The Ripon Society presents its video sale of A Salute to Republican Women Leadership FEATURING: Sen. Milj .Le.lder Representatiye Represent.J.live SelUlor Rcpre~n l .. tive Representil tive Spcilker Bob Dole Jan 1\oiey1.'J"S 6.lrbara Vucanovich Nancy Kassebaum SUS/l n Molini'ln Nancy Johnson Newt Gi ngrich The Ripon Society's Salllte to Repllblican Womell Leadership video is a 20-minute program honoring the strides made by women in the Republican Party. This video makes it clear, that for all the rhetoric of the Democrat Party, it is the Republicans who actuall y have promoted and elected Congressional women to leadership positions throughout history. _.................. _._ .............. _.. _.. _..... __ .. _------------------------.---_._ .. -------------.------ -----_ ...__ ..... _---, YES! Send me a copy of the Ripon Society's ..1 Sa/ute to Republican Women Leadership Video for only $ 15. j ; Name: ,: Address: !: ! i City: State: _ _ Zip: ! i You may FAX your order to (202) 547-6560. Or mail it 10 Tir e Ripon Society, ! 501 Capitol Court NE, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20002. ! .__ ... _...... __ ._. __ . ____ ... ____ ..• __ ...... ______________ ... _________ •__ .......... __ ................ _ ..... _.... ____ ................ __ .. J The Ripon JFor1l1lID. SUnl mer 1996 Volume XXXI, No.2 FEATURES 7 The Learning Bush New Governor George W. Bush is as pop­ ular as peppers down in Texas. Is a presi­ dential son preparing to reclaim the old family homestead? By William McKenzie 25 United Government? Is the GOP ready to be ;n control of the White House and Congress? By Bill Frenzel 27 What's Wyoming got on the RNC? The RNC has an historic opportunity to appeal to minorities. By Mike Murphy POLICY ON PARAOE 13 The Moderate Manifesto, Part II: Social Issues and Social Programs The conclusion of our combination issue primer/campaign platform/strategy memo, designed to produce a Republican super­ majority for the new millennium. CAUTION! BEWAKtdW/UJIiIIN DEPARTMENTS PURSE & MONEY SNATCHERS ARE OP£RATING IN THE AREA 4 Editorial-May Elephants Never Forget 5 Feedback-Manifest Controversy 10 The Analyst by Christine Matthews 11 The Pulse-SUr-Women Won't Weep 23 Capital Comix by Jeff MacNelty 24 Under the Big Tent by Paul Peter Jesep 32 Research & Reviews-Partners in Power Reviewed by Melissa Pezzetti 33 Washington Notes & Quotes 35 Beyond the Beltway 38 Jim Ramstad-Tort Reform Now! Summer 1996 3 May the Elephant Never Forget THE fter a dreary Winter and an Combined with GOP efforts to apocalyptic Spring, Republican gut appropriations for education and RIPON A electoral prosjX'Cts finally began the environment and slash Medicare, to brighten with the coming Summer this regrettable agenda reinforced the FORUM sun. But this short·term reprieve must popular perception that Republicans not deflect us from learning our long­ look at the world from a bo..... rdroom EDITOR term lessons. The st.uk truth: were it not window, an anchor that has held the David Beiler for the ethical lapses of the Clintons and party back from true majority status their cronies, we would be facing the since the Depression. And although lit­ PRODUcrIO~ Joss of both houses of Congress and a tle was done leg islatively to further the Michael Dubke (orly state/ fifteen-point blowout in the d esigns of the Intolerant Rig ht, the con­ presidential race. tinued pandering to that element by EDITORIAL BOARD The reasons go fa r deeper than Republican leaders has kept many sub­ Michael Dubke the shortcomings of Bob Dole as a can­ urban voters at arms leng th from our Bill Frenzel d idate, the deft footwork of Bill Clinton ranks, despite their devotion to free Meliss.. Pezzeui or the velcro nature of Newt Gingrich. enterprise. They go to heM! of contemporary H<ld Gingrich, Armey, Archer & Copyrigllt 1996 Republican philosophy, as defined by Co. bothered to read these pages at the by Tile Ripoll Society. our leadership and naive freshman class start of the 104th, we would be looking All Rights Reserved. in Congress. toward GOP supermajo rities in the After a long period of stagna­ lOSth and Bill Clinton would be prepar­ Olle Year SI/I!scriptiolls: tion, Capitol Hill w itnessed a ing fo r retirement. The s.:... ge advice came $20.00 for individuals Revolution at the polls in 1994, but the from Sen.