BOARD MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, 10 JULY 2018 BOARDROOM, WHITE ROSE HOUSE AT 1.00 PM AGENDA PART 1 No. Agenda Item Lead officer 1. Welcome and Chair’s Opening Remarks 2. Apologies for Absence – Dr Deborah Hallott 3. Public Questions and Answers 4. Declarations of interest All present 5. a Minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2018 b Action sheet from the meeting held on 8 May 2018 c Minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2019 d Action sheet from the meeting held on 26 June 2018 6. Matters arising 7. Mental Health – Case for Change Rob Webster (SWYFT) 8. Chief Officer Briefing Jo Webster 9. Progress on responding to Special Educational Needs and Melanie Brown Disability (SEND) inspection 10. West Yorkshire and Harrogate Joint Committee of Ruth Unwin CCGs Annual Report 2017/18 11. South Yorkshire Hospital Services Review Stage 2 Pat Keane 12. Draft Connecting Care+ Business Plan 2018/2021 Melanie Brown 13. Integrated Quality and Performance Summary Report Jonathan Webb/ (measuring the quality and performance of local services) Clare Linley 1 14. a Finance Report Month 2 - 2018/19 Jonathan Webb b Finance Control, Planning and Governance Self- Assessment 15. Receipt of minutes and items for approval a Audit Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 17 April 2018 (ii) Minutes of meeting held on 3 May 2018 b Integrated Governance Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 19 April 2018 (ii) Minutes of meeting held on 17 May 2018 c Clinical Cabinet (i) Minutes of meeting held on 26 April 2018 (ii) Minutes of meeting held on 24 May 2018 d Connecting Care Executive (i) Minutes of meeting held on 12 April 2018 e Probity Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 27 March 2018 f West Yorkshire and Harrogate Joint Committee of CCGs (i) Minutes of meeting held on 6 March 2018 g South Yorkshire Joint Committee of CCGs (i) Minutes of meeting held on 28 March 2018 h Decisions of the Chief Officer – verbal update 16. Any other business 17. The Board is recommended to make the following resolution: “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” (Section 1 (2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1970)”. 18. Date and time of next Public meeting: AGM – Tuesday, 10 July 2018, from 5.00 pm at Wakefield Town Hall Tuesday, 18 September 2018 at 1.00 pm in the Boardroom, White Rose House 2 Agenda item: 5a NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group GOVERNING BODY BOARD MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2018 Boardroom, White Rose House Present: Melanie Brown Programme Commissioning Director – Integrated Care Sandra Cheseldine Lay Member Dr Phil Earnshaw CCG Chair Dr Deborah Hallott GP, New Southgate Surgery Diane Hampshire Nurse Member Stephen Hardy Lay Member Dr Clive Harries GP, Chapelthorpe Medical Centre Pat Keane Chief Operating Officer Clare Linley Interim Chief Nurse Hany Lotfallah Secondary Care Consultant Karen Parkin Associate Director Finance and Contracting Dr Adam Sheppard Assistant Clinical Leader Ruth Unwin Associate Director Corporate Affairs Jonathan Webb Acting Chief Finance Officer Jo Webster Chief Officer In attendance: Emily Castle Chief Executive, Young Lives Consortium (item 18/86) Lorraine Chapman Head of Contracting & Performance (item 18/91) Laura Elliott Head of Quality & Engagement (item 18/91) Donna Evans Community Navigator, Homestart Wakefield (item 18/86) Ian Holdsworth Senior Commissioning Manager (item 18/86) Sajid Hussain Community Navigator, Wakefield Next Generation (item 18/86) Angela Peatfield Minute taker Amrit Reyat Governance & Board Secretary Mandy Sheffield Head of Safeguarding (item 18/88) Richard Watkinson Newly appointed Lay Member, shadowing Sandra Cheseldine, Lay Member (starting in post in June 2018) 18/80 Welcome and Chair’s Opening Remarks Dr Phil Earnshaw advised that this is the last Governing Body meeting that Sandra Cheseldine will be attending and wanted to express his thanks for the unrivalled level of support that Sandra has given to the CCG and how much her support has been appreciated over the last 12 years. 1 Dr Phil Earnshaw expressed his thanks to the Governing Body for their support and commitment in the completion of the Annual Accounts for 2017/18 and the development of the Financial Plan for 2018/19. Dr Phil Earnshaw referred to the difficult winter experienced by Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Trust and noted the improvement in their overall performance nationally to 90+%. Dr Phil Earnshaw welcomed Jonathan Webb to his first meeting as Acting Chief Finance Officer and expressed his thanks to Karen Parkin for her commitment and support when she stepped in as Interim Chief Finance Officer for a short period. Dr Phil Earnshaw introduced Richard Watkinson, the newly appointed Lay Member and Audit Chair who was shadowing Sandra Cheseldine before taking up the role in June 2018. 