ATHENIAN NOVEMBER 6. 1967 THE ATHENIAN, ATHENS, ALABAMA NUMBER 5 Election Set Resusci Anne For Miss Merry Christmas On Wednesday, November 8, an election will be held to elect Athens College's no- minee for the annual Miss Merry Christmas. The Seventh Annual Ath- ens Christmas Parade is to be held on Thursday, No- vember 30, 1967. The Miss Merry Christmas contest is one of the highlights of the parade. Each high school and Athens College is asked to select one entrant to re- present their school in the contest. The representative from Athens College must be a freshman, nineteen years old or younger. Nominees .. No, thist is not class in kissing. Actually, junior must be turned in to Glen- da Holladay no later than Ted Kavich, is practicing mouth-to-mouth resuscita- Monday, November sixth. tion on "Resusci-Anne" during a first aid class. Wat- The entire student body is ching the demonstration are students Jack Thorn. to select the person that they desire to represent the Elbe Glasscox. and Bill Dunnavant. College. Polls will be in the Student Union and will be Dr. Avery Harvill, Director stone County Chapter of Red open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. of Athletics announced last Cross, and the Limestone You must have your ID week a joint project to pro- County Civil Defense Agen- card to vote, a meal ticket vide the area with a special cy. will not do! If an ID card first-aid training device. Dr. Harvill said "Annie" has been lost, Student Per- will be used in first aid clas- sonnel will issue a new one. "Resusci-Anne," a life-like manikin which will be used ses and in training water re- to demonstrate mouth-to- scue personnel. Her total cost Important Special Activi- mouth resuscitation and ex- was $229. ties meeting to be held at ternal heart massage, has Harvill also said she is 7:00 p.m. in McCandless been jointly purchased by available for use by Lime- Auditorium, Tuesday No the College Physical Educa- stone County Schools in their Shirefles To Give training programs. \ember 7. For information tion Department, the Lime- Concert Friday .see Edie Damon. Here they come: Shirley, songs in the past few years Doris, Mieki and Beverely — are truly in the category of Southern Association THE SHIRELLES! Novem- "Golden Oldies." ber 10, 1967, from the world- McCandless will rock famous Apollo Theatre to when the girls commence to the world-famous Athens sing such songs as "Will Completes Evaluation College McCandless Audito- You Love Me Tomorrow," rium. The performance be- "Dedicated To The One I gins at 8:00 p.m. Love," "Soldier Boy," "Big John," etc. This Friday night Athens College students will be en- If you plan to attend this tertained by one of the most performance, make arrange- popular female groups in ments to arrive at McCand- pop music. A number of their loss Auditorium early! Sigma Tau Delta Writing Contest Offers Cash Prizes The Kappa Zeta chapter of typewritten, double spaced, the Sigma Tau Delta Eng- on regular size typewriter lish fraternity is again spon- paper (8-1/2 x 11). soring a literary contest in 3. All writing submitted Athens College, and cash must be the contestant's prizes are offered as fol- own original work. lows: $10 for the best sfcort 4. All contestants must be story submitted; $10 for the regularly enrolled students INSPECTION TEAM HERE... best one-act play; $10 for of Athens College. the best poem; $10 for the best essay; $5 for the second 5. A contestant may not . • .The eight member visitation team ton, High Point College; and Margue best short story; $5 for the submit more than two pieces from the Southern Association of Col- rite Risley, Randolph-Macon Wo- second best poem. of any one type (short story, poem, essay, play) nor more leges and Schools put the finishing men's College. Standing from left, Rules of the contest are a.« touches on their report during a work follows: than four of all types com- James Servies, University of West Flo- 1. All entries must be han- bined. session at Athens College. Members rida; and Charles J. Smith. Univer- ded in by February 25 on of- 6. Manuscripts should not seated left to right are Doyle M. Dil- sity of Southern Mississippi. The pur- ficial entry blanks. (These be signed, but a separate lard, Medican College of Georgia; pose for the visit to Athens College is blanks are obtainable in the card or sheet containing the office of Professor Paul H. contestant's name should be Dean Fred W. Hicks, Rollins College; to reaffirm the accreditation of the Neal, Faculty Sponsor, Kap- attached to them. Manu- Dean Charles Hounshell, Tulane Uni- institution, which is a normal proce- pa Zeta chapter, 406 Found- scripts should be handed in versity; Dean John Lewis. Georgia dure every ten years. ers Hall.) to Professor Neal, 406 oun- 2. Manuscripts must be ders Hall. State College; President Wendell Pat- ■» PAGE TWO THE ATHENIAN, ATHENS. ALABAMA NOVEMBER 6. 