2328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 March 5, 2013 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Tuesday, March 5, 2013 The House met at 10 a.m. and was ple of all ages, all walks of life, com- across America more livable and our called to order by the Speaker pro tem- munities large and small. They are families safer, healthier, and more eco- pore (Mr. DESANTIS). firm in the belief that the Federal Gov- nomically secure. f ernment should be a stronger partner f in capitalizing on the most efficient HONORING MRS. ANN MARIE DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO form of urban transportation ever de- KILCOURSE WILSON OF JOHNS- TEMPORE signed. TOWN, PENNSYLVANIA The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Bicycles burn calories, not fossil fuel, fore the House the following commu- and take up a 10th of the space of a car. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nication from the Speaker: More importantly, for those who drive, Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS) for 5 min- WASHINGTON, DC, every bicycle in the protected bike March 5, 2013. lane next to you is not a car in front of utes. Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, today I I hereby appoint the Honorable RON you or competing for a scarce parking DESANTIS to act as Speaker pro tempore on space. rise to recognize Ann Marie Kilcourse this day. The goal here is to give Americans Wilson of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, an JOHN A. BOEHNER, more choices about how they move, extraordinary woman. She passed away Speaker of the House of Representatives. making it safe for children to walk or on February 19, 2013, at the all-too- f bike to school. It helps those children, young age of 47, following a brief and it relieves stress on the family, and can courageous battle with cancer. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE cut 30 percent of the rush-hour conges- Mrs. Wilson could have been anyone’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tion. Bicycling helps kids stay active daughter, anyone’s wife, anyone’s ant to the order of the House of Janu- at a time where we are obsessing about mother, co-worker, employer, or fellow ary 3, 2013, the Chair will now recog- a lack of physical activity for our chil- church member. She was extraordinary nize Members from lists submitted by dren, a level that is already too low because she excelled in each of these the majority and minority leaders for and declining. Bicycling is a natural roles. She was a woman for all seasons. Ann Wilson was born in 1965 in the morning-hour debate. remedy. Bronx of Irish stock, the daughter of The Chair will alternate recognition Cities of all size are participating in Thomas and Francis Kilcourse. She between the parties, with each party the bicycle revolution. It would not be graduated from St. John the Baptist limited to 1 hour and each Member nearly as advanced as it is, but for $8.9 High School in West Islip, New York, other than the majority and minority billion of Federal investment since the and earned a degree in political science leaders and the minority whip limited original ISTEA reauthorization. It has from the Catholic University of Amer- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall accelerated programs, leveraged other ica. She worked in New York City be- debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. investments and has increased trans- fore moving to Johnstown, the home- portation capacity for everybody, and f town of her husband, Bill. done so more cost effectively than any In the mountains of western Pennsyl- WELCOMING THE 14TH ANNUAL other expenditure. By the way, $1 mil- vania, this daughter of the Bronx be- BIKE SUMMIT lion invested in bicycle facilities cre- came an adopted daughter of Johns- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ates more family-wage jobs than sim- town, and she has thrived there. She Chair recognizes the gentleman from ply constructing more miles of high- brought into the world three beautiful Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- way. children: Katie, Billy, and Clara, whom utes. It is also easier and faster to accom- she and Bill loved dearly. And while Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, as plish. At a time when America has an she was raising her family, Ann pur- we wait for the Congress and adminis- infrastructure deficit that is in the sued her professional calling with ex- tration to deal with how to do business trillions of dollars, when that infra- cellence and determination as the mar- differently for defense, for health care, structure is falling apart and unreli- keting director of The Gleason Agency. for the Tax Code, we can take a break able, our coalition for policies and re- Her energy was incomparable. The today as we welcome over 750 men and sources to rebuild and renew America energy of her professional work could women from every State in the Union will be stronger if it includes the mil- also be seen in her commitment to pub- who are here for the 14th Annual Bike lions of Americans who travel by bike. lic service. In 2005, Ann made her first Summit. They represent, as you might I strongly urge my colleagues and attempt at public office and won a 4- expect, people from cycling clubs and their staff to take the time to visit year term on the Johnstown City Coun- the mountain bike industry. There are with these advocates this week. Hear cil. She took the oath of office in Janu- also dedicated recreational cyclists, their stories about transforming com- ary 2006 and was the first Republican those who are involved with bike tour- munities of all sizes: rural, urban, sub- woman elected to the council. Notably, ism, which has become very big busi- urban. Most important, learn how they Ann was the top vote-getter on the ness, by the way. And speaking of busi- are giving families safe transportation ticket, beating out seven incumbents. ness, there are representatives of bicy- choices that they never had before. In a city where Democrats outnumber cle repair, bicycle manufacturers, and Visit with these cycling leaders. More Republicans 7–3, she was the top vote- others who design, manufacture, and important, at home, when you are getter, demonstrating her broad bipar- sell equipment and apparel. Bicycles back, get on a bike, walk a trail, join tisan appeal. mean business, in my hometown alone the volunteers, witness an event with over $150 million of economic activity your family and talk to the bike busi- b 1010 in a year, employing over 1,000 people. nesses and community partners. All of She was reelected in 2009 and ap- As the Bike Summit attendees visit these stakeholders can help us vis- pointed deputy mayor of Johnstown in Capitol Hill later this week, we will ualize what the Federal partnership January of 2010. She also served as ex- have an opportunity to hear from peo- could mean in making communities ecutive director and later chairman of b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:49 Sep 20, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR13\H05MR3.000 H05MR3 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD March 5, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 159, Pt. 2 2329 the Cambria County Republican Com- there are armed guards on the roof, at b 1200 mittee. In 2012, Governor Tom Corbett the doors, at the back doors, at the AFTER RECESS appointed her to the Pennsylvania doors over to the east and to the west. Commission for Women, and she was It’s hypocritical of the gun control The recess having expired, the House elected as a delegate to the 2012 Repub- crowd in this Chamber to say ‘‘more was called to order by the Speaker at lican National Convention. guns for me, but not for thee.’’ noon. While her energy and professional ac- If these cities were safe, gun control f complishments were remarkable, the laws would work, but they don’t work. PRAYER two things that mattered most to her But there is a Federal law that the city were her family and her church. Mrs. of Richmond, Virginia, took advantage The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick Wilson lived for her husband and chil- of, and it goes back to 1997. Richmond, J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: dren, and she rarely missed a sporting Virginia, was one of the top five U.S. Gracious God, we give You thanks for or school event that involved the kids. cities with the highest per capita mur- giving us another day. She loved family time and family vaca- der rate in the United States. So the In this Chamber, where the people’s tions, and she was deeply committed to city used a Federal law to help them House gathers, we pause to offer You her Catholic faith. She was also a control the crime problem. Project gratitude for the gift of this good land strong advocate for the right to life Exile is the name. The local and State on which we live and for this great Na- and compassion for all. government voluntarily cooperated tion which You have inspired in devel- In a world and time given to cyni- with the United States Attorney’s Of- oping over so many years. Continue to fice in gun prosecutions.
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