www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE: • A nuclear catastrophe in the making? — page 2. • Cholera outbreak in Ukraine - page 3. • Kyyiv embraces experimental theater — page 1 1. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXIII No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1995 75 cents/$2 in Ukraine No additional funds promised Foreign assistance programs threatened by budget cuts UNA Washington Office chaired by Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R- Russia's behavior in Chechnya and its G-7 summit snubs, N.Y.), reported a bill with substantial proposed nuclear sale to Iran merit such a WASHINGTON - Two bills that reductions in assistance to the new inde­ cut in assistance. Little attention was then praises, Ukraine make significant cuts in U.S. foreign pendent states (NIS) once part of the focused on the needs of the other 1 1 assistance have been making their way Soviet Union, which fall under the states, including Ukraine, that are receiv­ through the House of Representatives. by Andrij Wynnyckyj Freedom Support Act (FSA). Funding for ing assistance under the FSA program. The first bill, H.R. 1561, the American Toronto Press Bureau fiscal year 1995 was at $850 million. The On June 8, the Foreign Operations Overseas Interests Act, consolidates three Clinton administration requested $788 mil­ TORONTO - Although President government agencies involved in foreign Subcommittee of the House Appropriations lion for fiscal year 1996. The Committee Committee considered the Foreign Leonid Kuchma didn't rate an invitation policy into the Department of State. It authorized appropriations for $643 million to the 21 st annual summit of leaders of also authorizes appropriations for foreign Assistance Appropriations Bill for fiscal - a 25 percent reduction from 1995 levels. year 1996. The subcommittee appropriated the world's wealthiest industrial nations, assistance. The second measure, the In addition to these reductions, the held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 15-17, Foreign Assistance Appropriations Bill, only $595 million for the FSA program, or committee cut authorizations for agencies $48 million below the authorized level. Ukraine was on the agenda. sets a budget for fiscal year 1996. involved in international relations, such The joint communique issued by the All actions of the Congress regarding This results in a 30 percent decrease of as the U.S. Information Agency (USIA) funding from 1995 levels. heads of state and government and the foreign assistance must fall within the and Voice of America (VOA). The com­ Prior to consideration of the bill, rep- president of the European Commission limits of the budget resolution previously mittee also came close to eliminating on the last day of the conference, adopted by the House. (The Senate funding for Radio Free Europe/Radio (Continued on page 3) referred to Ukraine specifically under the adopted its own budget resolution, and Liberty (RFE/RL), despite pleas from rubrics "Economies in Transition" and the two Houses are currently working on Presidents Lech Walesa of Poland and "Nuclear Safety." resolving the differences between their Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic to The Halifax summit document appears respective legislation.) The budget reso­ continue the radios. GOP accused to stop well short of acceptance of Kyyiv's lution provides for a substantial reduction "Over all, the actions of the committee conditions for closing down the crippled in the account for international relations, and the House of Representatives sym­ of betrayal Chornobyl nuclear power station, but which includes funding for all interna­ bolize a U.S. retreat from the world and a treats President Kuchma's tentative offer tional relations, including the budget of betrayal of U.S. commitments to promot­ UNA Washington Office to do so as a foregone conclusion. the State Department and related agen­ ing democracy in and independence for WASHINGTON - In a letter to Item 48 reads, "We congratulate cies; contributions to international orga­ the nations of Central and East Europe, President Kuchma of Ukraine on his nizations such as the United Nations and Speaker of the House of Representa­ which took the greatest hits in the reduc­ tives Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), the decision to close the Chornobyl nuclear World Bank; and unilateral and multilat­ tions," said UNA Washington Office power plant by the year 2000." eral foreign assistance. The reduction in Central and East European Coalition Director Eugene Iwanciw. accused the Republican Congress of At a June 14 press conference prior to the account is even more pronounced for In considering reductions in the the summit, Presidential Adviser the years following fiscal year 1996. the "betrayal of the very principles Freedom Support Act (FSA) account, which the Republican Party has artic­ Volodymyr Horbulin warned that The International Relations Committee, members of Congress argued that Ukraine would reconsider its decision to ulated since 1952," and requested a close the station early if no additional meeting with the