1967 AnOutstanding Personality It's All By ELI :N ELGIN and LABRT COBEN About People Will the real John Lynch please stand up? Which Jo- hn Lynch do you want? The- re's the student who is edi- What is Athens College all about? Pre- tor of the Columns, Junior Class President, Vice-Presi- sident Philpot answers this question by say- dent of Rho Alpha Omega, ing it's all about people- It's the students and and active in the SGA and faculty members and their joint efforts that the Dramatics clubs. There's the student who make our institution. was once a college drop-out "What are the "hippies" telling us?" who has consistently main- tained a 4.0 average since Their saying, "I've never been really some- he came to Athens College. body in any institution." "Here you can be And there's the resident of someone." President Philpot added. This is Decatur who teaches swim- ming to the children in his the heart of the Athens College Philosphy as apartment building. Which spelled out by Dr. Philpot- one is the real Mr. Lynch? The emphasis is on students and their They all are. After graduation from high individual welfare. Dr. Philpot has been school John was offered an working hard to assure that students don't appointment to West Point, become numbers- This is the attraction Ath- which he turned down. This is a decision he has not re- ens has over other larger institutions. gretted. Instead he enrolled Dr. Philpot has a lot to say concerning \ in Colgate University. Twelve years ago, John COLUMNS EDITOR.. • the f.aculty, namely that they are teachers talked himself out of col- ..John Lynch, vice president of the Rho _Alpha first. "If too many in a class fail, we believe lege because he didn't think something is wrong with our teaching," he he could make it. After serv- Omega fraternity and junior class president. _goes ing in the Air Force, he mov- over pictures for this year's edition of _the Athens added. ed to Alabama from his College yearbook. "The Columns." As for the publish-or-perish philosophy home state of New York on for the faculty, Dr. Philpot said- "We think what he calls a "whim of fate." When he did not suc- it's good to publish, but it's not a matter of ceed in the restaurant busi- publish or die. Our number one commitment ness, the GI bill gave him Season Tickets the necessary push to return is to teaching the students." to college. In September, 19- The necessary speed coverage of a sub- 66, he entered Athens. SEASON TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ject's details can create a "sink or swim" at- John plans to graduate In FOR TOWN AND GOWN PLAY PERFORMANCES June, 1969. He wants to tea- titude in the teacher to be served in a lost ch in high school for a year IN DECATUR. and resentful student- and find out for himself Tickets are available in the Union Director's Of- The result is that the student feels more what kind of teacher he will fice for the following productions: be. Then, he wants to enter like a target for verbiage than an individual Vanderbilt's three-year doc- "Bernadine"—November 21, 1967 whom the teacher is trying to help to learn. toral plan in Latin American "School for Scandal"—February 1, 1968 "We have to have motivation," Philpot studies. He'd like to return "B,est Foot Forward"—March 7, 1968 1- to Athens because he belie- said, "a commitment that says, "We're going ves in the future of the col- "A Happening"—April, 1968 to help you." lege. John is a -leader in the these positions may pick up forces fighting apathy at applications at the Informa- Athens College. He says, "I tion Desk in the Student Un- 2. Must not be on any pro- think the thing that upsets Senate ion Building. The applica- bationary status. me most is that the students tions must be filled out and Dot's who gripe most are the ones returned no later than Tues- day, November 14, 1967. 3. Must have a petition Flower Shop who don't participate." John signed by twenty (20) peo- believes that an important Posts 305 West Lee Street The qualifications for this ple. part of college is the extra- office are: When you Say It With curricular activities. Follow- Flowers, Say It With ing this philosophy, John' 1.
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