BDL 7 . RANDALL’S FIELD, PYRFORD, WOKING, GU22 8SF UPDATED HERITAGE ASSESSMENT Prepared on behalf of Burhill Developments Ltd 12 December 2018 RANDALL’S FIELD, PYRFORD, WOKING, GU228SF. HERITAGE ASSESSMENT Contents Executive Summary Acknowledgements 1. INTRODUCTION 2. METHODOLOGY 3. NATIONAL LEGISLATION AND POLICY 4. LOCAL POLICY FRAMEWORK AND RELATED DOCUMENTS 5. ARCHAEOLOGY 6. BUILT ENVIRONMENT 7. HISTORIC LANDSCAPE 8. IMPACT AND POTENTIAL MITIGATION 9. CONCLUSIONS 10. REFERENCES Figures 1. Location Plan 2. Standing Stone, close to Upshot Lane 3. Photographic image processed to highlight the Christian cross 4. Aviary Road looking west from Sandy Lane 5. Aviary Road looking south from Engliff Lane showing later 20th century garden-plot infilling 6. Pyrford looking north from St Nicholas’ Churchyard 7. A Map of Surrey, Roque, 1768 8. Surrey Tithe Map 1836 9. Ordnance Survey 1881 10. Ordnance Survey 1915 11. Ordnance Survey 1935 12. North-facing elevation of Stone Farm House 13. Entrance to Pyrford Common Road at Pyrford Court stable block 14. St Nicholas’ churchyard looking north 15. Pyrford Centre looking south-east Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 1 Appendices 1. National Heritage Designations & Conservation Areas 2. Surrey County Council Historic Environment Record Data 3. Historic England list descriptions Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 2 Executive Summary The report has been prepared in the context of Woking Borough Council’s Site Allocation Development Plan Document and supports a response under the Regulation 19 consultation relating to the removal of Randall’s Field, Pyrford from the proposed DPD (referred to there as GB11). This study provides a heritage assessment of Randall’s Field and considers the implications of using this land for housing at some future stage. The study has drawn on a wide range of sources including the national heritage list for England, Surrey County Council’s historic environment record, historic maps held by Surrey History Centre, heritage and related information published by Woking Borough Council, and reports and other sources of historic environment and landscape-related information, including the Surrey historic landscape characterisation study. This study assesses the heritage significance of Randall’s Field and its relationship to adjoining and nearby designated heritage assets. It identifies that no known heritage assets would be directly affected by future housing development on this parcel of land. The settings of one grade II listed building (Pyrford Court Stables), one grade II registered park and garden (Pyrford Court), and one conservation area (Aviary Road) would potentially be affected by future housing development on Randall’s Field. However, with careful design treatment the impact of future housing development on Randall’s Field on adjacent heritage assets would be minor or negligible in scale. In relation to national planning guidance, less than substantial harm to their settings would be caused and the harm would be at the lower end of this scale. The setting of the Pyrford Stone, an archaeological monument identified on the County Council’s historic environment record would also be affected. However, this roadside cross is no longer in its original location and there would be an opportunity to improve its current setting and interpretation as part of any future development and associated junction/road improvements. Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 3 Acknowledgements The author would like to acknowledge the assistance and support of Paul Barnes and Richard Scott at Burhill Group Limited, Kieron Gregson and Nick Taylor at Carter Jonas, Karen Pinckney at Gillespies, and Matthew Waters, Andrew Dearlove, Alexandra Egginton and, most recently, Robert Briggs, at Surrey County Council’s Heritage Conservation Team. The historic maps at Figures 8-11 are reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre. Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.01 In July 2016 Malcolm A Cooper Consulting was instructed by Burhill Developments Ltd to prepare a heritage assessment of Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Surrey. A heritage assessment was produced at that time. 1.02 This report draws on the 2016 report. It responds to the Council’s recent discussions concerning the allocation of land at Randall’s Field/Teggs Lane (GB11) for housing development in relation to heritage considerations. This report also takes account of changes in national and local policy since 2016. 1.03 The site at Randall’s Field is situated on the southern edge of Pyrford at the south- east edge of the Woking conurbation (TQ039589). Pyrford Village lies to the south of Randall’s Field with Pyrford Green to the east. This site is referred to as GB11 in the local authority’s discussions relating to their Site Allocation Development Plan Document. Figure 1: Location 1.04 This report identifies heritage assets in the vicinity of Randall’s Field, drawing on national and local historic environment databases. The report considers the potential impact of future housing development on these heritage assets and the potential Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 5 mitigation measures that would remove harm or would reduce harm to an acceptable level. Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 6 2. METHODOLOGY 2.01 A desk-based assessment was undertaken in accordance with accepted good practice guidance. Sources consulted included the National Heritage List for England, Surrey County Council’s historic environment record, historic map resources held by the Surrey History Centre, various heritage-related on-line sources and heritage- related data, and publications produced by Woking Borough Council. 2.02 Historic England and by Surrey County Council’s Historic Environment Record were re-consulted in November 2018 with relevant diagrams and text updated. 2.03 This assessment identifies nationally-designated and undesignated heritage assets sites based on a 1km search radius. This information was enhanced by a field inspection undertaken on 3 August 2016. 2.04 Map regression was undertaken using historic maps of the area. The Surrey Landscape Character Assessment and Surrey Historic Landscape Characterisation studies were also consulted. 2.05 A range of planning and related documents and committee reports prepared by Woking Council were also consulted. Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 7 3. NATIONAL LEGISLATION AND POLICY Archaeological Sites and Monuments 3.01 Under Section 1 of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (‘the 1979 Act’) as amended, the Secretary of State is directed to compile and maintain a schedule of monuments of national importance. Once a monument is ‘scheduled’, it becomes an offence to carry out, without the prior written consent, any works that would have the effect of demolishing, destroying, damaging, removing, repairing, altering or adding to the monument or to carry out any flooding or tipping on the monument. 3.02 The Department of Culture, Media and Sport’s (DCMS) document entitled Scheduled Monuments & Nationally Important but Non-Scheduled Monuments, published in October 2013, sets out Government policy on the identification, protection, conservation and investigation of nationally important ancient monuments for the benefit of current and future generations including scheduled monuments. Further guidance in relation to the handling of planning applications affecting historic assets including scheduled ancient monuments and their settings is given in section 16 of the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 3.03 Archaeological sites and monuments of more local significance are identified on the County Council’s historic environment record and are protected as an integral part of the planning and development management process. Historic Buildings 3.04 Part I of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (‘the PLBCA Act’) indicates that the Secretary of State shall compile lists of buildings of special architectural or historic interest. Once a building is listed under the provisions of the 1990 LBCA Act, written consent is required for works of demolition, alteration or extension which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest. DCMS published their Principles of Selection for Listed Buildings in March 2010. Paragraph 6 of this document indicates that in order to be listed, a building must have special interest. Paragraph 7 indicates that Grade I buildings are of exceptional interest, grade II* buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest and grade II buildings are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them. Randall’s Field and land east of Upshot Lane, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SF. Updated Heritage Assessment 8 3.05 Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 provides that in considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the Local Planning Authority or the Secretary of
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