lb fnl /7/ w i_; y NPS Form 10·900 ~ OMS No. 1024-0018 NPS Form 10-900 MMAYAY 1 619906 1990 . 0MB No. 1024-0018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONALnational AE818'fS'I NATIONAL REGISTER OFOP HISTORIC PLACES REGISTRATION FORM This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations of eligibility for individualindividual properties or districtsdistricts.. See instructions in "Guidelines for Completing National Register Forms" (National Register Bulletin 16)16).. 11 11 CompCompletel ete eaceachh itemitem by marking "x"x in the appropriate box or by entering the requested information.information. If an item does not apply to ththee property being docunented,documented, enter "N"N/A"/A" for "n"notot applicable." For functions, styles, materialmaterials,s , and areas of signifsignificance,i cance, enter only the categories and subcategories listed in the instructions.instructions. For additional space use continuation sheets (Form 10·900a).10-900a). Type all entries. 1. Name of Property 1. Naune of Property historic namenzune LookoLookoutut Mountain Fairyland Club other names/siteneunes/site number N/A 22.. Location street & number 1201 Fleetwood Drive street & number 1201 Fleetwood Drive city, town Lookout Mountain city, town Lookout Mountain (N/A) vicinity of county Walker code GA 295 county Walker code GA 295 state Georgia code GA zip code 37350 (N/A) not for publication 3. Classification ownership of Property: Ownership of Property: (X)(X) private ( ) public-local ( ) public-state ( ) public-federal categoryCategory of Property (S) ( ) buildingbuilding(s) (X) district ( ) site ( ) structure ( ) structure ( ) object Number of Resources within Property: Contributing Noncontributing buildings 11 0 buildings 11 0 sites 1 0 sites 1 0 structures 0 structures 0 1 objects 0 0 total 0 0 total 12 11 Contributing resources previously listed in the National Register: o0 NameNeune of related multiple property listing: N/A 4. State/Federal Agency Certification 4. State/Federal Agency Certification As the designated authority I.Wldermder the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as -,ded,amended, I hereby certify that this noainationnomination -tsmeets the doctaentationdocimentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and -tsmeets the proceduralproce<iJral and professional requirementsrequirea!f'lts set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In myflt( opinion, the property Eets the National Register criteria. C ) See contiruation sheet. property meets the National Register criteria. ( ) See continuation sheet. 1 Signature 6f certifying official / Dates Elizabeth A. Lyon Deputy State Historic Preservation OffOfficer,icer, Georgia Department of Natural Resources In myfltf opinion, the property ( ) -tsmeets ( ) does not -tmeet the National Register criteria. ( ) See continuation sheet. Signature of c-,itingcomnenting or other official Date State or Federal agency or bureau National Park Service Certification s.5. National Park Service Certification I, hereby, certify that this property is: ';)f entered in the National Register / ( ) deteraineddetermined eligible for the National Register ( ) deterained not National ( } determined not eligible for the National Register ____________________ ( ) reaovedremoved froafrom the National Register ( ) other, explain: ( ) see continuation sheet Signature, Keeper of the National Register Date 2 6. Function or Use 6. Function or Use Historic Functions: Historic Functions: SOCIAL/clubhouse DOMESTIC/hotel current Functions: Current Functions: SOCIAL/clubhouse DOMESTIC/singleSOCIAL/clubhouse dwelling DOMESTIC/single dwelling 7. Description 7. Description Architectural Classification: Architectural Classification: TUDOR REVIVAL TUDOR REVIVAL Materials: foundation stone walls stone wallsroof tilestone and asphalt shingles tile and asphalt shingles otherroof stucco other stucco Description of present and historic physical appearance: Description of present and historic physical appearance: The Lookout Mountain Fairyland Club, located near the Georgia­ The Lookout Mountain Fairyland Club, located near the Georgia- Tennessee state line atop Lookout Mountain just south of Chattanooga, Tennessee,Tennessee statecomprises line aatop clubhouse, Lookout tenMountain cottages, just asouth modern of swimmingChattanooga, Tennessee, comprises a clubhouse, ten cottages, a modern swimming pool, and landscaped grounds. It is adjacent to the Fairyland Estates Subdivisionpool, and landscaped also atop grounds. Lookout Mountain.It is adjacent The main to the building Fairyland and theEstates Subdivision also atop Lookout Mountain. The main building and the cottages are situated to take advantage of the mountain top's natural cottages are situated to take advantage of the mountain