FAMILY Moringuidae Jordan, 1885 - spaghetti eels [=Ptyobranchidae, Rataburidae, Stilbiscinae, Angullichidae] Notes: Name in prevailing recent practice Ptyobranchidae McClelland, 1844:158, 159, 176 [ref. 2928] (family) Ptyobranchus [stem sometimes seen as Ptychobranch-] Rataburidae [Ratabouridae] Gill, 1872:20 [ref. 26254] (family) Rataboura [Ratabura inferred from the stem, Article; name must be corrected Article 32.5.3; stem corrected to Ratabour- by McCulloch 1929–30:70 [ref. 2948], confirmed by Fowler 1932a:47 [ref. 32515] and by Deraniyagala 1952:77 [ref. 12768]] Moringuidae Gill, 1885a:107 [ref. 1653] (family) Moringua [family-group name used as valid by: Schultz with Stern 1948 [ref. 31938], Bertin & Arambourg 1958, Greenwood, Rosen, Weitzman & Myers 1966 [ref. 26856], McAllister 1968 [ref. 26854], Lindberg 1971 [ref. 27211], Nelson 1976 [ref. 32838], Shiino1976, Nelson 1984 [ref. 13596], Smith & Heemstra 1986 [ref. 5715], Paxton et al. 1989 [ref. 12442], McAllister 1990 [ref. 14674], Robins et al. 1991a [ref. 14237], Böhlke & Chaplin 1993, Nelson 1994 [ref. 26204], Eschmeyer 1998 [ref. 23416], Menezes et al. 2003 [ref. 27192], Nelson et al. 2004 [ref. 27807], Hoese et al. 2006, Nelson 2006 [ref. 32486], Zhang et al. 2010 [ref. 31511], Allen & Erdmann 2012 [ref. 31980]] Stilbiscinae Jordan & Davis, 1891:582, 643 [ref. 2437] (subfamily) Stilbiscus Angullichidae [Anguillichthyidae] Mowbray, in Breder, 1927:4 [ref. 635] (family) Anguillichthys [corrected to Anguillichthyidae by Parr 1930b:141 [ref. 3370], confirmed by Myers & Storey 1956:10 [ref. 32831] and by Böhlke & Chaplin 1968:68 [ref. 23150]] GENUS Moringua Gray, 1831 - spaghetti eels [=Moringua Gray [J. E.], 1831:Pl. 95 (v. 1), Anguillichthys Mowbray [L. L.], in Breder, 1927:10, Aphthalmichthys Kaup [J. J.], 1856:68, Mayerina Silvester [C. F.], 1915:214, Merinthichthys Howell Rivero [L.], 1934:343, Pachyurus (subgenus of Muraena) Swainson [W.], 1839:196, 335, Pseudomoringua Bleeker [P.], 1864:15, Pterurus (subgenus of Anguilla) Swainson [W.], 1839:196, 334, Ptyobranchus McClelland [J.], 1844:199, 221, Rataboura Gray [J. E.], 1831:Pl. 95 (v. 1), Stilbiscus Jordan [D. S.] & Bollman [C. H.], 1889:549] Notes: [ref. 1878]. Moringua linearis Gray, 1831. Type by monotypy. Treated as feminine by current authors. Appeared as above on 25 Jan. 1831 also in Gray 1831:9 [ref. 1879] which Fowler dates to Feb. 1831. Bleeker 1864:14 [ref. 4860] lists M. raitaborua Cantor as type. Gray 1831:9 credits species as "Anguilla linearis, Hardw. MSS." but species authorship should be Gray. See also Smith 1989:65 for nomenclatural comments. •Valid as Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:21 [ref. 6441], Castle 1986:187 [ref. 5644], Paxton et al. 1989:111 [ref. 12442], Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Ataur Rahman 1989:45 [ref. 24860], Kuang in Pan et al. 1991:64 [ref. 23876], Smith 1999:1637 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:695 [ref. 26989], Ataur Rahman 2003:60 [ref. 31338], Paxton et al. 2006:239 [ref. 28995], Zhang et al. 2010:221 [ref. 31511], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]) Current status: Valid as Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Anguillichthys) [ref. 635]. Masc. Anguillichthys bahamensis Mowbray, 1927. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Aphthalmichthys) [ref. 2572]. Masc. Aphthalmichthys javanicus Kaup, 1856. Type by monotypy. Also in Kaup 1856:105 [ref. 2573] and as name only (Aphthalmoichthys) in Kaup in Duméril 1856: 200 [ref. 1154]. •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], McCosker et al. 2011:272 [ref. 31452], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Mayerina) [ref. 4027]. Fem. Mayerina mayeri Silvester, 1915. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989] dated 1916). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Merinthichthys) [ref. 3767]. Masc. Merinthichthys sanchezi Howell Rivero, 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Pachyurus) [ref. 4303]. Masc. Moringua linearis Gray, 1831. Type by monotypy. Spelled Pachiurus by Swainson 1839:196 [ref. 4303]; technical first reviser not researched. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Pachyurus Agassiz, 1831 in Recent fishes. •In the synonymy of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Pseudomoringua) [ref. 4860]. Fem. Moringua lumbricoidea Richardson, 1845. