PAGE FOUR THE LETHBMDGE HERALD MONDAY, JULY 4, 1938 session at which Rt. Hon. R, B. FREE STYLE Bennett will lead the party—unless LETHBR1DGE HERALD he is again chosen Conservative COMPANY LTD. leader this week—the Conservative Picked Up In Passing That Body Of Yours Proprietors and Publishers. leader was most active and showed FOR THE BUSY READER (By James W. Barton, M.D.) 333 Sixth St. 8., Lethbridge, Alberta. more brilliance than at some pre­ W. A. BUCHANAN ceding sessions. There is no doubt that the Conservative party Intends Sim u& President and Managing Director. Alberta's travelling clinic reports itoba last year, had broken out in REVIVING THE your hands flat in the small of his JOHN TORRANCE to carry cn an aggressive campaign general health or children good ex­ Roblin, Russell, Hkhorn, Virden and APPARENTLY DROWNED back with the thumbs nearly touch­ Business Manager. looking to the next general election. Snowflake districts. ing and the fingers spread out on cept for certain teeth conditions. As youngsters we were taught in Though highlights in the session each side of the Dorjy over the low­ school the Sylvester method oi re­ est ribs, lean forwards and steadily just past were few, we may expect Crop prospects in the Saskatoon The arrest of 12 Nazi commis­ sioners for private business in Aus­ viving a person apparently drown­ allow the weight of your body to next session to make up for it. The district were brightened by heavy tria on charges of abusing power ed. It required four companions, follow over on your hands and so Membra: Audit Bureau of Circula­ 1939 session is likely to be the last week-end rains. was disclosed by the high commis­ the first to pull out the tongue produce a firm downward pressure, tions. before a general election. By that sioner Joseph Buerckel. He an­ ana hold it out with a towel or which must not be violent. By this time trade tangles may be squared Member of the Edmonton city nounced the 12 men have been in­ handkerchief, the second to work means the air (and water, if there "The Herald Serves the South" the arms up over the head and then be any) is driven out of the pa­ away to give Hon. Mr. Dunning an council in 1911 and 1912, Charles terned in a concentration camp, but press them to the sides again, the tient's lungs. Immediately thereaf­ opportunity to meet the wishes of Gowan died there at the age of 88. did not reveal details of the charges • Attend the Fair. against them. third to massage or rub the blood ter swing backward releasing the the West. Election battle lines will up from the feet to the heart, and pressure but without lifting the Douglas Malloch, 61, whose poems "He likes to have his hands free in case he has to fight the be drawn then. The national Broadcasting Com­ the fourth to run for a doctor If hands from the patient's body. Re­ Swell the crowd. have been carried in many news­ man he stole the girl from." —Humorist. peat this forward and backward Though the 1933 session has not pany in Chicago, reported the staff you were all alone you wen to put papers, died on Saturday at Muske­ the patient face downward over a movement (pressure and relaxation been eventful, there was a lot of author Don Quin was recovering in Lethbrldge is host this week. gon, Mich. a Pierre, S.D., hospital from injuries log or barrel and let water run out, or removal of pressure) every four important work accomplished, not Welcome our visitors. suffered Thursday when his auto­ and then turn him over on his back of five seconds or 12 to 15 tinres a least of which was the building of One of the United Kingdom's mobile crashed near Murdo, S.D., and work arms up over head and minute. public confidence in our public in­ most prominent architects, Sir John and his wife, Garnette, was killed. then press them downward against The cowboy is king again! Keep thl3 pressure and relaxa­ stitutions. Canada has been forging James Burnet, 80, died in Edin­ Quinn is the writer of the Fibber the ribs. tion going until the patient slowly back to a more prosperous burgh. McGee and Molly program. EMPIRE EXHIBITION Since the coming into use of the breathes; if the breathing begins to Dominion Day brought rain in Schafer method of resuscitation, the fail, start the pressure and relaxa­ position. We have come closer than many parte of the South. A good i Joe E. Brown, Hollywood comed- Discovery of phosphorus in the Sylvester is not used, to any extent tion again. for years to bal.inciijs the national By