Sawyer Doug 333-4676 Webster Gordon 333-4823 Elevator 2 398-3576 Dach Victor 398-3544 Sawyer John 333-4322 Webster Ron 333-4379 Danylyshyn Mike Box 292 398-2290 AMBULANCE Edmonton—Call Long Distance Dewindt C 398-2377 Saviyer T 333-4850 Wegner G G 333-4782 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 06116 Schmidt Gordon 333-4558 Wegner J 333-4868 Diduck William 398-3563 Andrushchyshyn John 398-2332 Dilk Helmut Box 32 Abee 398-2314 Schneider Jona 333-4348 WEISGERBER TRUCK SERVICE LTD Andrusiak Sam Abee 398-2404 Schooley Art 333-4575 District Agriculturist & District Home Economist Bloomsbury. .Barrhead 674-5432 Annala Mrs T Abee 398-2063 Schwab Frank R 333-4776 Swan Hills Ofc 333-4718 Armstrong A .398-2254 —See Government of Alberta (Provincial) Schweitzer Ray 333-4755 Welsh Frank !.3334807 Armstrong Don Box 324 398-2154 Agriculture Dept of Selbel Don 333-4878 Wenger Dave G 3334364 Armstrong W Box 324 398-2274 Seidlltz D 3334550 Dmytryk Russell Egremont 398-2181 Wenger John H .3334548 Avery Albert Box 41 Abee 398-2406 Domanko George Insce 398-3579 Shell Canada Limited Westair Sales Company (Alberta) Ltd Virginia Hills Field Ofc. .3334373 Dowhan Harry 398-3957 Calgary—Call Long Distance Siemens Carl 333-4677 B Dowhan John Box 396 398-2277 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 06187 Babiak Nick Box 88 398-2177 Dowhan Mrs Mary 398-3605 SIMPSONS-SEARS LTD Western Petro Pollution Control Ltd 3334753 Babij Mrs J 398-3961 Dowhan Morris 398-2486 Catalogue Sales Ofc..333-4445 Bachynski Waiter Box 57 398-2122 Dowhan Olga Box 233 398-2234 Skinner Don 333-4837 WESTLOCK IRON WORKS LTD Machinists & Welders BachynskI William 398-3572 Dowhaniuk Michael 398-2215 Sloplanka H 333-4801 Baker John Box 5 398-3928 Dowhaniuk Mike K Box 184 398-2296 Smalles Ronald 3334786 A« u 102St..Westlock 342-3606 B^ker R 398-3921 Dowhaniuk Peter Box 272 398-2266 Smith Larry 333-4822 Baker William 398-3525 Dowhaniuk William John 398-3562 SnHth Oliver H 3334353 whartonR y.;;;; Bandrychuk Mike 398-2199 Drozdowski Louis 398-3540 Smyth Robert Box 516 333-4862 Wickware Ben ; Bank of Nova Scotia 398-3550 Duchak Mrs Mary Radway 398-2447 Sondergaard Harvey 3334747 WIDNEY WELL SERVICE (1971) •/3334898 Barnes Davie Box33 398-2131 Dudka William Box 485 398-2233 SPARROW ELECTRIC LTD 3334517 Barto Paul Box73 398-2124 Dutchyn Mike Box 428 398-2057 Spellman Gerald 333-4869 Wllbum Daniel Barto Paul 398-3614 Dutchyn Morris Abee 398-2467 Spencer Bertram 333-4539 Wllhelm Jerry V. Bauer Mrs A 398-3624 Dynka Lena 398-3785 Sperling Sylvester 333-4466 Wilkening JR y Bauer J Box507 398-2322 Dziwenka AA 398-3581 SUIT TJ 333-4626 Wilkinson Dale '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.llfS Bawel Walter 398-3522 Dziwenka John J 396-3647 Suvast Norman 3334396 Bayda