Nature and the Origin of Ein Feshcha Springs (NW Dead Sea) By Jawad Ali Hasan From Jerusalem / Palestine A thesis for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences submitted to the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences University of Karlsruhe, Germany Date of thesis defense: 04.02. 2009 Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Heinz Hötzl, Karlsruhe University Prof. Dr. Akiva Flexer, Tel Aviv University Prof. Dr. Amer Marei, Al-Quds University Declaration i Declaration I hereby certify and confirm that this thesis is entirely the result of my own work and that no other than the cited aid and sources have been used. Erklärung Hiermit bestätige ich, dass die vorliegende Dissertatious-Arbeit selbstständig und nur unter Verwendung der genannten Hilfsmittel angefertigt wurde (Jawad Ali Hasan) Karlsruhe, February 2009 DEDICATION ii Wxw|vtà|ÉÇ gÉ Åç ÅÉà{xÜ tÇw ytà{xÜ ã{É áâÑÑÉÜàxw Åx tÇw Ä|z{àá âÑ Åç Ä|yx á|Çvx Åç u|Üà{ àÉ à{|á wtàx gÉ Åç ÄÉäxÄç ã|yx Â`|áátÊ yÉÜ {xÜ xyyÉÜàá? ÅÉÜtÄ áâÑÑÉÜà tÇw xÇwÄxáá xÇvÉâÜtzxÅxÇà gÉ Åç v{|ÄwÜxÇ? yÉÜ à{xÜx âÇwxÜáàtÇw|Çz wâÜ|Çz Åç tuáxÇvx? ã|à{ Åç ÄÉäx àÉ à{xÅ tÄÄA ]tãtw ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This piece of research took a lot of efforts by many people whom I am acknowledging in this dissertation, and will also carry their kindness and support with me when I build my professional life. This support by my professors, colleagues, and friends, was translated through different ways. I was very lucky to receive the wonderful encouragement from all, in addition to financial and psychological support. I would like to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to my supervisors; Prof. Dr. H. Hoetzl (Faculty of Civil Engineering, / Karlsruhe University), Prof. Dr. Akiva Flexer (Faculty of Science / Tel Aviv University) and Prof. Dr. Amer Marei (Faculty of Science / Al-Quds University) for their kindness, guidance, support, fruitful suggestions and their independence oriented supervision that has given me more insight into the field of scientific research. The author would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Dr. Metzger (PTWT) for supporting and funding my work; and for the Country and people of Germany for their continuous support of the Palestinian people and peace in the Middle East. Special thanks should go to my best promoter and friend Dr. Wasim Ali for his kindness and almost daily assistance, scientific guidance and support. Wasim Ali never forget his people specially the students, thus I was not the only Palestinian student whom Wasim Ali has provided help for him to complete his study in Germany. I would like to thank Al-Quds University represented by its president Prof. Dr. Sari Nusaiba for his trust and support. Not to forget my friends Dr. Adnan Rasheed, Dr. Mustafa Kamies, Mr. Mohannad Quri, the staff of the Center for Chemical and Biological Analyses and the Environmental Research Lab for their help and facilitating my work. Finally, I am indebted to everyone who contributed to completing this work whom I have failed to mention. ABSTRACT iv ABSTRACT Groundwater is the primary source of water for the Palestinians and Israelis in West Bank. Efficient management of this resource requires a well developed understanding of the groundwater flow systems so that the quantity of good quality groundwater that can be abstracted on a sustainable basis will be determined. This study focuses on a small area of the West Bank (Marsaba-Feshcha), since it is considered as one of the few places of the region where additional limited amounts of the groundwater can be developed. This area is arid and suffers from an acute shortage of fresh water; the outlet of this Eastern Aquifer basin is the Ein Feshcha springs group which is located on the upper north-western shore of the Dead Sea, whose discharge amounts to about 60 MCM/Y of saline water. Recent studies have identified the possibility of increasing ground water extraction from Ein Feshcha springs group (Guttman et al., 1995, Guttman, 1998 and Wolfer, 1998). To understand the hydrodynamics of the Ein Feshcha spring system, water samples were conducted for hydrochemical and isotopic analysis, field studies and geophysical analysis were carried out in order to answer an opened questions regarding water flow and mixing mechanisms. This thesis present the results of hydrochemical, hydrogeological, geomorphological and geophysical studies conducted between 2005 and 2008 on Marsaba- Feshcha study area. The results of the chemical and isotope analyses interpretation (Na-K-Mg, Schoeller and Durov diagrams, the ionic ratios, the positive relationships between Cl and other elements, heavy metals, Ra, Rn, 18O and 2H relations) used in attempt to identify the water source and mixing processes taking place at the vicinity of the springs