dissertations Dhuana Affleck How does Dialogical Self | Dhuana| 56 Affleck | Theory appear in the light of Cognitive Analytic Therapy? Two approaches to the self How does Dialogical Self Theory appear in the Cognitive light of Analytic Therapy? Dhuana Affleck How does Dialogical Self Theory appear in the light of Cognitive Analytic Therapy? Two approaches to the self Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Education, Humanities, and Theology No 56 Dissertations in Education, Humanities, and Theology isbn 978-952-61-1443-9 (print) issnl 1798-5625 issn 1798-5625 (print) isbn 978-952-61-1444-6 (pdf) issn 1798-5633 (pdf) How does Dialogical Self Theory appear in the light of Cognitive Analytic Therapy? DHUANA AFFLECK How does Dialogical Self Theory appear in the light of Cognitive Analytic Therapy? Two approaches to the self Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Education, Humanities, and Theology No 56 University of Eastern Finland Joensuu 2014 Kopijyvä Oy Joensuu, 2014 Series Editor: Ritva Kantelinen Sales: University of Eastern Finland Library ISBN 978-952-61-1443-9 (print) ISSNL 1798-5625 ISSN 1798-5625 (print) ISBN 978-952-61-1444-6 (PDF) ISSN 1798-5633 (PDF) Affleck, Dhuana How does Dialogical Self Theory appear in the light of Cognitive Analytic Therapy? Two approaches to the self. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2014, 134 pages Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertation in Education, Humanities, and Theology; 56 ISBN: 978-952-61-1443-9 (print) ISSNL: 1798-5625 ISSN: 1798-5625 (print) ISBN: 978-952-61-1444-6 (PDF) ISSN: 1798-5633 (PDF) ABSTRACT The idea of a dialogical approach to the self is now becoming an increasingly recog- nised phenomenon within psychology. The dialogical self is a conceptual system in which the role of dialogicality in consciousness and human activity is addressed. The idea of a dialogical self is based on Bakhtin’s concept of polyphony, it provides an ac- count of self-multiplicity and challenges reductionist accounts of the self associated with the individualism of traditional psychology. This thesis focuses on two models that provide an account of a dialogical self. In order to address the complexities that lie behind the integration of ideas from different psychotherapeutic traditions, a histori- cal analysis of terms and concepts and the methodological principles that underpin the development of Hubert Hermans’ dialogical self theory and Anthony Ryle’s cogni- tive analytic therapy is undertaken. Without an idea of the methodological principles that underpin theoretical integrations, we run the risk of assuming that terminological overlaps mean the same thing, potential differences in meaning become concealed. In analysing dialogical self theory alongside cognitive analytic therapy, the author concludes that each idiosyncratic integration impacts on the meanings that unfold, and that what develops is unique to the model rather than an interchangeable concept. Keywords: Bakhtin, cognitive analytic therapy, conceptual systems, dialogicality, dialogical self, dialogical self theory, historical analysis, polyphony, self-multiplicity. v vi Affleck, Dhuana Dialogisen minuuden teoria kognitiivis-analyyttisen terapian valossa. Kaksi lähes- tymistapaa minuuteen. Joensuu: Itä-Suomen yliopisto, 2014, 134 sivua Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertation in Education, Humanities, and Theology; 56 ISBN: 978-952-61-1443-9 (nid) ISSNL: 1798-5625 ISSN: 1798-5625 (nid) ISBN: 978-952-61-1444-6 (PDF) ISSN: 1798-5633 (PDF) ABSTRAKTI Minuuden dialoginen tarkastelu tunnetaan psykologian alalla yhä paremmin. Dialoginen minuus on käsitteellinen järjestelmä, jossa tutkitaan ihmisen toiminnan ja tietoisuuden dialogisuutta. Bahtinin moniäänisyyden käsitteeseen perustuva näke- mys minuuden dialogisuudesta kuvaa minuuden moninaisuutta ja haastaa perintei- seen, individualistiseen psykologiaan kuuluvan reduktionistisen minuuskäsityksen. Tässä väitöskirjassa käsitellään kahta dialogisen minuuden mallia. Koska erilaisten psykoterapiatraditioiden käsitysten yhdistäminen ei ole yksinkertaista, väitöskirjassa tehdään historiallinen analyysi termeistä ja käsitteistä sekä Hubert Hermansin dialo- gisen minuuden teorian ja Anthony Rylen kognitiivis-analyyttisen terapian kehitty- misen taustalla olevista metodologisista periaatteista. Jos eri teorioiden yhdistämisen metodologisia periaatteita ei ymmärretä, on vaarana erehtyä olettamaan, että osittain päällekkäisillä termeillä on sama sisältö. Tällöin niiden mahdollisia merkityseroja ei huomata. Dialogisen minuuden teorian ja kognitiivis-analyyttisen terapian analyysin perusteella todetaan, että kummankin idiosynkraattinen integraatio vaikuttaa avau- tuviin merkityksiin ja että tulokset riippuvat