What's all the yelling about? Nixon tops school poll? Keith Higgins Andy Harm atz Dennis Smith BOCA RATON NEWS 24 Pages Vol. 13, No. 144 Thursday, Oct. 31, 1968 F Building pace steady, county figures Single family home construc- However, the city is run- In addition to the single fam- tion is still running well ahead ning well ahead of last year's ily homes, permits have been of all previous records, ac- cumulative totals. In the first; issued so far this monthforone cording to the city building de- 10 months of last year, con- duplex, foundations for two partment. struction value was pegged at apartment buildings, additions With qnly one day of business $15,580,650. As of yesterday, and alterations valued at $49,- remaining this month, Chief this year's figure stood at $36,- 850, and 56 "other" items price Building Inspector E. E. Pence 497,150. tagged at $113,950. Frightening sights await cky residents tonight. said the city had issued per- mits for 45 single family homes with a toral valuation of $1,- Spooks ready 170,200. The figure compares Police press crackdown with 39 permits for homes in High school homecoming October of last year, and a valuation figure of $853,100. on narcotic violations for haunt-in Pence's figures coincided program starts tonight with release yesterday of third - Det. Lt. Al Nahrstedt yester- rested in other cities for pos- By SANDY WESLEY quarter construction statistics day measured police man hours session of alcohol or drugs, By JIM RIFENBURG compiled by the Palm Beach on narcotics work in "tons." "Too many people have tried and wind its way downtown. Boca Raton residents, be- County Development Board. For Looking over the past week to skirt the issue, saying we General line of march is from the three-month period, Boca don't have a problem here," The second annual homecom- the high school to Palmetto Park ware! when 10 arrests were made in ing activities for Boca Raton Tonight's the night of the Raton's construction figures Boca Raton under the drug acts, he continued. "Most of our road, east to SE First street were more than double those of parents apparently felt only iso- High School will kick off at noon and south to the Royal Palm great haunt-in. Nahrstedt said investigation and today when the Senior Class Strange creatures will come any other city in the county. surveillance has taken "man- lated cases of drug and nar- Shopping Center. About 15 floats On single family home con- cotic use were happening, sponsors a lunch for the foot- are expected to participate, as out with the stars tonight and hours by the ton," ball team. float through the streets ringing struction, Boca Raton reported "Members of our department '"'Unfortunately, this 'is not well as the band, pom-pom doorbells and calling — ' 'trick 190 units for the quarter, more have been out every night work- true. Boca Raton has as much And from that point on through girls and cheerleaders. or treat". than triple that of any other city ing on this thing," he added. traffic in illicit drugs as any the dance tomorrow night, ev- A reception will be held for It's Halloween. and substantially ahead of the "Fortunately the public is now other city of comparable size," erything at the school will be the alumni at 7 p.m. in the li- Meanwhile down at the Com- combined total for all of the un- becoming aware we have a nar- he said. "And it isn't only drop- geared toward football and wel- brary. It -will be hosted by the munity Center, ghosts and gob- incorporated areas,, cotics problem and that some- outs from school and the so- coming back old grads. lins, ghouls and witches armed Boca Raton also led in con- thing is being done about it." called hippies who are using National Honor Society. struction of apartment units A Bobcat Growl will be held with horror power will make From Oct. 22 through Tues- it. Kids from every walk of life At 8 o'clock, the Bobcats will their way through the dark for during the period. day of this week, 10 persons are being involved." in the gymnasium at 6 this eve- take on Palm Beach Gardens in their annual harum scarum par- As of yesterday, Boca Raton were arrested here and charg- ning with skits to be presented had issued a total of 131 per- Lt. Nahrstedt said that while by almost all organized groups a football game with the local ty. ed under the drug abuse law or the drug abuse laws may seem team favored to win. Skipper Chuck and his Pop- mits during the month of Oc- with possession of narcotics. unfair and at time antiquated, in the school. Following that a eye Playhouse cast will be there tober with a total valuation of They included two adults and a pep rally will be held around a The festivities will conclude $1,594,500. More are expected "they nevertheless are