strongly suggest variable scenarios controlling springs salinization. In some cases, it is due to mixing with paleo-brines at the fresh saline water interface, while in other cases deep seated brines emerge along regional faults. With the geochemical analysis, radioactive- and stable isotopes no clear evidence show that evaporation brine plays an important role for salinization of groundwater within the rift graben but there is more evidence for dissolution of salts which may explain the high content of Ba and Pb. Nevertheless it is believed that the water receives its salinity in the direct vicinity of the springs, being of better quality in the Cretaceous mountain reservoir. This finds its expression in EC values, from 0.7 to >15 mS/cm and Cl concentrations of 137 to >11048 mg/l. ABSTRACT v A salt diaper was recognized in the study area, due to this salt diaper the conducted waters through the fractures and faults exhibit a wide range of major cations; major anions and trace element concentrations leading to dissolution, evaporation and/or precipitation processes which takes place along the water flow path and in the vicinity of the springs. The use of VES-method proved the horizontal migration of fresh/saline water interface as a result of drop in Dead Sea level, which is formed due to the contact between the trapper saline pockets with the conducted fresh waters through the transversally faults. These transversal faults conduct the fresh water from West to the East finding its way at the vicinity of Ein Feshcha were local mixing between the fresh waters and significantly evaporated and isotopically modified brines trapped in between the exposed clay layers due to the retreat of Dead Sea water (paleo brines) take place. With the use of NPEMFE-method and field observations we managed to localize the transversal faults were the hydraulic connection between the lower aquifer and the upper aquifer get mixed and fined its way out at Ein Feshcha study area. This study has practical implications regarding recent groundwater management and groundwater development for the benefit of both Palestinians and Israelis residing in the area. It is apparent that in order to intercept the fresh water before it becomes mixed with the salt diaper and / or paleo-brines, new well field at upstream need to be drilled and more water to be pumped in the Eastern flanks of Judea Mountains. GERMAN ABSTRACT vi ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Für Palästinenser und Israelis im Westjordanland ist Grundwasser die wichtigste Ressource für die Wassergewinnung. Eine nachhaltige und effektive Bewirtschaftung dieser Ressource erfordert ein gut entwickeltes Verständnis der Grundwasserfließsysteme, damit die nachhaltig entnehmbaren Wassermengen so bestimmt werden können, dass es zu keiner Beeinträchtigung der Grundwasser-Qualität kommt. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf den südöstlichen Teil des Westjordanlands (Marsaba- Feshcha), einem der wenigen Teilgebiete, wo noch begrenzte Mengen von Grundwasser zusätzliche erschlossen werden können. Dies obwohl das Gebiet extrem arid ist und an einem akuten Mangel an Süßwasser leidet. Die noch erschließbaren Wassermengen dokumentieren sich in der Schüttung der heute noch ungenutzten Wässer der Ein Feshcha Quellgruppe im Uferbereich des nordwestlichen Toten Meeres. Sie stellt den Auslauf des „Östlichen Aquiferbeckens“ dar und umfasst im langjährlichen Mittel eine Wassermenge von rund 60 MCM/Y, allerdings von stark salzhaltigem Brackwasser. Neue Studien und Grundwasser- Modellierungen haben jedoch die Möglichkeit aufgezeigt, aus dem Grundwasserleiter der Ein Feshcha Quellgruppe unter Berücksichtigung der Herkunft der hochsalinaren Wässer und deren Vermischungszonen mit dem Süßwasser letztere für die Wassergewinnung zu erschließen (Guttman et Al., 1995, Guttman, 1998 und Wolfer, 1998). Zur Abklärung der komplexen hydrodynamischen Verhältnisse und zum besseren Verstehen der bei der Vermischung der unterschiedlichen Wässer wirksamen Mechanismen und Prozesse wurde ein umfangreiches Untersuchungsprogramm im Umfeld und Einzugsgebiet des Ein Feshcha Systems im Rahmen diese Doktorarbeit gestartet. Es umfasste geologische, strukturelle und hydrogeologische Feldstudien, geophysikalische Sondierungen und Auswertungen sowie ein umfangreiches Beprobungs- und Analysenprogramm zur Untersuchung der verschiedenen Quellwässer. In dieser Dissertation werden die Ergebnisse dieser in der Zeit von 2005 bis 2008 durchgeführten Untersuchungen im Gebiet Marsaba- Feshcha zusammengefasst. Die Ergebnisse der chemischen und Isotopen-Analysen wurden unter Heranziehung der Ionen- Verhältnisse, insbesondere der Na-K-Mg-Verhältnisse sowie der positiven Beziehungen zwischen Cl und anderen Elementen, ferner mittels Schoeller-
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