flunrt* 27190. 2913 The London Gazette. ^ubltsfjeti bp autfjorftp. TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1900. Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, reception of Company coming to Court at half* April 16, 1900. past one o’clock. HOPETOUN, OTICE is hereby given, that The Queen's Lord Chamberlain. Birthday will be celebrated in London aloneN on Wednesday, the 23rd May next, and at all other Stations, Naval and Military, on Thurs­ Lofd Chamberlain’s Office, St. James's Palaci, day, the 24th May next. May 8, 1900. OTICE is hereby given, that Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales will, » n behalfN of The Queen, hold Drawing Rooms at Lord Chamberlain’s Office, St. James’s Palace, Buckingham Palace, on Monday, the 14th, and May 1, It.00. on Friday, the 2oth instant, at three o’clock. OTICE. is hereby given, that His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales will, by Command of The Queen, hold a Levee at St. Regulations to be observed. James’s Palace, on behalf of Her Majesty,AngloBoerWar.com on By Her Majesty's Command, Monday, the 28th instant, at two o’clock. The Ladies who propose to attend Her It is The Queen’s pleasure that Presentations Majesty’s Drawing Rooms are requested to bring to Ilis Royal Highness at the Levde shall be with them to the Drawing Room two large cards, considered as equivalent to Presentations to Her with their names clearly written thereon, one to he Majesty. ■ —— left with The Queen’s Page in Attendance, and the other to he delivered to the Lord Chamberlain, Regulations who will announce the name to '1 he Queen. to be observed at thb Queen’s Levees to be P resentations. h e l d at St. James’s Palace, on behalf of Heb Majesty. The privilege of making presentations to The Qneen at a Drawing Room is restricted to those . By Her Majesty’s Command, Ladies who have themselves been previously pre­ Gentlemen who propose to attend Her Majesty’s sented to Her Majesty, and who are themselves Levies are requested to bring with them two present at the Drawing Room. large cards, with their names clearly written Under such circumstances a Lady has the thereon, one to be left with The Queen’s Page privilege of presenting one Lady only at a in attendance in the Corridor, and the other to Drawing Room in addition to her Daughters or be delivered to the Lord Chamberlain, who will Daughters-in-law. announce, the name' to His Royal Highness. This restriction does not apply to Ladies who, P resentations. from official position or other circumstances, are Gentlemen who propose to present others must specially privileged to make presentations to Her send in writing the name of such Gentlemen to Majesty. the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, not later than two The Lady who proposes to present another days previous to the Levle, in order that die most send in writing the name of such Lady to Lord Chamberlain may submit the names to Her the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, not later than two Majesty, when, if they are approved. Presentation days previous to the Drawing Room, in order that Cards will be forwarded. Forms for the purpose the Lord Chamberlain may submit the name to can be obtained at the Lord Chamberlain’s Office. Her Majesty, when, if it be approved, presenta­ Gentlemen who wish to be presented officially tion cards will be forwarded. Should communicate with the heads of their Printed Forms for this purpose can be obtained Department, who will provide them with the at the Lord Chamberlain’s Office. necessary cards and instructions. I t is particularly requested that the names of It is particularly requested that the names of the Ladies to be presented be very distinctly the Gentlemen, to he presented be very distinctly written on the presentation cards to be delivered written on the Presentation Cards delivered to to the Lord Chamberlain at the Drawing Room, in the Lord Chamberlain at the Levde, in order that order that there may be no difficulty in announcing there may be no difficulty in announcing them to them to The Queen. His Royal Highness. The number of Presentations at each Drawing The State. Apartments will be open for the Room is limited to 200; 2914 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 8, 1900. It is not expected that Gentlemen will present From Lieutenant-Colonel R. G. Kekewich, Com­ themselves at the Drawing Boom, except in manding Griqualand West and Bechuanaiand, attendance on the Ladies of their families. to the Chief of Staff, South Africa. Any Gentleman who under these circumstances Kimberley, should desire to be presented to The Queen wili 15th February, 1900. observe the same regulations as are in force for Sir , Her Majesty’8 Levees. I HAVE the honour to submit the following The State Apartments will be open for the report concerning the military operations which reception of Company coming to Court, at two have recently taken place in Griqualand W est o'clock. HOPETOUN, and Bechuanaiand. Lord Chamberlain. 