laws with a dance in the gym follow- to keep things under control. teenager for drug abuse and and will be enforced. huge bonfire on the base- The party for little haunts will today and may push the figure up six teenagers and a juvenile ball field. ing the gridiron contest. Stu- to last year's mark. "The police department will dents and faculty alike, be held at 7:30 p.m. and will caught with marijuana. continue to crack down on drugs of course, hope it will be a vic- feature a costume contest with In October, 1967, the city is- "In addition to this," Lt. and narcotics as long as they Friday will see something a awards for the best costumes sued 147 permits with a price Nahrstedt said, "several youths little different in the way of tory dance. tag of $1,973,500. are found in our city," he con- homecoming activities. No in each age level. from Boca Raton have been ar- cluded. sound will be made until pep rally time. Called "Silent Day," students will refrain from talk- ing at any time and teachers will join in the spirit of things by [LtK M giving written instructions in the classrooms. Principal Ger- School prepares ry Daniels said secretaries will answer telephones but these may be the only voices heard on campus. for mock elections The silence will end at 1:15 in the gymnasium when students break loose in an hour-long pep Boca Raton High School is definitely pro-Nixon rally. The walls are expected to if a mock debate Wednesday morning can be used reverberate with cheerleaders as a guideline. Students representing Hubert Humph- leading the group inrahsforthe rey, Richard Nixon and George Wallace spoke to the team. senior high students and gave their views as can- didates for president. "We want Nixon" chants halt- Following the pep rally, a ed speeches by both Humphrey and Wallace. Both of parade will form at the school the latter were met with cat-calls and boos as they approached the rostrum, Andy Harmatz took the part of Humphrey, Keith Higgins acted as Wallace and Dennis Smith was Nixon. A mock election will be held at the school Monday to see how the student body would vote in the national election if they were Oct. 28-30 eligible. Hi Lo Rain Mon. 77 67 ,33 Tues 75 59 None Wed.(Noon) 75 47 None house, club, fraternity, treatment. tourist home, guest Public Notices Thursday, Oct. 31, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 1A (9) Accessory uses per- Public Notices house, shall be 250 Barbecue Public Notices mitted: Gift shops, square feet. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING floral shops, restau- October 28, 1968 SF.CTION 25-70 rants or snack bars, NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF Public Notices Public Notices (C) Size of plot ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN quarters for nurses, NOTICE OF PUKT.TC HEARING (1) Every plot in a multi- interns, medical tech- tonight that the City Planning and Zon- family dwelling shall be The following ORDINANCE NO. FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE ing Board of the City of Boca nicians, beauty shops NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN not less than one hun- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING and barber shops pro- that the Planning and Zon- 1322 was adopted and passed A barbecue, open Raton, Florida, will hold a Pub- dred feet in width and into law on Oct. 22, 1968, that the undersigned desiring lic Hearing at 7:30 P.M., in the viding there be noing Board of the City of Boca twenty - five thousand to engage in business in Boca A PUBLIC HEARING will be house and dance will be signs or advertising Raton, Florida, will hold a at a regular meeting of the City held on the following proposed City Hall, 201 West Pal- square feet (.25,000 sq. Council of the City of Boca Ra- Raton, Florida, under the fic- held today at Florida At- metto Park Road, Boca Raton, relating to such ac- public hearing on the petition of ft.) in area. titious name of Frank X. Du- Ordinance #1323 at 7:30 PM lantic University, on the 14th day of November, cessory use. the Planning and Zoning Board, ton. Copies of this Ordinance bin & Co., intends to register on November 19, 1968, in the Activities, sponsored 1968, to consider arguments (B) Signs. (Refer to Sign Ordi- at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall, (2) For single family the are on file in the office of the the said name with the Clerk Council Room at City Hall, at for and against the es- nance, except as noted 201 West Palmetto Park Road, plot area shall be not City Clerk and available for in- of the Circuit Court of Palm which time the City Council by Inter - Residence tablishment of the following new in (A) (9) above).
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