Students Attend Armistice Day Picnic Dirty Sevens, SfllTM-M Sigs Alphs Vie STflTG -CQLJjG For Crown Featuring an intramural championship football game, a rough and tough gridiron skirmish between the faculty and students^ varied sports act­ ivities, a rally and songs, fol­ Vol. XXII SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1942 No. 8 lowed by dinner,; the first all­ college picnic of the year will be held Wednesday,* Armistice Day from 1 to 5 p.m. on La Playa field. t Fourteen Gauchos Win Students 1 will1 participate in swimming, ping-pong, horseshoes, croquet and baseball from 1 to 2:30 p.m., after which the cham­ pionship and faculty football games will be played off. 1942 Who’s Who Honors Following the main game, which features a playoff between Santa Barbara State Students Receive Sigma, Alpha Kappa fraternity and the Dirty Sevens for the in­ Little Theater Recognition in Collegiate Blue Book tramural crown, the rally com1 Nation-wide recognition was given to the local campus this mittee has slated a combined Play Ends week as fourteen Gaucho leaders were notified of their selection song and rally period with the to represent Santa Barbara State in the 1942-43 edition of the school band participating. Sup­ nation’s number one collegiate blue book, “Who’s Who in Amer­ per will be served on, the field Two-Day Run t at 5 p.m. ican Colleges and Universities.” ------------------------ Nominations for this honor Tickets for the affair are 30 are made each year by an anony­ cents for student body members - - —Courtesy Burchett's Studio Barker, Lantz Carry Leads In ‘Mr. and Mrs. North’ mous faculty-student committee and 45 cents for non-students, JERRY COCKINS at the request of the editors of and may be obtained in the of­ Picnic Committeeman Closing a two night run in the the publication. Students are fice of Dean Lois M. Bennink or college auditorium, “Mr. and Mrs. from Bill Russell, graduate man­ selected on the basis of extra­ ager. ' North,” hilarious comedy-mystery curricular activities and schol­ staring Mabel Barker and Bill astic standing, with character as Assisted by members of the Gauchos Begin Lantz in the title roles, will be a pre-requisite. rally and social ' committees, presented tonight under the di­ Purpose of Who’s Who, this Willa Fairfield is in charge of rection of Dr. Albert O. Mitchell. year in its ninth anniversary, the social aspect of the picnic, Plaster Jap The play deals: with the ad­ is to serve as an incentive for while rally chairman Jerry Cock-, ventures of “Mr. and Mrs. North,”, ins is in charge of thé football students to get the most from after finding a ■ strange body in their college careers; as a means games and rally. Campaign the closet of their apartment. During the half time of the From there on, the play reaches of compensation to students for grid game, a faculty team will one peak after another and ex­ what they have already accom­ From the campus bureau of plished, and ’as a recommenda­ meet the freshmen in an exhi­ statistics comes th e revelation citement runs high as the title bition contest. Graduate, Manager characters are plunged into the tion to the business world. that 2,400 defense stamps plas­ State college’s contribution to Russell has lined up a strong tered over the face of the Jap involuntary task of solving the crime in order to clear their this year’s list of college nota­ faculty team which will include will make $240. Said sum will bles throughout America includes Dean Russell Buchanan, Dr. Van be used as a fund to enable names. ' Christy, Dr. Elmer Noble, Har­ The entire manner of the play —Courtesy Burchett's Studio Ray Acevedo, Gamma Sigma Pi former State college men to re­ and representative to -Board of old Martin, Jack Porter, line­ turn to college after they get is devoted to uproarous comedy, WILLA FAIRFIELD with the aspect of the crimes Heads Poverty Prance Athletic Control; George Blum- men; Willie Wilton,*Dr. Fred Ad- through plastering all the legions enson, editorial manager of El dicott, Maurice Faulkner, Louie supplementary to the laugh- ,of the Rising Sim. packed plot. Gaucho and former rally chair­ Taylor, Dr. Lynn Monroe and Mr. Jap will appear on campus Dr. Harry Girvitz, backfield men. Admission is free upon presen­ Committee Sets man Willa- Fairfield, Gamma today in poster form. Just out-. tation of student body cards. Delta Chi and A.S. social chair­ Bill Starr, frosK class presi­ side ‘ the .student body office in dent, is in chargé of - the Greenie Cast for tonight’s performance man; John Falxa, president of team. the Quad his learing counten­ includes, Mabel Barker as Mrs. Poverty Prance the Associated