IVol. XVII, No. 236, Sunday, Jan. 7, 1979,' Jadl Tg ' 1357, S.H. PRICE AF. 6 Party affairs Saw victory historic Sympathy Condolence message sent to telegram sent USSR on minister's demise event; notes Havana meet KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakht-ar)- . The Afghan Red Cr- KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakh-tar- ). Supreme Soviet and to be better KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakh-tar- ). ment. escent Society in a telegram The Information De- the Council of Ministers of The preliminary co- addressed to the Red . Cres- partment of the Ministry of the Soviet Union on the nference of the World Pea- These sessions expressed cent Society of Turkey has Foreign Affairs reported demise of Alexeyevsky, M- ce Council on protection their solidarity with the pe- expressed its deep sorrow that a condolence and sym- inister of Land Constructi- ople and government of Af- Wa- coordinated and support of the d and sympathy over the re- pathy telegram has been on and Preservation of movement was held ghanistan and appreciated cent train accident which sent by the Central Com- ter Resources of the Union in Havana, Cuba, between the active role of that co- resulted in the dea- mittee of the People's De- of Soviet Socialist Repub- KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakht-ar- ). esident of the Revolution- December 15, 1978 las- untry in d move- th and wounding mocratic Party of Afghan- lics. The Secretariat of ary Council and Prime Mi- and. ment and construction of a bro- Revolutionary Coun- the Central Committee of nister. ted until December 17, 1978. of a number of Turkish istan, The att- peaceful and welfare soc- and cil Council of Ministers According to Tass the the People's Democratic At the outset the report conference was thers, the Informtion and by iety void of exploitation of Liaison Office DRA Co- Central Committee of CP- Party of Afghanistan rep- ended 21 delegates of of the ARCS of to the Central of the great leader and by ; the. World Peace Commit- man man. reported yesterday. mmittee of the CPSU, SU, Supreme Soviet and orts that the Politburo of teacher of the people Ge- tees of 14 countries includ- Council of Ministers has re- the PDPA CC met at the neral Secretary of PDPA CC ing Afghanistan. ported with profound sor- House of People from 10.30 was heard and confirmed At the end of the confe- Auditing training course opens row the death of Yev Geni a.m. to 12:30 p.m. yeste- -' on the internal, regional rence a resolution was issu- Alexyevsky. relay under the ch- and international situati- KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakht- Mohammad Taraki, Presid- the accounting personnel of ed in which the glorious ar). Alexyevsky, 72 years airmanship of Noor Mo- on. A training course was ent of the Revolutionary the ministries to have fur- Saur Revolution of Afgha- opened old, was the member of hammad Taraki, General Then discussion took pla- yesterday at the Au- Council and Prime Minis- ther studies about Ihc ac- nistan was supported and diting the Central Committee, Su- Secretary of PDPA CC, Pr-- ce on party organisational Department of (he ter and the long and con- counting and financial sys- the participants "expressed preme Soviet of USSR and affairs and better coordin- Prime Ministry for the ac- tinuing struggles of the Pe- tems and their proper ma- their solidarity with the pe- at the same time was the KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakht- ation of these affairs, and counting personnel and ca- ople's Party of nagement of ople and state Democratic for the sake hero of socialist work. ar), The literacy courses necessary decisions were of Afghan- dres of the State enterpri- istan. Afghanistan and said: with expediting their affairs. opened in diferent villages taken. ses. the coming of the Democra- A source of the Auditing of Paghman woleswali of tic Republic of Afghanist- Department of the Prime Iraqi Army Kabul In the resolution the Opening the course the province, recently. an and the transfer of po- Ministry said : Since the mo- Meeting following remarks were ma- President General of the A source of the woleswali litical power the ex- of Sunbula of cur- Day de about Afghanistan: Auditing Department of from nth the marked said that the courses atten- KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakht. ploiters to exploited, vast gr- rent year, five specialised The participants pointed the Prime Ministry Moha- KABUL, 7, (Bakht-ar)- . ded by 523 workers, peas- ar). Qayoum Noorzai, De- ound has been prepared for training courses have been Jan. out that the Saur Revolu- mmad Zaman Karimzadah On the occasion of ants and toilers including puty Minister of Informati- d