WfJRKERS ,,1N'(J,1,, 25¢ No. 188 .-................. )1[-523 13 January 1978 Down with Robbers' Peace Plans' • • srae a • •• ales Inlans The Israeli-Egyptian drive for a Arab world, the sellout of the Palestini­ separate peace agreement has slowed to ans must be written in the fine print. a crawl in the wake of the Christmas dav Begin insists on putting it in capital summit meeting between Menahe~ letters in the first sentence. Begin and Anwar Sadat. Their drooling enthusiasm for each other's company Begin's Phony "Peace Plan" and Carter's "prince of peace" junket to Right: They There is no doubt about Begin's like each the 1\ear East have yielded no real position. The electoral program of his progress. The "fundamental principles" other, too. Likud coalition stated: "Judea and Carter and which the U.S. imperialist chief enun­ Samaria [the West Bank] will not be Sadat ciates are as muddy as the waters of the turned over to any foreign power. embrace. Jordan. Even the initially euphoric Between the sea and the Jordan sover­ Below: Western press has begun to talk of eignty will be exclusively Israeli." After "Rejection­ "constructive fudging." becoming prime minister in an election ists" at Ih~. QDe.JlojJ!tQt<;oncret~ Tripoli. From agreement upsei.wt.M.a,Y<Jlwv~t.JQ.~d,dJ.lPl..pIteiiC"> to emerge IroID the nilli-fhI.lH'is maftTic ...."_1 .. of the "illegal" Zionist COlonies on !lie Qaddafi, United States and its Near East clients West Bank set up by the fascistic Gush Hawatmeh. are determined to prevent the emer­ Emunim sect, where he exclaimed: "We gence of a Palestinian state. Their goal are here in liberated Israeli territory.... is, to quote Lenin, a robber's peace. As for the Palestine Liberation Organiza­ of the Israeli Army and formally part of tion (PLO), proclaimed sole legitimate Israel. representative of the Palestinian people As the multicolored bunting and by the Arab League at Rabat in 1974, peace banners were being taken down in Carter's national security advisor Zbig­ Cairo, Sadat was clearly a disappointed niew Brzezinski last week succinctly man. He could do little more than stated the common U.S./Israeli/ limply assert his optimism. If the Begin Egyptian position: "Bye, bye PLO." plan was oppressive to the Palestinians, So desultory were the December 25 totally unworkable, almost deliberately talks in Ismailia that the promised provocative-well, at least it was a plan, Israeli-Egyptian declaration could not "the first offer ever made by Israel to the be produced. Instead Sadat and Begin Palestinians." The heralded "Cairo held a joint press conference where the preparatory conference" of lower-level Egyptian president explained: Egyptian and Israeli officials had "The position of Egypt is that on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip a accomplished just about as much: Palestinian state should be established. agreement on what name plates to have The position of Israel is that Palestinian on the table and on rules of procedure. Arabs in Judea, Samaria, the West While Sadat modulated his chagrin in Bank of Jordan and the Gaza Strip public, the government-controlled should enjoy self-rule." -New York Times, 27 December Egyptian press was far less restrained. 1977 The editor of Akhbar al- Yom wrote: Both statements are patently self­ "The meetings in Ismailia were not with the delegates of the state of Israel but serving fabrications. Sadat actually Vioujard/Gamma-Liaison opposes a Palestinian state and prefers with Shylock, the Merchant ofVenice in that the West Bank be linked to Jordan These two provinces have been, are and national edition], 3 January). More­ Shakespeare's famous story of the (which controlled it prior to the 1967 will remain an integral part of Israel, over, the fanatical right-wing Zionist Jewish usurer exacting his pound of war). Begin, for his part, will allow and every Arab leader had better know settlers who playa key part in Begin's flesh." that or learn it" (Le Monde, 21 May annexationist schemes are guaranteed Palestinian "self-rule" only under the Tough Talk in Jerusalem bayonets and tanks of the Israeli 1977). the right to continue acquiring new land Defense Forces (lDF). But if the Begin's 26-point "peace plan" essen­ in the West Bank and Gaza. In Jerusalem, Begin and his cohorts statements of position are equally tially demands Arab recognition of the were crowing about the "successful" mendacious, they do serve to indicate status quo in the occupied territories On top of this brazen attempt to paint Ismailia meeting while predicting that the chasm which separates both sides at with a few embellishments. It would continued military occupation as "self­ Sadat would have to make "painfUl the negotiating table. allow Palestinians to elect an "adminis­ rule," Begin added several proposals all concessions" as the price ofa settlement. Sadat, the pin-stripe-suited general trative council" whereas they now