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Bleeker 1864:15 published 21 Sept. 1864; also in Bleeker 1865:114 [ref. 409]. Kottalet says this is a replacement name for Pachyurus Swainson. •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:95 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Pterurus) [ref. 4303]. Masc. Pterurus maculatus Swainson, 1839 (= Muraena raitaborua Hamilton, 1822). Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Swain 1882:283 [ref. 5966]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Pterurus Rafinesque, 1810 in fishes, not replaced. •Objective synonym of Rataboura Gray, 1831. •In the synonymy of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Ptyobranchus) [ref. 2928]. Masc. Ptyobranchus arundinaceus McClelland, 1844. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Jordan 1919:220 [ref. 2410]. •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Rataboura) [ref. 1878]. Fem. Rataboura hardwickii Gray, 1831. Type by monotypy. Appeared as above on 25 Jan. 1831; also in Gray 1831:9 [ref. 1879] of apparently later date [Fowler MS says Feb. 1831] with two species. Raitaborua is a misspelling. •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. (Stilbiscus) [ref. 2432]. Masc. Stilbiscus edwardsi Jordan & Bollman, 1889. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831 -- (Smith 1989:65 [ref. 13285], Kottelat 2013:39 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Moringua Gray, 1831. Moringuidae. Species Moringua abbreviata (Bleeker, 1863) - Prigi spaghetti eel (author) [=Aphthalmichthys abbreviatus Bleeker [P.], 1863:163] Notes: [Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde v. 1; ref. 17003] Prigi, Java; Batu; Manado, Sulawesi; Ternata; Ambon, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Moringua abbreviata (Bleeker, 1863). Moringuidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Moringua bicolor Kaup, 1856 - bicolored spaghetti eel (author) [=Moringua bicolor Kaup [J. J.], 1856:70] Notes: [Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 2572] Timor Island, southern Malay Archipelago. Current status: Valid as Moringua bicolor Kaup, 1856. Moringuidae. Distribution: Indo-Pacific: Madagascar to Fiji and Indonesia to Ryukyu Islands, Habitat: marine. Species Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollmann, 1889) - common spaghetti eel [=Stilbiscus edwardsi Jordan [D. S.] & Bollman [C. H.], 1889:549, Anguillichthys bahamensis Mowbray [L. L.], in Breder, 1927:10, Fig. 5, Moringua boekei Metzelaar [J.], 1919:17, Fig. 8, Aphthalmichthys caribbeus Gill [T. N.] & Smith [H. M.], 1900:974, Leptocephalus diptychus Eigenmann [C. H.] & Kennedy [C. H.], 1901:831, Fig., Mayerina mayeri Silvester [C. F.], 1915:214, Merinthichthys sanchezi Howell Rivero [L.], 1934:343, Fig. 3] Notes: [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 11 (no. 752); ref. 2432] Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas. Current status: Valid as Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman, 1889). Moringuidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: brackish, marine. (bahamensis) [Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University v. 1 (art. 1); ref. 635] Green Cay, Bahamas. Current status: Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman, 1889). Moringuidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. (boekei) [Report on the fishes; ref. 2982] Piescadera Bay, Curaçao. Current status: Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman, 1889). Moringuidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. (caribbeus) [Science (new series) v. 11 (no. 286); ref. 14729] San Geronimo, Near San Juan, north shore of Puerto Rico. Current status: Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman, 1889). Moringuidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. (diptychus) [Science (new series) v. 13 (no. 334); ref. 11072] New Providence Island, Bahamas, surface (nightlight). Current status: Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman, 1889). Moringuidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. (mayeri) [Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 14; ref. 4027] Sand flats around mangrove swamp west of Guanica Harbor, Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea. Current status: Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman, 1889). Moringuidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. (sanchezi) [Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural v. 8 (no. 6); ref. 3767] Matanzas, Cuba. Current status: Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman, 1889). Moringuidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. Species Moringua ferruginea Bliss,
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