Volume 26, Number 11 October 2004 $4.50 MMiidd OOhhiioo 22000044 LLooccaall VVJJMMCC EEvveennttss SSppookkiinngg aanndd AAlliiggnniinngg aa NNeeww RRiimm ,, YYaammaahhaa ss MMiinnii EEnndduurrooss Celebrating over 25 years of vintage motorcycling VINTAGE JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2004 CONTENTS President’s Column..........3 This issue’s web password is: worldseries Editor’s Column ...........3 Effective October 1st Use lower case Product Review: Eastwood Electroplating System ........4 Calendar of Events ..........6 Mission Statement Member Profile: Jason Bell .....7 The Purpose of this organization is to promote the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of Vintage Japanese Product Review: Precision motorcycles (defined as those greater Manufacturing and Sales than 15 years old) and to promote the Bike Lift Model 1801 .........8 sport of motorcycling and camaraderie of motorcyclists everywhere. Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts'Puzzle.........10 President Tech Tip: Air Filter Saver .....12 Pete Boody (865) 435-2112, [email protected] Wisconsin's First-Ever Magazine Editor Karen McElhaney Annual VJMC Event .........13 (865) 671-2628, [email protected] Classified Advertising Good Intentions ...........14 Gary Gadd (817) 284-8195, [email protected] It Was A Crazy Idea, Anyway ....15 Commercial Advertising Region A Norman Smith Independence Day .........16 (941) 792-0003, [email protected] Commercial Advertising Region B Brad Powell 2004 VJMC Day BlueRidgeRide...18 (678) 576-4258, [email protected] Membership 2004 Mid-Ohio Bill Granade Swap Meet Report..........20 (813) 961-3737, [email protected] Webmaster Spoking and Aligning A New Rim . 24 Jason Bell (972) 245-0634, [email protected] Coming Home Again.........26 Cover Layout Andre Okazaki Americade 2004 Features Magazine Layout Some Vintage Bikes .........28 Darin Watson 2004 Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club. All rights reserved. No part of this Yamaha's Mini Enduros .......32 document may be reproduced or transmit- ted in any form without permission. Classifieds ..............34 2 www.vjmc.org VINTAGE JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2004 From the President: Thanks go to many by Pete Boody Today, I would like to add my per- along—that the VJMC magazine had sonal thank you for a “job well done” the quality of content, the aesthetic A number of years ago, I became a to our current and past executive offi- appeal, and the professionalism, but member of this unique club and in the cers, board of directors, field repre- lacked only one thing to make it time that has passed since then, I have sentatives, and all the other hard- grand: color. witnessed the comings and goings of working individuals. Although our I have read, re-read, and read again the executive staff and board mem- current leadership has served to- every article and advertisement, bers. Many have left our ranks be- gether for less than one year, all of viewed and re-viewed each of the cause of commitments in their you have displayed a loyalty to our pictures and the stunning cover personal lives or their jobs (yes, all of membership that is of the highest cal- photo, and I have to say, we were us have full time jobs or are occupied iber. My VJMC hat is off to you and I right. It is everything we wanted it to in other ways). Some have served offer a hardy thank you for your de- be and we are not finished yet. The with great enthusiasm but have de- votion to this club. magazine now offers a more exciting cided after long years of service that This month will be the second issue forum for members to share their others need to have a go at it. Occa- of the VJMC magazine in full color. stories and experiences, and folks sionally, there might be some differ- We have received a fantastic number who want to have their articles ences of opinions warranting us to of emails telling us that “this was printed with color pictures now have consider our priorities, but every one worth waiting for,” “WOW! What a that opportunity. And the fact that of these members has, without excep- difference color makes,” “you made we have made the conversion has al- tion, added a measure of credibility to my day….by adding color to this ready prompted vendors to place the ongoing process of building this newsletter,” “can’t wait for the Octo- color ads. So did we decide correctly club into today’s progressive and ber issue,” etc. All of these comments to add color to our publication? professional organization. indicate what we suspected all YOU BET!! From the editor: Web site changes coming by Karen McElhaney you read this it will be October. The anyone can access our articles, tech- hot, humid