18/81 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from: Andrew Balchin Corporate Director, Adults, Health & Communities Michele Ezro Associate Director Service Delivery & Quality Anna Hartley Interim Director of Public Health Richard Hindley Lay Member (Deputy Chair) Dr Pravin Jayakumar GP, Trinity Medical Centre 18/82 Public Questions and Answers Dr Phil Earnshaw thanked the member of the public for the written questions and confirmed that a written response will be provided. The member of the public wished to express thanks to the Chair and members of the Governing Body for the responses he has received to previous questions. 18/83 Declarations of Interest A declaration of interest was declared on behalf of all GP members of the Governing Body in relation to the Integrated Quality and Performance report that refer to GP practices in the Wakefield area. The Chair noted the declarations. As this is not a ‘decision making’ item the Chair determined that GP members of the Governing Body could partake in the discussion. 2 18/84 a. Minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2018 The minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2018 were agreed as a correct record subject to one typographical error on page 5. In the last paragraph the word ‘care’ is missing after ‘primary’ in the third line of the paragraph. b. Action sheet from the meeting held on 13 March 2018 All actions were noted as complete. 18/85 Matters arising There were no matters arising. 18/86 Future in Mind – Children’s Mental Health Ian Holdsworth introduced this item explaining that Future in Mind continues to improve access to emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people. The Quarter 4 2017/18 Assurance Report in respect of the ‘Future in Mind’ Local Transformation Plan details the progress and impact of the programme. Ian Holdsworth introduced Emily Castle, the Chief Executive Officer of Young Lives Consortium, leading the engagement with the Third Sector, Donna Evans, Community Navigator with Home Start Wakefield and Sajid Hussain, Community Navigator with Wakefield Next Generation who gave a presentation on the Early Interventions for Emotional Wellbeing. They explained the work of the Community Navigators, how they engaged with the community and their integration with schools and community services and how they offered practical help and improved direct access to counsellors for children. The aim of the Community Navigators is to fill the gaps in the service through the Third Sector. A discussion took place noting that following initial contact with the online counselling service young people have been signposted to the appropriate service including face to face counselling. Reference was made to the reduction in the number of consultants within the service but Ian Holdsworth confirmed this was not due to a cut in the funding. Schools who are taking part in the programme have signed a service level agreement to the framework and training is provided to school staff to enable the programme to continue. Jo Webster commented that empowering parents will help embed the concept from an early age and parents will be aware of what support is available. It was RESOLVED that: (i) members noted the Quarter 4 report and the update on progress of the Future in Mind programme 3 18/87 Chief Officer Briefing Jo Webster presented the Chief Officer Briefing and highlighted some of the key areas: The Urgent Treatment Centre at Pontefract was officially launched on 9 April 2017. The service has been well received by patients with the number and type of attendances being similar to those who previously attended. Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) – It was noted that the Wakefield system had its third monitoring visit for the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Written Statement of Action on 19 April 2018 and the progress of this work was noted. The system provided evidence of progress with ASD waiting times which by March 2018 had reduced to 263 from 614 in June 2017. The fourth monitoring meeting will be held on 12 July 2018 and a report on the progress of the work will be presented at the 10 July Governing Body meeting. A third petition relating to the branch surgery closure at Wrenthorpe was reported to the Probity Committee on 27 March 2018, please see link below (Paper 5): https://www.wakefieldccg.nhs.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/Combined_Papers_- _Probity_Committee_27_March_2018.pdf The petition contained 37 signatures and was submitted by the Wakefield Liberal Democrats in support of the campaign being run by the Stop the Closure of Wrenthorpe Surgery (SCOWL) group. This is the third petition received by the CCG to be taken into consideration. The petition stated: “I, and others locally are concerned that the closure of the surgery has resulted in patients having to make a longer and more difficult trip to see their GP, many of who cannot drive.
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