as ludicrous as they are insulting to In response to a hostile Knesset deputy who hopes to do better attracting choose only mayors in tightly circum­ Palestinian Arabs. Residents of the who asked, "How will you prevent a imperialist investment that his army scribed elections. The key point is West Bank and Gaza "will be granted Palestinian state from arising?" foreign usually does in battle, would happily sell paragraph II: "Security and public free choice (option) of either Israeli or minister Moshe Dayan shot back: out the Palestinian Arabs to achieve an order in the areas ofJudea, Samaria and Jordanian citizenship." Those request­ "By force of the army; this is the first Israeli-Egyptian settlement that could the Gaza district will be the responsibili­ ing Israeli citizenship "will be granted time I agree with you. Any agreement distract the impoverished, war-weary ty of the Israeli authorities." During the such citizenship in accordance with the can be broken and there is no court to citizenship law of the state" (New York look after our interests except our­ Cairo masses from their misery. But debate in the Israeli Knesset (parlia­ selves. How will I prevent their refusal Begin, the butcher of Deir Yassin, is not ment) which followed the Ismailia Times, 29 December). But Israel is to sell land to Jews? How will I prevent about to drop his annexationist plans meeting, the prime minister declared constitutionally a Jewish state. Even the influx of hundreds of thousands of for the West Bank, which he regards as that this was one point which "anybody Sadat could not be expected to swallow refugees from Lebanon against our will? part of "Eretz Israel" (Biblical Israel). who wants an agreement with us will a West Bank and Gaza "administered" By force of the army: the I.D.F." For Sadat to avoid total isolation in the have to accept" (Jerusalem Post [Inter- by a puppet Arab council under the guns continuea on page 10 _Letter _ New York party, against de Gaulle in the 1965 7 December 1977 French presidential elections. Similarly, in polemicizing against the Editor, Workers Vanguard OCI which, as the article makes clear, Dear Comrades, tends to claim that social democracy is somehow "less reactionary" than the I read with interest the fine polemic Stalinist PCF-and against the LCR against the French Organisation Com­ which frequently implies that, to the muniste Internationaliste (OCI) and the contrary, it is the Stalinists who are "less Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire reactionary" than the social-democratic (LCR) in Workers Vanguard of 25 PS-the article refers to the "equally counterrevolutionary reformist bu­ Claridad November ("OCI: Election Brokers for 15,000 unlonllts merched to the cepltol building In Sen Juen November 10. French Popular Front," WV No. 183). reaucracies" of the PCF and PS. Now it Possibly beca\lse it was written by our is certainly true that the Stalinists and comrades of the Ligue Trotskyste de social democrats are comparably coun­ France (LTF) for distribution in terrevolutionary, that neither is "less France, the article takes the present counterrevolutionary" in nature than Following Murder of Teamsters Official French political context somewhat for the other. Nevertheless at any given granted, and contains a couple of moment in time either the PCF or PS polemical statements which if isolated might adopt some specific position and taken as having general validity which is more to the left than that taken Labor Militancy would be incorrect. by the other. Thus in the United States The main would-be Trotskyist organ­ in the brief period between the time of izations in France are currently claiming the signing ofthe Hitler-Stalin pact and Surges in Puerto Rico that a victory for the popular front the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, would be a "first step" or somehow when the U.S. Stalinists issued strident While mass transit stood idle imperialist politics of these reactionary "progressive," representing a "victory" propaganda against the imperialist war throughout Puerto Rico, 15,000 trade lab'or skates were challenged by more for the French proletariat. But in fact, as and broke with Roosevelt, Trotsky unionists marched November to left-wing unionists. In 1971 Puerto the international Spartacist tendency advocated giving their candidates criti­ through the streets ofSan Juan denoun­ Rican workers responded to Nixon's has repeatedly pointed out, an electoral cal electoral support. Then, only a few cing the murder of Juan Rafael Cabal­ wage freeze with a mass mobilization victory of the bourgeois popular front, months later when the Stalinists had lero, an official of the Union de which resulted in exemption of the far from being a "victory" for the flip-flopped and become the most Tronquistas (Teamsters), by agents of island from federal controls.
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