mBR&m - S&?Fa vin 10 THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1904. FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE.. FOR SALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAXTXD XO B3CNT. UNCALLED-FO- E ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE WHEAT LANDi A SNAI. WILL SELL Plasoe. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, WANT TO RENT SMALL COTTAfl-- L . FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER you an 80 or more at reasonable prices and waiters, chambermaids, general workers. East Side, with yard and ahada; give loy HOTEL PERKINS CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE- locate you on homestead on adjoining land, GOOD PIANO. SLIGHTLY USED, FOS St. Louis Agency, 230H YambllL Phone cation, description and price to irood. SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE- - which together makes cheapest wheat farm sale cheap; a snap. W 19. Oregonlan. Black 28SL ant; no children. Phone Ualoa 8073, ort?aft GONIAN OFFICE. in Oregon; farms under cultivation adjoin- areas a 33. oregotuas. A 56, 00. ing raise wheat oats, corn, etc; good roads, Mltoetiaaeoa. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, well no Irrigation needed; small family, good wages. Phone Main 2638; MAY 1 T ROOMS OR MORE. WEST OT Fifth Bd Washinfiton Streets PORTLAND, OREGON . Tl 57, C2, 63, 65, J8, 67, 70. water; railroad building to miles. Look this DOES YOUR ROOF 1MTAK? none but competent girls need apply. 7th. bet Washington and JeXfarsoa. SfiL C 52, 59, 65, 68. within four Oregonlan. 3 D 11, 44, 63, 60. up at once. Room 40, Oilman Hotel. Repair It with Elatcrlte; It rolls, easy to TS, 18, 61, 64. lay; needs no painting or coating; good over COMPETENT GIRL. GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k, 13, 57, 63, 64, 65, 67, 09. BARGAIN INCOME-BEARIN- G PROPER-ty- ; old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. suburban home, no laundry; two in WANTED TO RENT, IMPROVED S OR 10-a-ci F Roofing Co.. 10 blag. family. Call 400 Commercial blk. tract, near car lice, cheap. A 13, Ore- EUROPEAN PLAN G 16, 61, 61, 63, 64. in good state of cultivation: close to Elaterlte Worcester gonlan. II 61, 78. busy hamlet; with rail and boat transporta- 59, 63, 69. tion, and access two large markets; new FOR SALE PH.ING. ALL LENGTHS, WANTED A WAITRESS AND A GTRL TOi J 125 do second worli 163 12th, cor. Morrison, WANTED PRTVATE ROOM AND BOARD K 61, 67, 69, 76, 97. buildings; variety fruits, mostly apples, on from 80 to feet all sizes; fill orders at ' - -Cl- county notice; 75.000 In boom. Ad- apply Morrlson-tree- t entrance. by two. young gentlemen. B 68. Oregonlan. Kma, 91.09 t fSK Per-. Xr Firt Checlc SeUnrut L 29, 46, 57, 61, 62, 64, 67. main road, near Portland; Immedi- oil short feet . Accordls tm Lacatlo- Connec-tee- t "With Hotel. M 16, 64 70. ate possession. Q 4, Oregonlan. dress Lock Box 53, Rainier, Or. N 50, 62, 58, 59, 65. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, - AGENTS, O 51, 65, 66, 84. FOR SALE COTTAGE- AND 5 ACRES ON STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM 525; small family; $25. 663 Tillamook, cor. WANTED 60, 63, 69. heights overlooking Columbia River, at Hood all makes rented and repaired. Rubber 18th. Telephone East 200. ( DAVZKS, C. O. Davis, Sea. P 1 DEAL-e- rs JVF. Pru. aai Tnu, Q I, 65, 66, 70. l River Springs, creek, waterfall and rocks; stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's, SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS, R 6. can be made an ideal resort; price, J100U. 231 Stark. Teh 1407. WANTED EXPERIENCED DEONG-ROO- M and storekeepers, start In business for S 22, 69, 70. Inquire of J. L. Henderson. Hood Rpcer, Or. girl; best wages; also pantry woman. Elton yourself on our capital. We make men's T 30, 60, 65, 87. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS, 3L50 Court. 11th and YamhllL fine clothing to measure and you can sell W 19, 50. 56, 57. 59, 69. FINE NEW HOUSE. CONCRETE per setting of 15; also one each cock and our perfect fitting, highest-clas- s tailoring $1-3- GEN-er- al good X 97, 212, X, P. basement and all modern improvements; cockerel; One birds; 0 each. G 70, Ore- WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOB at a profit for as little money as Y 51, 53, 65. run lot; two oiocas irom car: upper aidi-n- a, gonlan. housework; must be good cook. 270 others retail ready-mad- e goods. You can St. Charles Hotel $2150; small payment down, bat month- Washington st, room, 30. control entire local trade with our line. ly. Robert Bell. 321 Worcester block. FOR SALE A ENGINE, OT FINE Fall line 850 styles oX woolens, shape; also upright boiler and a trac- WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k: fashion displays, etc. now ready and fur- CO. ONCORPORATED.) XEW TODAY. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CAN ONLY tion wood saw. W. J. Benson, Hillsbcro, Or. no washing; no baking; high wages. nished free. A great opportunity. Wrlta today ' be had from owners; no middleman's profit; 06 North 21st st. for full particulars and exclusive AND MORRISON see our lists and let us Introduce you to BEST FIR AND POLE jOAK WOOD DELTV-ere- d territory. Experience not absolutely neces- FRONT STREETS any city. " owners. CROCKERS. Inc Real Estate to part of the Phone Main 810. WANTED BY WHOLESALE HOUSE, sary. American Woolen Mills Cot Dept PORTLAND. OREGON Clearlng-Hous- e. 418 Ablngton bldg. 463 Everett st. Travis Bros. lady stenographer; answer in handwriting A, Washington Boulevard and Union st L 68, Oregonlan. Chicago. European Pies Rooks 00c to $1.50 FOR SALE AT 988 WDLIAMS AVE., IF YOU WISH GOOD LrVE FIR five-roo- wood, go to Hoover & Conway, 313 KIGH-gra- First-CIs- ss Restaurant In Connection new house containing three flats, Water WANTED EXPERIENCED SKIRT AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR de barn In rear of lot; lot Is 50x105 feet st. Phone Main 4508. hands; also power machine stitchers. 422 nursery stock; liberal commissions; and has all kinds of fruit and berries. In- Washington st cash advanced on receipt of orders; outfit REAL ESTATE quire of owner on premises. A CANDY STORE FOR SALE; GOOD Lo- free; experience and capital unnecessary If cation and two living rooms. H 42, care RTRNnnnAPHEn A'vn tvi n you have push and energy. A few choice FOR SALE BY COTTAGES, Oregonlan. ) fields open in Oregon. 0 ' THE K BLOCK AND FOUR some experience; $30 to begin with. X 67. still Washington and 6.iF close in. East Side; streets improved, sewer Oregonlan. Idaho. Write Immediately before they THB AL-xno- are and cement sidewalk; yearly Income $740; REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. NO. 6. st h assigned. Chico Nursery Co., Chico, CaL 10 price SU000. Ad- new, $75.00. Addreses M 07. Ore- Guarantee&TrustCo. must be sold In days; GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E-wor- k; Title dress M 70, Oregonlan. gonlan. must be a good cook. 67 N. Park. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THa ESMOND HOTEL largest nursery on the Paclfio Coast We FOR SALE ON EASt PAYMENTS CHEAP BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF-Amerlca- ns WANTED EXPERIENCED RECEPTION carry all latest and best specialties and rfwIitsJS IiSHBD! CSCAR AHDE5S0I, K9Sir EAST SIDE in suburbs, a house, hard finish, now $25. 7th and Morrison. lady for photo studio. 801 Dekum bldg. full line of nursery stock, complete out- brick foundation and cellar, bearing trees, fit for canvassing furnished free; one-ha- ll ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM weekly; - Front and Merrisoa Streets Lot 60x122 feet on E. 30th st. good-siz- e lot. Inquire 515 Jefferson st. FOR SALE MILLINERY APPRENTICES. APPLY TO commission advanced mention ter- S 400 bet. E. Main and E. Madison. set and cook stove. Phone Scott 2404. Lowengart & Co., 92 and 04 Front st. rltory preferred; give references with ap- 187.) COURTHOUSE. MULT-nom-ah plication. Addrssa Washington Nursery. PORTLAND - OREQON (S. 20 MILES FROM IN Toppealsh. E. Morrison, near E. 37th St., lot County, 150 acres; 50 acres level; FRESH JERSEY COW FOR SALE AT 335 E. RELIABLE GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN Company, Wash. $ 700 improved, all 40 acres can be plowed now. Address Own- 13th, cor. Weldler, at C. Mlnslngefs. 533 TREE 'BUS TO AND 7ROM ALL TRAINS. 51x100 feet, street small family. 4th st. SALESMAN TO Ratt European plan, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.00, paid; title Insured (S. 180.) er, Fulton House. 4th and Alder. WE WANT SELL OUR per day. Eaxnpla coanectiom. FINE 8ILVER SKYE TERRIER PUPPE3S Northern grown nursery stock: we carry & $2.00 rooms la Lot on E. Taylor St.. bet E. 23d sale. Basement, 326 Park WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK LN full line of nursery stock as well as $ 875 E. 25th sts.; street Improve- CORNER LOT FOR SALBi MASON AND tor st mall family. Call 569 1st st all and (S. Minnesota ave., cheap. See owner, J. the latest and beet specialties; write at ments and sewers all paid. DURHAM MILCH COW: MUST once for Information; state preferences of Hunter's avenue, Crjetal Springs FINE GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH GBN-er- at 190.) Addition, near Eellwood. sell at once. Phone Scott 743. territory. Address Washington Nursery, MICROBES EAT EACH OTHER. showers near the coast; warmer in interior; Cottage 5 rooms and lot 41x100 housework. 186 N. 17th st. Toppenlsh, Wash. westerly winds. $1000 corner Commercial street re feet, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL FOR SALE FINE TALKING PARROT. GOOD GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK Eastern Oregon. Eastern "Washington and and Cook ave.; two minutes' lemon in bearing; at- 9 N. 3d st. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR California ranch full coast.
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