VOLUME 14, ISSUE 37 PO Box 75, North Waterboro, ME 04061 • 247-1033 • [email protected] FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 FREE www.waterbororeporter.com LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED MASSABESIC DreamBY BRIGIT MCCALLUM fieldby Sept. 1 is fully in place, but Scarborough,a reality district engineers [email protected] the field is ready to go and has for the project, established spec- seen action during the first week ifications that were drawn up and While it can be an exciting of school with field hockey, soc- included in the two request for time as a new school year begins cer and football contests. The ap- proposals (RFP) that were issued; anywhere, at Massabesic High proximately 91,102 square foot one was for site work, including School, this is an over-the-top synthetic turf field will also be lighting, track, bleachers, site exciting fall season as teams play the site of lacrosse action in the work and associated items. This their first games in the brand new spring. In addition, the Western was awarded to Sargent Corpora- stadium that is phase one of the Maine Field Hockey Champion- tion of Stillwater on May 5. The “A very exciting “This will be the new athletic complex now un- ships for Class A, B and C are second RFP included the work to der construction. There is a tone slated to take place at the stadium purchase, install and warranty a addition to the first year that of school spirit and pride in the on Oct. 25. synthetic turf field, and this con- district and a voices of athletes, coaches, par- Following the passage of a tract was awarded to NET Sports Massabesic will ents, administration, local busi- $3.1 million bond for the project Group of Saco also on May 5. Site great opportunity be able to host a ness owners and the community in June 2015, planning continued work began in May and is large- at large. Not everything that was and by spring 2016, Stantec of ly completed. According to Colin for our student home track meet originally slated to be completed Walsh, Finance and Operations athletes and the since 2005.” Manager for RSU 57, there was a (Continued on page 3) communities.” –BRENDAN SCULLY –LARRY MALONE RSU 57 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR RSU 57 SUPERINTENDENT Massabesic High School students have begun competing on the brand new turf in their newly renovated stadium which includes new bleachers, lighting and soon, a new track. PHOTO BY JASON GENDRON, S4 ACTION PHOTOGRAPHY Walking Lyman artist wraps up project with ease Amy Stacey Curtis’ 9th Waterboro Parks and Rec- and final solo biennial reation will now be offering locals a second session of a A resident of Lyman since new way to stay fit – even if 2006, Curtis’s exhibit MEMO- they have arthritis. Thanks to RY will be open for participation a $4,000 grant from the Na- Sept. 17-Oct. 28 at the Bates Mill tional Recreation and Park Complex in Lewiston. This major Association (NRPA), the Na- exhibit marks the end of an 18- tional Association of Chronic year commitment to art-making, a Disease Directors (NACDD) project which began in 1998 and and the Centers for Dis- has culminated through nine solo ease Control and Prevention biennials from 2000 to 2016. In (CDC), Waterboro Parks and the end, Curtis will have installed Rec. will continue to offer the 81 ambitious audience-activat- Walk With Ease program to ed works throughout 9 vast mill the York County community. spaces of 8 Maine towns. It’s Waterboro is one of just ten been Curtis’s intention since 2000 communities across the nation to mount her final solo biennial in to receive the Walk With Ease Lewiston, host to her first bienni- grant for 2016. al (EXPERIENCE, 2000). “Not Waterboro’s parks and only will this bring my project programs have always been full-circle, but I can say ‘thank centers of health and wellness you’ to the town that took my in the community. The Walk work in at the very start.” MEMORY, Amy Stacey Curtis’s 9th and final “solo-biennial” exhibit is nine large participatory works throughout Each exhibit is a 22-month (Continued on page 4) the 30,000 square feet of the Bates Mill Complex, 35 Canal Street, Lewiston running Sept. 17 to Oct. 28. (Continued on page 4) COURTESY PHOTO PAGE 2 Friday, September 9, 2016 REPORTER B U S INE ss N EW S Eagle Scout Miles Michaud, of Limerick, recently became an Eagle Scout. Michaud is from pack #99 which meets in Parsonsfield. Shown flanked by his mother A ribbon-cutting ceremony was recently held, celebrating the opening of Frosty’s Dairy Bar, located at 1040 Kathleen and father Gerard along with his brother Andy on the right, who Main Street in Waterboro. The ice cream store opened on Aug. 29. From left Kennedy Proper, Micah Prop- is a member of Pack #329. er, Melissa Ryan-Proper, Waterboro’s Town Administrator Gary Lamb, Waterboro Selectman Tim Neill and COURTESY PHOTO Hailey Ryan. COURTESY PHOTO WAYNE LARIVIERE, DMD GENERAL DENTIST Call Today 247-3511 MANICURES • PEDICURES HAIRCUTS • COLOR • WAXING 740 Main Street, Suite 1, Waterboro Welcoming New Patients We Offer Tu e. 11-7, Wed. 9-7, Thu.