Walter 398-3784 Dziwenka Nestor 398-3966 Steen Paul 3334592 WILLOCK &MAJOR CONSTRUCTION BERGO TIRE (THORHILD) LTD 398-3951 Stevens Edward 3334528 E Stevens John S 333-4683 WilmotGlen. LTD. .333-4574 Beztllny Alex 398-3509 StewaH Hugh 3334349 Wilson Loren 3334710 Beztilny John Box 267 398-3516 E & M MEAT & GROCERY 398-3604 Slocking Vemon 3334695 Wilson WA 333-4666 BIglow Charles Box 43 398-2350 Eaton's—Call Long Distance Strebchuk Leo 333-4569 Wilson WRS 333-4811 Bileski Mrs Annie 398-3761 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 15000 STREHLAU LOCKSMITHING & CARPENTRY WilUn Allen 333-4502 Bllski Joe Box102 Abee 398-2466 Edwards George 398-2338 Wren Gordon 3334759 Bllski Peter Box lOl Abee 398-2309 Elleffson James 398-3643 LTD 80X561. .3334593 Stuveling HS 3334512 Wyness James C ^34323 Bizuk John Box 162 398-3776 Ellefson Mrs Esther Abee 398-2461 Sundqulst D 333-4645 333-4845 Bluett RW 398-3608 Ellevseth Sigurd Abee 398-2425 Surcan Nick 3334343 Boissy E 398-2455 Eluk Peter 398-3917 ZackowskI Gary .. z Bondarchuk P Box 449 398-2113 Erickson Arnold Box 340 398-2434 SWAN CONSTRUCTION (1969) LTD 3334804 Zdrafek Dan 3334858 Bondarchuk Steven 398-3962 Erickson Charles Box 340 398-2304 SWAN ELECTRIC LTD 3334887 Zuk Roy 3334397 Bondamiko Victor Abee .398-2058 Escalona L 398-3588 Swan Hills Cafe Box547 333-4545 Zukiwsky Steve 3334326 Borko Dmytro 398-2102 Eskiw Mike 398-2175 Borys Joseph 398-3537 SWAN HILLS HARDWARE & BUILDING 333-4816 EUGEJJE'S GULF SERVICE 398-^77 Borys Mike Box 365 398-2176 Ewankow Mrs Jean 398-3529 SUPPLIES. .333-4328 Bottolfs Oscar Abee 398-2147 Ewasin Peter Box393 398-2378 SWAN HILLS HOTEL Ofc 3334411 Boullon Fred Abee 398-2268 Ewasluk Ted 398-2077 Swan Hills School District No 5109 Rochester Boulton John Abee 398-2148 Ewasiw Mike Box 187 398-2136 School. .3334674 or Clyde Boulton Norman Abee 398-2074 Ewasiw Wm Box 331 398-2250 Board Ofc 3334703 Boyce Andrew Box381 398-2380 Ewasiw William Box 26 Egremont ......398-2161 SWAN HILLS SERVICE CENTER & Boychuk Mike Abee 398-2307 Ewaskow Frank Box 351 398-2162 RENTALS LTD. .3334732 Boychuk Wm Box 117 393-2123 Boyd AL Box 72 398-2152 SWAN HILLS TIRE LTD 3334563 TELFORDVILLE—-See Thorsby F Swan Hills Welding & Constm Brodidansky Mrs Mary Box 512 398-3539 Brooks Ernest Box 206 398-2340 Fedun Andrew Box.41 398-229B Bunk House..3339493 Bruchal J Box 183 398-2050 Fedun Andrew H Box102 Radway 398-2165 Saweaik Jess 3334504 THERIEN—See Glendon Fedyna John 398-3631 Bruchal Peter 398-3987 Fedyna Michael Box 30 396-2256 Milan Vincent 398-3916 Fenske Alec Box 336 398-2487 Kinnunen Mrs Anne Box 204 398-2185 THORHILD 215 Kirk John A Abee Millar Alex B Abee 398-2428 Ferbey Lawrence J Box 294 398-2167 Mishanec Bill Box ill Abee 398-2418
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