Distribution •;; '••' Weather f », m. ftgtpirmri, 41. Uk Today 10*. «*h totajr la WDBANK Lew taalftt, ML Fair to- 19,600 U(b In the low Us. 8M weather, me 2. Dial SH I-0010 iBiued duir, UandiT Uimufh Friday. Second Clin Poauci VOL. 84, NO. 187 Fill 11 Red But >nt U Addltlonll Mai'.lnj otttcu. RED BANK, N. X, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Hospital Plan Asks Hughes Plans Plea Rate Hike Would Increase Group Plan Fee For $30 Million Aid By 29 Per Cent TRENTON (AP) — New Jer- Audience tey Blue Cross today applied for Frondizi •n average 29.3 per cent increase in its group hospitalization insur- ance rates. WithJFK The hospital service plan, Clings which has almost 2.5 million sub- scribers, also proposed two new insurance contracts — a "com- Slated prehensive expanded" policy pro- To Post viding benefits not contained in TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Rich- any present policy, and a spe ard J. Hughes plans to tell Pres- cial low-cost policy for college Coalition Cabinet ident Kennedy tomorrow that students. New Jersey may need more than Blue Cross asked to put the Deal With Array $30 million in federal disaster aid rates into effect Sept. 1. Charles to rebuild the state's storm-bat- R. Howell, state banking and in- DONATE TO SQUAD — Th* Ladles' Auxiliary of the Eatontown Rrtt Aid Squad last Eases Crisis tered coastline. surance commissioner who must night presented mattreitei and covert to the tquad. At presentation, left to right, Hughes told a news conference BUENOS AIRES (AP)-Presi decide whether to allow the rate are Edward Chasey, ex-captain; Mn. Henry Riddle, auxilliary president; her husband, yesterday that the President has increases, scheduled a public dent Arturo Frondiii dung to agreed to sec him at the White hearing on them April 5. a police captain ai well as second lieutenant of the squad, and Mn. Robert fary, his job today by making ,s deal House tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. The monthly rate for the most vice president of the auxiliary. ' with Argentina's armed forces The governor said he woulr" common type of policy — the chiefs to form a coalition cabi- tell Kennedy that New Jersey is family plan with group payment net—half civilian, half military— taking steps to help itself, "but would go up $2.50 from the and outlaw all political activity still* desperately needs substan- present $8.61 a month to $11.11 by resurgent Peronists. ially more help, perhaps mor<" The family rate for the new The crisis eased, for the mo han the $30 million in federal comprehensive expanded policy Council Is Busy ment at least, as the governmen aid originally reuested." would raise the monthly pre- announced that the eight civilian Hughes also nlans to ask Ken- mium slightly more, to $11.87. cabinet members had resigned to nedy to urge Congress to imple- This policy would be available Cuts Tax; Overrides Budget, Salary Veto make way for the new coalition. ment the federal Flood Insurance only to group subscribers. Frondiii made peace with the THANKS — Peter Galatro, right, president of the exec-*' Act of 1956. He said he plans military in a 40-mlnute confer 2* Per Cent NEW SHREWSBURY - The!cil passed both over his veto, council followed the course urged urive council of the Red Bank Fire Department, la it night no other appointments In Wash- Borough Council last night low- unchanged. by the mayor, but did not go a, ence'during the night with Gen. Direct payment premiums, for presented a plaque to former Councilman Frederic E. ington. those who do not belong to ered the tax rate for this year All this was done during four far as he advocated. The coun- Raul Alejandro Poggi, the army Turning to Mondays legislative group plans, would go up an by about 23 cents per $100 as- hours of hot arguments, featur- cil lowered this year's taxes by commander in chief; Adm. Agus- Gierich, Jr., in recognition of Mr. Gierich'i work with session, Hughes said he was dis- average 26.1 per cent. sessment; Mayor Karl K. Baron ing ire, audience participation, $75,000. The mayor had asked tin R. Penas, chief of naval op- the dapartment as chairman of the fire committee of the appointed that the Senate failed vetoed the borough budget end charges and counter-charges. that the reduction be $100,000. erations, and Brig. Gen. Cayo iDuane E. Minard Jr., presi- Borough Council. to act on his four-part emergen- dent ef Blue Cross, said, "Th salary ordinance, and the coun- In lowering the tax rate, the The method used was to Antonio Alsina, the air force cy package to raise $11.8 million requested Increases may at first change the system of paying commander. for aid to shore communities, fiance seem substantial, but they local school district taxes. The Afterward the government