days will have given way nical information, photos, etc. The Bittersweet Anniversary to the cool, crisp fall air, and despite online version of the magazine is the the fact that the Red Sox will almost only resource that is password pro- August 11. Time to drink a toast to certainly have broken my heart again tected. Look for changes in the future the fact that I am still alive and to take by then, perhaps we will all be ener- so that you, as a VJMC member, will a ceremonial ride around the block on gized enough to take a ride longer enjoy more restricted access to valu- something – anything – with only two than just around the block. I think I able information. Non-members will wheels. Yes, today is the 23rd anni- will start cleaning now so that when still be able to get information on versary of the unfortunate entangle- the time comes, I can roll out my ne- VJMC events, officers and field rep- ment of my Yamaha DT175 with an glected Honda treasures without hav- resentatives, membership, etc. orange 1970-something Ford Pinto ing to maneuver around the mowers, on a busy four-lane highway near the trailers, rakes, shovels, and gas cans that occupy almost every inch of Vintage Japanese Motorcy- Knoxville airport. Some things you cle Collector/Rider to be In- never forget, and the memory of that space in what was once an organized day I suppose will be with me for- garage. Hey - does anyone need a ducted into AMA Hall of ever. So each year I celebrate by tak- pressure washer with only a slightly Fame ing a moment to consider what could dry-rotted primer bulb? have happened and how lucky I was The AMA’s Hall of Fame Museum that it didn’t. A short bike ride re- Web Site Enhancements will induct eleven riders for 2004 at minds me to “get back on the horse” its induction ceremony on October 9 and to keep looking to the future. Members have suggested that we in Pickerington, OH (just east of Co- The miserable August weather has consider placing additional limita- lumbus on I-70). The induction cere- me looking for an excuse not to mow tions on the availability of our online mony includes an all-day outdoor the lower forty tonight. Actually, I materials so that most of it is re- am quite jealous because by the time stricted to members only. Currently, See Editor, page 6 www.vjmc.org 3 VINTAGE JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2004 Product review: Eastwood electroplating system by Richard J. Sulik I have a 1965 Honda CB77 that I re- stored, in fits and spurts, over more than a decade. I started out intending for this bike to be a “daily rider.” But after a couple of years had passed, I came to think of it more and more as strictly a showpiece. Therefore, I started taking pains to make it appear as “original” as possible. This included reusing, to the great- est extent possible, the original fas- teners. Some reutilization was out of necessity; the CB77 has many deeply shouldered or otherwise oddly shaped bolts that are unobtainable elsewhere, the oddly flared seat mounting bolts being a prime exam- ple. In addition, although there were also many bolts of standard size and thread pitch, the original 1960’s vin- tage bolts on the Super Hawk had smooth faces, whereas the current production metric bolts have raised markings on their faces. Ultimately, I realized that many of these original, and rather specialized fasteners were too corroded to get by with just a squirt of WD40 and a lick with some steel wool—they would have to be re-plated: not chrome plated, but zinc plated, as they came from the factory. I have had the expe- rience of having personnel in com- mercial plating shops roll their eyes at the little handful of bolts I offered for processing, and subsequently waited six to eight weeks for them to “get around to it.” Thus, it was with a great deal of interest that I read the re- views of both the Caswell and JNT Top: Plating set-up (shown without plating solution). Bottom: Re-plated CB77 special home electroplating systems in the fasteners. VJMC magazine. However, when I investigated those systems, neither The catalog offered a complete kit safety goggles, a plastic funnel, rub- seemed quite right for what I had in for $69.99, as well as replenishment ber gloves, a plastic “plating jug” and mind. materials, in this case electrolyte so- a tube of metal polish. While perusing the latest Eastwood lution and zinc-tin anode bars, which My initial inclination was to buy Company catalog one evening, I no- together would cost $49.99. In addi- just the electrolyte solution and the ticed that they too offered a home tion to a plastic battery holder, the kit anodes. What finally changed my electroplating kit and supplies.
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