mallista pikemmin kuin keskenään vaih- dettavissa olevista käsitteistä. Avainsanat: Bahtin, dialoginen minuus, dialogisen minuuden teoria, dialogisuus, his- toria-analyysi, kognitiivis-analyyttinen terapia, käsitteelliset järjestelmät, minuuden moninaisuus, moniäänisyys vii viii Acknowledgements Without the kindness and generosity of a number of individuals, I would not have found myself on a journey that led me from trying to pursue doctoral studies in my native Scotland, eventually taking me to the shores of Finland. To recount this journey, in deciding to undertake doctoral studies, I was encour- aged and supported by Dr Mary Reid to write a research proposal, without whose patience, belief and guidance I may well have fallen at the first hurdle, for indeed I was to encounter one. It is now that I will indulge myself in quoting a brief extract from “Tae a Moose” written by the Scottish poet Robert Burns in 1785. In this work, Burns seems to be reflecting on the idea that all creatures are bound together and are equally fragile as he states, “the best-laid schemes o’ mice an ‘men gang aft agley”. My plans for doctoral studies indeed did initially not go according to plan, however, it was thanks to Dr Mary Reid and Professor Mick Cooper of Strathclyde University that I was eventually able to move forward. I am indebted to Professor Mick Cooper for agreeing to meet with me, and for his suggestion that he forward my research proposal to Professor Mikael Leiman of the University of Eastern Finland. It is at this point that my journey truly began My gratitude to my supervisor Professor Mikael Leiman is boundless. I would like to thank him first for his initial faith in me. I hold a deep and enduring respect for his humanity, patience, knowledge and wisdom. His humanity and humour shone throughout and he had an uncanny ability to guide me towards the paper or book that would help me to increase my understanding. Bit by bit, layer by layer he enabled me to gain an increased depth of understanding, using wisdom to judiciously guide and gently push me forward. I was indeed fortunate to be led along a path that took me from Scotland to Professor Leiman and ultimately to the University of Eastern Finland. I am most grateful, for if it had not been for this particular path, the kernel that was to develop into my thesis would have been nurtured in a very different way. I am left with a sense of profound richness at having had the privilege of being super- vised by Professor Leiman, under whose guidance I was able to blossom academically in a way that previously would have been unimaginable. I extend my thanks to him in abundance for this gift. I now wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to Professor Susan Llewelyn of the University of Oxford for being one of my pre-examiners and for agreeing to act as my ix official examiner. My heartfelt thanks are also extended to Professor João Salgado of the Instituto Universitàrio da Maia (Maia University Institute, Portugal). Their com- ments and additional insights were gratefully received. Reflecting on the acknowledgments required I now have to turn to ask what ele- ments came together that eventually led me to pursue doctoral studies. The answer is perhaps too complex to attempt to articulate, however one influence stands out amongst others. I would like to name and dedicate this thesis to my great uncle, James McLaren. As a young man, he spent his working life underground hewing coal. I of course knew him as an elderly man, a sage figure who was a beacon of light in my childhood. Thank you for all you gave, it is with me always. My thanks and gratitude extend to other family members, friends and people I have met along the way, for indeed all creatures are bound together and are equally fragile, I have been inspired and touched by so many. Thank you all. Two particular creatures however warrant a special mention. I thank my beautiful cat Serenity, firstly for truly living up to her name, and secondly for her many hours of companionship on my lap as I typed, altered, added to and corrected my thesis. The second little creature is of course my Remedy, a truly handsome cat who possesses an uncanny ability to know when a break is required. Choosing the right moment to sleep on a paper I was about to read is a gift he possesses in abundance. Last, but most certainly not least my loving thanks go to my husband Iain Affleck, with your love everything becomes possible. Dhuana Affleck x Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1 2 THE FORGOTTEN PAST OF DIALOGICAL SELF THEORY ............... 5 2.1 Background ...............................................................................................................5
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