an- Friday Hearing «re demonstrably reasonable in Residents Protest collection and payment to tlv nounced In a brief communique school board of $75,000, out ol that the president would form The package passed the As- /view of the continuing rise in Hope for Federal sembly, but stalled in the Senate the cost of providing the finest the total elementary school a "cabinet of national unity" aft budget of $449,200, was delayed cr consulting today with "the rep- when minority leader Joseph W. standard of health care in man- Cowgill, D-Camden, called for a kind's history." Fight Over Holmdel until the first half of 1953, which resentatives of the democratic 5 the the last half of the schools' parties and representative insti public hearing Friday on the key The hospital plan said the in- Storm Aid Rises revenue bill, a proposal to ex- fiscal year. tutions." (See BLUE CROSS, Page 3) tend the state's racing season. Apartment Proposal Budget Unaffected Frondiii also declared he would FREEHOLD - Shore officials since they must be subjected to not retreat from his unpopular still rebounding from the econom- close scrutiny by ths agencies Hughes admitted that the de- Premium This does not affect the total ic disaster of the March 6 "north- lay might Jeopardize the other house per acre but house?, could austerity program, which was empowered to make grants or HOLMDEL — The question of amount of the school budget, widely blamed for his election easter" were buoyed somewhat loans. three bills as well-an Inherit- Schedule whether apartment buildings will be built on smaller lots with the which has been set and approved yesterday by prospects that they ance tax increase to provide $3.8 "average" made up by develop setback. The communique said Representatives of 10 Mon TRENTON (AP) - Here Is th be permitted in this township re- at the polls. the president "realflrms his pur-may yet realize some federal mouth and Middlesex County million the first year and $7.6 tehedule of monthly premium: mained unresolved last night. er» deeding "open land" to the The regional high school dis- financier aid. municipalities concerned with million thereafter, a $2.5 million municipality.. pose of firmly maintaining th proposed by New Jersey Blu The Planning Board held for trict Is not involved in this principles of his economic policy At a meeting with federal and ravages of the far-reaching special appropriation to shore Cross in its application for "further study" a request by This land could be used for Change. state officials In Atlantic City floods, snowstorm, and high communities, and an extra $1 schools, developed parks, "wild" expressed through the stabiliza- rate increase today: Sidney and~Abraham Isserthan, The decision to cut the ta> tion and economic development last week local authorities came winds, conferred with the team million for beach erosion proj- Present Proposei South Orange, for rezoning of parks of other use*, Mr. Irving rate this year was made when away disappointed that hoped dratted by Mr, Dignan. ects. explained. plan." Group Monthly property in the Laurel Ave.-Mid- tie vote was broken by Mayoi His agreement with the military for U. S. money to repair dam- Included on tlis team were He repeated his Intention of Si)l ., * -3.J0 $4.3' die Rd. area to allow construc- Sewer Facilities Baron's "aye." brought Frondizi through the aged or wrecked, public facilities spokesman from the state High- signing only the whole package, Family .' _' Ml 11.11 lon of "middle income" garden But, he added,, by allowing Councilmen Francis Cooper, worst challenge to his hold oh would 'not be available. way, Conservation, and Helt adding that It would be ridicu- Parent-Child — 5.46 6.5! apartments. 'clusters" of houses, on smaller- Robert Davidson and Lawrence the government reins since hi But as a series of conferences Departments, and officers of the lous' to approve appropriations Direct Pay. Quarterly Abraham Isserman claimed than-acre lots, builders could af- Malone voted for the motion, an opened here and in Atlantic City federal Office of Emergency without'the revenue to pay for) that the area is a "near-slum" Herbert L. Wlllett, 3d. Donali (See ARGENTINA, Page 5) them. Single ' „ .$14.67 $18.54 (See HOLMDEL, Page 3) to advise them on procedure in Planning. John Cain, an assist- Family 28.47 35.7 section suitable only for an Cole, and John E. Lemon, Jr applying for help, there was an ant to Mr. Dignan, was in charge. Hughes said it would be im- Parent-Child _. 16.89 22.1 apartment project. voted against it. encouraging note. The team will be back in Free- possible to pay fox the appropri- Modified Quarterly The tract totals 11 acres, on A prior motion by Councllma Civic Group Thomas S.
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