Hon. R. C. Matthews, Former Minister start for July. i ian. was accosted by a hold-up man Pacific ocean canyon 1.000 feet un­ although a combination of the two Whilst the operator is carrying accounts, and that has led to a i near the Brown Derby on Sunday. der water opens a new world for for­ of National Revenue systems is being used by some phy­ out this artificial respiration (pres­ greater public confidence. Given ' He gave the thief a 55 bill. tune hunters. Finding of the phos­ sicians. sure and relaxation) others may The Conservative convention at good crops and a resumption of phorus was described Saturday at The Schafer method: apply hot flannels to the limbs and Ottawa will get the call on the front Charles W. White of Winnipeg building activity this year, many of the Scripps Institution of Oceano­ The following impressions of the up-to-dateness of everything I Send for a doctor but do not body, and hot bottles to the feet, or pages across Canada this week. was re-elected president of the graphy by Dr. F. P. Shepard, geolo­ the Empire Exhibition in Glas­ saw. It is not merely a matter of wait. Place the patient face down­ by rubbing upward promote warmth the troubles of the past eight years Western Canada Association of the gist of the University of Illinois. He gow were written for The Cana­ passing through a museum; one sees wards on the ground, then, without by friction; but no attempts should will pass away and Canada will turn Deaf at the Calgary convention. dredged this fertilizer rock from dian Press by Hon. R. C. Mat­ a series of vivid tableaux of modem stopping to remove clothing, com­ be made to give any restoratives by The Session her face towards progress once the upper walls of a submarine can­ life. That is what fascinates at mence artificial respiration. the mouth until the natural breath­ Sleeping in a Hamilton park, an thews of Toronto, fornwr Ca­ more. yon 50 miles off shore. nadian minister of national rev­ every turn. It is educational and in­ Put yourself astride or on one side ing has recommenced. Once breath­ One of the longest sessions of unknown man was stripped of all ing starts stop using the pressure enue. For years Mr. Matthews spiring. of the patient's body in a kneeling Parliament in recent years is over. this clothing by thieves. He was The Empire Exhibition looks ahead and relaxation. forced to walk out in the nude. Farm jobs called three men from has taken a leading role in fos­ position, facing his head. Placing It can hardly be said, however, Monetary Ketorm the ranks of 530 jobless men who tering closer relations between and shows, particularly in the arrived in Victoria a week ago to United Kingdom building, the many that the session was as important in David Philip, 75, queen's printer, the Dominion and the Mother "sit on the government's doorstep" ways of fostering the social well- the measures produced as it was in under the Manitoba government of Country through the medium was cruising a northern lake in his fort. Only old men and women were Monetary reform is one of those in a demand for a works program. being of the people. This is demon­ Premier T. Greenway, died in Win­ of sport, particularly cricket. He motor boat when he saw something left. the time consumed. It was not an subjects which is glibly mentioned. Two government officials toured strated in most interesting form. nipeg. was responsible for the visit of swimming toward shore. He speed­ The Iroquois rushed in, killing outstanding session. It is, however, a most abstruse and three of the four buildings where The Scottish palaces depict the past, ed up the motor and, to his surprise, Father Daniel, who stocd before the jobless are quartered to offer the M.C.C. team to Canada last the present and the future of the From the Western viewpoint the complicated subject. There is talk Cyril Maloney, unemployed Mont- found the object of his curiosity to them in his robes, to block the way farm work to "a dozen or so" Brit­ year, and brought an all-star Scottish peoples. The Palace of Art session was more important in what of a Monetary Party. What this rael man, is willing to sell his right be a wolf. so as to save his people. But the ish Columbia unemployed. Canadian team to England two is worthy of Scotland and the Em­ it did not do than in what it accom­ party, if it comes into being, hopes • eye so that he may buy an arti- The wolf, a female, snarled and odds were too great.
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