Vol. 41, No. 8 Thursday, February 21, 2013 Air Force chief visits Photo by Airman 1st Class David Tracy Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody shakes the hand of Chief Master Sgt. Brian Kentta, 6th Mission Support Group superintendent, prior to meeting with the MacDill Chiefs Group at MacDill Air Force Base, Feb. 20. Cody met with the group to discuss key strategic issues, prior- ities and initiatives of the Air Force. The visit was something of a homecoming for Cody, a former command chief of the 6th Air Mobility Wing. COMMANDER’S CORNER beaming with pride when Watson agreed to cans elected to persevere and fight not only You earned ‘em, have a picture taken with her. I enjoyed see- racial bigotry, but fight for their country that ac- ing the framed photo of Watson and one of my tually condoned this behavior. Why did they do wear ‘em! Airmen. Taken only minutes before, the photo it? “We wanted those wings,” said Watson. “We was printed, framed and displayed in his office wanted people to know we were the best flying by Col. Rob Rocco before Watson even left the clinic. Both memen- unit out there!” 6th Medical Group commander tos and many others are now cherished bridges Seeing my Airmen teammates from around between generations of Airmen…one whose sac- the base without their corps badges made me Earlier this month, rifice helped pave the way for the very freedom wonder how Watson might respond if he found the Base hosted an that today’s Airmen continue to work so hard to out that the uniform badges and symbols he American patriot. Born preserve. and his colleagues worked so hard to earn in the and raised in the great After hearing Watson’s stories, I wondered 1930s and 1940s, were routinely dismissed by state of New Jersey, he how I might share the lessons he learned as a many of us today. I shared this thought with my served his country in pioneer in American aviation and relate them Airmen that week and challenged them to look World War II, retired to the unit I currently command. Later that to our core values as a reminder that “Excel- from the service in day, I got my chance. I was conducting a rou- lence in all we do” means appreciating the sac- 1969 and went on to a tine walk-through of my clinic when I noticed a rifice of Airmen generations past and honoring second career as a civil Col. Rob Rocco great number of Airmen (my staff and custom- them today, by proudly wearing our uniforms servant. Retired Tech. ers) who had elected to take the “wearing of the and the badges we have earned. By appreciat- Sgt. George Watson is one of the last remaining corps badge on your uniform is optional” Air ing the simple pride that a well-turned-out uni- Tuskegee Airmen. Force instruction reference literally and forego form brings to those who we defend—families, If you missed meeting Watson, you missed wearing this basic symbol of functional pride. neighbors and friends—we not only provide out. Watson spent two days touring MacDill, How ironic that earlier that day, surrounded them hope for a better tomorrow, we remind visiting with units across the base and spoke to by adoring Airmen of all ranks and functional ourselves of the importance of being a profes- a packed house at the base theater—to include specialties, Watson, wearing many of his badges, sionally turned-out airman. senior leaders from the Wing and other com- shared his story and Airmen were fascinated During my career, I have had the great privi- mands within Team MacDill. While many of by his every word. He shared that to become lege to meet a number of Americans who served today’s leaders sometimes wonder if our mes- a member of the Tuskegee Airmen, he and his in some of the most decorated and celebrated sage of pride and resiliency is reaching all of fellow warriors in training suffered humilia- units in American military history. All had in our warriors, we need only look to Watson. Even tion, segregation, discrimination and seclusion, common, in their civilian attire, badges and rib- at 92 years old, his message resonated with of- because of the color of their skin. To graduate, bons earned while serving. The way I see it, if ficers, noncommissioned officers and Airmen they were held to higher, unfair standards. He they think it’s important to wear them now—68 alike; his passion for life continues to burn bright. shared that despite playing against odds clearly years after World War II—then it should be It was exciting to see a 19-years-old airman stacked against them, this brave team of Ameri- good enough for us to wear in honor of them. COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE Commander’s vision To view Col. Scott DeThomas’ re- The Action Line provides two-way communication between the 6th Air marks on his vision for MacDill AFB, Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. A 24-hour recording go to www.macdill.af.mil and then click service is provided so personnel may submit questions, concerns or com- on “Col. DeThomas’ priorities, mission, ments. Call the Action Line at 828-INFO (4636) or email macdillwingcom- and expectations video” in the upper [email protected]. left corner. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of may be obtained by calling 259-7455. MacDill Thunderbolt the Air Force or the 6th Air Mobility Wing. News items for the MacDill Thunderbolt can be submitted Publisher: Bill Barker The appearance of advertising in this publication, includ- to the 6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office, 8208 Hangar Editor: Nick Stubbs ing inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement Loop Dr., suite 14, MacDill AFB, FL 33621, or call the MacDill by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Thunderbolt staff at 828-2215. Email: [email protected]. Force, 6th Air Mobility Wing or Sunbelt Newspapers, Inc., of Deadline for article submissions is noon, Thursdays to the products or service advertised. appear in the next week’s publication. Articles received after The MacDill Thunderbolt is published by Sunbelt Newspa- Everything advertised in this publication shall be made deadline may be considered for future use. All submissions pers, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to are considered for publication based on news value and time- Force. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, liness. publication for distribution to members of the U.S. military physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit Every article and photograph is edited for accuracy, clarity, services on MacDill. Contents of the MacDill Thunderbolt are factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. brevity, conformance with the “Associated Press Stylebook not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Display advertising or classified advertising information and Libel Manual” and Air Force Instruction 35-101. NEWS/FEATURES Your T-bolt Today Air Force Assistance Fund campaign News/Features: page 4 continues on MacDill courtesy of the MacDill AFAF Committee The week in photos The Air Force Assistance Fund was established to provide for an annual effort to raise funds for News/Features: page 6 the charitable affiliates that provide support to the Air Force family - basically, it’s Air Force Car shopping? members helping Air Force families in need. The AFAF supports the Air Force Enlisted Vil- lage Foundation, the Air Force Villages Founda- Briefs: page 8 tion, the Air Force Aid Society, and the General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation charitable News to know organizations. These organizations help Air Force people with aid in an emergency, educational needs, or News/Features: page 12 to have a secure retirement home for widows or widowers of Air Force members in need of fi- Tuskegee Airman visits nancial assistance. This past year alone, more than $144,000 was given in grants and loans to Col. Scott DeThomas, 6th Air Mobility Wing MacDill’s Airmen. These are charities we can see commander, donates to the Air Force Assis- News/Features: page 13 working at a very personal level! tance Fund, while 2nd Lt. Julian Ireland, 6th The MacDill campaign runs from Feb. 4 AMW staff AFAF representative, stands ready Makin’ it safer through March 15. Installation project officers to collect the contribution form at MacDill Air are Maj. Justin Sandholm and Capt. Chris Wiley. Force Base, Feb. 19. The window to donate is Contact any of the following group contacts for from Feb. 4 through March 15. News/Features: page 14 See AFAF, Page 14 Military Saves week coming Florida, MacDill team for ecosystem restoration project Courtesy of the 6th Civil Engineer Squadron projects restoring 3,042 acres of coastal habitat Community: page 21 throughout the Tampa Bay area. They know There is excavation and earth moving hap- that MacDill’s unique location with more than Events, Chapel, more... pening at the north and south golf courses and seven miles of shoreline at the tip of the Inter- the Lewis Lake recreation area. This construc- bay peninsula offers excellent opportunities for tion activity is the culmination of nearly four improving the health of Tampa Bay through years of planning and preparation - a joint ef- the restoration of its coastal communities. Settlement of estate fort between the State of Florida and the U.S.
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