2. On my arrival in Kimberley on the morning of 13th September, 1899, I met the following War Office, May 8,1900. Imperial Officers who Kad been detailed for special services on the western frontier of the fTVHE following despatch has been received Orange Free State, viz. JL from Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, V.C., Captain and Brevet-MajorH. S. Turner, Royal G.G.B., &c., Commanding - in - Chief, South Highlanders^ Staff Officer, Kimberley. Africa:— Captain W. A. J. O’Meara, Royal Engineers, Army Headquarters, South Africa, Intelligence Officer, Kimberley. Government House, Bloemfontein, Lieutenant D. S. Machines, Royal Engineers, My L ord, 20th March, 1900. detailed for special duties in connection I HAVE the honour to submit for your with Royal Engineer services. Lordship’s information a despatch dated 15th 3. These Officers had been employed for several February, 1900, from Lieutenant-Colonel B. G. weeks in Kimberley and the adjacent country; Kekewich, Commanding in Griqualand W est in consequence many questions relating to the and Bechuanaiand, describing the military defence of Kimberley and the eastern frontiers operations in the vicinity of Kimberley, from the of Bechuanaiand and Griqualand W est had been 13th September, 1899, to the 15th Februaiy, already iuvestigated by them and were sub­ 1900, and the defence of the town up to the mitted for my consideration. For political and latter date, when its relief was effected by the other reasons no immediate steps could be taken Cavalry Division, under Lieutenant-General by me in connection with the preparations for French. the defence of Kimberley. 2. The casualties during the period above Captain H. V. Gorle, Army Service Corps, referred to, together with those ou the 16th arrived in Kimberley on 20th September 1899, February, appear to have amounted to 2 and at once took up all questions relating to officers killed and 12 wounded, and 34 non­ supplies and transport. commissioned officers and men killed and 97 4. At this time the. defence of the Cape wounded. In addition, 4 Europeans and 1 native Government railway from the Orange River of the civil community were killed,AngloBoerWar.com and 16 railway bridge northwards was in the hands of Europeans and 8 natives wounded during the the Cape Government, and a certain number of bombardment. important points on the railway', and also the 3. I am of opinion that the greatest credit is larger railway bridges north of Kimberley were due to Lieutenant-Colonel Kekewich for the able being guarded by small detachments of the Cape .dispositions which he made for the defence of Police. Kimberley, an unwalled town spread over a 5. On the date of my arrival in Kimberley, wide area; for his rapid organisation of an portions of the Burgher forces of the South auxiliary force which, in conjunction with the African Republic were already out on “ com* Begular troops, enabled him to keep the enemy mando ” along the Bechuanaiand border. Many in check; and for the tact, judgment and reports having been received that. not. only resolution which he displayed throughout the disloyalists in Cape Colony, but also 'certain siege. I confidently recommend this officer to Burghers of the Orange Free State had ex­ the favourable consideration of Her Majesty’s pressed a determination to destroy the Orange Government. River and Modder River railway bridges, I 4. I am further of opinion that the services arranged on the 15th September with Commis­ of the officers and men of the Begular, Colonial, sioner M. B. Robinson, Cape Police, for small Volunteer and Irregular forces, and of the Police guards at the two bridges referred to. Town Guard, whose names Lieutenant-Colonel 6. Ou the 20th September, the following Kekewich has brought to special notice, are . Imperial troops arrived in Kimberley:— deserving of recognition. 23rd Company, Royal Garrison Artillery 5. I would add that the citizens of Kimberley, (Western Division) with G—7-pr. R.M.L. conspicuous among whom were the Bight guns (3 officers and 90 non-commissioned Honourable C. J. Rhodes, Mr. H. A. Oliver, the officers and men). Mayor, and Mr. R. H. Henderson, the Ex-Mayor, One Section, 7th Field Company, Royal En­ seem to have rendered most valuable assistance. gineers (1 officer and 50 non-commissioned These gentlemen, in common with the others officers and men). mentioned by Lieutenant-Colonel Kekewich, Head-quarters and 4 companies, 1st Bn. Loyal helped to maintain order among the civil inhabi­ North Lancashire Regiment (9 officers and tants, encouraged them to hold out to the last, 413 non-commissioned officers and men).
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