Preliminary Program Sociology • A Study of Society and Culture • Second Edition Kimball Young, Chairman, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University The Second Edition of this widely adopted text features a comprehen­ American Sociological Soci~ty sive coverage, up-to-date information, and an extremely teachable organization. Institutions and social processes are presented together as representing structure and function in dynamic interrelation. Mr& Alice Myers Rural Sociology Lowry Nelson, Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota . SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Offering a balanced presentation of the subject matter, this well­ known text gives students the essential concepts with an economy of THEORY and METHOD words. The author explains each principle fully and supplements the in descriptive matter with many practical and stimuiating suggestions. SOCIOLOGY Social Work • An Introduction to the Field Herbert Hewitt Stroup, Associate Professor of Sociology, Brooklyn College Each chapter of this splendid text was read and approved by an expert. The theoretical discussion' is supported by a wealth of verified case summaries. Many charts, graphs, and illustrations contribute to the clarity of the text matter. The language is clear and nontechnical. Administration of Public Welfare • Second Edition R. Clyde ·white, Professor of Public Welfare and Director • of lustitutio11al Research, Jt'estern Reserve University Forty-fifth Annual Meeting Recent important changes in public welfare organization prompted pub­ lication of this Second Edition. New tables were added to incorporate recent data. The final chapter, "Special Problems in Welfare Research IIOTEL SHIRLEY -SAVOY, DENVER, COLORADO Methods," and Appendix A, "Two Case Summaries," are entirely new. September 7-9, 1950 Also meeting in Denver Rural Sociological Society American Book Company National Council on Family Relations NEW YORK BOSTON CINCINNATI CHICAGO ATLANTA DALLAS SAN FRANCISCO .' I / AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 9:00A.M. REGISTRATION OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1950 President, LEONARD S. CoTTRELL, JR., Cornell, University 10:00 A.M. THE FAMILY First Vice-President, RoBERT K. MERTON, Columbia University Second Vice-President, MARGARET JARMAN HAGOOD, Division of Farm Population Chairman, PAUL WALLIN, Stanford University and Rural Life Secretary, JOHN W. RILEY, JR., .Rutgers University Speakers and papers to be announced. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LEONARD S. CoTTRELL, JR. MARGARET JARMAN HAGOOD ~OBERT K. MERTON RURAL SOCIOLOGY: Rural Social Structure and Personality (Joint Session 'l'ith the Rural Sociological Society) Former President.¥ Chairman, WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wisconsin KIMBALL YouNG, Northwestern University CARL C. TAYLOR, Division of Farm Popula· Lours WIRTH, University of Chicago tion and Rural Life Speakers and papers to be announced. E. FRANKLIN FRAZIER, Howard University r TALCOTT PARSONS, Harvard University RACIAL AND CULTURAL RELATIONS Elected at Large Chairman, to be announced MARGARET JARMAN HAGOOD, Division of DoNALD R. YouNG, Russell Sage Founda­ Farm Population and Rural Life tion IRA DE A. REID, Haverford College CoNRAD TAEUBER, Food and Agriculture EMORY S. BoGARDUs, University nf Southern California GoRDON W. BLACKWELL, University of Organization "Measuring Changes in Ethnic Reactions" - North Carolina KINGSLEY DAVIS, Columbia University DoROTHY SWAINE THOMAS, University of Pennsylvania "Cultural Factors in the Migration of Japanese Americans Elected,. from Affiliated Societies from the Relocation Centers;' EDMU:"'D DES. BRUNNER, Rural JAMES M. REINHARDT, Midwest Other speakers and papers to be announced. HARRINGTON C. BREARLEY, Southern CECIL C. NoRTH, Ohio Valley ALYIN Goon, Southwestern PETER LEJINS, District of Columbia NoRMAN HAYNER, Pacific NATHAN L. WHETTEN, Eastern 1:15 P.M. CRIMINOLOGY LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE Chairman, MARSiuLL B. CLINARD, University of Wisconsin Co-Chairmen, GoRDON H. BARKER, University of Colorado EuGENE P. LINK, University of Denver MILTON L. BARRON, Cornell University CHARLES D. BoLTON, University of Denver EDWARD L. RosE, University of Colorado "Juvenile Del4tquency and American Values" HowARD HIGMAN, University of Colorado ARTHUR E. SHIREY, University of Denver WALTER E. SIKES, University of Denver ALBERT J. REiss, JR., University of Chicago "Delinquency .as the Failure of Personal and Social Controls" EDWIN H. SuTHERLAND, Indiana University, and MAIITIN H. NEUMEYER, University of Southern California Executive Officer, MATILDA WHITE RILEY "Appraisal of Sheldon's Yarieties of Delinquent Youth" Columbia University 427 West 117 Street Discussion: JosEPH H. GREENBERG, University of Colorado New York 27, N. Y. JosEPH N. SYMONS, Utah State Agricultural College INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY: Sociological Aspects of Labor EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY: Education for International Force Analysis Understanding Chairman, LEsLIE D. ZELENY, Colorado State College of Education Chairman, SEYMOUR L. WoLFBEIN, Bureau of Labor Statistics Speakers and papers to he announced. PHILIP M. HAUSER, University of Chicago "The Role of the Sociologist in the Field of Labor Force Analysis" 7:00 P.M. ANNUAL DINNER (Joint Meeting with the Rural Sociological Society and the National Council on Family Relations) A. J. JAFFE, U. S. Bureau of the Census "Labor Force Analysis in the United States" Chairman, CHANCELLOR ALBERT C. JACOBS, University of Denver IRENE B. T AEUBER, Princeton University Welcoming Address, PRESIDENT RoBERT L. STEARNs, University of "Labor Force Analysis Abroad" Colorado Discussion: To be announced. Presidential Addresses: "The Variables of Rural Sociology," C. HoRACE HAMILTON, Rural Sociological Society RURAL SOCIOLOGY: Comparathe Rural Societies (Joint Ses­ sion with the Rural Sociological Society) "Marshalling Support for Family Life Education," ERNEST OSBORNE, National Council on Family Relations Chairman, NATHAN L. WnETTEN, University of Connecticut "Some Neglected Problems in Social Psychology," LEONARD S. CoTTRELL, JR., American Sociological Society Speakers and papers to he announced. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 3:30 P.M. THEORY AND METHOD: The Adequacy of Role Theory 9:00A.M. THEORY AND METHOD Chairman, EDWARD L. RosE, University of Colorado Chairman, GEORGE A. LuNDBERG, University of Washington NoRMAN HILMAR, Cornell University Speakers and papers to he announced. "An Experimental Study of Some Contrasts between Role and Field Theories of Group Dynamics" DAVID McKINNEY, University of Chicago POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY "Concept Formation in Institutionalized Schizophrenics as a Chairman, RUDOLPH HEBERLE, Louisiana State University Clue to the Function of the Self in Regulating Behavior" DINKO ToMASIC, Indiana University NELSON FoOTE, Cornell University "The Interrelations between Bolshevik Ideology and the "Expansion of the Concept of Identification as the Basis for Structure of Soviet Society" a Role Theory of Motivation" Other speakers and papers to he announced. Discussion: To he announced. SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY Chairman, ERNEST GREENWOOD, Welfare Council of Metropolitan Los Angeles Chairman, HERBERT GoLDHAMER, The Rand Corporation Speakers and papers to he announced. Speakers and papers to be announced. 11 :00 A.M. BUSINESS MEETING INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY 1:15 P.M. CRIMINOLOGY I Chairman, DELBERT C. MILLER, University of Washington DuANE L. GIBSON, for the Committee on the Michigan Bell Telephone Chairman, MARSHALL B, CLINARD, University of Wisconsin Study of Youth, Michigan State College "Attitudes of Youth toward the World of Work" DoNALD R CRESSEY, University of California at Los Angeles "The Criminal Violation of Financial Trust" ~ ARNOLD M. RosE, University of Minnesota r "Sources of Union Solidarity and Morale" SoLOMON KoBRIN, The Chicago Area Project "The Non-Delinquent in Delinquency Areas" Panel and General Discussion: Promising Social Psychological Areas in Industrial and Occupational Sociology F. LovELL BIXBY and LLOYD W. McCoRKLE, Department of Institu­ Panel members to be announced. tions and Agencies, New Jersey "A Social Psychological Analysis of Guided Group Interac­ tion in Correctional Work" CURRENT RESEARCH (CONTRIBUTED PAPERS) Discussion: PETER LEJINs, University of Maryland c; hairman, A. B. HoLLINGSHEAD, Yale University ARTHUR L. WooD, University of Connecticut Speakers and papers to be announced. COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC OPINION 8:00P.M. CONTRIBUTIONS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE TO THE POINT-4 PROGRAM Chairman, CLYDE W. HART, ~ational Opinion Research Center Chairman, to be announced. MoRRIS JANOWITZ, University of Chicago "Problems in the Analysis of Communication and Opinion Data" SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 SAMUEL H. FLOWERMAN and MATILDA WHITE RILEY, Rutgers Uni­ versity 9:00A.M. DEMOGRAPHY AND HUMAN ECOLOGY "A Study of the Communication Habits of Youth" Chairman, DoRoTHY SwAINE THOMAs, University of Pennsylvania Other speaker and paper to be announced. KINGSLEY DAVIS, Columbia University "The Interdependence of Demography and Social Psychology Discussion: To be announced. from a Research Standpoint" CALVIN F. ScHMID; University of Washington "The Interdependence of Human Ecology and Social Psy­ CURRENT RESEARCH (CONTRIBUTED PAPERS) chology from a Research Standpoint" Chairman, RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of Washington Discussion: PAL'L K. HATT, Northwestern University AMos H. HAWLEY, University of Michigan Speakers and papers to be announced. WALTER T. MARTIN, "University of Oregon STEPHEN W. REED, Yale University 3:30 P.M. THEORY AND METHOD CURRENT RESEARCH (CONTRIBUTED
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