199 Message from [RAJYA SABHA] the Lok Sabha 200 dustries) Rules, 1987, under sub* section (b) Review by Government on the (3) of section 642 0f the Companies Act, working of the Company. [Placed in 1956. [Placed in Library. See No. LT- Library. See No. LT-4937/87 for (a) and 4943/87]. (b)] (2) Statements (in English and Hindi) giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned at I above. [Placed in MESSAGE FROM THE LOK SABHA Library. See No. Lt-4935/87 and 4937/87]. Joint Committee enquiring into Bofors I. Petroleum (Amendment) Rules, 1987 Contract II.. Khadi and Village Industries com- SECRETARY-GENERAL: Sir, I have to mission (Amendment) Rules, 1987. report to the House the following message received from the Lok Sabha signed by the III. Cost Accounting, Reports (Chemical Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha. Industries) Rules, 1987. "I am directed to inform you that Lok THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Sabha, at its sitting held on the 6th DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL November, 1987, has adopted the following DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF motion extending th e time for presentation INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM) of the Report of the Joint Committe of the Sir, I beg to lay on the Table— Houses to enquire into Bofors Con'ract: — LA copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Industry (Depart, ment of MOTION Industrial Development. Notification G. S. R. No- 644(E), dated the 3rd July, 1987, "That this House do extend upto the last publishing the Petroleum (Amendment day of the first week of the Budget Session, Rules 1987. under sub-section (4) of 1988, the time for presentation 0f the report section 29 of the Petroleum Act, 1934. of the Joint Cornmittee to enquire into Bo- [Placed in Library. See No. LT-4942/87]. fors Contract. "' II. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Industry (Department of Industrial Development) Notification G. S. R. No. 675 (E), dated the 27th July, 1987, publish-ing the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (Amendment) Rules. 1987, under sub-section (3)of section 26 of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act. 1956. [Placed . in Library. See No. LT- 4944/87]. III.. A copy (in English and Hindi of the Ministry of Industry (Denart-ment of Company Affairs) Notification G-S. R. No. 596. dated the 8th August, 1987, publishing the Cos. Accounting Records (Chemical MR. CHAIRMAN: Wait, wait, wait, please. In- I have to inform Members that Shri Chintamani Paaigrahi, Minis" 201 Message from [ 9 NOV. 1987 ] the Lok Sabha 202 ter of State for Home Affairs, will make the statement regarding grant of pension to eminent freedom fighters, at 2-30 p. m. instead of 12-00 Noon as listed in today's agenda paper. Shri Aladi Aruna, first special mention. SHRI A-G. KULKARNI (Maharas-tra): Our problem is on the Haryana elections, not on this special mention. SHRI JAGESH DESAI (Maharashtra); This is a serious matter. The Minister should make a statement today. SHRI P. N. SUKUL: It is a very serious situation. The booths were captured. MR. CHAIRMAN. - Friends, everything will be easy if you keep some patience. Everything will come. Don't bo'her. Just a minute. Let him mention. Then other mentions will also come. I have already allowed two Members to make special mention on the subject. Let it come. Then we will decide. SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY (Pondi- cherry): They have beaten our party workers. They even captured th e polling booths. SHRI SURENDER SINGH (Haryana): Sir, SHRT A. G. KULKARNI; How can it con- there was failse voting and people were not He? This, the Haryana election held yesterday, allowed t° cast their votes. Even our Congress candidate was hurt. He was stabbed. is more important. (Interruptions) Even the Lok Dal and BJP and people do not deny this fact that our Congress candidate was stabbed. MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Aladi Aruna is on his legs. SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY: Sir, they even captured the booths. AN HON. MEMBER: Sir, you allow them to raise the debate. 203 Special [RAJYA SABHA] Mentions 204 SHRI V. NARAYANACAMY: Sir, we Mr. Chairman, I tried to raise a n important want an inquiry in this regard. (Interruptions). issue ragarding the allegation of President Jayewardane against our Chief Minisier and his Government during his Press conference on November 6. President Jayewardene has wilfully and want only... (Interruptions). MR, CHAIRMAN: I want to tell you Mr. Desai that there is a rule to which attention Mr. has been drawn by Mr. Virendra Verma that when the Chairman is on his less, Members are expected to sit down. SHRI ALADI ARUNA alias V. ARUNACHALAM: President Jayewardene has wilfully and want only alleged against our Chief Minister and the State Government by saying... (Interruptions). Yadav, please sit down. SHRI K. MOHANAN (Kerala); We should be permitted to raise this issue. SHRI ALADI ARUNA alias V. ARUNACHALAM: During the Press MR. CHAIRMAN: Not now, but after this. Conferen°e, President Jayewardene has alleged against our Chief Minister and ou'r State Government by saying: "If you are interested in ethnic prob'em, if you give refuge to terrorists, if your Tamil Nadu Chief Minister collects Rs. 30 million and gives it to them, you cannot dissociate yourself from what is happening in Jaffna and Eastern provinces. The Indian Army is the least dangerous from what Tamil Nadu was doing to us. " Sir, the allegation of President Jayewa-dene is baseless, malicious and with the intention of MR. CHAIRMAN; Now, Mr. Aladi Aruna. isolating the Tamils from the rest of India. I not only strongly condemn the allegations of Mr. Jayewardene against our Chief Minister and our State Government but he has also SPECIAL MENTIONS abused the opportunity Re: certain remarks of PresidentJayewardene at his New Delhi PressConference SHRI ALADI ARUNA alias V. ARUNACHALAM (Tamil Nadu): .
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