top's natural rock formations and the view. The clubhouse is in the English rock formations and the view. The clubhouse is in the English Vernacular Revival or Tudor Revival style constructed of local mountainVernacular stone Revival with orhalf-timbering Tudor Revival andstyle stucco constructed on the exterior. of local Built mountain stone with half-timbering and stucco on the exterior. Built in two stages, the clubhouse was originally a residential club and in two stages, the clubhouse was originally a residential club and thus contains many hotel rooms on the second floor as well as the thus contains many hotel rooms on the second floor as well as the large dining room and ball room on the main floor. It has a tower and large dining room and ball room on the main floor. It has a tower and crenelated battlements facing the main driveway. The ten original cottagescrenelated of battlements the Mother Goosefacing Village the main are driveway. each two Thestory ten andoriginal have a minimumcottages ofof sixthe roomsMother with Goose stucco Village and halfare eachtimbered two storyexteriors and have. The a minimumcottages ofare six situated rooms with in a stuccowoodland and hollow half timbered setting. exteriors. The cottages are situated in a woodland hollow setting. The Lookout Mountain Fairyland Club comprises some 9.2 acres of The Lookout Mountain Fairyland Club comprises some 9.2 acres of which approximately 95% are developed as buildings (club house and ten cottages),which approximately sports facility 95% are (swimmingdeveloped pool)as buildings or landscaped (club grounds.house and Theten cottages), sports facility (swimming pool) or landscaped grounds. The district embodies the form and spirit of the Fairyland Estates district embodies the form and spirit of the Fairyland Estates Subdivision which was conceived in the early 1920s as an exclusive Subdivision which was conceived in the early 1920s as an exclusive idyllic mountain top retreat where property owners and their guests couldidyllic escape mountain the heattop retreatand city where strife property to enjoy owners relaxed and theirliving guests in a setcouldting escape harmonious the heat with and the city natural strife rock to andenjoy woodland relaxed beauty.living in a setting harmonious with the natural rock and woodland beauty. The Lookout Mountain Fairyland Club has two distinct areas: the FairylandThe Lookout Club Mountainbuilding Fairylandand sports Club facilities has two section;distinct andareas: the Motherthe GooseFairyland Village Club locatedbuilding in andcave sports Spring facilities Hollow to section;the northwest and the of Mother the Goose Village located in Cave Spring Hollow to the northwest of the club building section. The club building and sporting facilities are club building section. The club building and sporting facilities are 3 NPS Form 10-900-a NPS Form 10-900-a 0MBOMB Approved No. 1024-01024-0018018 United States Department of thethe Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places coNationalntinuat Registerion Sheet of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section 7 Section 7 arranged in a rough semicircle with l awns and/or natural rock and arranged in a rough semicircle with lawns and/or natural rock and woodland areas separating them. The Mother Goose Village is laid out alongwoodland Fleetwood areas separatingDrive and thethem. entrance The Mother drive Goose with Village each house is laidbeing out accessedalong Fleetwood from the Drive drive. and the entrance drive with each house being accessed from the drive. The facilities within the district were planned, built and The facilities within the district were planned, built and financially supported by Fairyland Estates developer Garnet Carter and financially supported by Fairyland Estates developer Garnet Carter and his wife, Frieda, to be the social center of the Fairyland community. his wife, Frieda, to be the social center of the Fairyland community. The district focus, the main Lookout Mountain Fairyl and Club building, The district focus, the main Lookout Mountain Fairyland Club building, was built between December, 1924, and May, 1925, and enlarged with a was built between December, 1924, and May, 1925, and enlarged with a major ballroom and cliff top terrace area which opened in June, 1926. majorDesigned ballroom by leading and clifflocal topChattanooga terrace areaarchitect, which openedWilliam in HatfieldJune, 1926. Designed by leading local Chattanooga architect, William Hatfield Sears, in the Tudor Revival style so popular in the mid-1920s, the 65- Sears, in the Tudor Revival style so popular in the mid-1920s, the 65- room club is an asymmetrical structure of local mountain stone and room
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