speaker. funds were forthcoming from the major The letter, signed by the UNA's industrial nations' group. Parliament ousts procurator generalWashingto n Office Director Eugene Statements by Viktor Batyuk, Iwanciw on behalf of the coalition, by Marta Kolomayets could not comment on what further steps noted the coalition's opposition to Ukraine's ambassador to Canada, Kyyiv Press Bureau the chief executive would take. seemed to confirm that any move to shut H.R. 1561, the American Overseas Even after the vote in Parliament, leg­ Interests Act, which would, if enact­ down Chornobyl at the turn of the centu­ KYYIV - The Ukrainian Parliament islators debated the constitutional legiti­ ry was contingent on a substantial influx voted on June 21 to dismiss the country's ed, result in a "virtual withdrav/al of macy of sacking Mr. Datsiuk. United States influence from Central of foreign funds. procurator general, charging him with abus­ "Under the constitutional accord signed However, the only specific mention of ing his government position and impeding a and Eastern Europe." by the president and the Parliament on June The coalition was contacted by a G-7 co-contribution in the June 17 number of criminal investigations. 8, the president of Ukraine alone is Gardner Peckham of the Speaker's communique was a reaffirmation of a Legislators voted 227-61 to oust empowered to name or dismiss the procu­ pledge made at last year's summit in Viadislav Datsiuk, after reviewing the find­ rator general," said Alexander Karpov, a Office. While defending the actions Naples, Italy, to provide $200 million in ings of a special parliamentary committee legislator, who suggested that President of the House, Mr. Peckham did assistance. established on June 6 to investigate Mr. Kuchma might veto the June 21 vote. admit that there is a strong "isolation­ According to Item 49 of the G-7 lead­ Datsiuk's record since being named to the Vyaeheslav Chornovil, leader of the ism" among the new Republican ers' release, in order to assist in the sta­ office of procurator general over a year ago. Rukh faction, also addressed his col­ members of Congress. While he stat­ tion's early closure, they will "continue "Even before the ink has dried on the leagues, saying that the dismissal of the ed that a meeting was not possible [their] efforts to mobilize international constitutional agreement signed (June 8) procurator general was a matter for the before the final consideration of H.R. support for appropriate energy produc­ between the president and the Parliament, Ukrainian president to review. 1561, he did commit to assisting in tion, energy efficiency and nuclear safety the Supreme Council has managed to vio­ However, Yevhen Marmazov, a mem­ organizing such a meeting. projects." late this accord," said Dmytro Tabachnyk, ber of the communist faction in The full text of the letter follows. However, no monetary values were chief of the presidential administration at a Parliament, said he doubted the president placed oh the assistance that is allegedy press briefing on June 22. He explained would veto this parliamentary decision. The member-organizations of the part and parcel of "commitments of sup­ that the Supreme Council does not have the "The Parliament has sufficient proof that Central and East European Coalition, port" for the decommissioning of the constitutional right to make decisions the procurator general is an unscrupulous representing the over 21 million plant in Chornobyl. regarding the procurator general. person, and if the president chooses to stand Americans who trace their heritage to The G-7 leaders agreed to say that the "And I must add that President [Leonid] up in his defense, he will take the prosecu- that part of the world, are alarmed by the World Bank and the European Bank for Kuchma finds it inadmissible that the con­ tor's sins upon himself," said Mr. actions of the House regarding H.R. Reconstruction and Development stitutional agreement be violated, because Marmazov. 1561, the American Overseas Interests "should increase their financial contribu­ this pact should become the cornerstone of "Under the current conditions, it is Act. As currently formulated, the bill tion in support of appropriate energy sec­ normal relations between the legislative and hard to find a blameless person, but there will result in a virtual withdrawal of tor reform and energy-conservation mea­ executive powers, and yesterday's action in are no grounds to charge me with failure United States influence from Central sures, and mobilize private-sector sup­ the Supreme Council is not a positive step," to comply with my official duties," said and Eastern Europe - creating a political port for energy investments." said Mr. Tabachnyk. Mr. Datsiuk, defending himself in the vacuum, undercutting efforts to estab- Officials at Ukraine's embassies in Mr. Tabachnyk added that the president Parliament. had not yet received official word on the (Continued on page 3) (Continued on p^ge 17) Parliament's action of June 21, and thus he (Continued on page 3) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1995 No.
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