-Fri. 9-5, Massabesic Regional Medical Center Insurance ® Sat 8-noon • 247-1024 Plans CareCredit Route 202, Waterboro, ME Low Monthly accepted. www.facebook.com/amariesstudio You Deservewww.drldmd.com to Payment Plans You Deserve to REDUCE YOUR PAIN AND FEEL GREAT! REDUCE YOURYou PAIN Deserve AND to FEEL GREAT! You Deserve to Celebrating our 50th Anniversary REDUCEREDUCE YOURYOUR PAIN PAIN AND AND FEEL FEEL GREAT! GREAT! • Come play Southern Maine’s fi nest nine! • Under new ownership • A Robert Trent Jones Sr. design • Coming Spring of 2017 the River Tap & Grill FREE PROGRAM Anniversary FREE PROGRAM BeginningFREE PROGRAM September 12! specials: BeginningFREE PROGRAM September 12! Beginning September 12! If you can be on your feet for 10 minutes without increased pain, Must present coupon. ✃ If youBeginning canyou be canon your have feet success for September 10 with minutes Walk without with Ease! increased 12! pain, If you can be on your feet for 10 minutes without increased pain, Classesyou can are have 1 hour, success 3 times with a week Walk for with 6 weeks Ease! Foursome w/carts, 18 holes: $100 you can have success with Walk with Ease! Classes are 1 hour, 3 times a week for 6 weeks (1-3 players: $27.50 each) If you can beClasses on your are 1feet hour, for 3 times 10 minutesa week for without6 weeks increased pain, you can have success with Walk with Ease! 15% OFF all logo apparel EvidenceClasses based are 1& hour, doctor 3 times arecommended week for 6 weeks to: EvidenceEvidence based & & doctor doctor recommended recommended to: to: Pay for a 2017 membership > Increase your balance, strength and stamina > Increase your balance, strength and stamina in full and play unlimited Evidence> Increase based your balance, & doctor strength recommended and stamina to: golf for the remainder > Improve> Improve your your flexibilityflexibility and and overall overall health health > Improve your flexibility and overall health of 2016 for only > >Motivate >Increase Motivate yourself yourselfyour balance, to getget in in betterstrength better shape shape and stamina $100 > Motivate yourself to get in better shape > Improve your flexibility and overall health Participants and leaders wanted! > MotivateParticipants yourself andto get leaders in better wanted! shape ParticipantsFMI: CALL 247and- leaders6166 x115 wanted! FMI: CALL 247 -6166 x115 ParticipantsFMI: CALL and 247 leaders-6166 wanted! x115 FMI: CALL 247-6166 x115 Call 207-929-5233 for tee times Email: parksandrec or book online at @waterboro-me.gov www.salmonfallscountryclub.com Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] REPORTER Friday, September 9, 2016 PAGE 3 MHS STADIUM vided a scoreboard and sound sys- the requirements has been already (Continued from page 1) tem for use in the interim. been done, and final testing will When the project began, com- soon be completed. There are strict very tight timetable for the proj- ponents of the old facility, includ- standards for lighting for each of ect and a lot of work to be accom- ing the topsoil and the tar of the the sports that will be played, with plished. old track were removed. A photo- lacrosse requiring the strongest The turf field was installed graphic and video timeline of some lighting and Walsh says the new during the month of July. Walsh of this activity can be viewed on lights will meet those standards as wrote, “It is a high quality turf the Massabesic Athletic Boost- well. field, and as promised, does not ers Facebook page. By July 5 the Walsh and new Superinten- contain a crumb rubber infill. The turf was delivered and NET Sports dent Larry Malone, who worked whole project will be of great ben- Group began laying it with com- as assistant last year to now-re- efit to the entire district and will be pletion on July 18. Soon after, tired Supt. John Davis describe a place for all to enjoy.” He add- lines, numbers and Mustang logos the process by which decisions ed, “Many experts have told the were applied. were made and quality standards District that there is great value After a lot of research, follow- have been insured throughout the obtained for this project, and it is ing the concerns raised in a 2014 process. Cordjia Corporation, an comprised of solid quality prod- news report that suggested the international company with ex- ucts and planning.” possibility that there might be car- pertise in building fields and stadi- Since the track surface and the cinogenic elements in the popular ums, which is also a senior consul- scoreboard remain to be added, “crumb rubber” infill that has been tant to FIFA for turf on large and the ribbon-cutting ceremony that used in most artificial turf fields, small complexes internationally, was slated for last weekend has the school administration made the has acted and will continue to act been rescheduled for half time of decision to avoid the shredded and as “Owner’s Rep” through the en- The girls field hockey team was the first to play on the new turf, for a 2-1 the homecoming football game reused car and truck tire product tire Athletic Complex process.
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