Students; Frances ance, replete with slant eyes and North; Bill Lantz as Mr. North; Houghton, president of Phrateres; grotesque smile, w ill' be a re­ Russell Haney, Weigand; Lou Sar­ Cotton and cords will be the Jim Lytle, editor of El Gaucho; minder to students and faculty racino, B u n o; Jeanne Collins, keynote of the “Poverty Prance,” Alan MacDonald, vice-president Science Clubs to obliterate his face with any Clare Brent; Louise Morheim, scheduled to be held at Rock- of the Associated Students; denomination of United States Louis Berex; Mary Meng, Jane wood, November 14. Sybel Morris; Angelo Nunez, government defense stamps. Wilson; John Campbell, Ben Wil­ This is the second large stu­ president of the senior class; Hold Picnic Organizations on campus are son; Sai Jiminez, Clinton Ed­ dent affair of the season, and Dick O’Brien, president of Sigma being solicited to start the plaster wards; Louise Brownlee, Emily dancing will continue from 9 to Alpha Kappa fraternity and as­ Participating with members of ¿he Jap campaign moving by do­ Brooks; Vione Rush, Sunny 12 p.m. Records, featuring some semblies chairman; Eleanor Tri Beta, honorary biology fra­ nating blocks of sta,mps to the Brooks; Paul Kliss, Mullins; Clara of the latest bands, will be taken Pound, Delta Zeta Delta and ternity and Phi Psi, physical rejuvenation and camouflage of Kump, Nancy Hungaté, Kathryn care of by the social committee, editor of La Cumbre; Harry science club, the science faculty the sun of heaven’s face. Each Blue, Irene Funk, Bob Sanfelder, according t o Willa Fairfield, Redoglia, president of the Asso­ and students of the department week one of the college groups Van vander Bie, Elizabeth and chairman. ciated Men students; Wilf Sea­ will attend a picnic supper Sun­ will have charge of the sale of Jud Mathias. Bob Stetler, president of Gam­ man, chairman of the Activities day evening from 2 to 6 at Tuck­ ma Sigma Phi) stated that his er’s Grove. defense stamps on campus. Control Board; and Dorsey Stew­ John Falxa, Associated Student fraternity and the Sigma Delta art, Gamma Delta Chi and sec­ Main feature of the afternoon body president stated, “We want Students Open Phi sorority would combine to retary of the , Associated Students. will be a scavenger hunt followed everyone to get behind this cam­ act as hosts and hostesses. Names of those students who by the supper which will be serv­ paign and make it a success, Committee chairmen are: Bob appear In last year’s issue as ed by the members of the social Let’s see if we can’t plaster the Volleyball Play Stetler, punch; Betty Marxen, juniors will also be included in committee. A charge of twenty* Japs face before December .” programs; Edie Van Meter, de­ the new publication. These are five cents will be made to cover Those who are on the plaster Mixed volleyball will again be corations; Evelyn McDonald,, pat­ Patsy Bass, Frances Boyton, Tom the cost of food. the Jap committee include Jack­ the feature event for the regu­ rons and patronesses; Alan Mc­ Loeffler, Alex MacGillivray, and Students planning to, attend ie Pound, who designed the pos­ lar Friday afternoon recreation Donald, doorman. Ruthe Suggs. the joint picnic should sign the ter, Carl Teut .and Wilf Seaman. hour this afternoon, sponsored Admission is free to all student Published under the direction bulletin near room 44 before by the women’s physical educa­ body members, and guest cards of H. Pettus Randall at the Uni­ noon today. tion department. Thè games will may be secured from, the dean of versity of Alabama, the book is start at 3 p.m., on the lawn in women’s office for fifty ’cents. sent to business houses in the Junior Class front of the gym. major cities of the nation as Pickers Badminton and table ten n i s references in their employment will be set up inside the gym Dean Slates bureaus. Students are given pre­ Students Sign Slates Dance and on the front porch. Punch ference : through their biogra­ will be served during times out. phies which appear in the book. For Saturday Using a “Shipwreck” as their A large turn out last week en­ Teaching Tests A call for student lemon theme, the junior class is spon­ joyed the events so that it was pickers is issued by Mrs. Olive soring an all-college sport dance decided to repeat volleyball, al­ First proficiency test of the Franklin, social science in­ tomorrow night, from 9 to 12, in though a variety of activities semester will be given next Lost-Found structor, to all students inter­ the college cafeteria in Ebbets will be offered in the future. Thursday at 3 p.m. for all upper ested in picking on Saturday Hall.
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