-elect Fred Thompson (R-TN), $30.00 for institutions victors badly misread the intentions of perhaps the greatest success story of the $10.00 for students the American e lectorate. Much as '94 elections: Clinton interpreted his 43 percent plu~ ... The driving force behind what hap­ Secolld doss postage paid at rality of 1992 as a mandate for expand­ pened lat the polls) was the fact that Wasbil/gton, D.C. alld ing paternalistic governme nt, we were there; we were a tool the peo­ additional "wifing offices. Republican leaders and freshmen s.:... w a ple used to express th eir dissatisfac­ green lig ht for slashing domestic spend­ tion. It has to do with reform issues; it ing, stripping constraints on business has to do with chang ing the way the Postmaster, sclld address and awarding tax breaks to investors. federal government does business­ changes to: Wrong on all counts. particularly in regard to special inter­ Tile Ripol/ Forum The combined mess.:... ge of '92 ests. If Republicans think we were 501 Capitol Court, Nf. and 94 is now clear: Americans want a given an overwhelming mand a l ~ Suite 300 net under them, but not over them. that people all of a sudden woke up Washington, D.C 20002 They wa nt an efficient gove rnment and Slarted loving Republicans and responsive to their llI..>eds, not <In in tru­ all the details of our programs-we're Tile Ripon Forum making a terrible mistake. But if we sive, bloated bure<l ucracy beholden to (fSN 0035-5526) can take th e lead on reforming our­ powerful special interests. selves, thereby putting us in a posi­ is prlblished hi-mollthly Contrary to the hindsight of t.ion to move outward, we're going to by Tire Ripoll Society. many pundits, the Contract With have much more success enacting America played an important role in the these substantive issues. The Ripoll Society ;s a Republican triumph of '94, but its most research alld policy popula r features were never enacted. Can the damage be repaired? It organization. It is The voters voted for governme nt won't be easy. Bob Dole's escape from headqllartered ;n reform, but the GOP leadership proved D.C. has left the vague impression that Washington, D.C, with indifferent or hostile to term limits, the GOP there is now nm by Georgian Nationnl Associate members Ging rich and a bunch of reactiona ries deep-sixed campaig n finance reform II/rolig/lOut the Uuited States. from Mississippi. But the platfo rm and emasculated the Federal Election Ripon is supported by Commission. The people cried out for offers an excellent opportunity to ra ise chapter diles, jndividual fi scal responsibility and deficit reduc­ the big tent and make a pitch to the contriblltions, alld revel/lies tion, but congressional Republica ns mooringIess moderate majority. from its pllblications. tried to give them a lax cut weighted toward the we<llthy and fai led to d eliv­ Send )lW1: opinions 10: FORUM/SO'I Capitol er on a balanced budget amendment. Ct. NE, #300/Washinglon, DC 20002. 4 The RIPON FORUM F e e d b a k and well, welcomes contributions, and will put them to good use on our readers should know the behalf o f moderate Republica n Y Moderate Mani festo in the ca nd idates. February 1996 Ripoll Forum re pre­ Bi ll G recn sents the Editor's thinking, rather New York , NY than that of the Society. It was run to elicit comment from the FOri/ III 's Editor's No te: Apologies are due tllC readers. fo rmer cOllgressmnn from New York. It worked as intended. I What we were referring to (alld a m now obliged to comment thai sholiid have explicilfy expn'SSL>d ns the Manifesto is certainly not my mllell) were calldidate support COIII ­ image for the Society, and I mittees 1I 0t devo ted to a single isslle emphatically reject the entire sec­ alld opera tillg 0/1 a /lntiOllal bnsis. We tion 011 trade. were III/ der the impressioll tlml Bill Frenzel MODRNPAC llad a regiollal foc us, President, TIle Ripon Society and nrc delighted /0 be disa llll setl of Washillgton, DC /lIn/ mistakellllotioll . III fnct , the sup­ port illfrastructurc for moderate GOP Editor's No te: Although I wrote tlte cmldidn tes is grcnuing by the hour, ns piece ill qllestio ll , it does lIot represent witnessed by ollr next letter: my fllillkillg, 1I 0r /lull of allY olher illriivid ua l. II wa s WOVCI/ loget/lCr read wit h inte rest your cur­ frolll c/oth provided by seueral I re nt issue of the Ri pon sources: articles /,y va rio llS moderat es pre­ issue to read Part II. Please keep up the Forum and tho ught it is time t hat I viol/sly 1mb/is/led ill the magazillc, the good work. introduce m yself. I ser ve as the joillt ru millatiolls of myself and Executive George N. Ha rben Polit ical Director of the ne wl y Director Michael Dubke, alld the solicited Ricllmolld, VA formed Re publi can Pro-Cho ice reacliolls of var;oll s policy eXl1Crts witllill PAC.
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