social, economic held for the accounting and tion in Afghanistan and the spoke on the lofty objecti- Day Re- women, are taught by the on and Culture met Char- and cultural development auditing personnel within the Military of the rise of the Democratic Re- ves of glorious Saur Revo- public of Iraq members of party organisa- ge d'Affaires of the Emba- of our country. the framework of the said a public was considered an lution under the leadership reception tion of the area, with the ssy of the People's Repub- Since the personnel of Department. was held by lic important historic event of and guidance of the wise the Military Attache of the cooperation of the NACAI. of Hungary in Kabul at the Auditing Department oi The source said : The nu- 1978 as a result of which teacher of the people Noor Embassy of three p.m. yesterday.' the Prime Ministry are as mber of training courses that country in Afghanistan separated it- Kabul at Hotel Interconti- and guide sent held in pursuance of the lo- 1st During this meeting vie- self from imperialism and nental last night. PDPA DecreesNos. 6, to various ministries, pub- fty objectives of the great ws were . exchanged over the reactionary forces so The reception lic enterprises and healthy Saur Revolution and within was atten- development of cultural re- as to become a strong de- ded by some deputy minis- Congress observed in assessment and inspection the framework of the use- lations between the DRA fender of the socialist soc- 7,8 of of income, expenditure and ful development plans of ters various ministries, and the People's Republic iety and the non-aligne-d some officers public property, it is imp- the Democratic Republic of of the armed hailed in of Hungary. countries, and peace move- - grand function forces of the people Af- ortant that they should be Afghanistan has been unp- of ghanistan, high go- equipped with new knowled- recedented in the history of ranking provinces vernment officials and so- KABUL, Jan. 7, (Bakht-ar- ). ge of counting and audi- the Auditing Department of Waldhcim hopeful about me heads of diplomatic cor- PROVINCES, (Bakhtar).-- In Workers, officials ting. It is also the duty of the Prime Ministry. ps residing in Kabul. honour of the 14th anni- and personnel of the Me- versary of 1st Congress of Common Fund chanical Department of PDPA, during future the last week, the Ministry of Public Wor- our noble people in the cen- - KINGSTON, JAMAICA, Former British Prime Mi- ks, Kabul Technicum and tre and provinces particip- Jan. 7, (Reuter). United nister Edward Heath told Sports Institute yesterday ' ated in voluntary, and coll- Nations Secretary General reporters in Barbados earl- afternoon held a grand fu- ective work. Kurt Waldheim says he ier this week that the nction at the auditorium of hoped the next meeting of 400 million dollars would be Kabul Technicum with the According to a report from the U.N. Conference on Tr- sufficient to make the cooperation of the 12th par- 90 (UN-CTA- Mazari Sharif more than ade and Development common fund work. He no- ty ward of the city, to cele- workers of Thermo Power will be able to set ted that the present world brate the enforcement of plant of Mazari Sharif and a up the long sought Com- agreement covering tin pri- the Decrees No. Six, Seven vV: great y number of noble citi- mon Fund to stabilise wor- ces alone needed 250 mill- and Eight of the RC. zens of that area took part ld commodity prices. ion dollars annually 1o in voluntary of facto- work make it work. At the outset of the fun- ry. Waldheim, in Jamaica on a four day official visit, ction the national anthem As a result of this volun- The Common Fund, told a press, conference Fr- of the DRA was sung. Af- tary and collective work group agreements iday there was agreement terwards Dr. Mahmoud, Se- more than 100 cubic mete- covering about 18 commod- on the need to establish the cretary of the 12th party rs of stone was transferred ities including raw fund, a key a new such ward and General Secret- by the volunteers to fa- element in the materials as sugar, grains ary of the Family Guidan- 20,-00- world economic order, but ctory which saved afs and some metals, is no one had said how much meant ce Association discussed in V, to work by buying commod- they were willing to contri- detail the victory of the irr- ities at times plenty wh- bute to make it work. of evocable Saur Revolution Similarly during the last re- en prices are down and and the values of the dec- week more 500 Waldeim said he .hoped than noble leasing them on the market rees. Alaq-adar- this could be worked out citizens of Khwahan i, in times of shortage when ( including officials when UNCTAD meets in prices rise.
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